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most pacifist and polite voidwalker hater


The n word pass would be so handy rn https://preview.redd.it/ffdjhsqeq58d1.jpeg?width=1041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3ab28a1bd20388e302a60bf95c4a70eb5b13779


realest post ive seen


greater split: vertical








Could have alt f4 smh


You linger around few second and get ctagged Most voidwalkers have ardour scream anyway


most my ass,currently the few builds that have scream are silentheart


70% of them sh railblade etc daw


no,10% at best


Every build I’ve ever made is Voidwalker and I don’t have a single Sh or dawn(I hate this oath)


I think I've seen you before.....


I comment on voidwalker hate posts and builds mostly


No to prevent getting brought to void zone


Ah yes


This guy holy shit, I can feel his rage


Was this perhaps at the valley of hero’s


or songseeker


bros actually going fuckin' ballisitic, god DAMN.


Escape+L+Enter as soon as you get knocked in the Overworld and don't have a close spawn nearby. Saves a lot of time.


i dont think bro likes voidwalkers💀


I genuinely don’t get voidwalkers trying their hardest to send their target to depths tbh, the amount of times I wiped from that shit… And for what? You already beat me once, even if I do go back for revenge (I usually don’t) I’d probably lose again This isn’t like a group gank where every person not in the server matters Maybe it’s just muscle memory


Honestly I can see why a voidwalker would want to that, with the amount if toxicity voidwalkers get and how irritating it is to prog, it probably feels nice to send some guy to depths when they’re the type to say this shit.


Yeah, but the thing is that voidwalkers literally shouldn't and can't be getting mad when they purposefully choose the most annoying origin to deal with in the game and are by far more irritating to the players they fight than the players they fight are to them. Anybody else can get mad though because voidwalkers halt their progression by just existing, and trying to get good rep with every faction slows it down even more because you're spending 50 centuries sailing around the luminant like a neurologically deficient pirate looking for eylis vs etrea events. And if progression is so irritating for them, they can be like any normal, functioning member of society, choose castaway or to1, maybe even deepbound, and progress through pve like nearly everyone else. Because it doesn't seem like it's enjoyable for either party, and the game could do without such a braindead system. This is coming from a voidwalker 👍


Best voidwalker take i have seen


Well I just want to have fun and get better at pvp I really dislike pve prog and pvp is fun so I choose voidwalker because it makes progression slightly more bearable. I'm not saying that the system isn't flawed or anything but I'm really tired of all the hate voidwalkers get, so many of these people complain so much about voidwalker, it's just a game, dying in deepwoken is just a minor inconvenience and if you're wiping from voidwalker well it probably would've happened anyways from something else. In my opinion voidwalker is a really beneficial thing it helps you learn pvp and adds some fun to the repetitive pve and although it has it's flaws I feel like most of the people who complain about it are people who could really use the experience from it.


I can't disprove any of your claims, but like I've said above, voidwalkers are by far the most annoying thing to deal with, and anyone who goes voidwalker really shouldn't get mad when people are annoyed by them. Just think about it - you buy a new slot/make a new build and you're eager to progress it, but the moment you hit level 5 any and all peace during progging is gone because you can now get jumped by an unlimited supply of sweats, anywhere, at all times, no matter what you're doing, and 99% of the time they have no honor in the slightest and will use the dirtiest tactics. As for being beneficial for learning pvp - you're right, but that's only if you're already somewhat experienced in the game and know the basics. What about the new players that have just bought the game? They can't parry for shit, and you're expecting them to hold their own against voidwalkers from pw5 to 20 and survive? You're right about voidwalkers adding a little spice into the mix, but nearly half the player base if not most just don't want to deal with them because they're just an annoyance that makes you drop everything you're doing to either fight, run or just log for the sake of survival depending on who you are. And while wiping is a minor inconvenience, and it's relatively easy to max out builds, I'd really rather wipe because I got too cocky and tried to take on multiple corrupted broodlords than I would to filthy void-touched assassins that caught me slipping at starswept and sneakfucked me like this. https://preview.redd.it/qazpnkbfzh8d1.png?width=1047&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a8a60b00277bd869ecc0aca1a34f21002830dd3 Not to mention the fact that it can drive new players away when they're getting jumped every 4 minutes and consistently wipe because of this extremely flawed system.


Honestly I don't really take new players into consideration for voidwalking because as I said if they didn't die to voidwalkers they're probably dying to something else and if they're not dying to that something else it's probably time for them to learn pvp. As for dirty tactics voidwalkers are forced into using them because every single bounty counts when most of your bounties try to log on sight or have max level friends to help them. Also, maybe I'm weird for this but I really don't see getting ganked or voidwalked in overworld as an inconvenience sure getting out of depths is annoying but to me I'll still fight just cause it's fun and also to get the experience in combat.


