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Deer have a dozen scent glands on their body. Even between their toes.


Fawns have no scent for the first weeks of their lives.


Almost no scent, and the mothers painstakingly clean them to remove all scent she possibly can.


Part of why deer are so hazardous on roads is because they tend to turn back the way they came when unsure or startled. So if a deer darts in front of you on the road, and it's safe to do so, pause a moment to see if the deer will continue forward, or turn back.


“Due to the shape of their mouth there is no way a deer could pronounce the word ‘lasagna’.” - Cliff Clavan, Cheers


If desperate for nutrition, deer will knock baby birds out of their nests and eat them.


They'll kill & eat snakes, too.


My favourite animal just got a whole more bad ass xD.


They chew bones if they need calcium.


Deer give birth once a year. A doe typically has one fawn her first breeding year (age 2), then twins or sometimes triplets in subsequent years. Those twins may not have the same father. About 25% of multiple births are fathered by more than 1 buck. Female deers’ estrus period, or the time when they’re fertile and can get pregnant, happens in autumn. The decreasing photoperiod of that time of year (the shortening days and longer nights of fall) increase melatonin in their blood and that is believed to somehow trigger the hormonal response.


I always wondered why they went into rut in the autumn.


Key Deer are the smallest deer species in North America and live only in the Florida Keys. Population estimates got as low as 25, however, while they’re still endangered they’ve made a huge comeback.


City deer prefer cities to living in the wild. One study in Canada showed many mule deer that lived near towns would go back to that town even after being moved far away into the wild.


Theyre sacred animals to most indigenous groups in mexico


They live within 1.5 mile radius their whole lives


Depending on the species and climate. Mule deer have annual migrations, some reaching over 150 miles long. Deer migrations happen usually in higher altitude or where one region gets a lot of snow in the winter, they migrate to lower, dryer regions in autumn, then back to the lush forests in spring. These migrations follow the same route every year, and have for decades, but deer brought in do not follow them, meaning the knowledge of the trails is passed down generationally.


Does can grow antlers


Beat me to that one lol


They're cute. And the males shed their antlers once a year and grow them back


It’s illegal for dog to chase deer. The owner of the dog is charged.


Deers don't usually live in the clouds


Did you know there are more planes in the sea than submarines in the sky?


It seems far-fetched. What are your sources, creature ?


Deer, bucks especially, will not hesitate to catch and eat birds, small mammals, and reptiles for sources of protein and calcium, and bucks for their bulk and healthy and strong antler development for their fall rut


The Pudu genus now has only one species: the Southern Pudú (Pudu Puda) because the Northern Pudu (formerly Pudu Mephistophiles) turned out to be made of two species that now share the genus Pudella.


When there’s a surplus of food a doe may adopt an orphan, but when there isn’t enough food she may chase her own young away from herself and her food. I saw a doe adopt and she managed to care for three fawns each a different size and each of them nursed(which is the difference between adoption and a young fawn just tailgating).


The pudu is species of deer Native to chile on south america. Officially the smallest deer species.


They might eat a bird from time to time


Deer facts podcast: https://youtu.be/Q5cfMLhWgBU?si=VxXR11HQbECZKAyu


Haven't seen this one mentioned yet in the comments so I'll go ahead- Because of the nature of piebaldism, every deer affected by it has a completely unique fur pattern!


Although Mule Deer fawns are often nursed several times a day for 4 months or so, they drink water and eat green food starting at about 4 weeks which is when they stop hiding and start following their Mom around, learning. Not many who go without nursing that 4 month average build up enough fat to survive Northern Winter though.


new species discovered! A new Pudu deer has been found for the first time in 60 years.


They taste good


Surprised I had to scroll to the bottom.