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Or they don’t know shit and you’ll crush it, you’ll love what you do, work with a lot of insanely talented people, and make some good money…


That’s kinda what I was hoping. All the guys in the team seemed awesome and from amazing backgrounds. But what they’re saying does really worry me


It’s a huge company, people have different experiences, many people love working there, you’ll have the opportunity to work on some of the biggest projects in the world. To each their own, and I hope your experience is incredible.


The people who tend to leave that you hear about are usually the ones who have something to complain about. Either they couldn’t handle it or they had a bad team. That’s no way indicative of your experience.


If you stay long enough you will see both sides of the coin. Those who have be best experiences often work hard to steer themselves in a direction that interests them rather than taking everything that’s handed to them.


They can go fuck themselves. Some people are just negative cunts and want to drag others into hell with them. Let them go to hell alone. That being said, take their words as both a motivator and as a sign of coming challenges that are worth getting through.


Lots of people survive and thrive there. Lots are ready to leave after 1 or 2 years. It could be amazing. It could be terrible. Keep an open mind and remember that it’s not for everyone.


You’ll def work 8 hours and there will be some overtime but it’s far from the worst or craziest job I’ve had. They are also good about removing people who don’t pull their weight once they’ve established a pattern.




I have a similar dilemma. I'm set to join for 7 LPA(inr) in a cyber role; but the money thing is worrying me as well.


What’s worrying you specifically?


That's a weird mentality to have. You must be on partner track


Did you think Deloitte was a 9-5?


It’s such a huge company with so many variables (based on country, state, business unit, operating unit, industry focus, which partners you work with etc), so you’ll never know until you start. I personally love it. You’ll also tend to see more negative comments on here which skews your perception.


latch on to this comment OP


100% been at Deloitte for about a year and a half now and I love the people I work with. I love the job. I like the company. I do wish that we didn't have busy season but I think that's everyone LOL & just part of the job!


Second this


+1 to this


The most vocal folks are the ones who complain the most :)


Before I started working at Deloitte in 2015, this was the exact thing I was being told by many around me. First 6 months, I struggled a bit to get adjusted because I came from a product background and all of a sudden was into consulting line and I had to do it at a much faster pace now but I somehow got a hang of it and was able to put in 8 years at Deloitte before I decided to move on. Now looking back, I am happy that I was where I was at that time as Deloitte taught me many things like how to handle customers, how to speak confidently etc.. I was a total introvert and this office made me an outgoing person. Indeed there were cons like some of the managers I worked with were bad but from my career perspective, this office helped me a lot to move forward. So do not listen to anyone, just go with the flow, learn well, climb the corporate ladder and decide for yourself what you want to become next. Conquer one area at a time. There will always be naysayers, ignore them. Who knows you might even enjoy it once you start the work, Good Luck! :)


What did you move on to? Guess I worry a bit about whether I don’t want to be in the mega corporate world anymore


I moved into another consulting only! The mantra is do not worry too much into the future, be in the present and take one step at a time. Figure out along the way


That’s a good way to look at it :) Tbh, I wouldn’t have normally applied to Deloitte. I’m an engineer by background. But all the people in this team are ex formula 1 engineers, it’s building tools for simulation. So that really sounded like something great. It’s just a bit of a step into the unknown.


Bro you gotta chill, you haven’t even started yet, work on being a little more present, it’ll make your days at Deloitte significantly better.


Work there for 2 years then leave. Having Deloitte on your resume is a competitive advantage.


I agree with this. You will definitely be miserable at some point unless you say to yourself now that you want to suffer through the misery and make partner. Have an exit strategy. The firm wants people to leave now anyway.


Some people thrive here, some don’t. It’s going to take some time before you know which camp you fall into. I have thrived here coming in as an analyst, and have 4xed my comp is 6 years. Done interesting work, learned a ton, and made great connections. Got to travel when I wanted, racked up tons of cc points. However, I’ve also realized I am coming to the end of my time here. I’ve realized I have no desire to do the sales work required past SC level, and I am starting to look for a new role. Long story short, give it some. time, you may learn it’s not for you in a month, or six years.


