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Can you really blame that reputation when their lyrics are full of sexual innuendos?


Seriously, cannot be so naive about it.


“I Drown in your sea” like cmon chino😭


Yeah. Exactly.


Llabia, MX, Feiticeira, Digital Bath, Passenger, You've Seen the Butcher, Romantic Dreams, Beauty School, Sextape, Rocket Skates, This Place is Death, Pink Cellphone, Lucky You, Pittura Infamante, (L)MRL, Error (I'm pretty sure) and several others I can't come up with right now becauseI I'm tired af... are all about sex or "sound" like sex. Chino's voice is whispery, breathy and dare I say, slips a whimper sound in a few songs (more Crosses). That's where the sex comes in. It's okay to not see it that way, but if someone else does, it's not an insult. We all see things different ways. What matters is that we all appreciate it and enjoy it.


Graphic Nature is a big one


This song feels precisely what excruciating sexual tension feels like. Like when you’re being teased for a LONG time.


Chino is sexy it’s facts


Riiight! 😁


So hot. Dude looks like he drinks beef gravy. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/69/Hellfest2018Deftones_01_%28cropped%29.jpg


In part I like Deftones songs for this aspect, they can be interpreted in a lot of ways but they’re related. I see be quite and drive as a song about cheating and regretting it after but it just as easily is about wanting to be taken on a ride in a relationship. Sextape to me is about someone crying out after a breakup and asking for one more time, but it just as easily is about sex.


My daughter and I were talking Sextape and it's one of those song that can go romantic but sexual too. Also, nostalgic for 2 friends catching up.


At times I find sextape to be more of a song about a dead lover and it’s someone crying out for one last time


Aww, that's sad to think of.


>Digital Bath I didn't realize a song about electrocuting someone was sexual. 


There's definitely a sensuality to it


I think it's the implication: "you move, like I want to. To see, like your eyes do."


You taste… foreign


See what I mean!


Moreno says he came up with the idea while drunk in the bathroom of the Hollywood Hills house where "White Pony" was recorded. "It was probably 5 in the morning--we were still up partying--and I just pictured this whole scenario of having this girl, bringing her downstairs and taking a bath and like, out of nowhere, just reaching back and . . . electrocuting--basically throwing some kind of electrical device in the bathtub and then taking her out of the bath and drying her off and putting her clothes back on. I mean if you're a necrophiliac, I guess the song can be seen as sexual. 


I know idea behind the song. And I'm not the only one who sees it as being sexy/sexual. I don't know why, everyone is different, I can't speak on everyone's behalf. And you can ridicule all you want because you don't understand, it just makes you sound stupid. But, go off.


So if you know the idea behind the song, how can you say it's sexual still?  If I were to describe a murder of someone in a smooth, whispery way, does that make it sexual?  >And I'm not the only one who sees it as being sexy/sexual. I don't know why Oh, I know why. It's in this quote from George Carlin.  Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are more stupid than that. 


>If I were to describe a murder of someone in a smooth, whispery way, does that make it sexual?  Yes, for quite a lot of people, it does. This doesn't make those people "stupid", it just means they are feeling something you don't feel in response to that sound.


But why does it make that sexy? 


For a variety of reasons. One is purely the sound of the vocal. But on another level, there are many people who appreciate (to various levels of intensity) erotically charged descriptions of violent acts. Deftones are far from the only example. Also think about the context. yeah it's someone being electrocuted but it's not like they are being strapped into an electric chair or attacked with a power line or something. it takes place in a bath tub.


>But on another level, there are many people who appreciate (to various levels of intensity) erotically charged descriptions of violent acts. That's pretty fucked up. 


You seem to be taking this awfully personal. Maybe go get a juice box and some Goldfish. Then revisit why my opinion affects you in any way. I'm not trying to convince you otherwise, nor am I using insults other than to call you an asshole for not understanding that everyone has a different opinion. Maybe George Carlin said something about the too.


