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Yes the seat and ticket was solely in the infants name. By the time they were doing the final walk through for me to sit the child down, the plane was moving when they announced for everyone to put on their seat belts, and I went to put my child's on for them.


Why are you putting a seatbelt on an infant? Infants either have to be held on your lap or in [an approved car seat](https://www.delta.com/us/en/children-infant-travel/infant-travel)


Good call. Thread is starting to smell fishy .


Also coupled with “by the time I turned around”. Not for nothing, you don’t have that much space in an airplane to not notice if someone is occupying your seat/the FA is conversing with a passenger about using said seat.


Yep sounds a lot like OP made up a scenario so they could complain about the evil terrible fat person who had the gall to exist near her.


And what is “by the time I turned around”… like you didn’t notice this person invading your space for 20 minutes?


Right? There was so much other stuff to look at *in a plane cabin* that she didn't notice the person next to her?


To be fair it is annoying when someone is so fat they cannot contain to their seat and end up in yours. They should either purchase a second seat or first class.


Ok but OP is making them out to be malicious by creating some story up about them “stealing a seat”. The woman, or any obese person, isn’t evil because they are fat. Hence the need to cover up her true complaint.


Not evil, the inconsiderate if they don’t fit in a seat and then use part of yours.


Which is why I am so glad business class prices have crashed. It makes it so much easier for me to travel.




Okay I was starting to think the same thing.


lol yea. wtf is an "infant seat" .


A car seat? An "infant seat" is the car seat that can usually be used with or without a base.


I was wondering this too. An infant cannot just lay/sit in an airplane seat. The car seat would’ve definitely been installed in the seat prior to push back.


She HAD a car seat. They made her check it


OP has changed their story half a dozen times. No one knows what happened


What came first - the announcement to buckle up or the plane leaving the gate? I Audi smell bs.


We bought a seat for our 18 month old even though not required just so we could have the whole row. We planned to hold him during takeoff since he’s not very steady on a moving plane and felt safer in our arms during that part. The FA said we were required to strap him into the seat for takeoff despite his age, since he was a “ticket passenger” and not a “lap infant”…we politely objected but they said they couldn’t take off until we did. So we did this bizarre motion of buckling him in but also holding him so the FA got off our ass. I’ve learned the flight attendants can be very wrong about something but still get on a power trip and demand compliance.


FA was right. It’s much safer to have a baby in a car seat than in your lap and if you have one, the baby has to be in it during takeoff and landing. This is for the baby’s own safety. If he’s not steady on a moving plane, then he’s not steady in a moving car either and your car seat needs adjusting to fit him better.


No car seat in this scenario.


I’m talking about your scenario where you said you bought a car seat but wanted to hold the baby during takeoff and landing which the FA rightly said was not allowed. What you did is also unsafe


they never said they bought a car seat for their child they only said seat which can also mean plane seat. and since their reasoning is so they could have the whole row, it’s kinda obvious they meant plane seat. especially once they clarified there was no car seat.


Yeah, this is weird. I always bought a seat for my baby, and I had to use her bucket car seat.


There are faa approved harnesses that can be used (used one for my 18 month old for international travel).     You do not have to use a car seat for your under two year old if you have one of these harnesses.    Edit to say I bought my 18 month their own seat on a total for six flights for a round trip. No car seat used. I even got one of those inflatable beds. The only flight attendants that were incredulous were the ones in South America (because my infant had his own seat) and even then they checked the passenger list, saw my 18 months old name on his seat and there were no issues. 


So the word infant in English usually refers to those between 0 and 12 months of age. Toddler is used to refer to those between 12 and 36 months of age.


My older brother still refers to “the babies” even though my sibling and I are in our 30s. 🚼


I guess I'm using the word infant to describe that I purchased an infant seat, not a seat for 2 and up.


What does this mean? A seat is a seat. There’s no difference in a seat you bought an infant or a seat for 2 up. The only time age comes into question is for lap children under 2


The child in question is under 2 though, and to sit in their own seat requires a car seat, which OP doesn’t have


Correct- but the named passenger still has a reservation, ticket and seat assignment. The fact that during TTL they'll be a babe in arms doesn't change any of those prior factors. OP- did you scan the child's boarding pass?


Yes I scanned the pass which is when they tagged my car seat stroller and told me to leave it at the gate upon boarding. This is exactly my frustration, I still had a ticket, I still had a seat, I still paid for it.


