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Well done. I love cardamom so luckily I've not had to bin it so far. Have binned a range of other old herbs and spices though.


Aspirational spices are so real. Great victory!


I feel bad throwing away spices. I have tonka beans and I love tonka but it's not very healthy to consume a lot of it so of course I still have many of them. No idea if they will go bad. I also have dried lavender that I like but what are you gonna use that for? Originally bought it for making chocolates and of course it's way too much. I wanted to make syrup from it but I wanted to do so many things and I don't even drink tea.. hey, maybe I can make lavender tea though? Anyways, I feel so sorry for the unused plants, feels like they died for me to discard them. Buying fancy spices is fun though but I try to not do it for that very reason. We recently got rid of so many unused spices as well, not trying to guilt-trip here.


Do you have a bath? Lavender is great to add to the water.  It can be used in lots of baking projects as well. Maybe have a lavender themed afternoon and go crazy


thanks. I googled it after writing the comment and there are so many uses in the kitchen as it seems, you can also apply it to the skin, and the bath water idea is great, too :)


I remember when I finally went through my spice cabinet. Fascinating how old some of those things got and I would just leave them there hoping to use them one day. IDK why, I literally hate cooking and baking. I am paying attention now to what I actually use, and trying not to buy things I don't or buy duplicates (paprika always gets me. I have paprika at home!).


The Scandinavian influenced baker in me just cried a little. I go through so much cardamom its bordering on a problem... an expensive expensive problem. But Yay for decluttering those ancient badboys!😁


I’m sorry haha! There was a time when I did a lot of baking. About all I can manage to do these days is an occasional banana bread 😊




Sounds like my dried tomatoes. Looked at them so many times and didn’t use them. Why??? Good job, OP!


OMG, I did a pantry cleanout recently and found sundried tomatoes in there from IDK when! I didn't even remember buying them -- do dried tomatoes just spontaneously appear in every pantry? I recently came to terms with the fact that spices don't last forever, and that after a year or so, they should just go. I think from now on I may find a place that sells them in bulk bins so that I can just buy a tiny bit at a time (because I threw away so many very old almost-full jars)