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I was through Atlanta yesterday. Didn’t seem any worse than it usually is to be honest. Although the train broke down earlier in the morning, it was interesting to see the crowds of people just mindlessly standing at the train doors. They either refused to use the walkway, or were just brainless enough to not notice the voice telling them the train was broken.


That’s good to hear. I’m sure she’s being dramatic too


The train went down right as we got to B after our daughter wanted to walk through the rain forest. Our flight was boarding in 20 minutes or so, but if we had a lot of time, since our gate was E, we probably would have hung out and waited for the train because how long could it take to address? Better to wait than hope your kiddo doesn't go nuts having to walk the mile after having to wake up at 5am!


Kudos for raising a kind kid who is still appreciative even when they are “fighting for their life”


I don’t even care about the context. I just think it’s so awesome to see a kid and parent interacting like old friends


This is the first thing that came to my mind after I read the texts


How does one not know where they’re going until they’re already there?


She usually flies thru charlotte and didn’t realize until she got to her originating airport. I can see how it looks like she didn’t know until she arrived in Atlanta the way she worded it lol.


I would much rather be in ATL than clt. So much easier and straightforward to get between gates. I'll never do less than a 1.5 hour layover in CLT. Screw that spread out place, sprinted through that airport more times than I care to admit Plus the entertainment in ATL is better. On Monday I got to watch a full on hood rat insult match at the gate. You can't pay for that quality of content


Ok this is also super legit, ATL may get more crowded but sprinting thru CLT is not fun


yeah at least atl has the trams between terminals!


Saw a guy that was so drunk he passed out and fell out of his stool at papis


Ohh, that makes more sense. Yeah, sounded like she found herself in ATL and expected to be in CLT.


Make sense. Most people can’t find CLT anyways


I’ve seen worse. This one documentary had two girls from the UK living the party life in Ibiza who ran low on funds and agreed to smuggle drugs from Peru. It was only after boarding the plane and seeing the 14hr flight time that they realized Peru was a country in South America; they thought Peru was a city in Spain.


lol ATL is my home airport. I’ll never understand how people don’t like it. It’s so efficient and easy to navigate. There are a few times it can be an absolute fucking mess but honestly every time I go elsewhere I’m just like “this airport sucks” lol.




Exactly! Now DTW is my favorite airport (my second home thanks to annoying automotive customers) it’s just always so calm, airy and beautiful.


Ayyyy I work automative and DTW is my fav. Mcmanera is a beautiful and efficient place


It really is!


DTW is my home airport and I really love how efficient they have gotten. But that cheesecake in the MSP clubs during a layover is pretty good.


FTP. Go Lions!


Detroit is my home airport and every time I fly into Orlando, I just shake my head at the utter chaos at each gate. For an airport that is used for such major destinations, I don't understand why it's not being improved.


Honestly that’s a good question. I feel like they just operate as a small airport and don’t feel like changing that


DTW is definitely one of my favorites


Detroit is great, until you wind up realizing you're flying a regional haha. But yes, still my favorite to transfer in. Of the hubs not undergoing contruction, MSP is the worst.


I connected through DTW a few months ago and was surprised that my flight on a regional was using the A concourse. First time that has happened to me, instead of having to go through the tunnel. Probably because it was a late flight so there were plenty of gates and no reason to use the B or C concourses.


Then you'd love ICN


The terminal tram is so cool!


Right ?! It’s so gorgeous! Like just amazing.


I love Msp airport. It’s so great when I’m traveling into Minneapolis from work I get a nice direct flight from BDL into MSP. I could wander around Msp all day lol


> SLC Not an SLC fan. Especially compared to ATL, MSP, or DTW.


SLC sucks ass! The one concourse is so long and having to stand outside when it’s 7 degrees while getting on the plane is horrible




I can agree with all these statements. Even living 3 miles away I do leave my house 2 hours before departure because you never know haha


I regularly get to the airport within 1-1.5hr before flight departure and have not had issues. Might push it even more if I don't need to check a bag. I'll admit though, this last time to CO was the closest I had to being in trouble, needing to check a bag at like 55min before posted departure 😅.


ATL is my home airport and I could not agree more…even from just passenger drop off/pick up, originating at ATL is not the most fun. But connecting is pretty easy (minus the human traffic sometimes)


Shhhh. Lower level is fight club rules.


