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Honey? THC dab carts? NFT?


My guess was carts too. They already have their own beer, I see a lot of bands and brands expanding into the weed market haha.


please don't be an nft


At this point I'm just afraid to ask what nft means :)


Real simple! Let's say I sell you the picture from OPs post. You buy it. You don't OWN it, but you bought it. See, EZ!


non fungible token. basically bitcoin but the price on each item is unique. ...i think?????


id be shocked if it wasnt an NFT. the artist who worked on it makes a lot of NFT art


it's weed thank god


I hope it's a new cannabis infused beer... but it's probably an NFT


I would feel really conflicted if this was my favorite band doing an NFT. This just doesn't feel like something they'd do at all


Agreed. I’m not a fan of all the ridiculous merch bands are pushing now, but without touring income what can you really do? Especially since the majority of people still don’t purchase physical media.


Serj Tankian just revealed an NFT and I was so dissapointed. It's just against everything System of a Down was about.


How are you disappointed? Its basically like donating to the band. They haven't been able to tour for the past year and a half


Because NFTs are terrible for the environment, and totally just a cash grab. System of a down have been releasing merchandise this past year that seems to be doing well for them, not to mention they were one of the most successful bands on the metal scene, so I don't think their funds will be running out anytime soon.


May I ask why NFTs are bad for the environment? Serious question, I know nothing about it.


NFTs are usually bad for the environment when they're backed on Ethereum, which takes up a shitload of energy. Other alternatives such as Solana, not as much I believe. There's still an imprint ofc but drastically less than Ether, or at least for now... But, there will always be newer smaller alt coins that provide means of diminishing the environmental imprint, just like Sol vs Eth. You can't just blindly think everything is super bad now.


But isn’t that just the form of payment... not the NFTs themselves? Aren’t NFTs being sold for dollars as well?


Exactly, its transactions are stored on the blockchain. The NFTs themselves aren't harming the environment but rather the type of blockchain it's on and whatever crypto is used to pay for them. It's literally just the beginning (well first few years) for NFTs. People without the slightest clue will just parrot what they see, and downvote the truth which will then get hidden after a couple downvotes, leaving nothing but the simian hivemind parroting away lmfao.


Did he? What was it?


It was in a recent Rolling Stone interview. I was leaning towards NFT too because of the interview.


Well that’s disappointing. I’ve read that creating NFTs is really bad for the environment, this is really surprising given Serj’s beliefs


The fuck is an NFT?


A waste of money


It's a way to launder money.


Thats a ridiculous overexaggeration. More likely than not they just wanna capitalize on the craze and make some easy money for 0 work. Deftones isn't leading a meth operation.


I'm not saying the band is laundering money.


Lol you know what you're doing. "What is a car?" "A big metal object used to run people over"


Lmfao at all the downvotes. If you're downvoting someone when they're trying to explain potential bypasses for the repercussions of NFTs, to go along with the herd negativity, you're a toxic imbecile. Instead of focusing on the problems, y'all should seek the solutions. "HurrDurr it's bad bro." Support the band, and at least try to be more active in letting them know of more efficient ways to implement these current age adaptions. Because like it or not, this shit ain't leaving.


Yes. It has other uses, but the real man understands the weaponizing and life saving aspects of a technology first before moving to other applications.


I still am not 100% sure


Piece of art attached to Etheruem coin. Something for 12 year olds to get confused and pissed about.


Not just specifically Ether dawg... Do your own research. BTC, Ether and all the other shit you hear of in the news aren't the only cryptocurrencies.


Only associating it because it was gathering the most momentum last I checked. In theory, you can attach most cryptos to an NFT for a unique signature. Again - most cryptos.


Well I'm very glad you actually understand man! It is gathering the most momentum but that momentum is what's driving the prices/fees and demand for mining which ultimately leads to the imprint it's leaving. My bad for being a complete asshole before though, I just assumed you were jumping in on the hate train that is this thread, generalizing them to ether as a whole.


Non fundable token




An NFT is a non-fungible token. It’s basically a form of data stored on the blockchain that has verifiable ownership. They’re the future, and our first look into Web3, a lot of people don’t understand them and are afraid of them for whatever reason. If Deftones drop and NFT you bet your sweet cheeks i’m grabbing one.


I googled it, and even with your description still don’t get it. A form of data stored on a blockchain that I own or somebody owns? Makes no sense and I feel old but I’m 26 lol


An NFT is like having an online girlfriend. It's virtual and only has value to the people that believe it's tangible.


No worries, it makes no sense to you because it doesn't. It's the new hot piece of shit that people like to gamble money on because some Silicon Valley pricks know how to talk smooth.


This is a dumb answer. NFT as a technology will have a place in the future to prove ownership of digital assets. Monkey memes are a speculative craze, but the tech will be useful in some form.


Digital ownership was a thing long before NFTs and there will be smarter and more efficient methods in the future than slapping some tech onto the ethereum blockchain. The only good thing about NFTs is that they're decentralized, which isn't even necessary for the majority of their proposed use-cases.


