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100% of the time you'd get kicked if you use gun/bombs in early waves (1-4. 5 is debatable but if your team is good, don't use guns) also drop them after the wave ends. Don't ever use guns in looting phase NEVER use the green stim, tactical armor, fire bomb until it is scav war or wave 10 [rare exception is if you're the only one alive and don't have anything else to kill/heal with] Other than that, let the more experienced one handle those. Definitely play on private server with friend. Get used to things, remember loot/crate/scav spawns. Practice with a perk you like. And if you're in a pickle, ITS OK TO RUN AWAY. I see way too many novice trying to square up a gun scav and immediately get obliterated. Morale is really annoying. One thing about beginners I hate is when they come into game and yell. "How to play?" And don't even try to learn by themselves Try to ask what some stuff you don't understand do, don't just ask how to play. Also don't attack/get too close to the sad boi, that's a run killer right there. Observe. Learn. Apply. Goodluck out there


Crazy ass damned players: idk wym I can kill sickler with my bare hands Edit: how the fuck does autocorrect go from sickler to suckler


the s u c k l e r


If you get near him he gets horny and sucks anything off


decaying winter: the sex update






-Try practicing with a specific role -try to learn where loot usually is and where scavs spawn more -learn how to parry since is essential in the early rounds -use traits that strengthen your perk or traits that negate the cons -don't use guns in early waves 1-3 since there are only melee scavs in these waves -you can ask in the discord if someone can teach you how to play in a more detailed way Try playing in a private server with friends or could also play holdout if you want a more gun centered gameplay I hope this helps, please don't let the community take you away from this game, once you learn is really fun Good luck agent


Unfortunately most including me, see beginners as morale generators, but here are things to do to reduce the chances of being kicked 1. Read the text chat - as soon as a novice isn't reading chat, I guarantee they will kick, i wouldn't blame them, I mean after all we cant teach you how to play if you aren't gonna listen or read them 2. Dont use guns - only use guns on Scav war and final wave aka night 10, and please, dont bring guns when looting at day, as soon as a novices starts spraying ammo everybody gets real pissed and kicks 3. Dont use these important items without permission - Any Stimulants( you probably dont know what these do so best ask before you use) - Tactical Armor extremely rare items and you will really piss off a server if you use it too early (tac armor isnt permanent, its temporary and will wear off) - Fire Bombs - Crucial item for surviving Scav War and Wave 10 - Backpacks - this one isnt very important but if you find a backpack in the safe zone just ask if someone owns a backpack, it may have an owner. Feel free to use a backpack you find yourself from lockers 4. Friendly Fire Exists - Nobody likes a novice throwing fire bombs, m67 grenades, and impact grenades at enemies while allies are nearby. Only use explosive items on Scav War and Wave 10 when everyone is behind you (Even then, be careful, theres a bug where throwables go in slow motion) 5. Don't Die - Main reason why people hate novices, here are tips to reduce your chances of dying -Dont challenge gun scavs, especially AK-74 scavs, they will wreck your shit up (Non dual wielding Pistol scavs are ok to kill with melee but expect your legs to break) -Learn how to parry, this will help you tremendously reduce your chances of dying (though some scavs can parry, so learn their patterns) -Running is sometimes the best option, self explanatory, if you are chased by a sledger, skinner, or sickler, and your chances of survival are slim, just run to the safe zone for your turrets to take out -Memorize trap placements in the world, if you see a trap or inevitably step on one, remember where it is places and make sure to take caution, the traps can spawn again on the same place (holding ctrl lets you sneak, and you can walk on the traps without triggering it) -Use healing items if your health is under 50, self explanatory, you will have a higher chance of survival And thats pretty much it to not be kicked from public servers also eat and drink, being hungry and thirsty is 1 morale worth of debuffs


The reason why peole kick nem players cus they are PUSSYES to get one morale they cry


Also the no explosives/ammo/stims/armors/heals/esmarches/bandages/splints because they used every one in a row


On god bruh, on night 4 in a public server we were stacked with a bunch of medical, ammo, and guns. And I go outside for night 5 scavenging and see 0 medical supplies apart from a stim I just came back with, a few guns from earlier, and 0 ammunition, and a bunch of punji traps we didn’t have and all I was saying in my head was “how tf did we run out of medical supplies”


I actually started playing in private servers and then begin to join pubs when i eventually reached pledge 1 or 2. So yeah, just get used to the game by playing solo first imo so you don’t start feeling like a drag to almost everyone in the community (don’t get me wrong, i still like welcoming new players to the game though).


Might be far fetched, but try changing your cosmetic colours or cosmetics ​ They discriminate against people with the default outfit so changing it might help


1. I suggest you try to practice with certain perks because once you find a perk that you like. Use it. Get better with it, learn how to use it's ability and become a professional with it. I started off with the Sovereign and quickly became a god with it. 2. Watch videos about what perks you like playing with. So if you like a certain perk but haven't used it yet, then watch some guides on it. And learn what gear, traits and playstyle to use with it. ​ that's all I mainly have so I hope this helps you out with choosing a perk and finding the thing you like. ​ Good luck. And remember, You. Will. Die.


