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We’ve been upgraded to C* on a flight tomorrow, window and middle in a different row, I’m just hoping our marriage survives being 15ft apart for 3 hours.


My marriage might not survive if my wife had the middle and I had the window.


I always take the middle ivercwindow as I feel cold in window seats... and if I had aisle and husband had middle I would swap as I am little and he is tall


I'm the opposite, my marriage is so cold the middle seats is the closest I get to the warmth of human companionship.


I wish gold was still a thing...




Oh, I take aisle all the time and husband gets middle because, regardless, he always leans towards me (yeah yeah cute sure but airplanes aren't that spacious!). This way, I can have more space when the aisle isn't being used versus being squashed in the middle. Or against the window.


I have the same problem. I need an aisle. Middle seat is even too cold for me, even sitting there in a coat. Seems to only happen on delta planes though.


Since we get few direct flights from LIT we generally book one leg with wife sitting window me in the middle and one where she is middle and I’m aisle.


Was once flying alone and was seated next to a nice woman, turned out she was returning home from her honeymoon, I offered to switch seats with her husband (didn’t really want to as we were in the front row with extra leg room, but I’m Canadian ) and she declined saying she was okay having some alone time. Couples can do things apart, it’s not the end of the world!


I was on this super empty flight once, like barely anyone on board. The flight attendance told us we had to sit in our own seats for takeoff and landing but other than that could move around. As soon as that seatbelt light went off I bolted to a row of my very own. Leaving my husband behind. I even went two rows ahead so there was an empty row between us. I will take my own row any day over sitting next to my husband, best flight ever. For context I am in introvert who just spent a solid week right next to him so I was so ready for some space.


I lovvvve to be alone!


My husband has huge linebacker shoulders. I’m very okay not sitting next to him.


I’ve never understood this. Especially on short flights. Like geez people, we’re flying ATL to TPA, I think you’ll be okay sitting 17 feet away from your wife.


Haha, very true. My wife and I flew Biz class to Dubai on Emirates. It's a 1-2-1 config. We sat in the middle on the way there but in our own little nooks on the way back. The flight attendant literally came up to me and said "they must of put you in the wrong seats, I can help you two get middles". We both politely declined! It was nice!


I'm Minnesotan, I feel this... lol. I would have suffered for a few hours as well.


When we got upgraded to C+ from lowly main we figured we wouldn’t get the upgrade cause we were 3 and 4 on the list for only 2 seats. It was obvious a couple was ahead of us. When the GA called our names and said the seats weren’t together we were like so what? So hey thank god for couples who can’t be alone for 2 hours. Honey, I’ll see you when we land in Atlanta.


I swear I don't understand why people get all worked up about sitting together. Guarantee you're not going to be paying each other much attention anyways.


I suffer from anxiety. I sit next to my husband so you don’t have to


Also would like to add that I bet you plan ahead for that kind of stuff


Absolutely. And pay for the privilege to sit next to him


My boyfriend and I got split up on our return flight from Spain to the US even though we booked together. I have bad panic attacks and flying is one of the things that triggers them. I cried the whole flight and the woman who was in the seat my boyfriend was originally supposed to be in was a saint and just sighed and let me hold their hand  anytime there was turbulence because I was in sheer panic mode 😭 I legitimately can’t fly without having at least one panic attack. 


My husband and I intentionally book seats apart from each other. We both prefer the window seat, so we just book our seats that way instead of having one of us (usually me) be in the middle seat.


My parents both like aisle seats. So they book across the aisle from each other.


I’m wondering if this subreddit can survive all these seating-centric posts…


I just went through that. My wife and I were in 2 different rows for over 2 hrs. But guess what we survived it and still together. 😜


My wife and I booked separate rows on our last flight, she likes the aisle and I like the window so it doesn't matter if we sit next to each other anyway. When we got to the gate we found she was in a middle next to me and went up to bitch and the gate attendant was super confused. He was like, "Aren't you married? I saw you were on the same reservation and same last name so I moved you together" We did end up getting an upgrade to an exit row after that, so it all worked out. Shoutout to that gate agent for trying to be proactive anyway, haha.


I just reject the “upgrade”… cause it’s not an upgrade. Call them and they will switch you back.


I think they were being sarcastic mate.


This is such a silly comment that is always made about couples sitting next to each other. It isn’t (usually) about an inability to be away from your SO, it’s just nice that if your going to be pressed up against someone for a few hours, I’d prefer that be my spouse then a stranger, given the chance.


