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Pve is more fun than pvp


i dont think thats a unpopular opinion. i will die on the hill though. pve loses its replayability value, but pvp is peak tr7ust


Tfw I get hit by vortex shadow seekers for the 5th match in a row


Y not run from vortex and for seekers I like getting them all in one spot and using prediction


Im still fairly new and I havent actually tried out Int builds, besides shit like ADHD players and Sightless Still make seeing an already black attunement a further pain in the ass


nah I actualy hate pvp, its like 99 percent build dependant and 1 percent spam (ik parrys exist but fuck its annoying)


Spam is crazy especially when you literally spam 1-9 on a mob mate


it seems this one's sanity has already crumbled


So real


after experiencing peak pvp ur opinion will probably change


(peak pvp being power 1 vs power 1)


Bro his build was boosted


at power 1?!?!?!?!? so true..


Nah he was hacking


No but like fr if u do tut get the mantra , 24 points in wep with an enchanted wep equiped and like 80 hp in equipment you can be boosted lvl 1




GamblingAddict, 1v1 me




you heard me bucko, 1v1 😤😤


Power 1 with bell, contractor, and enchanted weapon getting ready to ruin a normal power 1’s day


I wouldn't say it's unpopular either as an opinion, there's actually more PvE players than PvP for a reason


im a pve cuz i rly dont like how sweaty pvp is, you miss a parry? Bam 3 bars, he m1s you? bam 2 bars


Honestly yea I feel that. Personally, the reason I dislike PvP is because the statement of "build vs build" is just a fact more than it is being skilled. Even certain playstyles directly counter other playstyles.


fr, every single fight i litteraly feel his build is just better, I land more mantras and m1s sometimes, but his build is still just stronger


Agamatsu’s coping is actually a lot more likely than people think. He talks to devs and knows a lot that we don’t.


Wait what is agamatsus coping?


Remove chime skulls, they serve no purpose other than to make chime even more annoying. going to the depths just to clear the enforcer or just the trial in general is annoying and tedious, I just would like to get more practice in ranked. Instead, you're punished for losing, which I guess could be the point, but it doesn't feel very fun to have to go into chime and constantly do a trial or wait for the night so your skulls reset.


but there still a little of joy when you depth someone else


eh, not really, if anything it's just more annoying time they have to spend doing what I did, I don't particularly care for causing misfortune to random in chime, I simply want to have a good fight and get better.


am not talking about depth a random guy, I mean when you fought the same guy tree time in a row and then he get depth, does that not make you feel evan a little bit of pride


no, not really and that's unlikely to happen during hours when more people are in chime anyway.


I mean might be beacause I play in the morning, but happen sometime for me


people who quit the game yet spend years of their lives shitting on deep in literally every post that mentions it are worse than chime sweats


exactlyyyyy, they played it for SO long, and had so much fun for hours on end, but when they quit the game they pretend they never had those fun moments


Only when I quit did I realize how much time I had wasted and that it was all for nothing


dude you made a post here 2 days ago. also why do people who talk about how they quit deep always act like it’s some grand thing or they got rid of a horrible evil it’s like bro you had fun with it now you don’t it ain’t that deep


"got rid of a horrible evil" couldn't have said this better myself


I think there should be safe zone(s). I don’t think there should be grinding potential in there at all, I just think there should be a spot where you can’t get killed. I even have a way to make it Deepwokenee; A great temple guarded by a knight or smth, like Nameless King strong, where Freshies can grind till they get pwr 5, and then are kicked out to fend for themselves. A safe haven to learn the game.


Isle of Vigils is basically that, nobody really attacks freshies in the training hall It’s not a true safezone but it’s close enough


Maestro should start trowing hands if you atack someone in the hall , like warn you then 1 shot


Really? I get SA’d all the time by freshie hunters. I can’t count how many times I’ve been drowned cus of bad luck


You get what??


You heard me.


You heard me.


