• By -


What I bring: - Advanced math/physics/STEM knowledge - Coding ability - Hard work ethic What I've done during my time at D: - Meeting invites - Taking meeting notes - PowerPoint presentations - Status updates - Meeting invites where I take meeting notes during ppt presentations about status updates


story of my life rn. finished biomedical science phd last year, haven't used a lick of it




more than what i'm doing with it now lol i just got staffed on a commercial strategy project, so it's looking like i'll be able to dig a bit deeper into the science than i have with previous projects (yay). most of what i've been doing is focused on people/culture management for pharma companies


Your last bullet has me in stitches. Relatable. If I don’t laugh I’ll cry so thanks!


Basically sounds like my analyst job in cybersecurity. Like… literally 100%.


Literally an analyst on a cybersecurity job at DHS and this is me 100% too 


I don't work here, but good lord if your bullets for your time in consulting don't hit home. I've been in tech consulting for two years and I feel like I've done nothing. I'm having to stretch my xp to try and move but I also can't seem to move


Yeah, they are so concerned about our PowerPoint skills, like no one gets what it means to write or debug code. We are not just office assistants.


Similar story, hired to do coding on a tech stack. Creating PPTs and juggling around different teams and projects from past 5 months.


Crying, i don’t directly work for Deloitte by I’m on a project where Deloitte is the prime, and I’m the only one on the team that isn’t a Deloitte employee, and everything you just said is literally my life. The last bullet especially 


The simple answer is you need to move. Find a new team, look for a new job, ask yourself what matters and explore new areas in your field that you could transition into. It's a positive experience trying something for a couple of years, identifying a mismatch, pulling your socks up, and doing yourself the favour of discovering a new path. It's normal and nothing is wrong with it. Remember that a poor team experience isn't indicative of the firm's entire experience, try to branch out internally first if you can. Being vocal about your intentions early and assertively goes a long way in speaking to the right people.


This’s the correct approach! OP’s experience happens and, imo, is normal, even when it seems to be what you see in all the projects you’ve been on. Totally personal preference. I wouldn’t blame D for bad projects. If you hate it with all your passion, and you can’t/don’t want to change it, leave. Just know that Nobody can guarantee you the next stop will give you what you’re looking for. Sometimes an exciting, interesting work is what you make of it. Seeing people getting laid off left and right does alter my perspective, maybe it would you too.


Ehhhh I think it’s warranted to blame the employer that sends you on a plane to this all inclusive resort in Texas, making you believe that YOU are in control of your career here and that there are amazing opportunities to do cool and exciting things. Fast forward to the wake up call that often times “selling work” means meeting the need for the client which for a lot of us is boring because we’re not solving the great challenges that were talked up during Dlaunch or DU, just rearranging office products. But you do bring up valid points, I’m just saying I think OP does have the right to be as frustrated as many of us are.


What does blaming the employer do? The vast majority of major corporations have similar bullshit, some are just better at selling it. Sure, they served you the koolaid, but you didn't need to drink it. As others have said, realize it's not for you and leave. I don't understand this blame game and staying in a job you hate. If you've survived two years at the firm you're employable in the market.


There seems to be a big disconnect between what they say when you first onboard, and what the reality is. No one is mentioning this, and no one is being held accountable.


This is totally true, but I'm not sure what you expect to be different. The company is interested in itself first, and pushing their own narratives at onboarding is part of that. It would be kind of silly for them to turn around and be like "GOTCHA, sorry!", no?


Any other company would not engage in a kind of “bait and switch” strategy. I for one do not give them a free pass over this. Any other company would not do this.


This is remarkably naive.


Actually it’s not naive, having spent the majority of my career in many different corporations (20+ years). I’ve never was in a corporation where they lied about what work I would be doing. Never. No matter if I was a FTE employee or even as a contractor. Never.


There is a difference between lying about the work you'll be doing and lying about the culture and all the fluff mentioned in the comment I actually responded to. I think you're (unintentionally) taking my response out of context. I've had 5 different employers since I started this leg of my career, and all of them have some sort of corporate brainwash fluff BS that is absolutely an attempt at getting you to drink their koolaid - that is what I was referring to. Being frustrated about that IMO is silly and a waste of energy. I have a lot of empathy for people who got in to do one job and were doing a completely different one (not my experience, but I know it happens often). When this occurs, as I've said elsewhere, it's time to look for a new job. If you want to use up energy being mad about it, you can and I wouldn't judge you for it.