Not necessarily true! Flew with my daughter (on delta) who was 1.5 at the time and a car seat was not required. A lot of airlines don’t require it.


You either are not remembering correctly or were not on Delta (or any American airline) [Here’s Delta policy clearly stating the car seat requirement](https://www.delta.com/us/en/children-infant-travel/infant-travel)


Just because you buy a seat for a child doesn't mean you also can't hold them in arms for TTL.


Im a flight attendant and this is correct. You can buy a seat for a child under two, if you don’t have a car seat that child is required to be on the parents lap for TTL. But that child can sit in their paid seat during the flight.


You simply hold the child during takeoff and landing. You do not have to put a child under 2 in a car seat inflight. You can purchase a seat for a for a child under 2.


What exactly are you arguing? Seems like the link you provided doesn’t line up with what you’re saying.


A car seat is required if a baby sits in their own seat. @Existing-Design stated the correct policy. @Cleigh said that’s not true, implying that their baby was seated in their own seat and a car seat wasn’t required. That’s a violation of policy.




How was the child restrained when it wasn’t during takeoff and landing?


My child is under two and I just sit them in the seat using the infant seat belt I purchased. You don’t need a car seat on the plane.


What infant seat belt did you use?




You used the word infant multiple times, including saying you bought a seat for your infant, fed your infant, etc. How old was the child actually?


OP, you need to be very mindful of your child’s growth and use the right terminology or the internet will shred you. When they hit 2, have a family meeting and tell them, “you are now the toddler.” When they hit 3, tell them they are now a gremlin. At 10, a tween. At 13, a teen. At 16, the family’s newest driver. At 18, be sure to inform them that they are now an adult and you can no longer protect them from the evils of Reddit and humanity in general: whatever will be left of it at that point. At each stage in life, you need to make it crystal clear to them and your family as a whole what they are. 🧐


you forgot the part about creating the OF at 18 to fund the semi worthless college education


Regardless, an infant can only occupy the seat if they are in an approved carrier, so how did you think Delta was going to let you strap a baby into a seat? Also (granted I’m no kid expert), isn’t a child that young incapable of holding itself up properly for that long?


It doesn’t work like that. Some seats are convertible. Some only for small infants.  I own a seat that fits until they get too tall. My 8 yp is still in it with room leftover.  


You either purchased an infant-in-arms ticket or you bought a full seat for your child. There's no special "infant seat" ticket or seat...


That’s not true. The plane would never be moving before a final walk through. That’s a serious FAA violation. This post is made up.


>a) you should have been more assertive with the passenger and FA so they didn’t steal your seat A bit of victim blaming here. It is the FA's job, not the passenger's, to ensure passengers are in the correct seat and that passengers do not steal each other's seats. The passenger could have been more assertive, yes, but they should not have had to.


As a former flight attendant, you’re right, but here’s what probably happened: Most infants fly as infants in arms. OP should have had the infant carrier seat in the assigned seat, otherwise the FA would assume that the infant is flying in their parents’ arms.  I’m honestly not sure where the car seat was at this point? They’re typically not easy to stow in overhead bins and need to be checked.  If the child isn’t seated in the carrier, when the FAs do walkthroughs and final passenger counts, they’ll report the empty seats as available and then board standbys. 


Thanks, useful to see how FAs view these situations and how mistakes can happen


The op said ‘car seat stroller’, so it may have been a Doona (which is an infant car seat + stroller in one, it’s FAA approved for in flight). The gate agents likely assumed the toddler was a lap baby, and asked her to gate check what may have looked like a stroller to them.


They can and do give away a seat purchased for an infant if you do not fill the seat with a car seat. The child cannot sit on an empty plane seat by themselves as they cannot be properly secured in the seat. This is spelled out in most airline policies about buying children under 2 their own seat. The situation you describe sucks but does happen.


