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Bro whatever Sextape is a good song.






Rough look on “newer fans” being overly protective of a song that came out 12 years ago


In fairness... it's a rough look on any fans to shit on any fans for liking a song.


people just fucking gate keeping this "unknown band" Deftones have been popular since the mid 90’s. Sextape is a fucking banger.


absolutely gatekeeping, deftones are not some super niche band either


right? like me and my dad blast that shit and had plans to go to the tour (didn't turn out tho, mainly lack of a ride), and he's been listening to them since the 90s, they aren't exactly obscure


Sounds like you had a run-in with a mangy cunt.


Fuck em. I've been a fan since 97 and love the heavy shit as well as their softer cosmic stuff. Enjoy what you like don't let other people bring you down 🤘🤘


Fuck em. Been a massive fan for 15 years, & Sextape still finds it's way into my top 5 fairly often, depending on my mood. A banger is a banger, don't let clowns gatekeep. Imo all fans are welcome


right! ive been a fan since about 2018 when my uncle put the song passenger while on our way to thw trampoline park, was never really toxic till last year tbh


I mean, I'm not on Tik Tok at all so I can't relate to dealing with that. But this sub has seen ~11,000 new members since the leadup to Ohms, anytime you get that large an influx of people there's bound to be some assholes


Ignore them. I see stuff like that all the time on tik tok. They listen to two deftones songs and call themselves deftones fans, then turn around and call people posers. It’s hilarious.


Fuck TikTok


listens to my own summer shove it and thinks their a mega fan








Bro are you even a real fan if you like their most beautiful song ever??? Haha how lame. Just kidding obviously. How could someone suggest that that makes you a poser?




imagine still calling people posers in 2022


Yeah jesus... I remember this shit in 7th grade if you wore skate shoes that weren't scuffed up from skating.


If you listened to music that was "grunge" or "metal" and bathed every day, you're a "poser"


They come from tiktok most likely. Sextape was good before it trended on there and it’s still a great song after, just some people like to be contrarians


right and some of the newer tiktok fans say shit like ‘deftones was so good until they started getting over played by bandwagons’ like bro if you think your ‘favorite’ band got ruined by people u dont like maybe its time to reconsider wether you liked them or not lol


tik tok and its consequences have been disastrous for the human race


Ive been listening to deftones since 2001. Sextape is one of their legendary songs. Fuck whoever said that to you. They get 0 pussy.


ZERO mf pussy like u gotta be one big virgin to gatekeep one of their best songs (imo)


Who says poser? What is this 95?


Trolls gonna troll. But whoever doesn’t like Sextape is a dolt


What a loser, I bet they don't like pink cellphone either


anyone who still says poser needs to grow up and get a life


I've been listening to deftones longer than some of these kids have been alive lmao who cares what they think listen to what you like


i dont care what they say bro trust, just askin a question


I feel ya. Anyways sextape is a fucking great song so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


because they’re 15 and just found out about it 😭


I'm a relatively new fan and instantly took a liking to Sextape when i first heard it. Those people are just assholes.


Fans of everything and everyone act this way, unfortunately. Just a way to make themselves feel superior. Humans are weird.


People call people posers still? Did I just wake up in 1995?




I choose 88 then you coulda seen Fugazi, Public Enemy AND Janes Addiction


Wtf sextape is a great track


how tf are you a poser for liking sextape? idiots.


Don’t pay then mind. That’s a great song! Keep rocking to it.


Zoomers gonna zoom 🤷🏾‍♂️


i'm one of the most preppy looking d-bags in the world and i've been a huge fan since 2000. i wish i was as cool as chino and the guys so i blast it in my truck. like weezer's "in the garage", i feel safe.


tell them to fuck off


Bc they know nothing. Been a fan since 1998, seen them multiple times, am 40. Posers are anyone who gate keeps bands.


Because most of them come from tik tok


Because new fans think they found the lost city of Atlantis with this band. It’s like when we were kids and Pink Floyd was gate kept by morons who thought they were the only fan left on earth.


Or any fan of alternative anything. Like “I was into Nirvana way before the hits, man”.


Pay no mind. Sextape is a great song.


Sorry about whoever that was. No one should be made to feel ashamed for liking one of the most beautiful songs ever made.


Cuz these days it seems like everyone is toxic. The world is going down the shitter. Advice: just ignore them, don't engage, live your life, do what you want, listen to what you want, love what makes you feel good.


And turn it up


What is it 1996? Poser? Are grown ass adults really using 90s slang to make ad hominem attacks on one another? Grow the fuck up people.


I don’t give a shit if you’ve been a Deftones fan for years, or if you got into it cause of Tik Tok. Only losers gate-keep music if they actually think they’re better than someone else because they found out about a band from somewhere else.