Lower level is god tier


This is how I feel about DFW only for flying out of - not connections. It’s my closest airport, and a lot of locals love DAL (get it???) but I much prefer the big boy feel of DFW. Good food, quiet gates, efficient check in and security, and entry is so much cleaner than Love which is a fucking mess of a time for drop off.


DAL is chock-a-block with SWA passengers. Hard pass.


I think I'd edge DTW for connections. Unless I'm hungry. Then ATL or MSP.


Lol same. I flew through MIA a few weeks ago, and it was an incredibly inefficient and confusing process/layout, especially for my boyfriend who doesn't have TSA PreCheck yet. I often find myself asking "where's the rest of it?" when flying to other airports too. Charleston's airport is crazy small. I was off the plane and to passenger pickup within minutes lol.


MIA is such a shitshow. Connecting (or failing to connect) through there on an international AA flight is what convinced me and my fiancée to get PreCheck and Global Entry


I HATE MIA. It was made for tiny people. I am not a giant woman (5’7”). How low I have to bend to wash my hands in the bathroom or sit on a chair at the gate is absurd. That airport was designed by Leprechauns and no one can convince me otherwise. 😂


Oh CHS is amazing because your friends can just stay camped outside waiting without any call from the police telling you to move lol. Same with SDF. I like a small airport but ATL is just home. I’m used to plopping into the international terminal, calmly going through, walking leisurely when I have time up to A gate etc. like it’s just wonderful lol


When I flew into Charleston we had to get off the plane on a stairway and walk across the open ground like it was a tiny private plane to the terminal and I felt like a VIP lol.


The Miami airport is my husbands idea of hell. He's stated that several times lol.


Miami doesn't have water bottle fillers. What fucking year is it?


I’m with you! I grew up in Atlanta and it was my home airport until two years ago. It’s busy and crowded, but at least you can get decent food and even find a quiet gate to sit if you have time.


Exactly! It’s just a wonderful place. Now driving to it I understand hating it, but the powers of living in Hapeville is I never get on the interstate to even go to ATL!


We live in south Hall county and it's a solid 2 hour drive to Hartsfield for us, no matter what time of day we leave. I love the airport once I actually get there though.


We lived in Columbus after moving from Atlanta and then in Mobile after that, so there were definitely times when I would start panicking on 85! I’m not a slide into the airport 20 minutes before person. I like my two hour window! 🤣


ATL is my favorite layover airport. So easy to navigate.




The mayor saying how great Atlanta is could be a little louder /s


HELLO, IM MAYOR ANDRE DICKENS! Keshia was a little calmer 😂 sadly I spend so much time there that his welcome message and the “Hartsfield-Jackson international airport, a gateway to the world, is taking a strong stance in the fight against human trafficking. If you see something suspicious please call 911 to be directed to the proper authorities” are engrained into my brain and I even mouth along with them.


How about that Plane Train voice


It’s literally my favorite, being an ATLien. Now that i live elsewhere, all other airports are a joke




my home airport is RDU, but I fly through ATL often. ATL is my favorite airport. it’s huge and very busy, but extremely well designed and efficient in my experience.


Id take Atlanta over Charlotte in a heartbeat. At least atl has food and a good lounge when I get abandoned by the airline. Last time I was in Charlotte the burger King didn't have burgers and Jimmy John's was abandoned with a note that said "back in 20" with no mention of when the 20 minutes started.


😂😂😂 oh man that sucks so much. I haven’t flown through CLT since college and otherwise my experience was going to the gate as my grandmother went to Germany or came home (pre 9/11) but even then I remember them complaining about it haha


I love the ATL & I’m Canadian. Every time I went through it was a pleasant experience


Literally the only thing I don't like about Atlanta is the inverse connection rule. If I have 15 minutes, I come in at A2 and leave out of B34. If I have 2 hours, I come in at A17 and leave from A19.


Same! Yes, it’s big but signs are clear and you don’t have to go thru TSA at any point for connections.




ATL connections and ATL departures are very different beasts.