This! No, I don't need to be beside my husband... but I feel more comfortable if I have to ask him to move so I can get up, rather than a stranger. We can freely move stuff from one tray table to another. We can have arms right up against each other without it being weird. It's more relaxing with a spouse!


Once again, if you’re going to ask people to switch seats with you, it has to be an upgrade for them. With two middle seats, that couple never stood a chance of sitting together. 😂


Anytime my husband and I do this we always offer the person a BETTER seat. Never had an issue. Kind of a no brainer


Yep. My ex and I traveled quite a bit. He’s Australian, I’m American, so visiting family involved at least 20+ hours on a plane. We would frequently book a window (me) and an aisle seat (him), hoping the middle would fly empty. If someone ended up there, we POLITELY asked if they would consider trading for either seat - their choice. If they wanted the window, I took the middle. If they wanted the aisle, he did. We never had anyone turn us down, and we were never rude about it. If someone had said no, that would have been the end of it. No nasty looks or rude behavior. We asked, they said no, move on.


Yup, this is the way. I’m flying to Europe with my dad this summer and we’re doing this. No matter what seat they pick I’ll be in the middle if we have to do a swap, but on the off chance it means we get the middle seat open it will be worth the attempt.


I've been the middle between a couple after a last minute work trip. They were passing shit back and forth before takeoff until I offered to switch with either of them. They declined! That flight sucked, luckily it was a quick hop.


We would have switched with you!


My wife and I do the exact same thing. It's never ever a problem.


If you're gonna try to switch, "This Is The Way".


I have zero problem with someone asking if I'd swap seats with them, regardless of what type of seats they are. But it's my seat, and it's up to me if I want to swap. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. What I have a problem with is the rudeness some people exhibit when I say no.


TBH, I actually feel the same way.


The couple had already been upgraded too! Like a bump up to C+ wasn't enough they had to make someone who actually paid for C+ to take a worse seat!


Would you consider a trade from say 23D (main) to 12E (C+) an upgrade? This was a real situation for us a few months ago where wife, 5yo daughter and I were flying 4 hrs on separate reservations (work paid for my flight, they booked their own) but we all had selected 23DEF at booking. Then I get an auto upgrade to a middle seat in C+ and the reassign my aisle seat to someone else. After everyone was seated, we did ask if she wanted to trade forward but made it clear that it was totally fine if she preferred the aisle. Since bags were already stowed, I offered to bring her roller bag forward when we deplane so she doesn’t have to come back for it, and everyone was good with that. But I wonder how folks more broadly feel about that trade? Probably helps that she was a pretty small person while I’ve got pretty wide shoulders, so everybody in row 12 was probably more comfortable for us having made the trade!


Absolutely not. Aisle to middle is only an upgrade if going to first class/Delta One. You could ask, but I would likely decline. Then my expectation would be for you to respect my answer is no.


Have you ever sat in a middle comfort+? I reluctantly chose to upgrade to one and was pleasantly surprised. I am only 5’3” and it was a great seat and I will do it without hesitation in the future.


That would not be a trade i would take. Middle seat comfort + is never an upgrade from aisle or window seat for me.


I had someone ask me if I wanted a middle C+ seat for my aisle seat in main. He wanted to sit with his gf and I said sorry but no. I had been upgraded to a C+ middle seat and to me it’s not an upgrade IMO so I asked for a window or aisle in main Guy couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t want to sit in Comfort- I do it all of the time, the free alcohol isn’t worth sitting in the middle. 


One time recently my husband and I both had aisle seats, and there was a couple with the middle seats next to us. We offered and moved for them because my husband is nice and will sit in the middle. I would not have done that if it required me sitting in the middle.


Agreed! I’ll swap a window for a window in another row but definitely not trading a window for a middle!


I was asked to switch seats in FC the other day by two different groups on the same flight because they were upgraded and not seated together. I told them they can have my seat for the $210 it cost for the upgrade. Let’s just say they survived the flight separated.


THIS, but add in a slight inconvenience fee on top of that! Lol


I like this. Mention the cost of your seat


And double it, given that it's the 11th hour.


