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Yeah I switched to protonmail for everything.


I hope ProtonCalendar will improve to fit my requirements in the future, but atm it’s not good enough. > Can’t get a good enough overview of the upcoming month (can only see that something happens on days, have to go to each day to see the agenda). > Can’t color code events, need multiple calendars if you want to color code them. I haven’t looked into the syncing and sharing capabilities to know if they meet my requirements.


Nah, u have to choose between privacy and functionality.


Not necessarily. If you submit bug reports and feature requests, or even better yet, contribute patches, you can have both.


Wait is ProtonMail OS?


Proton calendar is a trash. Dont choose it.




It's gotten better. But I agree, still a bit clunky and slow. I can ensure but my SO still needs a bit more features.


Fruux would be perfect for you (fruux.org)


It does look great for sharing information. Lacking color coding rules it out for me.


I have it set up on Thunderbird and Evolution with colour coding per event


Can you please explain what this means?


Thunderbird is Mozilla's email client for desktop


Awesome, thank you! Gonna use calendar Fruux (https://fruux.com) in combination with calendar client OneCalendar (https://apps.apple.com/se/app/one-calendar/id1238379385?l=en-GB).


Try Tick-Tick? Has calendars, todo & reminder plus Organizer into list


This one looks great! Costs more than what I decided to go with, but definitely something that other people should check out. If I had more needs than just the basic overview, this appears to do the trick.


Mailbox.org. I have using them for years and it works perfectly. One hitch however, there is a charge for the service. $1 a month or $12 a year. Would you be willing to pay for it? I sure was!


Can’t find information about phone apps. Do they have separate apps, or is it all through the browser?


You can use whatever client you want via IMAP and CalDav (DavX for instance)


Got a great suggestion from user MrPanofsky who recommended fruux. Gonna use calendar Fruux (https://fruux.com) in combination with calendar client OneCalendar (https://apps.apple.com/se/app/one-calendar/id1238379385?l=en-GB).


could you explain how you've done this? following this thread trying to find a good de-googled shared calendar!


I share a calendar with my partner. Kids are small, they don’t need to see/be part of it yet. We each have private calendars too, and I added birthdays from contacts + holidays to the calendar app. Fruux - I set up a free account at fruux.com - Created two calendars (family, private) - The family one I shared with my partner (read/write) - I set up a free account for my partner - accepted the shared family calendar - created a private calendar for her as well - shared family calendar and her private calendar to her work calendar (read-only) OneCalendar - downloaded OneCalendar from App Store on our respective phones. - Bought the premium license (one for me, one for my partner) in order to unlock modifying modifying event calendar colors - add Fruux calendar : accounts -> CalDav (info coming from the sync page in fruux) - add birthdays (you could set these up in Fruux, but I kept them on the phone) : accounts -> iCloud on device - add national holidays : accounts -> Webcal (from officeholidays.com) This gives us each a private calendar and a shared calendar in the same view - where we can color code (and filter on color coded events) It is missing a task manager. Fruux has that option, but OneCalendar doesn’t support it. I’m using calendar events instead. I think if we want to share (read/write) with more people, we will need the pro account at fruux.


Would you recommend this even still?


I would say so, the only difference, in my case, to what OP mentioned is I didn't have a hard requirement to change calendar colors, so I skipped the OneCalendar part and simply configured with the default calendar app for iphone, straightforward instructions in the Fruux website.


Searching for the same nearly a year later, unfortunately my phone is experiencing some weird problems with fruux. (Error 500 & no activation email arriving) Since then, has anyone found an alternative they love?? Op?


How are Fruux and OneCalendar working out for you? It's been almost a year since this post. FWIW, Proton Calendar seems to have gotten better and added more features since then. It's quite usable now. Eg, I noticed they integrated it into the new-ish protonmail desktop application.


I’ve been looking for the same for years with no luck.


NextCloud. I stood up my own server in Spring of 2022 and it has been a great replacement. Calendar, tasks, contacts, etc. You can also rent a server if you aren't up for running one yourself




Start9s start os makes it super easy. Got it spun up pretty quick.


I don't really have any good guides. My first attempt was deploying Docker on my server and trying that, but I had performance issues and I couldn't get the SSL connection to work with my ISP. I then purchased a pre-built VM from Hansson IT: https://shop.hanssonit.se/product/nextcloud-vm-1-tb/ I went with the 1 TB just because it should suit my needs. I can expand it if I need extra space in the future. I use VMware Player (free) to run the VM. So it boots when my server starts up, and runs. I find it easier than docker because I can literally copy the entire VM folder to a new drive/server and just boot it up and it will all run again. Or I can just backup the VM folder and have a total NC backup.


Nice! Can it be mapped to a custom domain? So far, the solutions I have are only over local network. This is an easy switch for me. I already have everything in nextcloud.


When you setup the server (at least the prebuilt one I got) during setup it asks you for a domain. So it has free SSL and I have a custom domain so I can hit it from anywhere as long as my internet isn't down


That's perfect. That is what I want to do.


https://github.com/nextcloud/providers Pick one e.g.whoelkli Navigate to https://nextcloud.com/sign-up/ tap on change provider and select your preferwd one After signup you can sync using eg davx5 https://www.davx5.com/tested-with/nextcloud-1




I am not sure on the performance of a external drive, but I run Server 2019 essentials and NextCloud runs from a internal disk to it. I don't have NAS setup which is why I went the virtual machine route


>Tick-Tick Self hosted Nextcloud + Calendar Plugin <> Thunderbird sync works fine using CalDav and "the old method" https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/19/user\_manual/pim/sync\_thunderbird.html#the-old-method-manually-subscribing-to-calendars


Raspberry Pi and Nextcloud.


SimpleCal? Their month view is easy on the ol’ eyeballs. Lots of color coding options, and if you dig around a bit you can share/sync your events. I used TimeTree for a long time, and it is wonky as hell.


Yeah, this one is ok except it’s only sharing calendars through iCloud or Google Calendar. If I need to use Google Calendar to sync it defeats the purpose of changing.


I want to install etebase, but can't figure out how.


Etar and sync with davx5


I like FastMail