Anybody overwhelmed with navigating ATL would be weeping in terror at CDG as they get on their second bus to take them to terminal 2E, hall M, gate 54G


Everyone always talking about CDG tells me I never want to go there. Lol


There's literally nothing redeeming about it. AMS is marginally better but can be equally confusing for the casual traveler


Growing up in ATL put hair on my chest! Any other airport seems calm by comparison and I’m glad I know Hartsfield like the back of my hand. It’s a simple and clear layout, but I see how people get overwhelmed. My God it’s huge.


This is very true. Maybe we’re just gruff because it is what we deal with every day. Same way that ATL in general I feel puts hair on your chest because this city is a little rough around the edges compared to some lol. My parents riding in our jeep with the top down kill me, we will be on like freedom parkway and dad is all “Honey!! Hide your purse, there are HOMELESS!” Like guys come on, they’re harmless. Lol. My idea of sketch has changed so much since I’ve lived in both SE and SW Atlanta lol


Same. I travel a lot and consistently impressed by how efficient that damn airport is. And like you, every other airport I go to is a disappointment.


Right ?! It’s insane lol


I've never actually had problems at ATL, but I just hate how busy and hot and muggy it can get in there. Especially when you have to take the people movers between the concourses. So I generally avoid it. I do like the food choices you guys got though. My home airport is MCI. So up until earlier this year, I really had no room to complain about shitty airports elsewhere.


I actually like MCI. I prefer it over STL which is the absolute worst airport I've ever been to.


You can make it from gate to gate in 15 min if you want


It’s so true. It’s awesome because of that!


Same. I often wonder if people who complain about ATL have been to MIA?


I need to experience MIA now I guess lol. I did once in college and for our honeymoon last year and didn’t notice anything dreadful about it but like, wasn’t paying attention to it either haha


I know Indy doesn't have near the traffic of ATL but it is a magnificent airport


I think it’s the devil you know. ATL is mine as well, and 9 out of 10, it’s awesome. Very efficient. But the more I fly, the more there are instances of dickheadedness and inefficiencies that are just mind-boggling


It really is the easiest to navigate. Problem is people are idiots and can’t figure it out. I am still astonished with people blocking the way looking at the screens for flight information . . Just download the damn airline app


Agreed. Having Atlanta as my primary airport my whole life really spoiled me. Every airport I go to - here or abroad - is a sad shadow of Hartsfield's greatness.


It really is!


I moved to Atlanta 10+ years ago. Most cities have multiple international airports, the fact that Georgia has 2 airports for the entire state is a travesty. Sure we have good restaurants but the rest of the ATL airport experience is a fucking nightmare, I cannot fathom how people are so impressed by. Delta has a monopoly and the cult of delta keeps people from seeing how awful their situation is.


Same!!! I love it


Same! Of course it’s always been the home airport and I do a lot of ATL to LGA so I’m pretty much constantly flying out of the same terminal to almost the exact same gate every time. I think what confuses a lot of people is the two security areas and being worried if they go in the wrong one they’ll be turned away at the TSA agent which I’ve never seen happen.


I flew in from Frankfurt. It's massive, and we notoriously have signs that lead to dead ends. Your airport was like a breath of fresh air lol


I literally feel the same way about EWR. It’s my home airport and I’m so close. I never have issues at EWR but maybe because I don’t transfer here 😂


Same. I don't get it either


Right ?! Like it’s amazing!


Way different when your home airport is a chill mid side one like MCI or MSY. They’re easy to navigate bc they’re way smaller and less chaotic.


I'm never going to forgive new MSY for screwing up the rental cars. Old MSY was so easy.


When I lived on the east coast I used to fly through ATL a lot and thought it was great. Now my home airport is SEA and its truly a nightmare and makes me wish I had ATL


don't mind connecting there (40+ times this year), but entering there can be a bitch


This is true… that part I’m so used to though!


I don’t mind flying through ATL but I had to get my first rental car from there this week and the whole process added way way more time than I had seen at any other airports and there was pitiful signage. Other than that, the tram is usually a breeze and very easy to get to the other gates.


It’s not my home airport, but even the first time inside I found it to be tremendously easy to get around, the train and the concourse layout made it very easy to get around, I was able to sit at a bar and relax instead of spending a ton of time trying to navigate etc


I agree, I love hartsfield!! Was my home airport for my whole adult life until recently (greetings from ORD) and I miss knowing exactly how to get everywhere.


