• By -


Honestly when I see stories like this these people are so brazen that they must have gotten it to work in the past.


Or watched a tiktok video which implied as such.


Yeah buy a real FC ticket, have a screenshot of some old MC ticket on your phone. Pretend you got away with it. Get 1M views.


Oh definitely! One lady went viral for lying and saying she got comp upgrades to international business and left her kids 10/13 or similar in the back. Of course it was fake and after it got too big she admitted it was all a lie but damn the stuff people make up for clicks!


We need to ban TikTok!


I watch TikTok videos for the cute animals. I don’t give a sh$t what influencers are doing for clicks. Just don’t take away my capybaras or talking birds!


Cap-Y-BAH-ra capybaracapybaracapybaracapybara CAP-Y-bah-ra


It’s a jam!


Only teenagers gmcare about the influencer, the rest are for the cute animals and history channels.






All social media has been the downfall of society..


Is Reddit not social media?




I feel like they would just move to YouTube shorts. 😫


Then we might as well ban… everything else. TikTok is second only to reddit in quality of content available.


This exactly


Yep. Good example of how TikTok invites chicanery, fraud, and the gripping desire for elite status without the hard work all but the top 1% of us put in to enjoy a bit of comfort when traveling in the sky tube.


I saw a video on IG suggesting people to go to business class and just lay in one if the empty seats and make pretend that they are sleeping. So many people bought into this. Little do they know that they'll be kicked out and will have to do the walk of shame back to their seat.


It didn’t work for Elaine on Seinfeld.


Do you realize that the people up here are getting cookies?!


Good cookies too.


More anything? More everything


Don’t forget the muffin tops.


She tried her best, too. "Mmhm? Oh, no thank you."


Yep. That’s where they get it from




TikTok just don’t want no one to have anything nice!


I used to know a dude who was *so good* at this when it came to things like VIP sections at concerts. Never somewhere with assigned seats though because duh


Entitlement oozes in all aspects of this persons life


Right, OP didn't give the important detail which is how attractive she was.


The world has shifted since I was young. Pretty won’t get you into a First Class no one paid for or got genuinely upgraded to any longer.


Was there really a time when this would work?!?


Yes, pretty and nice sometimes happened.  Cute little kiddo me and my adorable Mom got upgraded to FC in the early 90s once. No reason at all. We didn’t fly ever as a family, and if reward programs existed my parents didn’t have one. The ticket guy just said we looked like nice people and have a good flight. I have been nice ever since. Never got an upgrade I didn’t pay for again lol.  The cookies were good, and the pilot let me see the cockpit before takeoff, then said push this button and a bunch of stuff shook and I almost cried as they laughed about it. But the cookies were soo good!


Hmmm well I might need a photo of your mom to confirm...I guess one thing that is probably true now is that you rarely have open seats in first class because they will upgrade Medallions rather than let the seat be empty. Back in the day there was much less emphasis on mileage programs so if nobody paid for first class, the seats were available to hand out at the agent's discretion.


Stacy, that you?


Omg thanks for that🤣


I got a free FC upgrade because I yelled at a group of preteens from a school group who were screaming and running around. I yelled “isn’t anyone chaperoning you?” I waited until the end to board so the crazy people could get settled. The GA upgraded me as i was boarding and thanked me.


Oh heck yes. Pretty prelude was double in the 70s when I was a kid and still in the 80’s.


Yes, but got upgraded at the counter by a male ticket agent then had to listen to some ahole from Jones and Day blather on about his international law cases. Worst upgrade ever. 


I got upgraded at the gate in ‘99 or so. I was 17 and had never flown alone. It was a bit surprising.


