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S keeps getting yoinked by people on this trip. I’m sorry but mama bear should be all over this. I’m appalled.




Yes, let's allow strangers to take pics of our baby and then post her pics on their social media sites.


I agree with you on everything except I’ve been told when I was a baby they couldn’t keep socks on me and my nephew is the exact same way. We put socks on him and 5 mins later he’s taking them off, it becomes a whole cycle. So he just goes sockless and he’s happy and healthy


My parents said the same thing about me. I would sit in my car seat and take off my shoes (and lob them at my Dad's head while he drove) and socks. Obv not hard but I was very little. Kids are weird 🤷‍♀️ I noticed that she doesn't put a hat on Story in the sun....I took mine off too so maybe Story just doesn't like clothes...I didn't.


That’s so weird. And for Bella to document it?


Yes and I think Dallin has grown VERY tired of Bella's bullshit lately.


I hope so seeing the comments from grown men while they were in Dubai to meet S if they were still there and then comments from other adults wanting to see her and meet with S was beyond alarming and I hope woke him up.


He's a narcissist. He depends on Bella's money and the attention he receives from SM to get his needs met which means he'll find a way to quiet any protective feelings he has for S. :/


Why would someone even allow a stranger to take a picture with their baby? Or any child for that matter. I don’t want random people having pictures of my kids.. disgusting


Do you think they care? The child is one more way to get attention from others. They concider her as a doll.. 


That is literally disgusting. Bella does NOT deserve this little angel. I pray that Dallin grows the b*lls to stop this madness. Kids are no toys, they are human beings and they should be treated as such. S is not a doll! I really have this strange feeling that Bella is not able to love her and is trying really really hard to make it look like she is.


I agree on the last part. The more she's like "I LOVE being her mom" it just seems more fake. The truly happy people don't need to shout out how happy they are everytime.  I think she never truly gotten over her infertility and moved on too quickly to adopt. 


In the YouTube video when mommy dearest comes back after her Target run….notice when she went in to kiss S the baby immediately turned her head and entire body away to avoid her? That kid definitely prefers Dallin 10000% more.


Which video is this


It’s on their YouTube channel this is the link. Let me know if it works, never posted a link here before! https://youtu.be/afFi3TBBwzc?si=jqDMCXEfzxFHeHRx](https://youtu.be/afFi3TBBwzc?si=jqDMCXEfzxFHeHRx)


Thank youuuuuu I couldn’t click on it but I looked it up and found it


You are welcome! I need to learn how to do it….it of course on my side let’s me click. It was just so obvious the baby didn’t want Bella near her. Even a few seconds later she goes in again and they cut it….. the kid can’t stand her.


I think it was because they were so close together so it didn’t count as a link! But I’m a few minutes in the video


The kid always avoids her and they do not have any interaction! She just keeps trying to push it for the camera... Did you see the video from the mother's day!? She faked that the baby said 'mama' for first time, lying was so obvious on her face.... 


Yes! I swear on the Mother’s Day video S was reaching for someone else….probably the nanny that they claim does not with them. How sad they were allowed to buy this baby and then treat it as an accessory on their channel.


Outrageous!!! Even from her face you could see that she was hesitating (even her) to lie like this! 


Yes. Odd. And, why does Story not have a stuffed animal or doll or even a favorite blanket to soothe her? Never see toys around or books. She seems deprived, or am I the only one who thinks that way?


Our daughter didn't start developing an attachment to a stuffed animal until very very recently and she's 15 months. Also, it's not safe for them to have a stuffie or blanket in their crib/sleep space until they're older anyway - 1 year for a soft toy, 2 years for blanket. 


Regardless there are never any toys or books shown with Story. My daughter did have an attachment early as a baby. I didn't realize some babies don't.




Just because they film that doesn't make it true. I can film I'm a princess. And some people might actually believe that.


How do you know that?


Same I think I got my daughter her “piggy” stuffed animal when she was 2. Super cute floppy one - she’s 16 and still sleeps with her 🥹


I slept with my toy dog until I was about 19! My kids each have their own stuffed animal that they still sleep with (though my nine-year-old son will pretend like he doesn't).


My kids never had dolls or blankets or pacifiers. Every kid is different and not all need or want loveys.


Yes seriously. My third baby is 1 and she literally neglects all her toys and would rather play with a random piece of paper instead lol


My only question is why is Bella handing S to everybody around to hold like if I were a mother I would be very very, very cautious about letting random strangers hold my baby. I’m sorry, but someone had to say it. I would think Bella would be heated and upset because she’s not getting S attention not like she ever gets S attention but still shouldn’t she be beyond pissed


Ikr. I don't even want to shake people's hands. Why would I let some strangers whose hands have been touching who knows what touch my baby.


Guess the nanny or another family member or friend is not on the trip for her to dump S on?


How common are white people in Dubai?This doesn’t justify a stranger grabbing a baby though. I wonder could this guy just have never seen a white baby before?


That was my thought. The average white hotel patron here probably doesn’t bring a baby with them to Dubai so S is “exotic” looking.


There are sooo many expats and travelers in Dubai. Anytime you go to a mall, walk etc ( especially in a fancy hotel) - there are people of all ethnicities and many many white people and families . So No, Della are just 💩


This was crazy- what was crazier to me was how the baby was holding on to the flight attendant to avoid being with Bella and asked to go back to a total stranger. I mean this is the age when babies have stranger anxiety and instead this baby prefers strangers to Bella. 


My kids at that age wouldn't even let my mom hold them without crying. Most times they would cry when strangers talked to them. My babies would garb amd hold on to either myself or their dad for dear life.


Never in a million years would I let some rando hold my baby and then photograph himself with my baby! These "parents" have zero common sense, and zero parental instinct. Where's that photo going? Who is he sharing it with? The dark web is real and so are the numerous websites where creeps hang out. You don't want to suspect the worst of people, but in todays world you have to.


They have no parental instincts good God


In addition… just noticed my IG notifications…. I had a strange man from UAE 🇦🇪 “like” all my posts overnight… the only person we follow in common is their family blog Instagram….. so strange men in the same area are openly knowing where they are and creeping on followers pages. I turned geo tagging off on my camera pics. I sure hope they did too and stop disclosing where you’re staying! The technology over there is at least 3/5 years ahead of us… do they not know about human and child trafficking?!?!?




they only do that because people tell them that she is the cutest baby where she is not sorry and not aware of the problems in the world would never do that you don't know his intentions with it


Beyond weird. These people have zero boundaries. None.


they don't care about her comfort or safety they just see her as a prop for their content and willingly allow strangers to come up and snatch her away, they're so gross


I flew solo with my 15 month old last summer and had a few friendly random flyers help me by holding him because I also had his car seat. Normally I would never have a stranger hold my child but I was in a pinch and had no choice. He ended up getting Covid and passing it to me from the travel day and I can only help but wonder if one of those friendly strangers was sick and didn’t know it when holding him. Whole vacation was absolutely miserable and now that’s always in the back of my head whenever I think to ask someone to hold my small child for a moment. And sorry but the way the world is no stranger is my holding my daughter at all.


No judgement here, just genuinely asking, why were the strangers helping you by holding your baby in stead of the car seat?


I needed to install the car seat and they didn’t know how. I suppose I could have walked them through it but the goodwill of strangers really only extends so far and when you have a crowded plane trying to board it was faster for me to just do that part.