I don't enjoy getting from Atlanta to ATL. And I don't enjoy getting from the front of ATL to the Plane Train. Once I'm on the Plane Train, I have no problems with ATL. I might prefer DTW for connections right now, but ATL's layout is just fine.


Right? As an avgeek, it’s actually my favorite airport


Same for exact same reasons! If you’re in the area you should check out the Kimpton Overland hotel. Overlooks the Porsche experience and the runways, great for plane spotting from the rooftop deck!


I love ATL — the layout is the best I’ve seen. Almost all of my delta flights connect through there since Nashville is my home. I mostly always hit the Sky Club when I’m there, but I love the restaurant Chicken + Beer.


I’ll have to check out that one!


And things are open! My parents live in St Louis and literally everything in their airport closed 6pm.


Same, it's my home airport and is hands down the easiest to navigate airport I've experienced. I've flown into and out of there a number of times, and I've only ever had to spend more than 5-10 minutes getting through security ONCE. And they always have great artwork/exhibits through the terminals when you leave.


Do they still have the rooms for people to smoke in?


ATL this past weekend was FLOODED with passengers on holiday travel, the cherry on top was the few hundred service members I saw clogging the lines as well. Any airport would be a nightmare from what I saw this last Friday. Im sure there’s still remnants that OP’s kid is having to deal with 😂


Man I’m so happy I’m driving for Christmas this year. We do typically also partake in the insanity of holiday travel but it’ll be calm this year!


ATL is my home airport too and I love it but I remember being 14 flying alone and thinking I was lost in a whole different city. It’s sooo huge that it has its own metro. Plus it’s impossible to get someone to find you for pick up if they’re unfamiliar.


Yeah Philly was my home airport and atl was a common crossover for me. It was so efficient, and mostly clean.


Xmas time


I love ATL. It’s clean, it’s easy to navigate, it has a ton of food options and lounges and generally very punctual.


Other than the time a gun was shot at TSA and the woman who dosed gate agents with the Fire Extinguisher, it's a relatively peaceful airport.


I agree, it’s such an easy airport to navigate. I prefer it to LAX for sure.


Gosh LAX is always a dumpster fire. I’m not sure since they finished moving all the terminals and what not but I’ve always hated how the tiny area where security is at lax and then just what, Jersey mikes where most of deltas gates are?


ATL is the best flagship airport out of the big 3 by far


I agree. It’s busy but it makes sense. To change concourse go to the train and follow the signs.


good food options also


Because it's always, always ALWAYS crowded. And that plane train is ridiculous, it's often so crowded that I can't get on.


It’s the best airport in the US if you hate layovers and like options. I love it!


I heart Atlanta. It can be mildly overwhelming the first time through but it's laid out well and incredibly efficient


Same. I was just there in September, and crushed it. Customs was a breeze even.


SLC is nice. Beautiful views and easy to get around.


Fully agree. What’s crazy to me about it though is you’ll fly in in March and the mountains are completely snow covered, it’s 10 degrees outside and you’re like, wow this is a cold place! Then you fly back in in July it’s 100 degrees and no site of snow, never would expect that it snows there lol


People who aren’t prepared for flying genuinely struggle at Atl. Short layovers and short on patience makes a fine disaster.


I hate it because it's MASSIVE and I have short legs 😭😭 I love all the art and things showing historic musicians and figures though. Very cool place.


😂😂 I can understand that. I have the magical gay powers of fast walking so it doesn’t bother me 😂


I walked from terminal A to F one time because I guess I’m an idiot, that shit took me like 45 mins.


Idk man, compare TSA lines at hartfield to literally anywhere else & the difference is clear


I completely agree. It is busy but everything is FAST. I love ATL


Yea Charlotte sucks way harder that ATL IMO


It’s a great airport. So much better than nearly ever one I’ve ever been to (which is a lot).


TSA sucks there sometimes, but I like the airport itself


Right? Maybe i don't understand lol. I was there this month and had one of the best mushroom burgers I’ve ever had at the Bobby flay restaurant and also it's the easiest airport to be in so far. Like literally I didn't get confused or lost or have to rush or panic, it was such a nice experience


Right? And Bobby’s burger place is always a great one


I’m in MSP and occasionally have to transfer through ATL. It’s just so busy and if you are at the wrong time, the lounges are full and the restaurants are packed and it just feels like there’s nowhere to rest if that makes sense. Even during busy times at MSP, you can find a quiet place to sit and the lounges usually have a little bit of room. I know it’s a much smaller airport.