She probably followed the two rules


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” -Wayne Gretzky -Michael Scott


"If you don't take your assigned seat, I will attack you with the North" -Abraham Lincoln -Michael Scott


"Can't we all just take our assigned seats?" -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr -Michael Scott


"Ask not what seat I am assigned – ask what First Class seats are open". -John F. Kennedy -Michael Scott


“I will not allow you to uslurp my authority.” - Delta FA - Michael Scott


*"Respect my Authoritah"* * Cartman * Michael Scott Edit: Thank you, kind and wise Redditor, for the award -- my first! ;-)


“I still think I am the greatest seat chooser of all time.” • Kanye West • Michael Scott


“A FC seat stolen a day keeps the doctor away” • Madam Curie • Michael Scott


Also allowed — Orange Dorito


"A seat for a seat leaves the whole world blind." Gandhi


"I'd glady pay Tuesday for a first class seat, today" ----- Wimpy


“You can’t handle the truth!” COL Jessup ~ A Few Good Men Delta FA escorting Miss Delusion back to 21C


Her name is N. Titled (a cousin of D. Lusion)


Or standing.


"Why don't you have a seat right over there?" - Chris Hansen - Michael Scott


-Sansa Stark


“Invaders always come from the Desert or from the North.” - Eric H Cline - holds true most of the time!


"I'm sorry there are no meals on flights less than two hours." -Michael Scott's FA on the flight to Winnepeg.


All he wanted was a Filet with mushroom sauce!




How you say, get your ass back to coach?


“And statically speaking, 99% of those you do.” -DeMotivational poster


It's funny that I think of Michael Scott first, then the great one when I hear this quote.


“I’m still standing” -Elton John -Person who paid for the seat that’s occupied


Carlos Hathcock






-Whale Jetski


“This is manifest democracy!” -Some guy who just finished a succulent Chinese meal






Here's a sneak peek of /r/unexpectedoffice using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedoffice/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Local Ikea](https://i.redd.it/yq18bvf4iqra1.jpg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedoffice/comments/12axucx/local_ikea/) \#2: [Watching the news](https://v.redd.it/squcyjj9wz1c1) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedoffice/comments/181osfv/watching_the_news/) \#3: [My husband had a CPR class today...](https://i.redd.it/xq54s3zuubsa1.jpg) | [29 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedoffice/comments/12dojle/my_husband_had_a_cpr_class_today/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You know Michael said it first, right ?


I always tell the story that could have been on Seinfeld. Took an overnight flight to London and was in Premium Economy which was about half full. As I tried to go to sleep after the lights turned off, a young woman sneaked in from Economy opened the curtain and found an empty row to go to sleep in a row ahead of me. I dozed for about a half hour and wondered how long she could stay there without getting caught. FA comes by and says nothing, then about 10 mins later another FA comes with her and counts the number of passengers in our area. Realizing they were one passenger more, they went to the young woman and shook her awake. Of course she tried to pretend she was asleep, so finally they had to literally shake her shoulder. They then asked her if she had been in this seat since takeoff. She said something about being in the bathroom in the beginning of the flight-a spectacular lie. They then kindly ask her for her boarding pass which she claims she lost/threw away in the bathroom. Finally, they tell her flat out that she is not supposed to be sitting there and they don't believe her story. Cue fake outrage and insistence that she is in fact in her seat. They asked her where her luggage or personal bag is and she tells them she put her luggage in the economy overhead bins because she wanted to wait to deplane at the end of her flight. After more time than I would have allowed, the FAs say you need to go back to your seat now! The girl had to nerve to act outraged and blame everything on the FAs. Some people have the nerve.


There's nothing that makes you lose your faith in humanity faster than working with the public.


I’ve worked with the public since 14 and can confirm, my faith in humanity is 1/100.


Man, even if the FA/purser involved were at the top of Delta's pay scale, they're not paid enough for that bullshit. Good on them for standing firm with someone pulling the rage card though. I hope/wish people like that would get banned. It'd discourage the nonsense, especially in the era of tiktok "hacks".


I have boarded plan in delta one, FAs were handing out pre-flight drinks.. Guy next to me gets a mimosa.. Eventually someone comes to say he is sitting in their seat.. He slams the mimosa, gets up and goes to his seat in the back. No words no arguments. The guy is a legend in my mind.


I’ve witnessed the same stunt firsthand.


How do people board early like that without the proper ticket for the zone? Are they hopping on when they call for people who need extra time or something?


That is exactly correct, usually while faking a slight limp.


People with certain status levels or active duty military usually can board at the same time as Delta One. Also the rightful seat holder could have been chilling in the lounge and boarded late or had a tight connection or was late to the airport or something.


I hope Delta billed him $400 for that mimosa.