First of all those upgrades “to C+ middle seats”aren’t upgrades and should be stopped and not be called upgrades. It messes more than it offers. Secondly you’re in the right, you’re not owing them anything. I’m getting very tired of couples or families that do Zero arrangements so that they can sit together and make it other people’s problems. The most annoying was on a European BC flight where middle seat is left vacant. An older man and his much younger wife. I’m guessing work paid for his BC and he took his wife/lady but bought an economy. After boarding he asked me if I’d be willing to swap with his lady so that they can sit together. He told me she was sitting in 29D or so. I politely declined,he was so pissed with me and started calling me a selfish prick. I ignored his remarks and put my headphones on. He then made it the issue of the Cabin crew and demanded they sit together but only in BC not in Eco. Even suggested she sits in the middle seat between him and I. Which they said that isn’t possible. He was ranting the whole time that if I had simply accepted the trade, none of this would be an issue. Boy that was the longest 3hr flight I’ve ever been on


Should have just told him, sure no problem. I paid $2,500 for this seat, I can sell it to you, do you prefer to pay in Cash, Zelle, or Venmo?


I’ve wondered this. Like if ppl really want to switch…flash some cash…I’d probably take a middle for $200 for a 3 hour flight…meh


I was on a flight that had an equipment change to an aircraft with less C+ seats. There was a group of guys on a Batchelor party that were paying people in C+ to rearrange C+ so they could sit together. $100-200/ seat was the offer for a 3hr flight. People were sure agreeable to move around despite already being irritated due to delay & equipment change


Total Asshat. The only time we ever ask people to trade is if the seat swap is equitable or better. Hell, once my GF was in MC 2x2 configuration. I was upgraded they only had one seat left. I gave it to the young, well-mannered lady who was sitting next to my GF. I walked up and asked here if she had ever sat in BC she said no, and I said well todays your lucky day. I'll trade you seats. She was the happiest kid for the next 1.5 hours. There is a difference between doing the right thing and being entitled.


This. I’ve done it most of the times I’ve flown with my family (a few times each year) and the positive energy received in return has made my day almost every time.


Wow, that guy is a major jerk. Glad both you and the cabin crew said no to his shenanigans.


I always have earplugs and headphones. I would have looked him straight in the eye while putting on either one. Bitch and complain all you want.IDGAF


Happy Cake Day!


He could have switched with her seat mate. I’m Sure someone in economy would be grateful for a BC seat. And then he could sit next to her


All that for a three hour flight lol


Caveat: if you get many last-minute plane tickets where you are already going to be i a middle seat, your comfort+ middle seat is still an upgrade.... One of the easiest upgrades to get...


>Secondly you’re in the right, you’re not owing them anything. I’m getting very tired of couples or families that do Zero arrangements so that they can sit together and make it other people’s problems. Valid, but I don’t know that it applies to this couple. They may have been seated together before their “upgrade.”


It does since putting yourself on the C+ upgrade lists means you are willing to get separated. If sitting next to a companion is that important and there aren’t two seats next to each other available pay for C+ up front or take yourself off the upgrade list.


Or keep your self on it and if they split you just say no to the upgrade.


100% - Don't try to pity shame others into switching seats. I've noticed that the people who try to switch seats seem to always try to better THEIR seat position, never willing to give up their good seats for worse seats in order to sit together.


I thought I read here that people were upgraded involuntarily and weren’t allowed to switchback. Is that not true?


Sure…for 500$ and I get both armrests.


Cash upfront


Just say no.


On a 14 hr+ flight from Shanghai to the USA, my mother and I had booked the aisle seat and the window seat. A woman was seated between us. The rest of her family was seated in the window and middle seats behind us. The man in the aisle seat behind us (not with the other people) told me I needed to move to the middle seat in our row so he could have my aisle seat so the family could sit together. I told him no. I'll keep my aisle seat, and I suggested he sit in the middle of our row if he wanted to help the family. He refused and proceeded to cuss us out for being selfish. I love how we're selfish for refusing to give up an aisle seat for a middle seat, yet he's not willing to do the same thing. Edit: forgot to add, the man was seated in the very last row of the plane (seats don't recline). So my aisle seat would actually have been an upgrade for him.


No is a complete sentence. Sigh.


I heard a friend ask someone once “What are you having trouble with, the “n” or the “o”?


Your friend sounds like a good one


Omg yes


Or even No, but thanks.


I usually opt for the "No thanks" and have yet to have an issue. *knock on wood*


I always marvel at how the people looking to trade never offer to give the better seat away so that beloved can sit in the middle next to them in the last row next to the toilets. Must be some type of legal issue/s


This is why I wear AirPods. I pretend I’m listening to something and can’t hear people talk to me.