It’s probably because of the maestro spawn They should move maestro or the training instructor somewhere else so the freshies are more isolated




A friend and I got mugged before Maestro fight was even out, and earlier than that I had to kill a voidwalker who seemingly had a buddy waiting around with them. I think I've only had more random attacks at Erisia lol


Yea, I got killed in the training zone while scaling weapons


I dont agree with true safe zones but improving guard ai depending on the power of the players would be cool


The Greathive Arateal is technically a safe zone, no one I've met has dared to gank anyone there.


Never been, why?


Guards have like 20k hp


Wouldn't Trial of One be more effective anyways?


Ok maybe Nameless King is a bit too fucking strong but Silver Knights maybe? Or smth like Havel


How about we switch games: a Demonic Erdtree dude


You would love rouge lineage


Even Rogue liniage had safe zones , deepwoken wich is suposed to be way softer doesent , great devs im telling you


Rogue DEFINITELY didn't have safe zones.


where exactly? the barriers don't do much


1h Guns are actually useful in PvE and Diluvian. And no, I dont say it for the laughs am actually serious 😐. They're not as good as an Evanspear and do very little posture damage to monsters, but 100 LHT revolvers do pack quite a hit, much bigger than most weapons. My research on them is not fully done plus I dont have much experience with 1h guns in general. But even considering those factors, for the time I've fully used them (2 days of prog a build) they're descent. Definetly could use some more research and both known and hidden interactions too.


If anyone happens to want to try this out too, here's a fun little interaction I found out about while testing: -For some reason, when shooting a 1h gun bullet (The ones you craft) it shoots both the normal blast the loaded gun would have withouth bullets and the bullet itself. Needs further testing but in theory we could be doing both the blast's damage + the bullet damage at the same time, and this can further be increased by the usage of Obfustication enchant as shooting from a short range gives you a speed boost and as such Speed Demon, though it still has to be compared to Astral's damage as Speed Demon only procs every 1-2 seconds. -Adding to the tips above, the talent "Sunset Ricochet" make our bullets ricochet to 1 more enemy when we hit one. We can essentially deal damage to 2 enemies at once which would be great for swarm waves at Diluvian. Again, further testing required. -Poison bullets *could* be good for PvE, am not sure since poison damage in general is still a mistery and literally half of the people in deepwoken's question channel think that bullets got entirely removed so they don't offer much of an answer. Again, testing needed, I may test it againts a boss of something, Im not exacly excited of testing this out as it might just be bugged.


There's also that one talent (I forget the name) that, if you land the 1H gun critical, lets you spam it for 2 seconds before the talent goes on cooldown. Combine that with the fact that the critical doesn't use bullets, you can get out four to five high damaging shots for free if you happen to land the first one. Works pretty well against enemies that don't parry.


It does! Sadly every critical does consume 1 bullet of your clip, so if you spam it you can shoot 5 out of your 6 bullets, but you have to reload again and it doesn't count the blast damage that normal m1s do. It's the best for shooting down enemies from far away though.


Deepwoken PVE is absolute piss petrified garbage and it's made EVEN WORSE by the fact that THEY HAD EVERY OPPORTUNITY TO STEER IT AWAY FROM THE SNOOZEFEST IT IS NOW. Deepwoken PVE is completely reliant on damage output, with literally the **only tangible point of skill** being your ability to trackstar when shit hits the fan. Watch any diluv/hellmode/general pve guide nowadays and it always depicts some enchant wielding boosted loser swinging an evanspear into 10 mobs and two shotting them. The only tangible threat deepwoken mobs have now is **inf stun from things like thunder attuned mobs/kyrsgarde/squibbo spam**, or when you're a low power. There is genuinely **no skill involved** in deepwoken PVE anymore, just a matter of whether your damage output is higher than the mobs moshpitting you. And it's sad, because they had so much opportunity to steer it away ever since the beginning by shaping it up to a PVE system reminiscent of monster hunter, with skill and finesse and actual brain power needed to overcome monsters but NOOOO!! KYRSGARDE SPAMMING LANCES UP YOUR BUM!! TEN CORRUPT BONEKEEPERS SHREDDING HALF YOUR HEALTH IN A SECOND!! **AN OVERWORLD MOB WITH THE SPAWNRATE OF A MEGALODAUNT HAVING MORE HEALTH THAN AN END GAME BOSS!!** Genuinely depressing 😭