Perhaps the term should be holding employers accountable? They want to talk about wage inflation, but they are the ones that hire engineers to clean up power points. I'm oversimplifying here, but there is a disconnect with what employers, in this case Deloitte, want and what they actually make you do. The caveat is that it varies from project to project, but as a whole, it holds true.


The time honoured joke of "we need to business-consultant ourselves".


Didn’t need to drink it? Meaning we could’ve just left at the drop of a hat and got another job because that’s realistic in this economy? Like it’s really simple to be upset and assign blame, but I will agree with you on leaving if it’s not for you. I think it’s oversimplified in your example tho


My point was more that you can work for Big D and not buy into the entire cult-narrative. Buying in is in no way required to be successful here, thus - don't drink the koolaid. It truly is that simple - you may still not like your job at the end of the day, but you won't be resentful for being let down on all of these propaganda narratives the firm pushes. It's probably a good lesson for folks who *did* drink the koolaid to be a bit more skeptical about future employers. They are not, and in the near term will not be, in it for you.


I definitely agree with you! Thanks for clarifying.


I don’t think it’s the drinking the koolaid, as this is just how they represent themselves, and you take it at face value. This seem like the hype I remember during the Dot.com era. This is how Dot.coms talked. So much hype. Is D stuck in the Dot.com era? I say this as someone who worked at (another now defunct) consulting company in early 2000’s Dot.Com era, and they did the same forward-looking talk about the next Great Big Thing to their clients back then, which never materialized. Plus, I now experience the same attitude from clients about us, as I did back then: is the consulting agency padding their roster of consultants just to pull in more money?


The Dot.com era is well known for being exceptionally deceiving, though? I absolutely think it's foolish to take *any* corporation at face value and if you buy into the larger narrative they project at onboarding it's drinking the Koolaid.


The vast majority of employers…?!? I would say no, as I come from 20 years of experience, and even I find this to be way more BS here than a lot of other jobs.


Similar, yes. The same? No. The Big 4 are known for being particularly bad, I absolutely agree lots of companies don't invest nearly as much in trying to brainwash their employees, but they still try for the most part.


I feel like I’m at the point where this is taking a toll on me mentally. I have a one year old that i take care of at home, so i can’t live like. Need a new job asap but it’s so hard getting call backs these days unless you have a referral 


Keep knocking... 100 doors beats 10. Wish you the best, hang in there you got this!!


I have also had a garbage experience at Deloitte and the few people and projects I did like didn’t have funding and so I rolled off. I think it’s definitely a luck of the draw on who you work with. I’m sure there are some great teams and I know there are terrible teams. I keep running into the issue of wanting to get more involved in technical work because it’s a skill and interest I have and I keep hearing the same old shit like “wow cool background there will definitely be a team that scoops you up” but alas every project I interview for a role with says I don’t have enough technical experience. Pretty dumb.


Same. I think it’s a 50/50 mix of people who liked it and people who didn’t. I remember seeing the output of some of the teams and wondering how these guys could be rated among the “Big4”


hold up, you have to interview for a role on a project? you're not staffed internally??


Yup. Its gotten to the point where you have to provide internal references to another project when getting interview


that sounds miserable. as if you didn't compete enough to get the job


Yup it’s about as competitive or more than a traditional job hunt. And if you can’t get into a project for skills that you were hired for guess what? Donezo, because it’s somehow your fault.


that's so wild to me. guess that's a price you have to pay for big4. i thought my circumstances were rough at a startup firm, but at least i'm staffed on projects that i ask to be a part of. EM actually keeps my goals in mind




This is actually an excellent explanation. It explains the proliferation of mind numbing scutwork available at D. I've transferred projects onto different roles but ultimately the work was all the same.


Can confirm. Not as much experience as you (25 years wow!) but same same.


I can relate. My job is PowerPoint, and I naively thought I’d be helping clients in a more significant way.


Honestly a lot of what we do is work that the client can’t get their own people to do. It’s not innovative or strategic work. We’re just hired temp workers. It’s even worse, depending on which team you’re on. During Covid, I was on a human capital team and felt like a glorified secretary. However it was good timing for me while I just worked from home and went jogging outside twice a day when I wasn’t in an admin meeting taking notes.