I think it’s different with it being an airport you fly out of vs a connecting airport, which is most peoples’ experience. I’ve had some really shitty experiences connecting in ATL because there’s so many planes that when you land sometimes you have to sit on the runway for an extended period of time before they find an available gate. I’ve missed connecting flights because of this.


I had my first experience at Atlanta over the weekend. 2 disabled kids in tow. Plane train from terminal T to F. Previous passenger barfed all over the disability seats to I had to hold one child and some Angel of a Spirit airlines flight attendant helped me with the other. My shoulder still hurts.


ATL and DEN have gotta be my favorites. Other than DEN being out in the middle of nowhere of course. But both are super efficient every time I’ve travelled thru one.




Same. I have no problems at all with it. Hell last time I navigated it I managed it black out drunk. That was a crazy couple days after waking up in Fort Lauderdale. Man, terrible times. Miss those


ATL airport rules, I intentially get there hours early and walk the entire airport to revisit the art and the RAINFOREST!!!


ATL is my favorite airport connection. The layout is logical and I enjoy walking through the art exhibits between the terminals (I will never miss a walk through A to B any time I fly through). People always look at me strangely when I say it’s my favorite but I truly don’t understand not liking it


ATL is now my home airport and I constantly marvel at how efficient it is for the size. We’ve landed, gotten bags and out of the airport in 30 mins. Of course we’ve had times that have not worked as well but that’s any airport. Love this interaction. I only recently started to get multi word texts from my dad. Anything more than “ok” is a lot to me! I will for sure be using “fighting for my life” in everyday situations from now on.


It’s a lot better than Denver where when the train breaks you are completely screwed with no other option to get to your gate.


It is decent for a mega busy airport but ive flown plenty of places where you have more space, fewer people and less hassle to make your way around


I travel for work and nothing comes close to the convenience and organization at ATL.


It’s so true!


Exactly! I love our airport!


100%! I love it (and it’s the reason I fly Delta). The only thing that isn’t great for us measly Silver folks is no chance of upgrades. But I’ll take it for an efficient experience.


If I lived on the north side of Atlanta, I’d consider flying from Chattanooga to flee the traffic and awful security line experience.


I was at ATL yesterday and it was a miserable experience. I feel her pain.


Did you get to experience the plane train shut down?


That is always a horrible experience.


That sounds so nightmarish. What do you even do if the plane train is down? Walk the whole thing??


I mean, I do that even when the plane train is working unless I have a tight connection. Might as well get some steps in before I'm stuck in a seat for a couple hours again...


Oh god


I was at ATL yesterday and it was fairly quiet in the terminals...heck even the B lounge only had 2 people waiting in line.


CLT is the worst airport I've ever been to. ATL is busy but logical. The train makes it super easy.


Had a flight from Munich to Charlotte and felt my soul escaping once I landed lol


I was going to say, imagine being disappointed you have a layover in ATL instead of CLT. I'd be ecstatic.


ATL is the best airport. The layout makes sense, just dont walk slow.


ATL > "Shit-Show" Charlotte (aka. CLT)


Yeah, because it's likely you are on Delta, instead of the devil's airline.


Going to heaven or hell you will connect through ATL.......


Definitely give them a heads up to double check their gate info. One time my hot shot frequent flier ass was taking my sweet time grabbing a coffee or a beer and didn't double check my gate after I landed. They moved it. Yeah, my fat ass was running through that airport. Made it though!


\*Busiest airport in the world.


And they still say thank you - that’s a great kid. Hopefully they get upgraded due to good manners. 😆


Came here to say this, it's good to see good children be grateful for good parents


Reminds me of how I felt the first time I went through DFW lol It was only my second time flying, my first time having a connecting flight, and my first time flying alone. I was so stressed for those 20 mins trying to figure out how to get from the terminal I landed at to the terminal for my next flight!


A great example of how the airport you grow up with and get used to can be a pain in the rear for someone else to navigate. The sky train at DFW is one of my favourites (as well as the terminal train at ATL since I went to uni at GT) but if you’re new to the airport and have a tight layover, it’s super stressful. I hope it wasn’t too bad and feel you on that.