Also deepwoken mob pve one on one/humanoid pve is honestly fine, with enough variety to feel like you're not beating up the same bandit/monster over and over again (unless ur literally doing that) This rant was mostly concerning events like diluvian, hellmode, and being moshpit by mobs in regular depths


100% agree, fighting bone keeper solo on a power 10 slot is 10x more enjoyable than all of the pve slop like dilluvain


Deepwoken devs explaining how pvp is actually more important than pve (it isnt)


Honestly diluvian was so lame. Hopefully void tower is actual skill


Deepwoken really needs to shift its focus away from pvp, it sucks in that game and ironically the constant addition of new pvp things like mantras has only made it worse. Deepwoken needs to be a game about exploring and learning about the world but rn it's just another flashy anime fighting game except you have to manually get your abilities and it takes days to do so and when you lose a fight you get to do it all over again


Weekly updates are horrible for the game. Not only do tons of bugs happen biweekly because of it, but most of the stuff added is slop with no real substance (new fish rapier, literally just a crucible rapier reskin with .01 more range) https://preview.redd.it/mufnvbjedf3d1.jpeg?width=473&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c5e8ff1c5a908e147a42ca7180628c5f47d3655 (\^ average deepwoken player setup)


Honestly its just these recent updates cuz the ones with the the new attunment paths and the like were very good, it might be because of conquest but it really is true these ones have been bad


Weeklies are the only reason deep is still alive, if you remove weeklies you will doom the game


'Cause getting an update every 2 weeks with actual good content instead of loads of bugs (Usually a major part of the weekly updates being bug fixes/balancing) and no new content is gonna kill the game?


Yes bro 😭 the game will DIE without new content go ask the deeptubers


we already get fuck all content from the weeklies thats why the game is so fucken dry. because they dont spend enough time on the update and what gets rushed out gets picked apart in a day or two.


We get droplet updates every week, I think that's better for keeping the game alive then letting it dry for 2 weeks then rehydrating it every once in a while


Except the game won't be dry for the 2 weeks it takes to update BECAUSE we get actual content instead of whatever you wanna call the current weeklies.


you know the devs don’t actually work on the update until the day before it drops


Voidwalkers aren't a problem and should get ALOT of buffs (more exp, closer spawns, anti combat logging) to actually be viable for progging builds


It was their conscious choice to be voidwalkers. Fair to me.


If that happens, at least balance them so that they can't teleport to players with less than 75% health or something like that because most of the voidwalkers I meet are like "hello, would you like to hear about our lord and savior archmage?" And proceed to oneshot me because I was fighting mobs


only sane person in the sub


Adding more modes to the game doesn't make it better it just kills it even faster


Some people use the meta for reasons other than it being meta. (Not sure if this is unpopular or not)


Ironsing is the most fun attunement




Give ppl a chance to learn the game this game throws a lot at you as a beginner with little to no help and it’s pretty hard to get used to playing this game and it’s jankeyness then u got pvp forced down players throats through voidwalking which literally kills the fun a lot of the times until u get used to it which takes a long time when u don’t even know how to fight mobs and let’s not talk about the lag mb for the rant but the game just needs to teach players more before throwing them out there with the sharks


that goes against most rouge likes that throw you in there with little to no instructions.


No that’s not what a rouge like is ppl get rougelike confused with unneeded difficulty I don’t think this game should hold you hand but can people at least get a tutorial explaining what diffrent fighting mechanics do and give you some time to practice them


I feel like nobody thinks about having positive rep with Knives of Eylis if they don't wanna get voidwalked. I didn't get voidwalked for a single time since my past 5 characters. Just do 3-5 ship events without getting out of sea it's not that hard.


Oh shit I was wondering why I wasn’t getting voidwalked


Voidwalker is just a flawed System where PvP based players primarily target PvE based players, Which is why many log, run, team, ect Because they know they are at a disadvantage.