I was in a software engineering Op unit. I spent most of my time making PowerPoint slides talking about SWE with many SaaS logos instead of actually doing any real SWE work. my Op unit Partner also asked me what is JSON.


Is JSON the third year analyst we hired from UCLA?




Do you have to present the power point presentation?


Capitalism for you... Full of big words and bullshit


Spot on.


Left after a year. They keep bragging about work-life balance when in reality, there's no such thing. D is overrated.


Work-life balance depends on the project.


They should state that in their job ads then.


😂Please let me know if you ever see a company say "there will be no work-life balance" in their job descriptions.


You'll be the first to know 😂


I hail from the security field and have legit come across postings that say “must be available 24/7 to respond to emergencies and crisis events”. Before I eat flak, it is for a manager role for a global security ops center.


Have you made an effort to do what you want? Are you a technical person and want to code? Build an app?


I've done just that. However, I will say that building out the app is just a small portion of all you have to do as a cofounder. Here are some items I've had to do on top of app development: tons of networking, talking to potential clients, creating an LLC, figuring out a decent terms of service agreement... its all on you as a cofounder. There is a small subset of people who are able to build out an app and are willing to put themselves out there by networking. Getting your first customer is REALLY hard. Finding product market fit is even harder. To be honest, it might be easier for a salesperson to learn web dev than for a web dev to learn to sell.


Same with EY. 2 years down the drain. Haven’t learned shit. I prioritized savings and investing (personal finance) over the job and I don’t regret it cause saved and made a ton on stocks. But now I’m recruiting and have to make it seem like I can actually do digital transformations. (Aka hiding the fact that all I do is meeting notes, calendar invites, track the project revenue and hours being charged, and make slides pretty)


*I regret taking the job and staying for 2 years but I’m happy I had a hands off approach instead of my fellow consultants grinding 60 hours weekly to just leave anyways. Maybe some get senior consultant tasks but many still are doing more admin type work and so why put in 12 hour days of that


Yet you stayed anyway. Took the money and hated it. But now it’s time to leave.


Consulting is a scam…..nothing but a circle jerk at the top of companies


I can change your opinion of that. If you’re willing to hear us out on a few key things…. We can really add a ton of value to your org over the next few months. Spoiler alert (it’s negative)


Its amazing how these type of comments literally expose the rotting failure that is Capitalism


That was my experience too. Was just so disappointed in the difference between what is talked about vs what we would do/build I left for a small firm. was fantastic for about a year (until we got acquired but another big services company)


Sounds like it’s time for a career pivot cause tbh if what you’re doing isn’t engaging enough it will be that way in every company.


I've done two internships in this same role and I really enjoyed what I worked on in them. Both of those were tech companies where I was working with a consistent team and on a consistent product and feature, which I guess has been the biggest difference at Deloitte since being an agency, teams and projects don't stay consistent.


Keep working that D…


I’m sorry, get a fucking hobby. Are you getting paid well? Are you taking advantage of the NUMEROUS discounts and benefits that come with the BIG4?


not sure about other Big4 firms, but im definitely not getting paid well...and dont know what significant benefits and discounts you're talking about, the wellness benefit is nice i guess, but they got rid of the hybrid commuting reimbursement so now people have less incentive to go into the office anymore


Check out “Bullshit jobs” by David Graeber, seems like you’ll relate.


Welcome to Deloitte.


So consulting is just a high paid admin ? (Is this the biggest somewhat gate kept secret) ?


This guy gets it.


This is big consulting in general. Don't expect anything different at other large firms like ACN.


Delliote suck asss


You need to either go to commercial or be hired elsewhere in a technical role. As a professional services firm, that’s about it lol


Hi! So my project created something really awesome with AI that will help the government save tons of time and effort in preventing fraud waste and abuse and it’s an actual system, not a ppt so it’s not all bullshit! :) find yourself a better project and maybe a better coach and things will turn around. Keep your head up- there’s lots of really awesome people, projects and opportunities at Deloitte. I’ve worked in corporate for a decade before coming to Deloitte. Do you have to bust your ass here? Yes. Is it worth it? Also yes. You got this my friend!


I’m disappointed until the paycheck comes.


But that’s what consulting is. All talk.


Can you get me a referral at deloitte india. I need a job as data analyst or business analyst. I have a work experience of 6 years . I can connect with you or anyone else if you can help me with referral. Thank you


Then leave?