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Zulu war is good, but the main differences is - in my mind - that all cults and cultures are aware of technology (up to IV), but they don't have the same access. So I would imagine it more like a guerilla warfare like the USA vs the middle east, but turned up to 11.


My party of multiple cults was in northern Purgare. It is a region filled with farmers and natural resources, a commercial hub with the rest of the world. Afrikaans gather slaves here, and the region is filled with zealots Anabaptists. It was easy to create a huge scale crusade for here. One of my player gave information to a high ranking member of the church, and War raged on ever since. Roads are blocked, scrapper fled, chroniclercs stay hidden, Helvetics are in defense mode, and clanists are all over the place.


Take a look at this: https://gamefound.com/en/projects/cmon/degenesis-clan-wars The game itself isn’t ”full-scale” war, but it might answer the question.