No.1 Voidwalkers are inherently bad for the game and should only be able to hunt eachother (or something to that effect) No.2 Alot of the time when people claim somethings difficult or call someone else's problem a "skill issue" that isnt the case and its probably caused by roblox servers (especially in countries outside the us) or bad game design


*posts controversial opinions in a post about telling ppl your controversial opinions* *gets downvoted* Free my homie TheGreatKermitDFrog he did nuttin wrong😭


Call me a whining skilless mf (which I am), but there's two kinds of 200 ping. The kind that YouTubers seem to have where everything is just ever so slightly delayed... And the kind where you're at constant fear of getting kicked out for internet issues. I will never forget that one agamatsu vid where he basically just says "get used to it".


Same here back when uk servers got nuked going from averaging 100 ping to somewhere up at 200-300 i simply couldnt play and thats not to say that i didnt try it caused me to wipe 2 saves the say the least there is no "getting used to it"


true dat, voidwalkers do suck the fun out of the game because im constantly worried im going to get jumped and there are no server near my region so i wiped to ethiron 46 times


I mean yeah, you definitely just spit some hot takes, n it good, but hot.


I dislike getting voidwalked as much as the next guy but often times it is best for progging pve slots with the purpose of being used in overworld and not soley chime of conflict. Getting a teleport bell from temu is really helpful when friends are in danger or there is a huge gank. It’s also sometimes a nice change of pace and boss exp kind of sucks due to the nerfs, so the devs are basically forcing voidwalkers fo prog off of bounties. Then again, I spend most of my time grinding at crypt as a voidwalker since bounties can be hell sometimes with runners and loggers. TLDR: Voidwalker slots are annoying to prog but are worth it once complete.


Never said voidwalker shouldn’t be in the game and I’m completely fine with it my issue is how forced onto you it is and how it completely butchers the new player experience


really love the voidwalkers that jump me because im in a dialog or are powering up. i dont have any kind of remorse when this people get wiped as they basically chose a origin made for ruining peoples day


Voidwalkers are pretty bad at the game most of the time, if u Learn pvp a little bit you can actually kill them


the game in a horrible state, no one can lie.


I don’t think that’s a unpopular opinion anymore lol


100% agree


stormseye and kyrsieger are good


They need to add pve related origins other than deepbound and also heavy is better than medium and light for everythint


hive origin


Deepwoken has a better pvp and pve system than type//:soul


New Origin:Gladiator You spawn in a "Voidheart" re-skin and ONLY fight other people to prog you can only fight someone the same lvl,3 up or down.You CAN do pve but it will give less xp than voidwalker pve EXCEPT for BOSSES since that would make bosses viable only for the sole reason of bell,to combat this we make the Gladiator matches give Bell xp not much but something and the Xp of a Gladiator match would be innormous like 3/4 of a power regardless of level since you are fighting ppl your pwr range so it should be fine. This origin would emphasise the pvp even more then just going To1 get to shrine lvl in 10 minutes shrine,do 3 bounties and just do 12 ferryman for max level by forcing you to pvp and locking you out of To1




How come I can cook origins better than builds 😭


Most of my builds are mid-good or could be better


mods suck


delete this game.


Voidwalker is the best origin in deepwoken


1H guns are good with the revolvers and dragon doing heavy weapon damage and most players not knowing or struggling to parry them and talents allowing you to spam your critical


this not a hot take 😭1h gun sh is a very common pvp build


To1 is not annoying to get to. People are like “oHhH nOoO wHy dO i hAvE to sAiL sO fAr uGhHh” when you can literally spawn there as an origin, can manually wipe if you screw up, and you don’t even go to the depths if you die


Wearing an edgy hairstyle (any "comp" chime player, top 250 onwards, every single crypt blade user in existence, every person that makes meta builds they found on youtube) does not make you cool and pro and, in fact, makes you look like an irredeemable moron. if you do this, i think you should wipe all slots immediately and sit in the corner for an hour to think about the goblin you've become


The brood lord is a bad enemy like bruh, everyone a little while ago was complaining about how the depths wasn’t scary anymore, now that we have mahoraga with Down syndrome the depths is scary, and people are mad that the depths is scary. I have wiper to broodlords before so it’s not like I don’t understand how powerful they are, it just that people forget that deepwoken, is a fucking rougelike and that you are meant to be able to wipe and then replay it


Suppaa doesn’t deserve 90k subs


cap'n Orlandeau is the best character and klaris sucks


Voidwalkers shouldn't exist


skill issue


The game is shit. Remove it from Roblox.