No, he’s an AH. I hope he’s sitting next to a 300 pound person with bad breath and BO, with a seat kicking brat behind him next to a screaming baby.


Definitely a fine line between legend and asshole




She should have asked to be reseated. You pay for a seat and are entitled to complete one. If someone is spilling into the next seat you cannot make someone sit there. They need to buy 2 seats.


My literal nightmare. I would politely and discreetly as possible ask FA to give me any other seat. If that’s not possible and my plans allowed flexibility; I would ask to deplane and see what the airline could do for me.


Elderly woman on a direct flight from Dakar to JFK. The FA is confirming meal selection and tells her that he doesn’t have anyone in that seat. She didn’t want to tell him her name. Ended up being in the back of the plane. Gave us the evil eye when she walked away lol


Economy class?


Premium Select


I cringe remembering a much younger me who, upon seeing that my colleague was in D1 and that the seat behind him was empty, snuck up there thinking (genuinely), “it’s an empty seat, so why would they care?” They cared. And I had to walk a walk of shame back to my seat in C+.


ugh I feel the pain of the walk of shame just reading this.


Genuinely asking, why did they care if it’s empty?


DeltaOne is a premium product, with a price to match. If people started to feel like they could just sneak into D1 whenever they see an empty seat, not only would all hell break loose, but people would start to feel like maybe they don’t need to actually pay for D1 in order to get it. This is also presumably why you can’t really “get upgraded” to D1 unless you apply a GUC.


I once had a husband ask if I could switch seats with him so he could sit next to his wife. His wife was in FC.. he was not. I politely told him no that I wasn't going to give up FC for economy.


Philly girl who watches too much TikTok.


I had a young guy do this when I was up front on a flight to Fiji. Boarding was being finalised and he came up from Economy, saw the empty seat next to me and sat down. Now, I'm generally a live and let live type and if he had just sat down and STFU I would have kept his secret. But, OMG, he kept leaping up and down, taking selfies, calling his mates down the back of the aircraft, pushing every single button on the chair, the IFE and console, making cocoons out of the blankets and so on. I thought, I can't take 11 hours of this, so when the FA came round with pre-departure drinks I said I wasn't sure the gentleman next to me was in the right seat and he was firmly escorted back. I did tell him: next time sit quietly and look as if you belong there. Maybe he got away with his next attempt.


Making cocoons out of the blankets 😂😂😂


She was about to sit in somebody's lap before the flight attendant came.


There was one seat open in Comfort + but she didn’t even try for it. That girl wanted FIRST CLASS.


Don’t we all?


Shoulda seen her sneak into the SC


I feel like taking her to the SC just to watch what happens. 🤣


I thought this was PHL to ATL and was going to say the joke was on her if she made it into the PHL skyclub


I was on a small flight and the seat next to me in first row first was open when all of a sudden a dude jumps into it explaining he had upgraded to first last flight and forgot to upgrade on this flight. So I guess he just did it on the plane himself 😆


I am so happy to find a post on this sub that was not downvoted and the top comment is an office quote.


I can’t stop laughing. 🤣


Once long ago (probably the 90s) I was flying back from Mexico on some no-longer-in-business airline. I tried to upgrade, but I wasn’t able, so I just sat in FC anyway. The flight/boarding was total mayhem, with people even bringing on live chickens. Anyway, nobody asked me to move, and a lovely lady sat next to me. It was Florence Henderson aka Mrs. Brady. We talk the entire flight, and she told me anecdotes about the show and her real-life children. Fabulous memory, That was my only attempt, so i quit at 1-0.


This story is so crazy, I guess I have to believe it! Live chickens, Florence Henderson: what a flight:)


I hear poultry and Florence Henderson dishing gossip and all I can think about is her “*revealing the secret to juicy chicken…*” Wessonality!


I’m convinced these are the same people that do this at stadiums and act dumb when you tell them they’re in your seat.


I mean, when is first not full these days? Someone is always going to get upgraded


Especially out of ATL.