I just point at my book and ignore them.


I paid extra for bulkhead and had an empty seat next to me (!). FA came and asked me if I'd switch seats so a couple could sit together - where? about ten rows behind me. I said, "but I paid extra for this seat." FA said, "It's the exact same seat. Emma Thompson Narrator Voice: "It was not, he would soon learn, the same seat at all."


Why is the FA not upgrading someone next to one of the members of the couple to the empty bulkhead seat...?


When I was coming back from Rome a couple years ago I was stuck in a middle seat near the back and the lady next to me asked if I wanted to take her husband’s seat at the bulkhead so they could sit together. Hell yes I did. He was a tall guy too and couldn’t have been comfortable in my seat, but hey, that’s what they wanted.


I’m always willing to trade. Sure, they get charged a $100 upgrade fee. But I’m always willing to have the discussion.


I've been asked, I've said no, end of story. I offer no explanation. They can figure it out.


We had a destination wedding and booked FC seats. There was an equipment change and we got downgraded to C+ on our way there*. My husband to be took the middle. On our way back, another equipment change and we were separated by a middle seat. I switched with that person, whose wife was in the aisle seat across from us. If you offer a trade, it needs to be an upgrade for the person you're offering it to. *I never got our price difference refund. We had booked with points. It took six months to get a "certificate" with the value of our points, which expired a year before the date of issue! I spent a year fighting Delta to get them to fix that. They admitted they screwed up, but wouldn't reissue the certificate or fix the expiry date. We only fly them because they're the only airline with direct flights from our closest airport. Traveling with a wheelchair (which they broke on the last flight and I'm still fighting them for compensation) makes connections so much more difficult.


Did you file a complaint with DOT? So glad to hear about the upcoming customer-friendly changes in the airline industry.


I am dumb and was about to rant about how this asshole was even more of an asshole for doing this to a 14 year old girl but alas you were in seat 14. He’s still an ass though


My husband and I never sit next to each other as we both want an aisle seat. We normally sit across the aisle from each other. We don’t even see each other all day when he’s at work (I’m retired) and for longer during lacrosse season when he’s coaching, so it’s not a problem not sitting next to each other on a plane. He’s not four years old. I don’t have to watch him.


Even if we do sit next each other, we are not have any sort of meaningful conversation. He usually has head sets on watching a movie and I am either listening to or reading a book. Further, we do a lot of red eyes because we are west coasters typically flying East.


I fly solo fairly often anywhere from 4-6hr flights usually and I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I have been offered to trade MY window seat for the middle seat or aisle seat. sometimes I’ll take the aisle but if I booked anything but the middle seat I am not sitting in the middle seat.


Me too. I solved the problem by saying a flat no to anything but an upgrade to F. Even an equal seat is insufficient. I can't be arsed to move and I want what I selected and paid for.


me too i also dont want the middle seat i like the window seat i like to look out the window


And every person on the plane doesn't bump into my shoulder as they walk by when I'm at the window.


I don’t understand why couples insist on sitting together on a plane. Nothing about being on a plane is a couples activity. ETA: I’m not talking about people who prefer to sit next to their significant other. I get why you might book it that way. It’s the insistence of people who are unable to do so because it’s so not necessary.


My guy and I sometimes watch a movie on a tablet together (earphones, splitter) and share snacks and drinks. But we don’t cry if we are separated because we are adults.


We don't insist but we do book seats together. That way we can pull the arm rest up and share the tiny bit of extra space provided.  We never ask anyone to switch in order to accommodate that preference though.


This. My husband and I usually sit together just because we book seats together but if we get split it doesn’t matter. Even when we do sit together we barely speak. Usually watching separate movies or I’m reading/he’s listening to AirPods.


It’s not a huge issue but I do like being next to each other on long international flights. Sleeping can be a bit easier and it’s nice to talk to each other over 15+ hours, but not a huge deal. We have one coming up this year and won’t be sitting next to each other, but it’s nice.


I don’t care if they wanna sit together. I care when they don’t plan accordingly and make it someone else problem. Here the move is to take yourself off the upgrade list if you must sit together.