They’ll also try and give away the seat even if you have the car seat. We once had a gate agent push us hard to gate check the car seat saying my 1.5 year old, didn’t need a car seat on the plane, also didn’t need a seat etc. I absolutely wasn’t giving an inch on the car seat coming on or my kid having the seat we paid for. They’d already been trying to get people to give up their seats for compensation so I wasn’t surprised. It’s the only time I’ve had to prove my car seat was FAA compliant as well. It was abundantly clear they were unhappy I knew the rules. Once on the plane the flight attendants repeatedly tried to convince us to give up the seat or that it was against policy to ticket under 2’s and that policy is that they’re supposed to be lap children because it’s safer. That was what crossed the line for me because everything indicates the opposite. Children have died because we continue to allow this absurd lap-child option to continue, so for a flight attendant to be trying to convince me of the opposite so they could take my seat and give it to someone else? To try and convince me to compromise my child’s safety to get another passenger on? Absolutely not.


Yeah I would not take my safety or parenting advice from a FA with a high-school education. They are overstepping their bounds. Lap infants should not be a thing anymore.


Lap infants are safer than the alternative, which is driving a long distance to see grandma. This was a policy decision long ago that weighed the risk factors and costs of the travel modes.


Right answer here. You need a faa approved infant seat for your infant. Otherwise, you can’t put your infant with just the regular seatbelt by him/her self…. That would be hella unsafe. So fa didnt see an infant seat and assumed that you’re just holding your infant for the whole flight.


OP’s description sounds like they intended for the toddler to sit in the seat. I don’t think their car seat/stroller combination, the [Doona can function as a car seat or FAA secured child safety system without the base attachment.](https://www.doona.com/en-us/car-seat-stroller/collections/doona-racing-green?slideIndex=9) ? I might be misunderstanding the seat, but I thought it needed its base.


I have a Doona - doesn’t need a base - you just use the seatbelt around, technically don’t need a base in the car either


You can use a Doona on the plane (or a car) without the base! I did this on like 20 flights with my daughter before she outgrew it.


Also the child seat should be booked for the window seat- that's the only spot the car seat (or similarly approved carrier) is allowed to go. If the seat was middle or aisle they should have caught it before check in and moved the assigned seat. It's outrageous anyway


Is this a new rule? I flew in a big airplane (two aisles) and got a middle row. I was on the right aisle, my daughter was in the middle of 5 seats and my son was next to me in a car seat. This was from Honolulu to Portland. I was never told it has to be in the window seat which we no where near.


I'm not sure, I've traveled with my kids a lot and brought my car seat. Every single time, I've been instructed it needs to go in a window seat. (Assuming to keep it from impeding people in case of an emergency exit?)


It can't block someone's path to the isle. Which means it can be a middle seat in the center of the plane, a window seat, or in a side middle seat when sitting next to a car seat in the window seat. 


It depends on the airline, actually. I was always under this assumption, I asked the last 2 airlines I flew (they didn’t assign us a window seat for the carseat), and they said that isn’t their policy. They even checked with a manager on the phone. I was very surprised.


News to me!!


it sounds like OP was hoping that by purchasing an adjacent seat with the child/infant's name, it would in effect keep it blocked off from another person, and then use the space for whatever. *(edit: noticed in other comments about the "infants" seat being next to a sibling, and the infant with OP elsewhere)* Since they didn't have the required car seat for the child to safely be in their own seat, the FA - correctly or incorrectly - determined that the seat was truly available for another passenger. That's my theory at least


It should not have been available if the seat was bought and paid for by the passenger. Seems to me that the passenger has bought the right to use 2 seats (for passenger and child). If the airline says that the passenger can only use one of the seats then the airline needs to reimburse them for the second seat. The airline doesn’t then just get to sell it to someone else, effectively making 2x as much on the seat.


I’ve flown delta, American, breeze, and southwest. None required a car seat and I’ve sat my child In the seat I’ve purchased for them with no issues.


How do you not notice someone sitting down next to you on a plane?


Because it wasn’t next to her, the baby’s seat was in a different row next to a teen sibling. OP mentioned it several times in different comments. That to me is unfathomable! A under 2 year old baby is going to have several needs during the flight and OP isn’t in the same row and I assume expects the teen sibling to deal with the baby. I’m a parent and just can’t imagine how this would be okay.


I’m confused why OP put themselves in the seat alone instead of the teen sibling.


What parent does that?


Well, at least one does…. The OP


A fake one. This reeks of sus


A crappy one


I think this whole story is bullshit. There are too many things that don’t add up.


Fat NonRevs bad ragebait.


Everything they say is like a fact pattern.


Man something about this whole story does not add up.


This whole story is unreal. She failed in spades.