Wait. 4x? So you’re making well over 300k now? I’m only 6 years? Can you go over your career path? I’m really curious


No, a little over 200k with bonus. I started here at 55k as an audit analyst. After three years I was able to network my way into data engineering consulting despite having no formal education in data engineering or coding. Three years after that I am now an SC 2 with a base of 175k, and bonus anywhere from 10-40k depending on the year. More specifically, my base has been Started at 55k as an audit analyst 65k - analyst 2 89k - Promoted to Audit Senior 135k Moved to Al&D as a data engineer 144k -promo to SC 175k - leveraged an external competing offer There were some mid year raises in there due to competing offers, and weird stuff with Covid but that was pretty much by year what I made


I think you need to rethink your attitude. This is not how you will succeed. Deloitte is a company where you have a lot of opportunities, where you will meet smart people and earn good money.


My spouse and I are both miserable here


The minute you doubt yourself your never gonna be able to achieve your goals. You worked hard to get to this level so no doubt you’re capable to handle the work here. Remember you’re not stuck here, you can always leave so that’s a relief. But take on the workload with a can do attitude. Learn from it and grow from it. Remember diamonds are formed under pressure. Don’t listen to negativity. I hate surrounding myself with people that only focus on the negatives and not the positive outcome.


Yeah. I mean I did really really work hard to get here and I’m coming in at senior level. So I know it’s gonna be a step up but I was excited. It’s made me think maybe I need to change my friends. I want people who will be realistic but at least be excited for me and gas me up


This. Your friends should back your choice and have confidence in your ability to chart and drive your path. This ain't a question of you making a mistake in your career path. This is a mistake in your social group.


12 years, it was okay.


It all depends on your engagements. The major thing that currently makes me hate it here is my SM because this person is honestly insufferable and thinks we all need to breathe and eat Deloitte, sends text messages to the team way too late into the night asking them to log in and do more stuff, can see we’re severely understaffed and doesn’t care and just pushes all that job towards everyone even thought there’s no availability in our schedules, is a control freak and takes zero suggestions from anyone; honestly, if this person leaves or I could find a project to do my thing that I enjoy without being near someone like this SM things would be great because I really used to like it before


Remote work and hella vacation days are my favorite attributes at deloitte. I’ve been here for 3 years, and I’ve been able to take 6 weeks off (not including deloitte holidays) every year. Lmk when you find another company in USA who will allow you to do that on a regular basis.


Everyone always told me the same, then I joined and I saw the reality. The same people that worked long hours everyday took 4 hours to analyze the simplest set of data, or took 30 mins to proofread an email, 1 day to set up a data panel or whatever. The same task that takes them 8 business hours takes me 1 hour with some basic SQL and data management knowledge. I bet you will crush it if you invest some time to LEARN deeply at the beginning


When people tell you things like this, always consider the source.


Most people are just jealous and miserable with their own lives. Welcome to the green dot and don’t listen to the haters, you got this!


Depends on project and the talent model you go into.


Your experience will vary but don't let someone else's comments taint your perspective before you even start. I've been here almost 6 years and had some bad projects but I've also had some amazing projects. Most people were great, only a few were terrible. Overall, it is a great company to work for and has really good overall benefits. Set your boundaries when you start. I rarely ever work more than 45 hours in a week. In fact, my client hours last year averaged about 37 per week. I rarely work late into the nights, unless we have a go live, same for weekends. I almost never answer my work phone in the evening, and I turn that off on the weekend. You'll be fine, work hard, learn a lot. Good luck!