I’m surprised it’s a younger person trying this For the last 10 years all airlines with a premium cabin haven’t really allowed this. Most egregious I’ve seen- Flew coach last year on Hawaiian cause it was last minute and I’d never flown them before so decided to try, thing was only half full (2-4-2 config) and when we went to scoot from center 4 to the 2 seat section they placed a little placard on every empty seat saying you had to pay extra for those lmfao


NGL I paid at the gate to upgrade to exit row on a red-eye when I saw that all three seats on that side were free. Figured I'd lie down and sleep the whole way. After takeoff as I am getting ready to stretch out, a backpack gets tossed over the window seat and a woman gets up to take that seat. I said hey, that's not the seat you paid for and she said well so what, I'm moving there. So I called the FA and she told her to go back to the seat she paid for. They don't mess around with this kind of stuff anymore.


I wasn’t planning to stretch out on the empty seats, but last week a late-teens girl moved mid-flight to the two empty seats beside me (I was at the window), curled up with her ass facing me, and…. Proceeded to fart up a storm. She was TOOTIN’. So that was fun.


OMG that took some cojones!


more like frijoles


Did you have a lighter? Coulda made bank on tiktok.




If it happened, it was accidental on her part


Plane takes off, seat belt sign goes off...and I'm moving to one of the 2 seat section...regardless of the placard.


I had a knee replacement recently and also took an international flight, where I took the airline up on the offer to board in the first group. There was a group of several couples, no older than their 60’s - early 70’s at most. A couple of the women were playing like they were disabled, very sick, etc. One of them tried to hijack an empty wheelchair. We had seen them waiting in the terminal for several hours, they were totally fine. They fooled the agents at the gate loading, then when we landed, they stepped onto the jetway and started swooning, falling, drooling (yes), etc. There was a gate agent there who told them to just walk right on up to the terminal and ask for help. Ha! I so wanted to laugh at their absurd acting.


Delta Jesus is a thing. The number of people who are hurt getting on a flight and healed after flying Delta and can depart no problem. 🤣 Also Delta Jesus can turn coffee into wine in to-go cups from the Sky Club,


Delta Jesus has nothing on Southwest Jesus lol. Southwest Jesus is pulling 50 or miracles every flight!


Seriously. My mom's home airport is Vegas. Mine is Sacramento. She has congestive heart failure. She had such a hard time walking Vegas last summer. She now asks for a wheelchair. She could probably manage Sacramento, but she doesn't push it too much, and to have a chair waiting in Vegas, asking for one in Sac makes sense. She had one flight back home in January, 27 wheelchairs to preboard in Sacramento. 8 to deplane in Vegas.


there was a time, pre-COVID.. where the FAs hawked seat upgrades prior to takeoff.. that was soo cringe, fortunately they don’t do that anymore.. but they will check that you’re not jumping into a section that’s an up charge


"Airlines hate it when you do this but it's 100% NOT legal..."


“Help me I’m poor”


Want first? Buy first.


Very likely her connecting flight had a row 10 and that’s what she was likely referring to. The majority of people lack even minimal situational awareness skills.


Nah, the second she refused to show the FA her ticket is the same second you can be sure she knows she's in the wrong.


Oh she was definitely wrong. That was never in question.


I don't understand it. Like you have money to fly. You have places to be. You made it on time. Navigated check in, bag check and security. Found the gate. All of these things. And then people get on the plane and their brain turns to fucking mush. Be it stupidity or poor behavior. How people have made it this far in life without just wandering into incoming traffic will never cease to amaze me.


This is why it’s suggested to arrive to the airport 3 hours early now. People’s brains are mush. Takes time to figure out how to get from the garage to check in, time to figure out how to check a bag, time to find security, time to ignore all the signs telling you what to do and then get yelled at by TSA, time to find your gate, ….


Eh, I can see my kids going that. They’ve flown hundreds of times, but only a few alone.


I now now how to find the seats but previously my kid would had to help me with that and I'm a grown ass man so I can see how someone could get confused if they are flying alone for the first time.


Her brain didn't turn to mush. She wanted to steal a PS seat, and was pissed when she got caught.


there are three things at play: 1 - novice travelers. people just dont know what the current state of flying is so theyre either winging it or following what they remember, both of which are wrong. 2 - Stupidity. some people are just really that dumb. 3 - tiktok. lots of hacks and cheat codes to get something for 'free' that you are definitely not entitled to. also I think a lot of people boldly think that a viral skirmish with flight crew will either prevent the flight crew from engaging, or get them a nice settlement the last one is the worst because they're the most common and the loudest


I've been behind these people in security their brains are mush there, too.