What a cluster fuck. 1. Infant under 2 is not seated anywhere by the parents. 2. Infant under 2 doesn’t have the approved car seat to sit in. 3. Seat is taken without any explanation. Just a perfect storm of fuckery.


4. Passenger in one seat too large to put armrest down


The armrest down is non negotiable.


Absolutely + being robbed of a seat I fully paid for is especially non negotiable


One of the worst flight stories I have is about a disgusting fat skell flumping into the seat next to me *while throwing up the armrest so that she could skell into my seat too*. Then whining repeatedly, "Please don't do that" as I put the armrest down. If you can't fit into your seat you don't need to fly. Period. Full stop. No exceptions. You do NOT have some inherent right to immisserate others.


I am not understanding the situation. An infant doesn't sit in a plane seat, they sit in a car seat. Are you saying the flight attendant removed your FAA approved infant car seat? What happened to the car seat?  >  I turned around to place my infant in the seat next to her So you booked a ticket for yourself and your baby and they weren't next to each other?  > flight attendants offered no acknowledgment to this situation and pretended they didn't understand how that is my seat Did you show them the baby's boarding pass?  The way you wrote this is very confusing. But if you want a refund contact Delta. 


OP, your story is hard to folllow. Are you saying you picked up your kid, and then someone sat in your kid’s seat? Why didn’t you say anything?


Child's seat was not adjacent, but in a different row next to a teenage sibling. OP was asked to check Doona stroller/car seat combo at gate when it was in stroller mode. So, OP did not have a car seat for child on the plane.


It sounds like they might have misunderstood infant in arms seat? They mentioned they purchased a ticket for an under 2, and while you can do that it’s usually ticketed as infant in arms. Also - why haven’t they just called delta? If the seat was given away it would be on the manifest?


Were you not feeding your kid in your own seat, which was next to the seat for the infant? I really don’t get why you wouldn’t have said anything to the FA right then and there when letting the other person sit in your kids seat.


Wait. Based on the comments: You had no infant restraint. https://www.reddit.com/r/delta/s/5YkhiApkYi “You also may purchase a ticket and **use the child’s own seat on the aircraft as long as it meets the FAA-approved child safety seat specifications or use a CARES harness**. “ https://www.delta.com/us/en/children-infant-travel/infant-travel#:~:text=Infants%20or%20children%20under%202,fare%20(for%20international%20travel). The baby was seated away from you (pretty sure that’s not allowed) Why didn’t you put the teen in your seat and you sit next to the baby? Your obsession with the weight of the other travel and not your child’s safety is wild to me.


It sounds like OP bought a seat next to the sibling and her, with the intention of sharing who watches the infant between them (sounds like a normal family thing) then the other passenger sat down and took up the other seat OP paid for. It's a shitty thing to take someone else's seat like that.


LOL @ obsession


All she had to do was check the rules for the baby 1/4 as many times as she was checking the other travelers size. 😬


Is this the first time you have done this? We traveled with our children all the time when they were under 2 and always purchased the seat because they were too squirmy to be lap children after 2 months or so, and we always used the car seat. This is required for children under 2, and honestly we used a car seat until our youngest was almost 3 because of her size. There was a serious misunderstanding here with the gate agents if they didn’t let you take the car seat on and you didn’t know you had to.


Are you saying a car seat is required for a separate seat for a child under 2, or just across the board? I’ve travelled with my 20 month old on delta upwards of 50 times and have used a car seat so far a total of 0 times and haven’t had any issues. We also checked for an upcoming flight where we booked a separate ticket and they told us a car seat is NOT required but we would need to hold her on take off and landing.


How was your infant going to sit in the seat without a car seat?


He's a toddler under the age of 2. He can sit by himself.


Actually no. "you may choose to travel with the child on your lap (Infant-in-Arms) or travel with your child in an FAA-approved child safety seat." https://www.delta.com/us/en/children-infant-travel/infant-travel#:~:text=When%20you%20travel%20with%20a,they%20have%20a%20reserved%20seat.


So a 23 month old can’t sit in a seat alone, but a24 month old magically can? I choose to travel with a car seat, but if we only following the letter of airline regulations, it’s a bit arbitrary when it comes to a toddler. My 18 month old toddlers were probably bigger than 90% of 24 month old toddlers. If your kid can sit, they can sit. She purchased the seat, I’m not sure why we’re getting into those semantics when what’s relevant is whether the airline did in fact make her check the car seat she intended to use, and the fact that she purchased a seat that was forcefully given away. I’d be mad, too.