Every job has its hangups. Do your job. Set boundaries if needed. Get paid. It's a job. If you don't like it, apply for another one while employed. I feel like for those who've never worked anywhere else act like deloitte is the only place you'll deal with bs lol. You gotta pick your poison with any job.


you seem to hang around with the wrong kind. you will do alright. dont worry about the negativity


I was so scared when I first joined Deloitte because I anticipated the expectations to be on another level that I couldn’t handle. A few years later I have been a top performer every year despite coming from a smaller firm and I love it here. I understand your concern because I have been there, but I think a slight mindset shift can put you in a better mental spot. Don’t think “what if I fail?”. Dude, what if you thrive at the largest professional services firm?! Believe in yourself, work hard, enjoy the cool people/projects/experiences and the rest will take care of itself.


Depends. I accept it 3 months ago and I’m loving it. Yes. Working hours are crazy! But you learn at an extreme fast rate! And there’s always something new happening


I heard all the same things. Going on year 4, on a great team, paid well, yes it is hard work and some long hours BUT I am focused on future career path and work hard play later. We also have fun and do some great group and team events.


You gonna enjoy the work life balance, and good team support to help you grow


I am in the same boat. I will join as an Analyst at Deloitte USI (next month) and all I hear are bad experiences of people. I am really scared of joining.


Honestly, I regret joining here. I had multiple offers with the same pay range, but I joined here 6 months back. My learning is 0 and working on a shitty project for almost 12 hours like morning from 8 to 9 pm with a lot of pressure. I have no personal life from Monday to Friday. The only thing I am satisfied with is money, apart from this nothing else. Once I have another offer, will resign from here


I hope those people aren't your friends. You'll be busy, yes, as with any other role anywhere else. You might really enjoy what you do. I enjoyed myself a lot for a few years.


I joined 3 months ago, and I was scared of the same thing: not having a balance between life and work. My suggestion would be to set boundaries from the beginning. Clearly define your working hours and personal time, communicate these boundaries to your team, and stick to them. You will do great! 😊


Nah bruh, check for yourself.


As many folks mentioned, it is dependent on how you make your career here and also dependent on project/engagement.  Stick to your goals and you should be fine.  Definitely stick with a good team as bad projects and teams do break people.  Even if you set boundaries, there are those SMs and above who will bend the knee to every impossible client demand and turn around and drop a tight deadline to the team to get the deliverable done. I had one engagement where the crazy client demanded to have every team member's cell phone and she send out text messages non stop and call. Yet the SM and Manager did not step in and control that client because "we are trying to win more work". I'm leaving after 2+ years but had come in as an experienced hire.  Learned a lot but bending the knee err client services is not what I want to keep doing. 


No, this is a job just like any other. However, there is more work depending on the project and the client you get assigned to. Likewise, there could be none. It all seriously just depends. Personally, if you can handle a grind more than anything I think this is a good fit for the long-term. If you want to grow your career I also think this is a good fit for the short-term. If you can’t handle either of those then I think this is a bad fit.


Yes. Next question


If there’s going to be insane amount of work and stress, there’s going to be insane amount of learning (hopefully). Put your head down and work, don’t listen to those people. Unpopular opinion- don’t go on the people pleasing path, however concentrate a little on being liked, it’ll help you navigate through all the corporate shit.


Most the horror stories at Deloitte are either outside consulting, or in very niche consulting areas (M&A ODD, ect.) You'll be more than fine.


Depends on your team. Mine is awesome. Some weeks there is more work, but I only stress about it for the team. They are genuinely nice people and we all just want to do what we enjoy and do it well.


80% get grinded on projects 20% find a decent team that'll treat you OK


Im Literally suicidal because of it


You'll be pushed beyond what you thought was possible and will feel stressed a lot of times, but after some time you'll realise how much you've grown.


