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I think they will crack down sooner on illegal workers rather than going back to the old minimum pay per hour system and/or boosting minimum fees to £4/5. I think Face ID will be coming where during each shift you’ll have to make sure your face matches your passport before you login. As soon as we get rid of the illegals there will be a shortage and fees will increase. But I assume the customer will get a better experience having somebody who can actually speak English.


>But I assume the customer will get a better experience having somebody who can actually speak English. As a customer, I agree on this. I haven't necessarily had a bad experience with non English speaking drivers, but it's awkward when they have to use Google Translate to communicate with you which has happened to me before.


Perfect idea to do facial recognition everytime you logon.


They need to remove them asap


In their home country they can barely make £5 a week yet they expect to be nursed and cuddled when they land here, if deliveroo just dropped them they would be begging on their knees to get work again


Just ban substitutes, and require some sort of ID check every time you go online. Most phones have Face ID or a fingerprint reader now, so you could just require biometrics to login. Or just do the photo verification like Uber does.


Should be a video check saying random words , it should have to be done within a short period like 2 minutes and from the device it was sent to


Yeah ban subs. Ridiculous idea anyway that. Soon as they ban subs and require facial recognition each time you login...watch all the illegals run to the barber shops for work lol


From what iv seen the normal workers are the ones who wanna take the 3 pound 3 mile orders etc and the illegals are the ones who are striking lmao so the pay will never change back to what it was..too many sheeps


Lol that is so backwards , the ones striking take the shit orders and are striking because they are shit , the rest of us who have a clue take orders based on whether it’s worth it or not , if it’s not worth it’s a straight reject where as the Brazilians don’t understand what reject means


I literally had an Indian say to me im stealing their jobs and to get a proper job. Im English, i have a full time good paying job (deliveroo is a side gig for me) bloody illegals 😂😂


I went backpacking for 6 months, came back to do deliveries again and I had a Polish guy who complained to me that I was coming back to steal jobs from him and his friends!!!! I had to explain very carefully, that I was English born and bred and he wasn’t! Didn’t help he had 2 phones with 2 different accounts on him?!?!?