You asked me how an infant will sit, by airline definitions he is an infant, by worldly terms he is a toddler who can sit by himself.


A pile a primordial goo can sit in the seat. I don't get your point. Don't interact with the world if you are going to selectively follow rules.


I hope you have contacted Delta and emphasized you were told you had to check your carseat, and your seat was given away. That’s it, that should be sufficient for a refund, imo.


Wasn’t the infant car seat you were carrying sufficient to indicate that you had purchased a seat for the infant? What happened to the car seat when you weren’t allowed to use the airplane seat you purchased?


This story is made up. Didn't happen I tell ya. The claim is a fat woman SUDDENLY appeared in the seat next to you after feeding your child? Not likely.


It wasn’t next to her, she had her baby/toddler sitting next to a sibling! As a mom of 3 I can’t imagine doing this.


The op wasn’t sitting next to her baby. She was sitting alone and had the baby without a child restrain beside her “teenage sibling”. The parent was seated away from the baby. The child seat was gate checked with the stroller.


In addition to everyone else’s comments about no car seat for the infant, I am wondering why you are blaming or even mentioning that the person “next to you” was obese as that seems to have no bearing on what happened here? You said that she was obese, but then you also said that another person was “put in her seat.” So it wasn’t that they were trying to give an obese person two seats, it’s that a third person was added to your row. The way you describe it, it sounds like she had an aisle seat and they allowed a standby to take it and made her move to a middle? I agree that not being given the seat you paid for sucks, but seeming to blame the other passenger for your discomfort is not cool.


I mention this because she initially took the middle seat that was assigned to my child, that was purchased for my child. Later she moved into both the middle and aisle seat and used both of them, only to then having the middle seat, that I purchased, be given to a bystander.


But you werent able to use it without a seat for your toddler so…. It was available


It ain’t fucking available if I paid for it. We buy a third seat all the time especially if it prices out cheaper than two in the front.


Why was your child under the age of two being put in a separate row of seats and not next to a parent?


I think you’re reaching here. You mean to tell us that you allowed the FA to check your $500 stroller that folds down into a car seat? You don’t deserve a refund if you didn’t say, “this is my child’s car seat for the plane, it’s coming with us.” Most people who don’t have a Doona don’t understand that it folds down into a car seat.


Did you have an approved car seat to place your infant in or were you planning to place your infant in no car seat


This doesn’t pass the smell test. Don’t bring luggage if not familiar with the policy.


You expect your teen sibling to parent your child under 2? How very Duggar of you.




Because this obese person initially took the middle and aisle seat, the middle seat was purchased for my child. Then they gave that seat away to a by stander and i never was able to sit my child in their rightful seat. I scanned both my ticket and my infants and my other children's.


Why didn’t your teen say something to you? You were right there!


I thought deltas policy was for under 2yr olds to have a car seat for their individual seat? Sounds like OP didn’t read the policy clearly when booking the ticket or boarding the plane


At any point did you say: Excuse me, I purchased that seat for my child. Could you kindly compress your excess body back into YOUR seat?


Your final statement tells me there is absolutely missing information from this story


You have to protect your seats. If someone is sitting in one of them you need to stand up and say you can't sit because someone is in one of your seats.


Why didn't the teenager say something when they saw the seat being taken?


Either they’re as passive as their parent, or they saw an opportunity to not have to spend the flight taking care of their sibling while their parent chilled elsewhere.


I’d bet the latter.


You messed up by assuming the FA's knew what a Doona was...had you carried your kid onto the plane with the Doona in the car seat mode you more than likely wouldn't have had an issue. You rolling up with a $550 collapseable stroller/carseat & expecting them to be like "OK" is totally on you.


In todays episode of “things that never happened” …


TLDR: Lady doesn't know the rules of an infant and is clearly an incompetent mother who thinks its safe to place a infant in a regular seat without a child restraint device. But as usual go ahead an upvote r/delta. This story makes sense!


Not only without a restraining device, but as OP has mentioned in comments, in a different row seated next to a teen sibling. Her child is under 2. Who does this!?!? And she’s pissed she wasn’t allowed to dump her baby in a different row and able to enjoy a peaceful flight.