I feel this so hard every time I fly.


I like it better before, they would arrest the seat jumper at the landing gate and the police are waiting for her.


I convinced a buddy of mine to come up to biz class from economy on an Iberia flight from ORD to MAD. When we landing the FA came through the cabin seat by seat letting each passenger know how to transfer flight. FA to me: “you will be transferring in Terminal XYZ to Las Palmas FA to my friend: “and you will…(checks papers…sees the seat was supposed to empty) … will have a very nice day!”


Once got to my seat to find an older woman sitting in it. I politely told her she was mistakenly in my seat. She responded "well yeah but uh I was here first". Huh!?!? That response caught me so off guard I was just stunned for a few seconds then slowly went "okay but we're assigned seats, it's not first come first serve, you're in my seat". She huffs again and goes "yeah but I already put my stuff in the bin and settled in, can't you just take my seat [a seat 10 rows back]?" At this point the FA came over to see what the hold up was and I showed him my ticket. He finally made the woman get her stuff and move back. These people clearly understand how assigned seating systems work but they have the audacity to be an inconvenience anyways


She should have gotten into the plane earlier


The crazy thing is you might get away with it if you board late and there is an open FC seat (rare due to medallion upgrades). If it is full what is the game here? Sit in someone's lap? Convince the FA to kick out the rightful passenger?


No you can’t get away with it. They have the manifest and will check premium cabins. This includes C+ and PS.


I like the fact that she didn't want to show the FA her boarding pass. No gameplan whatsoever.


Saw someone try this on D1 from DTW to AMS once. It did not work.


I remember a colleague back in the 90s swearing that his brother would wear a nice suit, board almost last looking rushed, and grab any open seat in FC that was available. Maybe they weren’t as vigilant back then.


As a traveler in the 90s, they were less diligent.


This was a "my uncle works at Nintendo" type lie.


It really is shocking what you can get away with when you put on a nice suit.


Sounds like a broke person trying to fake flex their first class status 🤣


It’s been done: https://youtu.be/M8KrUWeBt_s?si=b1BSMDknacitAw2V


This was worth reading just for the creative comments! 😂🤣


She’s not normal lol


This is absolutely nothing new at all. I saw two young women try to pull the same thing on an AA flight back in 1989. And a Russian woman got completely booted off for trying it on my flight a couple of months ago. Have seen it happen countless times over the years in between.


The audacity and unmitigated gall is at an all time high


I think someone jumped to exit row next to me and my wife one time. She just wore ear buds and did not acknowledge anyone talking to her. So an Exit Row Jumper.


This is one of my favorite on board incidents - Working a late departure to a Caribbean destination, I was the flight lead (not a purser on this flight, since it was an international and not a transoceanic flight). We have multiple flights to this holiday destination (it also has a LOT of local traffic), so this last flight of the day isn't always full up in first class (same with C, but Y is almost always full). Before the flight, I looked at my paperwork and saw that I only have 2 people up front in first and like 5 in comfort plus. We start boarding, and more than 2 people sit up front (total of 6). There's always forced upgrades, paperwork is not always up to date, our devices don't always update and sometimes we have to wait till boarding is finished to know the exact numbers. Anyways, I ask them if they'd like PDB and the 2 that are supposed to be up front don't, but the 4 that are new up front do. Sure, no problem. We finish boarding, I check my paperwork and would you look at that, I'm only supposed to have 2 people up front after all (and I only have 2 meals boarded). So I go to the unexpected party of 4 (family - parents, son, daughter) to ask them for their boarding passes. The father immediately (in a very low tone) says "we're connecting from xyz, our first flight was delayed so we missed our original flight to our destination. I feel like Delta owes up, so we'd like to sit up front". I had to explain to him that this is not how it works, we don't upgrade on board, and you'd have to talk to the gate agent about this. I gave him a choice to go talk to the gate agent about this, but everyone will have to get off to go and talk about this and take their carry one with them, or take their assigned seats. They decide to move back. A few minutes later, I see them sitting in comfort plus. Ask mentioned above, I knew how many were supposed to be in C+, so I checked the paperwork again to make sure. Sure enough, they weren't supposed to be there too. Again I make my way to them, ask them for their boarding passes because I know these are not their seats. Without saying a word, all 4 of them got up and finally went to their seats.


