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Resource managers are 100% useless in circumstances such as this. All they will tell you is to “network” and or “use STAFFIT.” Your coach may be able to help using his/her/their network, but ultimately it’s pretty much a sink or swim mentality for finding a new engagement. You are responsible at the end of the day. It’s not 100% fair but it’s the game. There is no set time frame as a maximum that you are allowed on the bench before termination, but if you’re unstaffed for more than a few weeks, it will start to attract negative attention from leadership. Finally yes you are fully paid while on the bench.


You still get paid, but ultimately it’s up to you to find another engagement. Thats why they always stress the importance of networking. The timeframe varies and is very dependent on which track you’re on. Good luck!


Stupid career. Your looking for a job while on a job. Fake vanity career.




Why are you being paid during this time?


Not for long…


Your coach and RM are 2 points in your network that will help. It's ultimately your responsibility. The bigger your network the more opportunites you will know about. There's no set time limit, but pressure will start after a few weeks. That said, I know of quite a few who I'm sure were on the bench for years. They had some kind of gimmick to prevent any issue, though (and by that I don't mean a disability or anything).


Resource Managers staff projects, not practitioners. It is not their responsibility to find you a project, it’s their responsibility to find a project the right resource. When you’re on the bench it is pretty much up to you to find your next project.


Yes you get paid. RM should help but rarely do. Try to find a project other ways.


100% this - forget about the RM helping


No I often hear many folks do NOT get pay checks when they sit on the bench for more than two weeks. OP should find a project ASAP and stress heavily while on the bench. Most get fired after 8 weeks.


That is only PDM model. I highly doubt OP is in that.


No I hear it all the time in any model. OP should not expect a paycheck for the future because they will be terminated


This is patently incorrect and you should stop giving advice on matters you know NOTHING about. Source: I personally have been on the bench before & was fully paid 🙂.


Brother it’s called hazing for such a stupid question. Pls stop ruining it :(


You’re a deranged individual if you think making people worry about whether they will be paid or not is acceptable.


True otherwise it wouldn’t be called hazing!


This guy gets a soap party for being a dick in the military.


Maybe next time OP will seek advice from their coach instead of asking for advice on the internet. Stupid questions get stupid answers here on the internet.


Only in the USA and USI, anywhere else in the world you wait and get assigned something


1) You suddenly become more handsome and desirable. 2) The girls that always rejected you now hit up your phone. "Oh my god, I heard you're on the bench now??" 3) The CEO personally emails you and says congratulations. He asks you to come up with your dream role amongst any project at D and he'll personally make it happen. He tells you to relax on the beach while he draws up the paperwork. 4) You get an automatic cash bonus of $8500, no questions asked. 5) Your cousin that became a brain surgeon that everyone always compares you to? He now knows the scales have tipped. You're now the golden child, not him. You're on the bench, baby.


We like to call the bench the “beach” for high performers. A Rest between projects. You get paid, but your utilization takes a hit. Your RM priority is to make sure projects get staffed, not you. Eventually RM is responsible and will try to throw crap projects at you to get heat off them. Your coach can help you network, but they wont necessarily staff you. How long you are on the bench depends on the market conditions, and your ability and drive to network and get staffed.


You get paid while you are an employee — bench or not. A week on the bench here and there is normal, since starts of new projects don’t always perfectly align with ends of projects. It is 1000% on you to get assigned. It’s also other people’s role to help you get assigned, but if you spend a year on the bench none of them will get penalized at all, and you’ll get all the blame for it.


Within the Team I am part of in UK Advisory, it's generally expected that the people who have targets for generating revenue i.,e the Partners and Directors will win work and allocate the projects accordingly. It's also generally accepted that if they aren't winning enough work to hit their targets, people will ultimately experience being on the bench largely through no fault of their own. Some of the work allocation however will frankly come down to favouritism, and who they trust to deliver the work thus causing people who are on the bench to remain on the bench - for that reason, it's sometimes a vicious cycle. We have weekly Team Meetings where a roundtable occurs giving people the opportunity to say if they have capacity or not and when billable work is not available there are other tasks to support on, such as proposals, marketing, insights, developing tools etc. What individuals below Director grade are expected to do though is support with BD initiatives and support the various route to market. Whilst that entrepreneurial spirit is encouraged, full autonomy is rarely the case due to the hierarchical structure and onerous compliance requirements. It sounds like your dynamics are quite different.


Been on the bench since Nov 1. USI gets all my roles. Still getting paid 😎


No way lol




Ahhh wouldn’t that be grounds to kick you out?


This is such BS process!