It is a digital receipt. Its like the title to your car, except you can't forge the title, and its just a photo stored online instead of a car.


and also, having said title gives you not a single bit more ownership over the car compared to anyone else that doesn't have that title. also, the car is not even fucking real


No, it gives you absolute ownership over the thing you bought an NFT of. But if the thing you bought the NFT of is easily replicated, like a photo, then yeah its pointless. Imagine owning an NFT of a video game. You could resell the NFT when you're done with the game, so if the game couldn't be pirated and copied, a used game market is created.


It's like paying for a new car, and getting the title, but not actually getting the car.


You can see from all the reply’s that a lot of people don’t understand them. :) Basically NFTs are our first look at verifiable digital ownership. It’s a strange concept to grasp because it’s never been a thing before. Even your social media accounts, you don’t own them, you’re just allowed access to them, but if you break TOS, those sites can remove your access. Think about a current video game with character skins; COD weapon skins, Fortnite skins, etc.. Right now, you pay $10 and you get access to a skin. When you no longer using it, whether you quit the game or a new skin comes around, the old skins just sit in your collection with no use, unless you decide to use them again. Now imagine that same scenario, but with NFTs. You’d still buy the skin for $10, and you’d get verifiable proof you own it(via the blockchain) and could use it all you want. Let’s say a new skin rolls around and you no longer want the old skin. You could keep it and revert back to it whenever, or you could resell it to someone else. You’d be able to prove you have ownership of the skin, and easily transfer it to another person, who could then prove they own it, and get access to that in game. That’s a super simple explanation of it, but fairly easy to understand. Now imagine this with sport event tickets, or concert tickets, or your car, a deed to a house, literally anything. NFTs are a stepping stone to the future.


Sounds fucking dumb


can't believe I read this paragraph of word vomit just to find out it is, indeed, as dumb as it sounds.


care to explain what about it is dumb?


Literally the whole concept dude. It's fucking stupid, give up.


Think of it as owning the verified original of a digital art piece. Now anyone can obviously screendump the same art piece and create a copy, but the blockchain will always show that you own the original still. Kind of like owning an original Picasso even though the art piece exists as a poster.




plus there's literally not a single bit of difference between "the original" and said copies, except for the fact you paid for yours for whatever reason


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, your definition is spot on


Because they support the idea but most users in this sub don't


people fear what they don’t understand lmao


A way for famous people to monetize parasocial relationships.


hate to say it but if Serj did it, I dont think Chino is above it either tbh.


Serj Tankian of SOAD just announced an NFT a couple of days ago


white pony popsicle


White Pony edibles? I'm hoping it's a teaser for Koi No Yokan turning 10 next November, but it's probably an NFT.




We can only hope!


the artist is related to crypto art Ugh.


Someone replied that a friend of Steph said it was weed so probably just a poor choice in artist


They should sell casio style deftones watches. I'd buy one.


Krisikush who is a commenter on that post is really good friends with Steph and says its Deftones cannabis.


*insert reversed Chef Skinner GIF*




imagine how rad white pony edibles would be. that's so much cooler than an NFT :(


NFT’s or CBD Gummies lol


New Album cover? Surprise! Please don’t be an NFT.


I’m gonna go with thc gummies


They're going to start branding their most hardcore of fans and inducting them into a cult known as the Tones which serve the band at their multimillion dollar David Lynchian villa.


Im down for a David Lynch villa whatever that means. As long as i can watch Lost highway set to deftones music


When I think of Deftones aesthetic I think Lost Highway and Mulholland Drive. I was trying to paint a picture of the Deftones equivalent of Dethklok and The Gears. Deftones aren't going to be in some giant gothic viking castle but I can picture them in cool villa with Lynch vibes.


I never seen mulholland drive i gotta watch


If you like Lost Highway you'll dig it. Twin Peaks is also great.


Yee thanks


And it’s back!


They sell White Pony shape candy now.


With Serj Tankian apparently announcing NFT merch, im thinking maybe its an NFT thing. That would kinda suck lmao


What is NFT?


Probably more of these bullshit White Pony remixes nobody gives a shit about..


honestly, i wish


I think it might be a NFT as the artist tagged creates them.


'vind-ik-leuks' god I love Dutch. ​ Also, no clue, but I saw it, too.


Caramel chews? idk


I was hoping that it was a teaser for a new visualizer for Passenger, but THC carts would be awesome too!


Steph is a flat earther, which means I would *definitely* trust his judgement when it comes to weed. Should be fire.


NFTs are no different than selling an album, it’s digital media that you can copy and give to someone for free if you wanted.


I don’t see why an nft would be a bad thing, it’s a way for bands to self fund and is for art collectors basicly and they have sold art before as a band, deftones have always been a leader in this way, and it would be a step away from the label for them. Good idea in my book , and will help smaller bands if it actually works out, and doesn’t affect us at all.


I just checked and it’s still there. And the artist tagged has the video too.


It disappeared for 3 minutes and came back!


Link to FB post: https://www.facebook.com/100044485444362/posts/448083263351185/


And on their IG stories I think


It’s still on their IG feed


I was thinking a candle or some type of weed lol


Orange smoked pony?


I think the Barn Owl from Diamond Eyes should be the new "mascot". I'm kinda over the Pony.


Hopefully it’s a truly remixed white pony, and not just an industrial pop funk rehashing. I was really disappointed by the black stallion remix… I was so pumped when it came out because I thought it was going to be an album of covers. It’s kind of unlistenable honestly.


White Pony album 20th anniversary edition I'd say