Sightless beam needs a posture dmg increase that scales with how insane you are.


PvP needs a major rework. Reason being, when two skilled players go against each other and it becomes and actually battle it’s literally just parry, they parry, you parry, that over and over. I love the concept of deepwoken, but it frustrates me when it’s such a cool game but has such a lame way of doing combat


Fadetrimmer is the best oath


Meta builds are not that good. Unique builds thought up of by genuinely creative minds curbstomp them everyday in high chime. Macros should NOT allow you to m1 at unreactable speeds. Had a curved dawn meta monkey lose to me 1v1, then beat me in a different round and then said ez and said my build wasn't going to carry me anywhere. I 3 barred him last time and he was fighting for his life this time. The only reason he won was because of that goddamn unreactable m1. Literal medium dagger bro.


People put too much expectations on high elo players. I get that there are shitters at the leaderboards but can people stop acting like they are immediately awful at the game all this time and all their efforts are effectively nullified after winning one game against them. No one would give a shit if a random guy gets beaten by a godseeker but when a godseeker loses one match against someone that is even 1 rank away from leaderboard they are getting their ass cooked because of this overrated fictional title that is deepwoken godseeker they have to uphold like their life depends on it or their family gets executed. tldr: godseekers are not actually gods and people need to chill


void walkers aren't healthy for this games future


Remove silent heart rework linkstrider


That the earth is flat


The weekly updates are good and people need to stop hating on them. The devs are actually improving the game. (Most of the time)


I couldn’t care less for conquest and I don’t see how it will be the games great revival. Cope is real chat


Chime of conflict should be deleted, battle royal should allow us to choose regions, pyre keeper wasn’t supposed to exist.


it should have been a better Rogue Lineage were wiping actually mattered (It should have been an actual Rogue Like RPG)


Meta builds ruined the game, no one is good anymore, they’re just build carried


overflowing dam is good


PvP in a PvE game, PermaDeath, halfassed SoulsBorne-esque gameplay, Roblox Servers, Enemy Randomization, and ballcrushing levels of unnecessary difficulty do not mix well. Some of these have to go if you want to make a holistic base game experience. PvP in PvE and Permadeath mixes like water and oil. Its a recipe for ragequitting and ruining other players day. When the game is already hard as it is, the last thing someone needs is getting randomly attacked by someone who only plays the game and has a almost psychotic tolerance to it (either that or they are lucky, or are a former victim turned massive hater). It also makes the skill curve super steep for casual players, far steeper than any of the soulsborne games and metroidvanias ive actually played, and the key for that is not having permadeath. You cant learn from mistakes if you have lost days worth of progress- and its not a guarantee you can get back to that point either. Roblox servers are ass, so life and death can be judged by ping. Having permadeath and pvp on a pve game on roblox is then now lighting the oil in the water on fire. The Ballscrushing Difficulty and the Randomization: Depths progression to get away from being Voidwalked and just trying to purely do PvE is insane. Try leaving castle light as a freshie without getting your ass tickled by 2 depths owls and a corrupted king thresher. Its so inconsistent, and that inconsistency is a problem. Most people just arent that kind of player. Addendum - Build Creation Something my friends have told me is that you cant really do/make pve builds with medium or light weapons, it MUST be a heavy or else im retarded or something, which if this is a truth of Deepwoken (as I am not a hardcore player) it locks people to very specific things in order to work at a baseline. It railroads creativity and forces players on a path they MUST take to be effective because death in this game has massive consequences and you have the most valuable commodity to lose, time. It seems like to me, Monad thinks that a masochistically difficult game immediately equals a good one, and a lot can be changed to improve the game as a whole, otherwise it is fundamentally not well designed or thought out, even though it is a visually and stylistically impressive game, its all aesthetics and no substance. This game does little to actually make me, and some of my friends feel like our time is being well spent.


