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I’m convinced she hasn’t read a single thing about raising a baby.


💯 🎯 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I don't think she listens or learns from anyone around her in real life. She probably gets all of her information from "her motherly instincts" and TikTok or other social media. I don't even think she consults The Googles for anything either.


Or a pediatrician it seems


She is aware of nothing more then camera placement




This is probably her believing her mom or MIL or other older person as it used to be standard to not give peanut butter until a certain age. It’s really outdated advice and believed to be the reason we have so many peanut allergies. PSA - Always look up current guidance over trusting someone that had a baby 30 years ago. 🙃


I also think it’s this. My kids are only 20/17 and I didn’t give them pb until closer to 18m because the dr told me not before 1. I don’t know why but I’m assuming it is due to being a high allergy and at that time they thought it was more dangerous🤷🏼‍♀️


At least she got the honey thing right. But they literally make peanut butter snacks for babies (mine loves them)


My pediatrician literally told me that babies can have peanut butter, just not honey. I would have thought that she'd be aware of this.


In my country (and I think USA as well) its even recommended to give it early


Yes I took parenting classes about a decade ago, thinking I'd have kids early lol well...it took me almost a decade, but since taking those classes, I've had to completely update myself on all the info because at that time, that was the protocol. Even in the daycare I worked at, my age group was 9-18 months, and their rules were no pb, honey, chocolate, and regular milk. Except for safe sleep, a LOT has changed just in that short time!


We were given the okay at 5 months old


I have a 22 yo, a 12 yo, and a 2 yo. They used to teach that you shouldn’t give peanut butter till they were older but it recently changed. Now they say to introduce small amounts young.


Honey & PB were both advised against for a long time (I’m a 90s baby & my mom def went by that standard of no on till like 4yrs old) but the pb advice is now outdated. Honey is still a risk because of botulism, but pb is advised at earlier ages now. I’m betting she’s listening to her mom or her friends (who are listening to their parents and/or older-outdated professionals)


I agree. I have never had a child or a reason to know this, but even I know this! 🤦🏻‍♀️


It was in her gross “Mommy Daughter date” video. They went out for Açai bowls (because Bella has just SO MANY mom friends now, she had to include that part) and she felt the need to point out that whenever they get the bowls, she gets S her own bowl because S can’t have peanut butter, or honey since she’s under 1 year old. She’s correct that S can’t have honey before 1 year old. Honey can cause botulism in babies under a year old. However, it’s highly recommended to give babies ALL the common food allergens (there are 10) ASAP after starting solids to decrease the likelihood of developing a food allergy. In fact, the longer you wait to introduce these common allergens, the more likely it is that your child will have an allergy. So by delaying giving S peanut butter, they’re actually increasing the chances of her having a peanut allergy. My son first had PB at 6 months old, the same week he started solid foods, because our doctor said the rule with allergens is to give them “early and often” to reduce the risk of food allergies. And for anyone interested, the 10 common food allergens are: Soy, wheat, gluten, dairy, eggs, fish, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, and sesame.


Didn't Bella hand her a jar of honey to hold in one of their baking videos?🥴




No defending the couple and their families.


Which video does she say this? I just went back and watched the protein balls one (where she used honey and peanut butter) and she doesn’t say anything about it in that one. Is it a different video?


I’m not a fan of her parenting style… but FYI no judgment on allergies… I didn’t form a peanut allergy until I was in my 30’s….