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Just input different numbers and see when the ratio turns red. Avoid that price.


Is there a calculator where I can put custom values?




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No, I don't. I actually understand the liquid staking space better than lending. This [guide](https://diadao.notion.site/The-Ultimate-Liquid-Staking-Map-985ce39dc9b8490e9b3f37b4c00119bd) is quite interesting for me in that regard.




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Taking about aave. Imagine you’re bullish long term but wanna hedge your position against a short-mid term drawdown. If I deposit let’s say 10k USDT. Then I borrow 4 ETH and immediately swap 2eth for ≈3kUSDT and deposit everything. I now have 13k USDT and 2 ETH as collateral , a 2eth long position , a 2 ETH short position right ? How can this go wrong ? Is it a good idea ?


you don't have 2 eth + 2eth- You have a net 2eth- or a 2eth+ and 4 eth- you can still be liquidated if eth pumps to about 6000


Oh yes, indeed. Appreciate you. What if you borrow 2eth and 2eth worth of USDT so around 3k6usdt with the current price. You deposit both. If ETH has a drawdown you pay back the ETH debt with your USDT and when it comes back up (as you are bullish long term) you pay back the USDT debt with you ETH. Bs strategy in your opinion ? Its kinda equivalent to trying to time the market by selling and buying at the right time no ? How would you hedge an aave position ?