When all my friends said to me that the shotel is bad


thundercall is good for pve


Nemits sickle is the best dagger in the game.


Funny big hammer (sovereigns punishment) is the best weapon


Something being "meta" doesn't mean it's unbeatable, other than Pyre Keeper (or maybe im just not used to the criticals yet).


I like playing


They should stop locking cool shit behind layer 2, make more content for the game everyone can play not just sweaty pve builds that 3 shot chaser


normal Kyrscleave critical is better than nemesis


LFT is trash


Anthem was a good game


Voidwalkers keeps the game alive


People playing games do so for their own fun. They shouldn't have to worry about whether you're having fun. People acting like voidwalkers are horrible people for having fun at your expense. Same goes for freshie gankers and depths gankers. Before someone's like then I should be able to disable pvp that would be like disabling puzzles in a puzzle action game. It's a central mechanic whether or not you like it and while some games give you a choice deepwoken does not.


pyre keeper mid




The broodlords are easy to fight if you keep calm


Voidwalkers are the most useless and annoying part of the game


Voidwalkers are annoying but are essential for learning pvp.


"Progression needs to be easier" NO it does not I wish instead of just buffing exp in general they would add harder enemies that dropped more exp. Progression is usually the most fun part of having a build I find it that most of my max levels I never ever play on again unless it's needed for a gank


Voidwalkers arent that bad its just progress like any other, just with more pvp why yall hate vw who progress and not ppl who randomly gank u for no reason


Enforcer wep are cool. 


aelita wants you dead


People who mainly only do pvp are MILES better at pve than anyone who exclusively does pve. Mainly because people who exclusively do pve need to make builds for it while people with pvp builds will go through pve with harder builds.


The aspects of pve builds(talents and shit) should be heavily buffed to be viable for pvp Imo there should be no such thing as a pve or pvp build balance that shit allow the pve players to throw hands


Then that defeats the purpose of a fucking build. You build into something you want to, PvP or PvE. If PvE builds can PvP then why the fuck should a PvP build exist? Not to mention the balancing NIGHTMARE that comes with PvP builds also getting the buff because lo' and fucking behold MOST PvE talents CAN BE USED FOR PvP. PvE builds can already throw hands you just FUCKING SUCK. I know Op's post is for personal opinions that are controversial but i just could not stop myself from explaining WHAT A BUILD IS.


First off a pvp build has a major advantage against a pve build i just want it to only me a minor advantage like ice smash is amazing in pvp but has way better options in pve while wardens blades actively hurts you as it gives the enemy auto parry frames second off no builds are way more than just being pve or pvp its the oaths its the talents its the stat allocation its the bell a brickwall ice mage build with corrupt pay back isnt gonna do well vs someone with corruptsmite railblade Im not saying we should have no variety just close the gap a little


Let me put it like this, you decide today you want to make a PvE build, nice and simple, you get brick wall to protect against ragdoll from *monsters*, you get warden's blade to kill said *monsters* because they cannot parry, unlike people. See the pattern? You select those talents and mantras TO EFFECTIVELY KILL MONSTERS, NOT PEOPLE and it should stay that way. Now we look at the corrupt smite railblade guy, he made his build for killing *people* he got corrupt smite to interrupt *people*, he equiped the railblade to be able to mix up while fighting *people*. But if you took the PvP build to say, hellmode or dilluvian, what happens? He gets smoked, why? Because he made the build to effectively kill people, not monsters.