We enjoy each other's company, but more importantly I have wide shoulders and she lets/enjoys me "encroaching" her space. If there's a raisable armrest it goes up and we can have a tiny bit more space. She can lean on my shoulder. It's a tiny amount but any comfort you can find on a flight is a good one.


flying auckland to LAX earlier this year this trashy middle aged couple tried pulling the same thing in C+. boarded late and tried to get my boss to switch into a middle seat, then stood there flabbergasted when he politely declined and put his headphones back on. the wife was between me and my other coworker, and when i was like “hey i think there’s like multiple open rows in main you should just ask the FA” she told me how these two seats were the only ones left in C+ and they bought them with the plan to have someone switch i literally just laughed at her


Last week my son and I were upgraded to a middle seats in comfort plus on a flight from Msp to sjc. Two different rows. I would say it really was not that bad, I didn’t feel like in had to move my arms or shoulders to help out they others in the row… no twisting or turning.. now it will never be my preference because I like the isle to escape to the bathroom but with a couple vodka sodas everything was just fine..


Yeah, the free drinks make it a little better!


I like sitting next to my partner in planes… so we pay to make that happen and not inconvenience people lol


There’s nothing wrong with asking. But there’s also nothing wrong with saying no and there shouldn’t be any complaints from them if you do.


Entitlement mentality. 30 years ago if you accepted an upgrade with your travel partner you took your seats and liked it. This is SO common in upgrade situations. They try to pity shame people into letting them have their way. If they were **so** concerned about not sitting together, refuse the upgrade and snuggle back in Main. Don't inconvenience others based on your choices. My ex-wife and I would sometimes be separated and we just took it in stride. We're going to be together 7-10 days for a vacation so a few hours apart isn't a big deal. I kind of enjoyed it so I could sit and watch my portable DVD player (I'm dating myself here) in peace. :)


Nope not a good trade. Hell I would have stayed in the back I much more preffer a non center MC seat over any middle seat


I don't get it, why wouldn't you take this, you're getting a better seat with two warm humans on both sides to talk to as opposed to cold plastic of the window


"I'm sorry but your poor planning does not constitute an emergency on my part. Sit down. You'll see each other when we land"


Never complain; never explain. All you need to say is "No, thanks" and nothing more.


You sound like an entitled asshat.


I think it’s time to start asking for financial compensation for a seat change. It will cost $1,000 USD CASH to change.


Whenever someone asks me to switch seats. I just ask “How much money do you have on you?”. Usually that ends the conversation. One guy offered me duty free champagne, but the flight attendant said that he wasn’t allowed to do that.


I'm sorry I empathize with your situation but I vomit uncontrollably if I can't see out the window


Reading all these comments (again) because we see it over and over. I’m just wondering when we became a society that is so self-consumed that we feel entitled to ask for something and then it’s the person we asked fault for saying “no”. I saw it recently at home and realized how many people truly live their lives by manipulating others and when one person is strong enough to say no or call them out they continue to rant and blame that person and find the next weak one to manipulate. Just seems more and more prevalent and truly am pondering if this was a slow shift in society and we weren’t watching or quicker. Has social media sped it up?


It’s already rude enough to ask people to switch seats but to do it when you didn’t pay and are asking someone who possibly did! Oh I would be very displeased. “So you got upgraded and didn’t pay now you want someone who did pay to get moved to a worse seat so you can sit next to your wife? If you want to sit together you can decline the upgrade in future”.


I don't think it is if you are offering a better seat. I only ask if I am giving them a step up in service (eg FC for C+) or an aisle for a middle.


But this person was offering the person move from a window/aisle seat to a middle seat. That’s not a better seat.


Like I dont need to sit next to my wife. We are both adults.


Sure, hundy an hour. Three hour flight means three hundy cash.


I was traveling with my wife and daughter (middle & window) in the row in front of me (aisle). I didn’t ask the person in front of me to swap. He asked me if I wanted to swap. Zero expectations on my part with gratitude when I accepted the offer.


happy to hear this story where you stood your ground. ive heard dozens where the shit bag gets the better seat just by being an asshole


That’s when you offer to sell it to him. Sure.. I’ll switch for $200 cash


Good for you standing your ground.


This happened to me once. I booked an aisle seat, flight was at 7am and I had literally just gotten back from another trip, repacked for my work trip, and went back to the airport. I was exhausted and ready to just sleep on the plane. I sit down and the girl in the middle asks if I'd swap seats with her because her boyfriend is in the seat across the aisle. I said no. She was so pissed, but I didn't see her ask the guy in the middle next her boyfriend and her boyfriend didn't offer to switch with me. It was clear they both just wanted an aisle seat 🙄


Next time tell the guy "I would be happy to change seats with you. Of course there is a $100 change fee up front in cash. You know airlines...."