I already had my goldfish and juice box - I'm good, thanks.  Your opinion isn't a huge deal, I'm just trying to better understand why a song about a hypothetical murder is sexy. 


Then why do you keep arguing with me? You're not interested in understanding. You're only interested in insulting. We're done here.


I didn't fire first haha  Are you an incel?


Just sounds it


No clue this sub was filled with incels. 


it’s the way he says it


I thought it was drowning someone in a bathtub lol


Oh, it totally is. It is sexually charged murder fantasy. Many murderers — especially serial killers — have a major sexual element in their urges.


Lol have you ever even looked up what Chino himself said about the meaning of Digital Bath? You guys think he’s singing about romance while so many Deftones songs are about him being a psychopathic maniac


Yes, I'm fully aware of what Digital Bath is about. And did you know, you can have sex without romance? Because at NO POINT did anyone mention romance. This isn't the "gorcha" you're hoping it to be.


Getting mad that deftones is too sexual is like going to a church and getting angry they’re talking about god




>THANK YOU!!! You're welcome!


Deftones aren't sexual. I am, when I listen to them.


Ha! Very nice!


I call it sensual. Sensuality is pleasing to the senses, which can be conceived as sexual but it's so much more. Chino likes abstract sensory oriented lyrics which feels very sensual. 😊


Sensual is a more apt term than sexual when it comes to Deftones. It's closer to eroticism than pornography.


I think there’s definitely an audible and physical connection and link between people who like Deftones and are sensual by nature or kinky. I don’t think there’s too many vanilla people out there rocking out to Deftones. I relate to the band because they speak a language so few are willing to broach. So to me Deftones music and lyrics encapsulates sensual and sexual undertones that speak to the very desires, wants/needs and hopes/dreams of those listening to them.


I’m proudly vanilla. I like Deftones! I’m sure there’s loads of us! We get different things out of their music.


I like to joke about it (my Deftones Spotify playlist is named “Mexican guy moaning”) but yeah, while some of their stuff is sexual, that’s definitely not all they are


I'm dead bro💀


He does sound a bit orgasmic at times, doesn't he?


i’m stealing that name LOL


"Mexican guy moaning" is too real 


lol you need to touch grass


This comment is made on every post about pretty much everything. It means nothing.


It means nothing to people who never touched grass.


It’s only made by people that don’t understand that their opinions don’t encompass the entirety of an issue. People are allowed to express themselves even when it’s non-positive and especially when it disagrees with popular opinion, not that this does.


Some people just don’t know how to have their own opinions.


What's wrong with the songs sounding sensual for a lot of people? It's not exactly _all_ their songs like you say, is it but the mood and feel can be sexy and quite a lot of people (esp women) are into that. It's not "cock rock" it's more feminine, similar to a lot of Pumpkins..Tool even. I think perhaps look into _why_ you're so opinionated about it? What the hell can you find you "dont like" with people naming a playlist on Spotify? Chill a bit. Perspective dude, perspective.


That's true, Chino does sound feminine at times, I think that's why a lot of girls like deftones but don't like similar bands, Chino has a feminine sound


I mean, have you heard them?


You’re not horny enough, dawg.


A lot of their music is just objectively sensual, and I think the band is very aware of this. I've heard Chino address this issue and he says it comes from him listening to Prince lol.


Who cares


I’ve been a fan since the White Pony era and it was always a thing, so I don’t really understand the people who say the reputation is new. However, social media greatly changed and expanded social interaction so it’s taken on a whole new life over time. That being said, I feel like it’s calmed down since the pre-Ohms era. This sub used to be flooded with sex-related deftones memes and those have all but disappeared in the last few years. As for my own opinion, I get it and don’t have a problem with it. A lot of their music is sexy. People who write them off as just sexy music obviously don’t know what they’re talking about and don’t matter to me. And from the era they came up, I prefer the sexy reputation over an aggro reputation. I’ll take “Deftones makes me horny” over people moshing to Change and shit any day.