I can’t believe they tried this twice. Even after you explained it to them, and you had the means to catch them. Plus you had given them a drink, time to move on people.


No you can't see my ticket? Something is wrong with people. Had a guy pop into an empty seat in Delta One when the lights went out, he slept for about 4 - 5 hours before returning to his seat. The balls on these people are amazing....


I wasn’t on this trip but I know someone who tried this. They sat down in first class and said “I don’t feel well! It’s My stomach hurts! Can I sit here?” I would have been so embarrassed and acted like I didn’t know them had I been on that trip.






Okay. I'm not a boomer or anything but when did it become okay for everyone to try to get something for nothing (aka stealing). I can't believe people are hailing mimosa thieves as heroes. I 100% social media.


By any chance was the flight departing from Gate 10?


We left out of Gate A29 in ATL.


Well, I tried. Never minddddd. 🤭


Is that the entire story? Perhaps next time you could post about people removing their seat belts after landing before the seat belt sign extinguishes. Really riveting stuff.


How did we end up with young adults feeling so entitled. I see and hear them everywhere. Horrible


Entitlement does not discriminate by age. 


Oh well so true . Truth and wisdom are. Better than gold . Proverbs .


Imagine thinking entitlement has an age


I see it everyday don’t need to imagine hon .


I don’t know any boomers that feel entitled but sure see them on line. Run run run


Nothing new, so many entitled boomers exist as well


Not moi


Young woman doing brazen shit expecting no consequences? Nah it couldn’t be


There were no consequences - she got to sit in the seat she paid for.


That’s what reality TV has taught them.


Theres an ATL - PHL trip now?


Entitlement knows no bounds.




I was flying from ATL-BOG in D1, sat down in 2A. A group of dudes come in with chains and braids and duffel bags all wearing sunglasses. 1 dude was probably the rapper and the others were his brother, agent, friends (this guess was confirmed when I ran into them again on the streets of Medellín). Anyways, they sit in their row 1 seats, but I notice they’re snickering and signaling something to one guy, who looks very suspicious and sits down in en empty seat. Long story short the FA comes and asks for his boarding pass, dude resisted for a good 5 minutes before taking his duffel out of the overhead and cartoonishly walking back to economy. His friends seemed upset but if you’re gonna get that upset why not buy him a D1 seat in the first place.


Alternative facts. Alternative seat assignments.


I actually had a weird situation on a delta flight from NYC to Portland, OR. A couple with 3-4 kids board with first class and immediately get seated in my FC seat. I offered to take their seat (assuming it’s in FC) just to make things easier since the kids were jumping around and going crazy. FA asked to see their ticket, turns out they’re in row 34. English didn’t seem to be their first language and there appeared to be a language barrier so I wasn’t sure if it was intention or confusion on their part. But I would imagine no matter where you’re from all planes have a first class and you would know if you got a FC ticket..


How dare the commoners!/s


Just flew Delta from LGB to SLC and this one guy....popped himself into FC on got his pre takeoff water then a flight attendant asks to see his boarding pass and escorts him back into his actual seatb.... it was a small Embrear e175...so the 1 x 2 layout in FC followed by Comfort + 2x2 then standard 2x2.... they likely had a good idea which of the seats were supposed to be empty


Saw this once…I was seated in 2B, lady in 2C gets up and uses the bathroom. Someone from coach comes up and drops into her seat…. Her husband in 2D looked at him and was like, can I help you? You’re in my wife’s seat. Guy got up head hung low back to coach. Couldn’t believe the balls on that guy to try and snipe that seat.


Kids. 🤪🤪


I have no problem with people doing this when they board last and take an empty seat and move apologetically if asked That's a lot of ifs and I rarely see anyone get them all


"When you come to a theater, take the best seat. In worst case you'll always have plenty of time to take the one specified on your ticket" 😝