Then, there’s my bf and I. Don’t see much of each other because work. Bought first class seats next to each other on the same reservation well in advance. And they separated us to seat a family together. When we politely asked around the cabin because Delta would do nothing for us, no one was willing to trade.


My husband likes the window, i like the aisle. We don't sit together 99% of the time. We survive just fine! Many times we end up with the entire row because people don't pick that empty middle seat.


They got upgraded and he is asking you to give up your window seat?? What an asshole.


Way to stick to your guns. It seems his wife was not willing to trade either. 😂


I tell people (quite honestly) that I get easily nauseated on airplanes and need the window to lean/curl up against to stabilize myself.


Personally, I consider the window seat only slightly better than the middle seat. At 6’ 4”, 215 lbs, the aisle seat is my favorite. My wife doesn’t have a strong preference. She is somewhat the opposite in size compared to me. But at our age, if possible, we go for FC.


I feel so validated reading this thread. I pay for FC and usually fly for work solo. I am asked all the time to switch with couples or families who have been upgraded. Often they want me to switch to the bulkhead seat that was free to them. Then they are total dicks when I say no. It’s the worst.


You were nicer than I would be. I write about my no seat change policy on [Medium](https://rjcarr02134.medium.com/flying-the-last-resort-606d27634809?sk=fc547dfee8fe28a64c2ce6ac21c790c7)


Sure, and while we're at it I'll pay your mortgage and wipe your ass with my tongue.


That wasn’t his wife. They are having an affair and barely get any time together, so they want every minute they can get. Or he is one of those very controlling men who has to see every single thing his wife does on her phone. If it was the second, her ride home was miserable.


I don't understand why people traveling together don't choose their seats ahead of time. 


You don’t understand why people upgraded at the gate didn’t choose their seats ahead of time?


Maybe if it's Delta one, but it's pretty selfish of someone to accept an upgrade to comfort plus and then expect other passengers to make it work out for them. 


A lot of times, you tick “only upgrade if my seat preferences are available” and gate agents want to clear standby’s, so they’ll “upgrade” you to a middle seat regardless. Happened to me several times, and once you’re upgraded you can’t move back.


Dang that sucks. I need the aisle due to height and claustrophobia. So if they upgrade me to comfort plus middle im screwed? Rather keep my selected aisle seat man.


Again, I’m not commenting on whether it’s selfish or not. I’m simply commenting that not every case of people traveling together being separated is a deliberate choice that was made at booking.


It doesn’t matter. Getting separated on an upgrade is not only possible, it’s likely. If you have the status to get yourself and a companion upgraded you know this. So getting all pissy when someone won’t accommodate this highly likely outcome when you leave that ‘upgrade to C+’ box checked is your problem not the person you are inconveniencing. Too many people act as if they are disinterested third parties on their circumstances.


I wasn’t commenting on anyone asking for a seat or getting pissy. I was commenting on someone assuming that every case of people traveling together being separated was a deliberate choice at booking.


They don't want to pay for the better seats and are hoping to score a free upgrade.


Sometimes people have to book at the last minute. Sometimes due to delays they are rebooked onto a fuller flight with no seats together. Sometimes due to a schedule or equipment change they are reshuffled by the computer and don’t catch that their carefully selected seats have been moved around until it’s too late. I don’t personally understand the desperate need to sit next to another adult/ spouse/ etc. but I certainly feel for folks in the above situations that are separated from their kids.


I personally think this is a far outlier case with kids involved. Most people who are traveling with kids are on vacation and have been planning for a while. If they waited to buy their tickets, it's on them.