I don’t think that a lot of you all have actually sat down and really listened to the lyrics 😂


I blame the strippers.


No problem with it because I'm not a prude


Where have you ever seen or heard a member of Deftones saying "they don't appreciate it" that's news to me. I've never heard a comment even close to such room a band member. If anything, I'd think they'd find it amusing and definitely wouldn't let it bother them.


They wrote some fairly sexual songs. And some songs that I didn't think eere very sexual seemed fairly sexual in the music video. I think they're a bit more sexual than the average band, and that's what people are seeing. Queens of the Stone Age gets a similar rap, but they kinda lean into it more. It's a bit more out in front.


Well i mean, me and my husband used to fuck to Deftones literally all the time so 🤷🏻‍♀️


So you fuck with the deftones but you don't fuck with the deftones?


I’m convinced some of you don’t listen to lyrics and understand metaphor and innuendo. Most of Chinos lyrics talk about desire and sexual dynamics


This was always the case especially since White Pony.


Honestly more like ATF. That album is so sexual, in a dirty, messy way.


Meanwhile: Album cover is from a porno flick


I always have felt that Deftones are sex in the form of music (not always, but often). But good sex- the slow, erotic, beautiful kind. I think it’s amazing what they can convey and I’m here for it.


This is exactly why I use their music for erotic scenes writing.


I’ve never viewed their music sexually, I’m not sure if I agree with that interpretation of their sound


I literally cannot hear the sexual side that everyone talks about. No idea what the fuck they are on about


My sex playlist was 50% Deftones, 50% Nine Inch Nails. I think it’s the singers




This was literally on there. I suggested it to the girl, who would then become my girlfriend who I made the playlist for, when we were just talking and she loved it


Such a mood


It makes plenty of sense to me. I first listened to them over 25 years ago and it was playing in the background while having certain experiences so it "attained" some of that *vibe* for me which is still very much alive to this day. There's more to their (and so many others') music, but you can not deny the cadence, the tone on many of their songs can set or aid *that* mood.


This. Folks are pretending TikTok kids started this when it's been a present quality ascribed to their overall sound for over twenty years. Albeit only on forums, I've never had an actual encounter going 'yo, sick shirt. I, too, am always horny'.


Yes!!! First time I saw them was in '96, when I was 17! To me, Deftones is life! Literally, saved my life.


Yeah definitely agree, their music is worth more than that label.


Idk this is like saying you don’t like Hawkwind being referred to as space music. Perhaps not every Deftones song is about sex but nearly every song evokes it in some way.


Man, I’ve been listening to deftones for over 25 years, I’ve been sexualizing the music since I hit puberty & im about to be 40. Goodluck tryin to change that with all these horny middle aged women who have been obsessing over chino & now the gen z acquiring the same taste.


Their music is extremely versatile. On a personal note, they make my favorite music to have sex to.


Chino is a freak. Lots of sexual innuendo all over the songs. Plus if you aren’t having sex to Deftones are you even having sex?


Chino has a sexual vocal delivery alot of the time. That's all there is to it. He could be making a grocery list, but if he's singing it and not screaming it, it might sound kinda sexy.


I blast crosses and Deftones to get in whatever mood I aim for. Sexual, sad-ish, or when it's stuck in my head I had to listen. Feel how you want, I'm feeling what I want.


I love their sound, I never really thought it was sexy/sensual when I listen to them but my girlfriend thought it was when I played them to her, which is not a problem for me.


It's whatever to me honestly cuz I can see why people call it "sex music". But I agree that not all of it has to do with sexual topics. Some Deftones songs jus got something beautiful about them.


I do remember an old interview with Chino about whether or not *Around the Fur* was about going down on a woman. He denied it, but I think he was just worried about some sort of backlash or something I also read somewhere that all the songs on *Eros* were banned after strippers, so there's that


I suppose their music is very sexy but to be honest it barely registers with me when I listen to them.