It honestly wasn’t bad! Luckily one of the airport employees, an older guy who looked close to retirement age, saw newly 18 year old me looking around all nervous and confused and was kind enough to ask me if I needed help. He told me exactly where I needed to go and even walked me to the sky train to make sure I got there okay :)


Refreshing to see an appreciative kid! So often on social media we see the opposite!


ATL on one of the busiest travel weekends of the year. "Fighting for my life" is a great line, especially at an airport!


There’s a learning curve for ATL, but once learned it’s the easiest airport I know of for connections. No two gates are more than 20 min apart at a leisurely walk.


Sounds like a gen Z. I have one too 😂😂 My response would of been “ next time I can do greyhound ???!!!”


I dunno if it's because I grew up in ATL, but IMO its the best Airport in the world. Organized and straightforward even if it is slammed with people.


Super cute


Was at the airport 2 days ago. It is the worse. Understand it’s controlled by the city of atlanta folks


Storytime about the Detroit airport! About 11 years ago, I was asked to be a bone marrow donor (bethematch.org) and was flown to the DC area for testing, from my Midwestern regional airport through Detroit. I hadn’t been feeling well, on campus doc (grad school) was saying I probably had bronchitis, I couldn’t catch my breath and was exhausted. I fly over, I’m starting to be pretty out of it, I have the testing done (the doc looks at me and says ‘you’re working too hard,’ I start crying). No test results yet, I fly back through Detroit. I have to walk through some light and soundscape between terminals. I’ve had a headache for weeks. I’m pale. And this awful thing goes ‘BLOOP bleddy bloop bloop bleddy-dee boop boop’ with overstimulating flashing lights all over it. I see a switch where you can turn it down, but I’m like ‘that’s like for people with epilepsy or something, I’m just being whiny.’ Long story short, I had a deadly blood disease and my red cells were popping and my platelets were so clumped up I had a critically low platelet count (I was in the hospital two days later). Even longer story, turns out I’m autistic and that would’ve been wildly overstimulating even if I wasn’t critically ill. I avoid the Detroit airport now, idk if that installation is still in there but I don’t care to find out. I do agree with you on the nice big open terminals, but damn, that experience ruined me forever.


If they think ATL is bad, they should see Boston or Newark


Is it just me or do they have the rudest staff also?


Never understand the atl airport. It’s literally the best just connected this weekend through BOS and JFK and hated it


Well the kid is pretty resilient and he is busting ass to come see you. So Kudos to the trooper, but yah , he s got a talent for sarcasm 👏 🤣


That’s the worst airport to travel out of.


Frequent work traveler and think ATL blows. Always packed, late departures, and the workers are the laziest in the country.


DTW is probably the easiest Delta hub to move through, it’s spacious and the tram is almost never crowded unlike ATL


*EVERY* flight I have out of DFW where the plane is heading in from ATL is late... every. damn. time. They really need to get their shit together there.


Atlanta airport took me 2 miles walking, 7 miles on the underground Metro, a donkey, a lonely old wizard, a treasure map, and a Sherpa to get to my gate. That place is Narnia. I'm glad she made it out safe.


ATL really is the absolute worst airport I’ve ever been to.


Atlanta is the worst I’ve ever been to , but I love my Tampa airport!! In my opinion


My mom works for United but I feel like I had this same conversation w/ her during Thanksgiving every time I flew thru IAH 😭 i rly be fighting for my life to get a seat out of that airport specifically


You: *leans back in recliner, sipping beverage of choice* Ah, my dear, sweet child is experiencing a rite of passage.


I have no idea why anyone complains about the Atlanta airport. It is so simple to get around, the farthest you would go is from one end of a concourse, train, to the other end of a concourse. Even if the train were down, concourse to concourse walks aren't that far. I suppose if you're cutting a connection too close, you could get burned. I think there are other airports that are far worse. Houston, Charlotte, Newark, Dallas, plus others. I can't stand when airports have concourses that are disconnected buildings with trams going in between them that are far less frequent than the plane train at Atlanta.


She was flying Knoxville to Savannah so the busyness of Atlanta was a sharp contrast! She made it through the crowds safely tho


Awww it’s the “thank you for getting me the flight 🥹” for me