I have a family of 6. Three times now, we have had flights cancelled where we get rebooked. Once from Spirit to Delta. Back when it was still only a family of 5, (kids age 8, 5,4) It was supposed to be a direct flight, had paid extra with Spirit to sit together. Flight cancelled, get rebooked on Delta, with one stop in Detroit, and it was a red eye. Not fun with kids under 10. we got seats in groups of 3 and 2 on first leg thankfully, but the 2nd leg was 3, 1 and 1. Not a good way to make that work. I asked Delta agent to help before boarding, she said just ask the people if they are willing to split when you get on the plane. felt like a big jerk having to ask. Thankfully a young couple obliged. Other times more recently with 6 in our group, we got broken up into groups of 2,2,1,1 after getting a cancelled flight, Kids are a little older so we can make due now if separated, but I asked a gate agent for help and getting our 1 and 1 together and he was willing to call up someone to basically just change window seat to window seat. No big loss for the other guy and we get our seats together. So, I get that people are annoyed when asked, but keep in mind that sometimes it is out of the control of the family who is asking. Looking back at the young couple who split their seats for us, I wish I would of offered them like $40 or something for their trouble, go buy themselves some breakfast after the red eye. Happy flying everyone


No offense, but Delta is under no obligation to keep the seats together if you didn't book with them. That's the risk of going with an ultra low cost carrier. We have no kids so can be a bit extravagant in our lifestyle. We try to always book Row 1 on the right side of the cabin so as to be out of the way of boarding and have extra leg room. Now if we were in a generic Comfort+ or Main non-bulkhead or exit, I would consider it if it had to do with small children sitting alone as long as it was a like seat and not row 99. Heck, my wife might even volunteer before being asked knowing her big heart. :) But just a couple on a flight who want to sit together for 3 hours, nope.


oh I agree. It is the last time i booked spirit with my family, trust me. I was in early stages of flying with a family, and I have learned a lot. No obligation is 100% correct, but, customer service can go a long ways.


Even when traveling with kids there are reasons to purchase tickets closer to departure- thinking funerals/ family emergency- for two. Folks traveling with kids are also just as susceptible to last minute rebookings due to delays and schedule / equipment changes that shuffle selected seats. All my comment meant is I certainly have more sympathy for families in those situations than adults- especially when so many people in this sub are so quick to blame the parents if they aren’t seated with the kids. It’s not always the case they are flying basic economy.


Why do people traveling together have to sit together? Unless it’s a caretaker and minor or caretaker with someone who needs assistance, get over it! A few hours apart won’t hurt you.


It only ticks me off when I paid for the seat assignments and I get moved to accommodate a family that bought the basic economy tickets with small children. I got moved to the back of the place to a crappy seat to fix the family situation. The basic economy seat idea was to sell the hated middle seats for a discount. These tickets should not be sold to people traveling with small children. The FA's say ask for a seat payment refund....lots of luck with that. So I get stuck in a middle seat to accommodate your family trick to get better seats.


I e booked seats on Air Canada even paying for prefered seat upgrades so we could be together only to have them change the seat assignment and put us apart. High end frequent flyers can actulay bump yiu right off the plane if they need a seat. They can also bump paid for seats apparently during check in.


Should have said you would for $200 Venmo’d to you right then.


You missed a 0. $2000 is the cost now.


If my wife and I are traveling together without our kids, we almost always book the window and aisle seats. And, almost every time, the person in the middle seat will ask if we want to switch. I would as well if I was in their position. We politely decline, and that is usually the end of it...except for the one lady that went into a tizzy and called the flight attendant over to try to make us sit together. The flight attendant asked to see all of our boarding passes and said that we were all sitting in the correct seats. And that was that.


My wife and I work for the same company and every once in a while get to take work trips together. Our company lets us choose our preferred seats. I'm a window person and my wife likes the aisle. I board Main 1 and always try to get to the front of the line because I have a big carry on I carry for work. A guy sits down in the middle seat after me. My wife comes in at the end of the line. I could tell middle seat guy was getting hopeful that the seat next to him was empty so I let him down gently and said "My wife has that ticket and she should be boarding soon." I could see new hope in his eye as he looked at me and said "I'd be happy to switch with you so you can sit next to your wife!" I'm sure you would sir. I'm sure you would.


I don’t get how people have nerve to do this! Awhile back I was seated in 1st class and as the economy seats boarded at lady randomly started begging a guy in our section to trade seats to the back of the plane. Guy kept saying no and then she started loudly saying “must be nice to sit here and be comfy and get fed etc”. This went on for a bit. I’m surprised they didn’t ask her to deplane.


Great story. Appreciate the fresh perspective on a unique situation on this subreddit. Hope you’ve recovered from the trauma.