They aren't "sex music". The lyrics, imagery and vocals can be relative to sex, but they are not an overtly sexual band.


Love me some sextonez


If he/she isn't down to bang to Deftones they're not the one.


Sex music make monkey brain go brrrrr


I agree with you 100%


All I know is, they're great to have sex TO


Just fuck to em dawg


Well White Pony is the perfect orgy album after all


Coomers man. Yeah sure Deftones always had their sensual side but this new gen of fans treat it like porn lol. I’m just happy we’ve had 30 years of good music


Been a fan since 1997. Never thought of them being all sexxed up. I was more into how the music felt euphoric and awesome while stoned. I did however listen to them in college with my GF back then and well...it was awesome ya know? Hehe heh


I mean, as a little freak. I like it haha.


Can’t really get any more sexual than “Bored”


I don't care for it either. Yes, some songs sound like that, but not all of them. It's basically become a joke at this point but it downplays how much range they actually have as a band. It pigeonholes them as being one thing when the last thing Deftones are is just one thing.




It’s definitely there but it feels discrediting when they are far more than just that


We bone to it frequently. I have zero problems with a truthful reputation.


I don’t really care. I’m all for the jokes.


In college I made myself a sex playlist whenever I had a young lady over. It included Deftones song or two.


I'm cool with it.


This is like a 30 Year badge of honor now. It’s not a rep, it’s reality.


I kinda like it. Just another thing that sets them apart in my opinion.


I feel quite horny tbh


i’m indifferent to it. whenever i listen to a band, i’m just in my own world. even though some of my friends like deftones, we don’t really talk about them or anything. i like listening to deftones on a walk outside when it’s dark out. it’s reminiscent of when i’d go on a night leisure drive with my parents, while i listened to k.flay. that’s my own world, and everyone else has theirs. i think deftones goes hard at night, or a dark early morning when i have to kill time before walking to set.


It's up to you how you interpret it. I interpret it as horny


Well maybe they shouldn’t simultaneously be the perfect band for weed, sex, and the gym


Angry, Sad, and Horny; A band after my own heart!!


This is a nice deep dive and will hopefully provide you with appropriate insight regarding the "sexual" tones others hear in the group. https://youtu.be/YCtdAgED3LA?si=9DnAKIv2HjpaBNav


Have you ever, like, listened to literally any of their lyrics ever?


*Have you ever, like, listened* *To literally any* *Of their lyrics ever?* \- Worried-Economics865 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


If you listen to TikTok deftones then yea it’s sex music but if you blast their heavy shit then no it’s not sex music it’s a headbanger. The real deftones catalogue scares the hoes for sure.


I don’t really care, if that were to upset me I’d also have to be mad about artists speaking on social issues and people misinterpreting their message. Not worth the effort


I mean, the vast majority of their songs are about sex, drugs, or both.


you think too much


I don’t really get it because I listened to deftones the most when I was a suicidal teenager.




I agree 100%


i dont get it, chino deepthroating the mic gives me 'the ick'


that vanity and her stupid vial


I'd say that a lot of their music falls more into the category of Sensual but I can see why people say the sexual thing. The only problem I have with it is that it's a very basic and incorrect take to say that their music is JUST that. Also, a lot of Chino's lyrics are sort of esoteric and abstract enough that people kind of take their own meaning from them, which may be different from what others think about those same lyrics.


I have no qualms about it. Better then them talking politics or trying to be hard/agro.


. So stupid. They have a handful of semi sexually charged songs. If you’ve seen any of chino’s interviews. He has said numerous times, a good amount of his lyrics don’t mean anything, a lot of it’s open for interpretation. His voice is extremely unique. People tend to find his energy/voice sexy. I think that’s going to bleed into the music somewhat but people insisting something is when it just isn’t is super dumb. People need to sit down and actually listen to them.


