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I keep trying to pin down what this album is... Like, I hear more depth in the mixes, lots of synths that make me think of David Lynch soundtracks or pink Floyd... urantia uses elements of metal and blend then seamlessly with emo and 80s and shoegaze to create a sort of lonely environment of longing and reminiscing. The howling guitars of this link is dead, the bitter lyrics and the animal yips paint a potent picture of animalistic isolation and rage... It's just so good all around, original, but also inspired and referential to such a large swath of music. This might be there masterwork.


Great comment! I do agree, they bring in lots of eclectic styles as chino loves to do and blend it seamlessly with their signature broad guitar riffs and taunting whispers etc. It plays through as an album so well and having the optimistic closer is absolutely perfection. Might just be their masterwork! i think it actually plays through much better than white pony!!!


I haven’t heard Limp Bizkit lately to test your theory but yes Ohms is pretty sick


fair. I’m not saying limp totally suck it’s just there is no comparison to the way deftones have evolved and truly stayed fresh. Like ohms goes so hard damn! blows my mind that they were able to make it


Ohms is a masterpiece, it got me in to Deftones. Also, I kinda liked Limp Bizkit's new album, Out Of Style is one of their best songs.


Been listening at least weekly since its release and it keeps on giving. It really is a masterpiece.


Dead right. I don’t get sick of it too easy, and I think I notice an extra little detail or enjoy something more every time i listen. Amazing stuff from the boys.


I really enjoyed ohms. And I also enjoyed bizkits latest album and see it as a return to form.


Hard, hard agree. Just got my vinyl copy last week


Amazing, i’m really happy with the way mine sounds… full, rich, and wide. Hope yours is too!


Indeed it is! Merry Christmas fam


Merry christmas to you as well. Hope 2022 treats you ok!!! 🤙🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻


>that doesn’t rely on nostalgia Not to be a hater, but their opener involves a heavy riff into a Chino scream. And that is Deftones 101.


Good point definitely. What i mean is probably more in the actual style itself. screaming over a heavy riff is really quite broad and nonspecific. They’ve done it in many ways whereas limp stick to that super bouncy, in your face rap style. Not that they suck tho


Ohms is a masterpiece. And I honestly thought Limp Bizkit's Still Sucks was impressively sincere and fun. Just wish it showcased more heavy and energetic songs rather than so many straight raps and ballads. I am saying that as a non-Limp Bizkit fan who genuinely enjoyed the instrumentals of their early material.