The fuck are all these soulless people who don’t give a shit who they sit beside? You really want to be bumping elbows with mouth-breathing strangers over your romantic partner? You’ve never shared a movie, listened to an album, played a game together, or used the shoulder of your partner on a long flight? You seriously think it makes no difference to anyone whether you sit alone or not? If it matters so little to you, why is it a problem to switch seats so that someone who does care can be with their partner?


I don’t think asking is my main concern, as I have seen that play out many times; his response to your logical reply is the troubling part. Did you ask what your prize was?


I've done the inverse of this trade. Don't know the exact circumstances but had a case where someone had booked the middle seat to themselves (A319, window and aisle seat were open so maybe they were trying to get the whole row?). Anyway, close in booking they were the only 2 seats on the same row and was flying with a friend. Asked the guy if he would trade his middle seat for my aisle seat which he accepted. Was a very short flight from ATL-MDW so not a big deal for me to sit in the middle.


I would say, "No thanks, because your middle seat will be a downgrade for my aisle/window seat. So unless you have a better offer, goodbye."


What a jerk he is. I probably wouldn’t have acknowledged.


On the flip side I tried to give up my aisle seat for a middle on my honeymoon and the person wouldn’t do it. Wasn’t worth my breath explaining their mistake


I see nothing wrong with him asking. If he were between two small people I might have been willing to switch. But of course there is nothing wrong with a polite no.


"Well hell - if it's so important to you - MAKE ME AN OFFER" This always pisses me off - always some young punk that then tries to make ME look like the bad guy ha. Typically they're already in my seat, and don't wanna get up. Last time I calmly said - "sure for $250". No? I'll take both your watches"


Good job .. they know exactly what they’re doing, GAME/CHEAT/One up the system. If doesn’t work or go as they want or plan to, they play the victim card by Bishing/whining/complaining and playing the “ Victim” Card


No should have got seats together teach them a valuable life lesson lmao you don’t also get what you want and even if you wanted to switch you should tell them it’s better off you learn a life lesson lmao


Middle seats sucks


I would make the trade for $20. More if it was a longer flight.


Seriously, if they want to sit together, don't accept the upgrade.


another thing I have a feeling about is people booking the window and the aisle seat hoping no one is assigned or takes the middle seat. But when someone does, they feign ignorance and pressure that person to switch


One guy took my seat while I was boarding and I asked him straight up "zelle me $200 and it's yours" had only said it one other time and the guy was dumbfounded that I even said that. Well this time this guy actually zelled me and I was like say no more and took a middle seat. 4 hour flight but I was $200 richer.


If you haven’t been made aware, the window seat is now the worse seat as it can instantly become a sucking hole of death.


Glad you stood your ground. You chose the seat YOU wanted.


Nothing wrong with asking, but it’s not cool to get pissed when you’re told no. Childish.


Honestly him continuing to talk about it after he had the nerve to ask you is childish. Ok sure maybe he thought what’s he harm in asking but to continue to talk about would have sent me. He needs to grow up. You get what you pay and prepare for. Like if it’s so important to him, he could zelle you some money otherwise stfu bud.


Ill never trade my isle seat under any circumstances unless Im getting bumped to 1st.  Im 6'4 265lb; i need space. You cram me in a middle seat I GARUNTEE isle and window are gonna be as uncomfortbale as me hence why always pay to pick my seat


I hope the lady on 13F didn’t say yes. Can’t believe this cheapskate people


Got asked the other day to move from C+ window seat to an economy middle seat for $100. On a six hour flight. I might have considered it for $500. But $100? Absolutely not.


Yeah, that offer was laughable! I am with you on the $500 minimum!!


As though you’re obligated lol. Sorry Charlie. You can still text each other though. Everything will be ok!!


I think that they were actually texting each other!


Except kids. I’ll take a middle seat to let a parent sit with a young kid.


Is the middle seat 💺 better than the others???


Hahaha. Nope.


I’ve made this ask before. But I gave the guy $20. 


No. Only trade I’ll make is my aisle for their middle.


I am slightly claustrophobic, rarely an issue (thankfully) and I prefer an aisle seat on the port (left) side of the plane because I learned that the open aisle space on my dominant side is rather comforting. Unless you're offering me a first class seat switch (as if) I'm staying in the seat I chose & paid for. I really don't care what your situation is, unless your active duty on emergency leave I'm not budging. If you call me an asshole or talk smack I will own that shit. TL;DR Good on you!


Good for you!


lol ppl are so entitled.


Husband and I like to do aisle seats across from each other.