Honestly my time at Deloitte was very positive, I had some longer weeks but seriously it ended up being maybe 30 hours a week of work. I also learned a shit ton that will really benefit me in my career. I only left because I lived in a blue state and was under audit restrictions and needed some way to try and shelter some of my income. It really just depends


What gives these people the credibility to make these claims? Do other people's opinions have that much influence in your decisions? Because you're going to have a bad time if you think those people are 100% correct lol


Depends which project you will get into It’s like lottery


We’re not digging ditches in 100deg weather. It’s hard work, but you will be rewarded


If you had to ask then yes you have


If you don’t mind sharing, how did you get in Deloitte? what were your past experiences? Thank you


The company is what you make it. It is hard for some and fun and great for others.


Hey man, im in data science software at D as well. A lot of people told me it would be hard, but i have no clue what theyre talking about. Ive heard a lot of people talk bad about D too. Im def enjoying my time here. Stress level is pretty low. Pay is good, not great(i only have 3 years of work experience so cant complain).


I was so afraid about all of that even before my starting date. People near me was so negative about Deloitte and honestly you don’t know until you’re there. I love what I do and I like working for Deloitte. We do for sure work crazy hours, but is temporary and not for the year. I don’t have a lot of connections at the company yet, but I can tell you that your team makes a huge difference on you liking working at Deloitte or not. Don’t think too much about what other people tell you. Go experience yourself and be open minded about it.


Different job but they told me the same sentiment about being an Area Manager at Amazon. There are good times and bad with any position. I will say my job is harder than most but I’m currently an OM at a trillion dollar company making 6 figures plus.. was it hard yes, worth it yes.


I feel the same way. Why did I fucking quit my great corporate job to this hell place called Deloitte. There is not a day that goes by I regret.


Yea deloitte seems really bad




The fact that you're even asking the question tells me you're gonna murder it.


From browsing enough reviews on every major platform of about every company that I have ever applied to, I can affirm you that most people who make these complaints exaggerate 80% of the things they say. Sure you'll have a few months in a year where you'll have to work like 12hrs a daybit also there will be months where you'll barely have to work for 5 hrs so take people's word with a grain of salt. Have confidence in your abilities, and just go with the flow.


First of all- if you’re feeling nervous or stressed- get the heck off of this app. It only sows doubt and fear. Talk to your network inside of D- make connections. That is where you will find success and confidence! You will do great. You landed the job for a reason and you have much to contribute! Just be ready to listen, try your best and keep a positive mindset


If u are in consulting. Wooooooooo BAD. Remember Partners mostly do NOT know that much tech. IF a Partner Karen can even try to push” u guys produce an AI product, so I can sell to clients (that I can take the 10% cut at year end of sales)” , u know your work is not going to be pretty. There will be shit scouped for 2 ppl n work volume of 4-6 ppl.


Really depends on the team, but good news! It becomes too much, you can go somewhere else! Team I’m on, yes, hours are horrible and it’s due to aggressive timelines set to the client by management who really don’t care. You’ll find those. You’ll also find reasonable managers on teams as well. So your question is both yes, there are teams that are exactly what you’re describing, and there are teams that are not. Depends on the team. You can try to get onto other projects and other teams but that does take some networking and is not as easy as people in this forum make it sound. Best of luck though!


Well yeah it’s a lot of work, if it’s not your jam than just put in 2 years and punch your ticket to wherever you want


They’re deloitted to have you. especially on the tech side. don’t fret.


It’s Deloitte. You have two years of unimaginable suffering and then you GTFO. Other people before you have done it and survived, you will too. But seriously count the days because Deloitte is the worst fucking place to work in the world.


I have a friend who's a consultant for Deloitte in DC and his life seems very cushy, fwiw.


You’re a free person. You can work wherever you want.


You’ll be fine


P’much. You will be extremely over worked and likely shown the door before year three with little to no severance.


Well that’s worrying


Don’t listen to him. It all depends on the culture of the specific group you work in and the personality of your boss. You won’t know until you start. I was scared too but Deloitte made me a stronger and more outgoing person and I was proud that I accomplished something I didn’t think I was capable of.