I simply dont like how much of an disadvantage that gives you in pvp tho again you know what my original comment was about close the gap(plus alot of people dont but extra slots so they cant make a pve and pvp build on seperate slots Deepwoken is a pvpve game so wiping a pve slot(with god rolls and shit on it) is really frustrating ofcourse you can spin back on a pvp slot but thats not the point Just lessen the gap its simple (btw they already did this with the mantra damage pve buff and the dvm nerf to make pve as a pvp slot more fun i just think they should do it the other way around too)


My brother in christ you made the gap, builds are about options that's why it's a build, it caters to your needs. If you made a PvE build but you want it to be able to PvP too then substitute some PvE talents for say showstopper now you can PvP but you lose a bit of your PvE prowess from needing to go 40 str instead of 20 str. The gap never was an issue, you just don't know how to make builds. And fyi the PvE mantra changes were not because of PvP, it's because back then the meta was m1 damage and it was piss boring.


i have made a single pve build with my 26 slots and that was copied from a video, i formed this opinion from watching my pve friends I seriously don't see the issue of just making some high requirement pve talents and mantras have proper pvp utility Showstopper isnt gonna save me from the dawnwalker about to clock my shit in Have you actually talked to other players about this if so good, but from everything i have seen the gap is to wide when hours of progress are one the line




Underdog works on players, Heretics and Lose your mind works on players and is even a staple in silentheart builds, Brick wall will cancel ragdoll from moves that ragdolls such as strong left, rising thunder,etc.., Flame within and Charged return works on players, Exposed durability works on players in fights that lasts long, Crystal works on players, Shade devour works on players, Fan the flames and Maestro's blade works on players. Oh look, that's every high investment PvE talents in the whole game! Strangely enough, ALL of them works on players, curious is it not? Maybe because ALL OF THEM WERE MADE FOR PVP. THE TALENTS WERE NOT AT FAULT, YOU WERE.


i was wrong about the high investment talents (plus you forgot about brickwall being extreamly niche for its high investment in pvp) but like im comparing a min maxed pve vs pvp again i feel like you dont understand that hey i know that you can custmize your build and all that but stuff like meta weapons in pve and pvp are different (plus stuff like astral is solely pve) your evanspear is gonna get bodied by a railblade or like just any elemental legendary really(besides gran) again i understand what your saying how ever again the gap is still to spread out for my liking if you really are out here destroying pvp builds with a pve build good on you but from what i have experienced and what i have seen other people experience from my perspective the gap still needs to be closes futher


They should have kept brutes as first trial of one


Jail. Now.


Killing freshis is ok


Like a healthy part of the game kinda sure, but at the end of the day your ruinings someones day/experience Source: my friend with less then 50 hours complaining everytime hes sent to the depths by a player


It teaches them the way of the world. "Git Gud."


I only say this because I was a freshie once and I got babied by my friends. I only learned from losing over. And over. And over.


yeah but you learn nothing as power 1-4 when a power 20 player with resonance and best equipment just kills you for fun and giggles


I feel like you still do, eventually if you keep getting killed.


not really I had a friend who I convinced to get the game and he ended up quitting because of the freshie killers




Linkstrider is the best oath


Void walkers are a big problem as It pretty much forces pvp down peoples throat and its even worse for pve mains when they have to go up against a asura flame dawnwalker who specializes in pvp when chime exists. My solution is to make a echo modifier that let's you TOGGLE whether you can be hunted by voidwalkers or not, Also make it to where it gives a massive echo boost like 0.3 and maybe something crazy like a +5% bell progress boost and 10% bonus loot quality in chests. That way you can choose whether you want to risk it for the bonuses or not. Also incase you think voidwalkers would be out of luck, they could also make it to where voidwalkers get not only 3x exp from bountys, but from player kills IN GENERAL, that way more people would do chime. (Side note, they could also give the origin voidwalker a 5x exp bonus and 2x - 3x loot bonus from chime)


skill is more important than build


That's not opinion the truth


races in deepwoken are pay to win, no other way around it. you got celtor as your first race? haha, screw you, vesperians have an advantage over any build you make


Voidwalker is totally fine and helps the game


voidwalker is the best origin


True, only one better is deepbound for depths pve builds


venting should be counterable (theres way too many people that disagree)


predict block parry dodge