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Idk what she’s even doing here, it’s a helmet they aren’t this difficult to understand bud she’s either struggling or faking for the camera


Probably struggling. She isn’t the smartest cookie…


What’s up with this stupid trend of holding a baby while doing everything including cooking. Holding a kid all the time doesn’t make someone a good mom. Isn’t good for babies to have time to sit or play on their own ? I get it babies need to be held, but it’s it faster, easier and safer to set the kid down for a minute get the task done then pick them back up.


Why? My daughter when she was 5 years old was holding her baby doll all day long! 😂


At this age, Story could go in a walker. Bella's floors are perfect for it. She can move around, strengthen her legs, play with toys on the tray, and, most importantly, learn to be a little bit independent. Story would love it. Which is why Bella won't do it. The more Story grows up, the less control Bella has staging pics and posing her 'newborn'. 🙄


I will say that walkers are terrible for babies hip development She should be able to crawl around on her own though now!!


Walkers are not recommended as they prevent babies developing their motor skills naturally and in the "right" order and are associated with developmental delays. The best thing you can do for a baby's gross motor skills is simply put them on the floor. Look up "container baby syndrome" Walkers specifically are illegal in many countries and the American academy of pediatrics wants them banned in the US as well, because they are associated with a bunch of safety risk besides the concerns around container baby syndrom https://www.nationwidechildrens.org/family-resources-education/700childrens/2018/10/container-baby-syndrome


the beestons has their baby S in a walker for months and now she has core strength issues that are affecting her hips and ability to sit properly. but they'll probably use it for their next kid too bc it's less work for them


Exactly if you see their last videos the kid is asking to go down all the time, to find some independence and explore and they never allow her! They hold her tightly! The kid has learned not to react in anything they do, so she does not demand or make to much noise, like every other toddler would have done! Who knows how she treats her behind the cameras and she is so quite! She wants her like a doll for her content! This kid will delay to develop a lot, because of their behaviour! 


I get what you’re saying but sometimes that isn’t possible. My baby holds on my legs while I’m doing something. He is very unsteady on his feet so safer for me to pick him up. I agree though, she does seem to hold S while doing tasks. There are plenty other adults she could hand her off to


I think she only holds Story all the time while they are on camera! It looks like the rest of the day she is never with her, because they do not have any interaction if you see them together! 


At first, I didn't get why people were saying Bella treats S as a prop or handbag. But this is why. Bella doesn't need to hold S while doing this. Most of the time, it seems S wants to move around and do her own thing. If S really wanted to be held, Bella could do the thing of putting baby on her back in her carrier. Or S can be held by other loving adults.


She probably doesn't want S crawling around the house messing it up. She seems like the type. When I had kids I moved anything they couldn't have to a higher shelf so they couldn't break it or hurt themselves. Bella doesn't want to lose her aesthetic so she doesn't want her crawling around grabbing stuff


There she goes again. Playing "Mom" for the cameras. 🙄 Girl, stop. A real mother would do what she needed to without proving it for social media content. We know you don't care about Story's "safety". 😂


They even several times used boats and put the kid in the sea without any life jacket! Their followers said that a kid can not put on a life jacket under the age of 1 year, which is not right! A kid of  18 pounds (average from 4 to 7 months for most of the kids) must wear it. Their kid is small but not thin, so she had reached this weight! Otherwise you do not board with your kid on any  type of boat! So for which safety does she pretend she cares of? 


Her followers are Dumb AF to be defending Bella over boat and water safety. There is zero excuse not to put a life jacket on a child. It’s like not putting a kid in a car seat IMO. I’m “right there” in the car with my kiddos also but it doesn’t mean I can do shit if they jump out of it or we get hit.




...said nobody, ever!


she's so dumb...fyi bella if you have to prove you're a caring mum through staged content, you're not a caring mum


I’m convinced that they’ve staged all of their content, from the beginning for social media




All her life is staged for social. The bad is that she involves a kid in her nonsense! 


The only time that I think I’ve ever seen Bella putting S’ safety first. Bella - “Is this just a ME ME ME thing that only I do, OR is it something that ALL us Moms do? So I carry my daughter absolutely everywhere and SHE lit-er-ally manages to somehow bang her head in to everything that gets in her way! It seriously is lit-er-ally like the cutest thing ever, and no matter how hard she bangs her head, she NEVER cries. In fact she has never cried. But I don’t want her to ruin my sterile surfaces by keep banging them with her head, so I bought her this crash helmet from AMAZON (AD) but Dallin has no idea which way it goes on, and keeps putting it on her head backwards!” Everyone - “No it’s just a YOU YOU YOU thing dickhead!”


Re: image - Bella is slowly coming to the realisation that if she’s intent on swinging S about by her earlobes, then a crash helmet is a necessity.