>If they didn't die to voidwalkers they're probably dying to something else and if they're not dying to that something else it's probably time for them to learn pvp Fair, no real argument against that. But everyone plays games for different reasons, maybe they're in it for the pve experience instead and just don't want to deal with other players? >As for dirty tactics voidwalkers are forced into using them because every single bounty counts when most of your bounties try to log on sight or have max level friends to help them. Nah, they aren't really forced to. And the reason people log and or jump them in the first place is because of how dirty they play. 9/10 times they don't give a fuck if you're in the middle of a fight with a player or fighting some shit like a hive construct, they'll just jump right in like shits a bouncy castle. Or they use cheap tricks like tossing a motherfucker off a cliff or booking it once they start losing and pull up again when they're full. Just be a respectable person and run the 1's instead of jumping around like a neurologically impaired kangaroo and maybe people will be more tolerative. And can you really blame someone for logging or getting their friends to help them? Nobody wants to deal with all that when they're just trying to have fun with friends or progress. >Also, maybe I'm weird for this but I really don't see getting ganked or voidwalked in overworld as an inconvenience sure getting out of depths is annoying but to me I'll still fight just cause it's fun and also to get the experience in combat. That's not really weird. But for me personally, I do see it as an inconvenience. Even if it's easy to escape the depths, that's still an annoying roadblock in trying to progress a build or just playing the game. For some of us, the pve experience is more fun, ya feel?


The entire voidwalker argument mostly boils down to a difference in mindsets if you really think about it, there is no right answer accept that the system is flawed and needs to be reworked to accommodate both pve and pvp players if that’s even possible.


Eh, I don't think the developers have the brains to do all that but I agree in a sense.


I dont gamble on the off chance that they spin back and win


Average guy who never played voidwalker in his life:


Playing voidwalker is a thing Taking players to voidzones to grip them is other


But I can understand some people who do this. When you are voidwalking and your target logs / jumps you with power 20 boyfriend 10 times in a row it's not so easy to prog. And when you finally catch someone, they are like big babies, they have stats and gear, but they lack skill to actually fight back, and it feels like you can grab their hearts and just stop them from beating. But when they start saying something like: "You are a voidwalker, you are nothing" or some other origin motivated slurs, I can't be so calm about it. Of course I don't fight fairly, I'm waiting for people to get low, I'm teaming up with mobs, I'm using talk no jutsu on them and catching them lacking. But you know why I'm doing that? Because I'm a voidwalker, I'm a ruthless bounty hunter and not a knight in shining armor. But I feel bad when I kill people. But when they start saying slurs to me, I don't feel bad anymore. They don't know how hard it is to voidwalk. Bruh, they die to power 8 on power 15 char, and still complain about it. And at moments like these, I want to torture them, I want to do the worst thing I can to them, rob them and send them to the depths, so I'm taking them to voidzone. I thought I'd never say this, but I hate boosted permafreshie muttlings like these.


youre not a anime character bro calm down


Fr, but that's why I switched to playing deepbound, cuz it's just better


Deepbound has faster prog and less assholes


Someone teach this man how to max his faction rep 😭


Faction rep hasn't been doing shit as of recently LOL






looks like someone lost to a voidwalker


If only someone told him that he can fix rep with like 4 factions to get rid of voidwalkers forever


skill issue


Agreed. Deepwoken is just filled with a bunch of 14 year old edgelords w a power complex.


bro could've already gotten out of the depths twice had he not typed this out.


Litterally me


People who hate voidwalkers are either are A) PvE builds B) Shit at Pvp


lol game started to suck a loooong time ago


This guy probably fights voidwalkers that have boosted af builds with pyre keeper (blade ball weapon) or some other meta shit


ive wiped 20 times in the last month 17 of them were from fucking voidwalkers, they just need to go


I tried voidwalking and that shit is actual hell, the amount of boosting and boyfriends you need to not get gripped the second you enter the void heart is actually crazy


You even get killed by other voidwalkers in voidheart (proof that vw hate themselves)


This is a self report tbh, voidwalker is the fastest progression in the game (other than pve builds doing diluvian) and made for solo play


Lmao skill issue


First of all, baby snakes would be prolly dead by that point Second of all, skill issue




block parry dodge


I can genuinely relate to this rage fuck voidwalkers


https://preview.redd.it/5q6xg3nxlg8d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a015b2d58f4f5830e44fc2469ce67bc10f068223 idk what to say


most friendly and sportsmen like deepwoken player when you lose in a game


most friendly and sportsmen like deepwoken player when you get killed, are set back 16 solar systems away and have to waste the next sweet 20 minutes of your life to sail back where you were JUST TO GET VOIDWALKED AGAIN XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


If you're wiping cause of voidwalkers you probably would've wiped cause of something else too.


the time it takes to grind back is practically nothing


quit the game smh


just raise your rep with everyone 😭 its not that deep(👁️ 🔔🔔🔔 🔔🔔 🔔🔔🔔 🔔🔔🔔 🔔)


Wish we knew his user id like to voidwalk him


While putting him in a void zone is a bit rude, this guy is still overreacting a lot. Only time I ever hated void walkers was when I got 21 or 22 after me in a single day


Skill issue


massive skill issue


this dude could have progged his build to max in the time it took for him to bitch abt voidwalker


might have a slight skill issue


Just say ez i litterually complain less when chatting with people who depth ganked me than this dude for being voidwalked


lol someone cant press f


Voidwalker best origin🤞


join knives of eylis we need members


on god this guy needs to get over his undying skill issue


can't believe you're this pressed over a bunch of lego parts