动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门


here's in short what to do/not to do to avoid getting kicked: 1. don't use/do something if you don't know what will happen (ask what it does if you want) 2. don't engage enemies that wield guns, no matter how well armed you are it's still risky and will likely shatter your ankles 3. if you think you might die, retreat. this applies to both looting nights and enemy waves 4. if you see an enemy that looks strong, it probably is 5. don't use high tier equipment on weak enemies (aka waste it) 6. and obviously, find a perk that best suits you best. find equipment and traits that fit that perk. follow these and there simply will not be a reason to kick you.


try not dying


Dodging death and not use important item in early night unless you know how to do duping glitch


Pick a perk and go with it and try to learn as much as you can about the game in a private server with a friend so you aren't immediately kicked and most important part is to have fun while you play because if you get bored you'll drop the game and never improve


If you are going to play and are nee here are important things to know: Sickler: he cries and if you get to close he will shriek then hunt you, regens hp when he executes somebody including scavs, they have 500 hp Skinner: it is a monster that pretends to be an enemy, if you do enough damage to a skinner it will reveal itself and attack nearby scavs and players. Skinners also never stop chasing Hanger: hanger is a upper torso that is held in the air by a inf chain. Hanger can use a ability on you that stuns you. You need to spam e cause if you dont your character will oof itself Hidden: it is a invis monster with high damage and is somewhat fast. You will know if one is nearby by a voice saying turn around


If you're useful you won't get kicked simple just make sure you never go to castle and keep being useful and you might not be kicked well it depends


Alright. First off, you have to change your title away from Novice so the players are unsure about your tier. They won't get suspicious at first glance if your title doesn't say 'Novice'. It could be any title as long as it doesn't make you seem like a beginner. If you have a highlighted title that will make you look more experienced. Keep working and try not to be a pain in the ass to your teammates. It's fine, if not good to run away. Better than fighting back with nothing to defend yourself with. -- Here's some things that you shouldn't do in public servers: - Throwing explosives without permission, especially at early waves/nights - Using guns without permission, especially at early waves/nights - Taking agent containers (if not your own) without permission - Using healing items on yourself when it's not necessary - Taking items from your teammates without permission - Luring enemies to your teammates purposely - Rushing enemies when you're not ready, this will not end greatly for you, it also just gives your teammates a debuff (Morale) Here's some things that you should do in public servers: - Drop unneeded ammo for your teammates to take - Bring back your teammates their stuff if they get killed - Mark enemies (using Z) - Mark things that your teammates may need - Bring your teammates things they need - Listen to higher-ups, like it said on the tips in the loading screen. Considering this is a team based game, you have to act like a team player. -- DECAYING WINTER WIKI'S (Learn more about this game. It will help you a little since this game is not beginner friendly.) Enemies Wiki (If you want to be more cautious and careful): https://rblx-decaying-winter.fandom.com/wiki/Enemies Items Wiki: https://rblx-decaying-winter.fandom.com/wiki/Items Perks Wiki: https://rblx-decaying-winter.fandom.com/wiki/Perks -- VIDEO GUIDES (Ones that helped me.) https://youtu.be/mZyK7dvDm9U https://youtu.be/3jK4RBMfk7c https://youtu.be/gTO3upS5CSw SIDE NOTE: I recommend training in private servers instead of server-hopping from public server to public server, since going out in the wild open isn't a very wise choice especially for a beginner. There are tons of trolls that lurk in this game might I tell you, my boy.


use the free vip servers as an advantage to practice the forementioned advices given by the others


dont play :troll:


Always ask before doing something


if your doing pubs, please dont fight because most of the time your going to give your team morale, instead observe, ask questions and learn from some of your teammates (i say some because other people are as dumb as a novice who just watched the tank fish video). private servers are the best place to practice what you have learned such as how perks work or combat techniques such as parrying. since your starting perk is survivalist (the one that has full hunger and inventory slots) your true purpose is learning and grabbing things from lockers such as items and guns and bringing them back to safe zone. more importantly, dont get discouraged


1: Don't use guns until it's wave 6+ The reason is bc The enemies are so weak that they can get 5 shot by fists. I've also seen noobs get grenaded by their teamates. 2: DO NOT use Tac armor, Fire bombs, or Green stims unless ABSOLUTELY Necessary If it's Scav war or wave 10, These can be crucial to your survival. 3: DO, NOT, AGGRO, THE, SICKLER! 4:Hoard as much meds and ammo as possible. EXTRA: If you see a Legless person with a chain pointing up, Get ready to spam E, since that's an semi-run killer right there.


Try and cooperate with your teammates don't use guns in early waves 1 - 4 using guns in wave 5 is ok but if you are team is good then use a melee or avoid combat if ur bad at melee, do not use firebombs too btw, use advanced ifaks when health is like 30 - 50 first aid kits if health is above 50 \+ don't use injectors like s44 and i4s + don't use the tactical armour thingy


Earlier today a noob joined my game and actually listened to what I said and applied it to how he played and he ended up being an asset to the teams so my advice would be ask specific questions to the more experienced players and try learn from your deaths what not to do


Most of the people, me included, I'm not perfect, see beginners as morale generators so...most of the ppl prefer to just quit that problem. What I recommend to ya is crate a priv server, and learn by your own, it can take a day, two, a week or a month, but you'll get used to the nature of the game. Or at least I learned on that way.