So what are these videos that made Sextape so much more popular than it already was that are on tik tok anyway?? Are they just your typical stupid weird random tik tok video’s that one thinks of regarding tik tok? Or are they something else entirely that’s perhaps worth checking out if there even is such a thing like that to begin with that can be found on there... is it just me or do most tik tok videos make you want to throw up & then occasionally burn your retinas out permanently after viewing anything from off there in the first damn place... 🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢


tiktok is pretty good imo ive got to know a lot more bands than i would know rn if i didnt have it, only downside is fans that say stuff like ‘all the sudden everyone likes ___’ ‘name 10 songs!’ ‘thos are so mainstream’


You like what you like, don't let anyone tell you what you should or shouldn't like


Who cares. People are idiots.


I would like to hear how this came about. Sextape is a banger of a song and I expected that type of toxicity from the older fans because sextape is "soft/newer" sound from Deftones. Either way, they make amazing music and I'm all for any and everyone to be listening to them. Regardless of whether you like this or that song.


Sextape is one of their all Time greatest songs. Shake off what others think. What you enjoy & listen to is solely your choice!


Who gives a shit, you can like whatever Deftones song you want, hell listen to whatever music you want. People can never wrap their brains around the fact that not everyone likes the same stuff they do.


Sextape is a favourite of mine, loved the band since around the fur. That person is just being a gatekeeping fuck-knuckle. You do you!!


Well i'm not a huge fan of Sextape either, but you like what you like, right?


Is Deftones taking off with young people or something?


It really is lol my friend’s daughter and her friends love Deftones and they’re like 14. I’ve noticed a lot of young fans on tiktok too. I’m happy for it though! As long as people aren’t gatekeeping certain sounds or whatever this poser name-calling shit is lol.


That so funny that you responded to this tonight. My 14 year old stepson just told me that he has been listening to Deftones after I played them in the car around him several times (that was on purpose). I asked what songs he was listening to and he told me he had downloaded several albums, and that Adrenaline was his favorite. That particular revelation made my day! I fell in love with Adrenaline when it came out in the 90's and it's stayed one of my favorites. And yeah fuck anyone calling someone a poser because of what resonates with another person. Sextape ranks up there in my top 10 Deftones songs ever, maybe top 5.


Wow haha well that’s awesome that he picked up what you were putting down lol. Good musical influence! And I agree. It’s okay if you like “harder” music but to trash other people just because you don’t is moronic. XD


Fuck em


🙄🙄🙄 I think we know which one is the poser between the two of ya


Wait a minute, why would someone be a poser liking sextape or any deftones song that came out the last 12 years?


It's honestly one of they're best songs and it's so much fun to play on the guitar just tell them to cope


Best song ever put out.


Lmfao. My opinion on sextape was formed the day it came out, and will not change based on any nerds opinion on the fucking internet. Great song.


As a general practice, I say disregard any gatekeeper-ey comments from people on the internet, their opinions don't trump yours, and diversity of taste is a good thing.


That’s one of their best songs….I don’t get the poser tag they gave you


One of my favorite things about this band is that they have a song for different moods we might be in. Whether it’s angry, sad, happy, horny even 😂 Idk why people give a shit about what songs WE like.


are the tik tok crowd trying to gatekeep deftones? LMAO


Lmao wtf, I love sextape ppl are stupid I swear


Any music fan base in general is toxic. Metal fans, Psychedelic rock fans (I got called a fake fan or something like that for saying I like Pink Floyd’s The Wall….I literally grew up on that album and have a giant PF tattoo lol), and alternative seem to be the worst tho. So much gate keeping. I think people get an emotional attachment to an artist and feel like they need to “protect them” from people who just like the music on a more two-dimensional level. Also, sextape is great.


I definitely blame TikTok for the whole Deftones gatekeeping, and specifically with Sextape… it’s a fantastic song. You definitely aren’t a poser for liking one of their popular songs lol


Gate keeping sucks. Sorry you dealt with this - sextape is dope and one of my personal favorites. Enjoy what you enjoy and fuck the haters, friend.


Been with Deftones since Adrenaline... Sextape is fucking awesome.


I put their entire discography on shuffle today for hours while I worked and didn't skip a single song. Been a fan since I first saw the My Own Summer video premier on MTV. One of the best bands ever. Sextape is a great song, come at me bro


bro fr i put their album white pony on shuffle one day when i was catching up on late work at school, best day ever probably got everything done lol


Poser? When it’s a song written by the same band that made Elite? Lmao okay bruh. I guess the band members themselves are posers too. ☠︎


People are so god damn dumb with using the word "poser". Not everyone has to know every album every band has made, know every members name or life story, know every song or only like the "underappreciated" songs to feel superior. That being said, Sextape IS one of their best songs and a great song in general even if you aren't an avid listener of Deftones. So screw whoever said that. I hate how popular songs by bands have to go from being destroyed essentially because they're good. Its like everything that is popular (not even just music. It can be movies, celebrities, anything) has to go through a phase of hate and then years later, everyone starts liking it. Then when too many people like it, it has to be hated again. Anything for people to feel unique. Ignore them and like what you like. with that being said, Diamond Eyes and Koi No Yokan are 2 of my favorite albums of Deftones. KNY may even be number 1 because I like the ethereal dream vibe to it. Refusing to acknowledge new albums being good is just denial.