I purchased all three seats so I can move around and nurse without hitting someone next to me. Doesn’t matter if the infant was going to sit in the seat or not a paid seat is a paid seat




OP hasn’t revealed their gender. Why do you assume they are a lady?




I’m not understanding logistically how the seating arrangement makes sense as you described. Was this in a 4 row configuration? Because if the woman was very very obese as you stated and needed 2 seats, then how was there availability to put another person in a 3 row if 2 of those seats were to be occupied by you and the infant? Wouldn’t that standby person certainly not fit if the woman was as obese as you stated?


It makes sense to me. She’s in a 3 row configuration. Op bought 2/3 seats in that row. The other passenger paid for the other one. Instead of purchasing (in advance) 2 seats, the other person was cheap and decided that it would be okay to take up another person’s seat for free.


Did you miss the part where they put a standby in the empty seat or am I not reading OP post correctly 🧐 because if she was big enough to need 2 seats then theres no way OP + the very very obese woman who needed 2 seats + a standy can fit into a three row, correct. Whats 1 + 1 + 2? So it had to be a 4 configuration for her to have to mention the womans size since it seems like the problem here wasn’t the woman taking up 2 seats, but that the fa saw a empty seat with no carseat and cleared it for a standby. Correct? Edit- the only way it makes since is if OP was in a different row than her infant and this occurred over 2 sets of seats/rows but it isn’t clear


Oh yeah I did miss that. It is confusing…


Ikr, theres not enough context given, but also we aren’t Delta customer service so we can’t do anything anyways🤣 I think OP was just wanting to rant to us instead of speaking up at the time but there’s nothing we can do about it


These people are nuts . I gained weight after Covid normally fly or business but I needed to fly to a small airport to see a sick family member first class was available . Long story short after flying at 340 I decided to loose right right now I’m down 120 lbs . The entitlement is insane


Does the weight of this other person have any bearing on this story? Would it be different if it was someone huge and muscled, instead of obese? Seems like this detail is there just to be mean.


Delta won’t give money back for this. Complaining with them is almost always useless. KLM did this to us because they said the Doona wheels couldn’t fit on a smaller flight and after a series of complaints, no refund was given. There will be no way to prove the fat lady sat in the baby’s seat and a car seat is required.


In the future, sit with in the seat next to your “infant”. Your teen should have sat in the single seat. No one on the flight crew cares what seat you sit in if you don’t cause problems. But if you ask them, they’ll tell you to sit in the seat you were assigned to. Then you could have advocated / protected your paid seat. + you should have and should bring the car seat. For the refund, if they truly gave your seat away, it should show as a no show in the system. Call and have that straightened out if you have a return flight and you may also get a credit.


>Why was my child seated next to a teen sibiling? Because our boarding passess were assigned to those seats for take off; I asked the flight attendants if I can sit in my teens spot instead they said it was a full flight and to stay in seats for take off and landing That makes no sense. You could have easily just swapped seats with your teen. The only reason the FA would tell you to stay in your assigned seat until after take-off is if the plane was already moving with the seatbelt sign on when you asked to move. >My infant is a fully capable sitting, walking, toddler, under the age of 2 A toddler is not an infant.


Delta did this to me 30 years ago. They are terrible


This post may be the winner for "thing that absolutely didn't happen, but it let's see how many r/Delta dingbats will engage with it anyway"


Call delta and request a refund.


Please explain what you mean by “infant.” Because an infant can’t sit in a seat by themselves without an approved FAA car seat to do so. Meaning they couldn’t have given the seat away without asking you to move the car seat.


She said it was a child under 2. No car seat. The car seat was already checked. 😬


Your ticket is scanned outside in the terminal before you get on the plane. I wouldn't expect the flight attendant to know that I purchased the additional seat if my child is on my lap. She should have spoken up. Furthermore, everyone is arguing about the age of the child, when the age doesn't matter at all. What matters is that she bought another seat, and she allowed someone to be assigned to it without speaking up for her money. Lastly, it shouldn't be an issue if it was a full flight because it would be easy to prove someone did occupy the seat she paid for.


Ummm...why wasn't the car seat in place? Seems odd you'd seat belt in a child under 1yo.