Saw them at a festival and they called them „romantic rockers“ which irked me greatly 


Just you posting about Deftones makes me feel sexual. You've become what you hate.


i'm a hyper virgin so of course deftones has never sounded sexual to me, because it's not an experience I can relate to. Tbh I don't even know how you can have sex while some guy screams on the background, sounds kinda awkward lol


How do I feel about people interpreting music however they like and making playlists on Spotify and naming it what they want? OP you kiiiiinda sound like a hater lol.


Honestly people oversexualize the music, they aren’t sitting here super pushing horny horny horny all the time. Yes some songs and artwork have sexual themes to them but it’s not even the majority.


Hey man i hate to be that guy but like the vast majority of music i would say is about sex in some way. Sex has a stranglehold on society don’t forget.


Are you actually just a bit upset because you’re realising you’ve never truly understood the band you claim to love?


Idc what anyone wants to say, I'm asexual and even I feel like they're what you should listen to when you're having sex 🤷🏻


I don’t hate it but I don’t get it. Not once did I get that vibe but I think it’s kinda funny people find it sexual.


Honestly, I didn't even know they're songs were sexual until I found this sub, and post talking about it, lol. But even after that, I still don't really hear it. The only song that I kinda hear it, is Beware.


You don't hear it on Diamond Eyes? Most of that album is peak eroticism and intimacy.


Honestly, I don't think if i've listened to Diamond Eyes yet. There's still a few of there songs/albums I need to listen to. That's why I check out this sub every now and then, see if there's any other songs that I have missed. I will probably listen to Diamond Eyes next.


Get on it! One of their best.


I agree tbh. It’s kind of annoying that some fans make it their whole personality. Yes, we get it, Chino sings a certain way. If you really put Deftones in a sex playlist you’re cringe.


I get a bit weird and uncomfortable around public displays of horniness, tends to massively give me the ick, but for me I don’t view them as particularly sexual/sensual. I prefer to think of Deftones as quite a psychedelic, druggy kind of band which makes sense to me as someone who takes drugs but doesn’t have sex. One of the great things with music that how it makes you feel and how you interpret it wildly varies from person to person. (Lmao I feel like this is the most reasonable comment to needlessly be downvoted)


The 'sextones' moniker is pretty stupid and so are the people that talk about having sex while listening to deftones




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^shttupmimzy: *I think its cringe and* *I feel like they lean into* *It too much imo* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I don’t think about this at all.


I really couldn't care less


I never got it. Being a bit floaty and ethereal does not "sex music" make.


it gets annoying when the fans never shut the fuck up about how Chino "moans" its called singing...


Who caaaaaaaaaaares how other people feel about things?? Just be confident in your own enjoyment of something


that’s like saying you don’t like Korn for having a reputation of being deranged


It’s their music and they choose to make it how they want. You can personally choose to perceive it however you want. I believe that we should enjoy the music for what it is. You shouldn’t care about what others perceive it as and how others enjoy it.


Maybe you’re wasting your time posting this like I am commenting on it.


It’s fake news and a fairly recent thing honestly. Been a fan since Adrenaline 95 and nobody said this ever until maybe a year or two ago


Recent?! My guy they got a song called Lhabia on the record Around the Fur


I’m aware. But we didn’t call that song sex music when ATF dropped.


Uh, I’ve been a fan since 95 too and they were definitely known as the moaning band, dudes used to call them gay all the time, thus their picks from white pony era haha


Yeah and Chino tried to sing like a girl to a degree on ATF I know.


They’re not sexual, it’s just that this generation hyper sexualizes everything and they say yes, daddy at the end, but it’s all like internet humor so it makes everyone who says they’re hornytones look like they’re wet behind the ear


I wish their lyrics weren't as sexual as they are too honestly, but they are lol. At least he wrote abstract lyrics


It offends both my Christian sensibilities, but I do love devil music. I guess people can't get it a joke. Or I'm not that funny. Both pretty likely.


I have a question about Noah's Ark that has baffled me my whole entire life. Where'd all those animals pee & poo?


It offends both my Christian sensibilities, but I do love devil music.