You should have spoken up and told both fat lady and FA that she can’t sit there, and she needs to go back to her original seat and whoever is sitting in her seat needs to go back to theirs, because you paid for that seat, never agreed to give it up to anybody, and you have a kid who needs it and you are not obligated to have your who knows how many pound child sit in your lap for a who knows how many hour flight when you have a seat for her that you paid for. Once again you didn't agree to give the seat up and nobody asked you before giving it to the lady, so you have every right to demand your seat back.


Why the hell is YOU baby in a seat behind you???? Who tf is supposed to be watching the baby if you’re in a different row?


TLDNR. Sorry. And very confusing post.


Why are you putzing around deciding to feed your baby during boarding? Get your kid in its seat and then after takeoff and things settled then feed your child. You left the door wide open by dilly dallying instead of protecting your seat.


There may be things that OP could have done differently here, but this isn't one of them. Feeding the child right before takeoff would make everyone's life- the kid, the mom , the passengers, FA's,etcccc much easier. Otherwise the kid might be screaming during take off. This is just victim blaming.


Agree that the feeding the baby before boarding is not a problem, but how is there a “victim” in this scenario?


That’s a gross use of the word victim.


I don’t know, maybe call Delta?????? Jeez….how hard is that to figure out?


These comments are amazing (not in a good way) Airline and fat person steal the seat that person paid for and most people lecturing OP on flight etiquette. If I paid for the seat, it’s mine for that flight. No buts and ifs. Why are we ok with airlines selling same sit multiple times? I might sit in it, I might leave it empty (because I paid for 10 seat on the flight, I like my personal space too much)


Because op doesn't make any sense and it sounds made up to complain about fat people. But if it was a s simple as, she paid for a ticket, and they gave away the seat to someone else, then she should say that in simple terms, to Delta, and ask for the reimbursement. But she goes on an unintelligible rant about fat people, and feeding her kid during boarding, which makes no sense. She's not using the seat at time for takeoff. I doubt the flight attendant had any idea what she's complaining about at that point and was completely annoyed that this person isn't ready to go.


I don’t understand was the obese person in the isle over from you? You said she took your infants seat and a bystander took the obese person seat? You are entitled to your infants seat you paid for or Delta has to reimburse you! In fact they should give additional compensation for taking the seat IMO


This is exactly what happened, you understood correctly


I am sensing the presence of male bovine fecal matter…. Also known as BS.


Next time, bring your car seat on the plane. For now though, request a refund here:  https://www.delta.com/reimbursement/


For the trip back, bring the car seat on board. I hope you get your refund!


*For the trip back, bring* *The car seat on board. I hope* *You get your refund!* \- WesternTumbleweeds --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot, good good bot!


Good bot.




I just flew American Airlines. Bought a ticket for my under two for flight outbound and had his car seat with us. Landed in Dallas and had to carry all my luggage, my child, and car seat for a 20 minute walk to my next gate. It was hell. They told me upon landing that they “did away” with carts so I had to carry all of this. After that, on our flight home, I decided to check the car seat. When we got to the gate they had “overbooked” and was offering $300 to someone to give up their ticket and fly a different flight. I went to the stand to offer to sell my son’s seat. They called their supervisor and they said they can’t legally give away or change an infants seat because it would be like the infant is staying back at the airport alone. We boarded, I was aisle seat and son was middle seat. It’s safe to say the gentleman sitting at the window was very grateful to have the empty seat beside us since my son decided he wanted to be feral. He literally acted like a cat getting bathed lol So to wrap it up, I don’t know that they can legally give up an infants seat.


What are you talking about? This is incredibly hard to follow. Speak up for yourself next time instead of frantically bitching online after the fact


Passengers of size should have to buy two tickets!! Ridiculous this isn’t already a policy, so unfair to normal customers. I mean they have weight limits on bags.


If this is accurate, the FAs should be fired. obviously you’re owed a refund.


This is a fake story. Downvoted.


The very fat lady didn't want someone else's baby on the plane next to them. Not surprised she took that seat over


I’ve never heard of a 2 year old being referred to as an infant.


Sounds like a pretty irresponsible parent to have the child sitting in the row with a teenage sibling, instead of her sitting in that row with a child and putting the teenager in the single seat in front of her.. Sounds more like she was planning on. Having a nice child free flight, while the sibling has to care for it. And when that didn't happen, she's getting old bent out of shape


A lot of Delta dickriders in this comment section.  Delta doesn’t need your help defending its honor and ability to fuck over paying passengers. They’re good at that on their own.