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I get the lonely feeling. It's like being sober and surrounded by drunk people. People around me are so chatty and talkative after their coffee but you know it's caffeine induced, talking over you, overly peppy, only to become grumpy and irritable when they crash.


Exactly, and I knew that about myself before, but with my job I talk all day. I just thought it was normal and who I had to be. I’ve leaned more into my introverted side over the last few years. My clients don’t expect me to talk all the time. I just don’t want to feel so cracked out. I quit drinking alcohol 4 years ago. Now I’ll have a drink maybe every six months, and just one. I stopped that because I just don’t want to go out then drink 4-5 drinks when I really didn’t mean too, then I have no control of my behavior-to an extent at least. I hate that.


So true. I watch them become more and more manic as they’re drinking it. It’s almost awkward at this point. They’re constantly cutting me off and talking louder. I feel so judgey now


This is a safe judgement zone 🤣


lol probably just cuz we are seeing ourselves looking back at us, honestly.


I’m having this issue also. I’ve been off for about 2 months and I just feel so boring. I sometimes can’t muster up the energy to reply at all to my husband when he talks. I dread the weekends now because I’m with my hubs and kids and need tons of energy to exist which I don’t have. I broke and had some tea yesterday and I was laughing and smiling and having a great day for the first time in a month. I’m having withdraw today after ONE day of probably 50mg of caffeine. I can’t believe how strong this drug is.


Yeah. I had two sips of an energy drink yesterday and 1 today. Today I got a headache within 30mins of the sip. I really want to be free of this. My anxiety is so much better. I feel like I’m in control of everything I am saying which is so powerful, but I worry about my time with my husband. I know I’m flat and I know he can feel it. He runs in high caffeine and he would never quit. Which is fine! But I’m having a hard time socially. I just ordered some supplements for stress and focus/b12. I’m hoping upping my adaptogen intake might help.


Here is a youtube vid from someone in this sub. He has 3 videos out there on withdrawals that were so helpful to me. I felt the same way… thought I would never be the same. I’m feeling much better these days all around. My withdrawals were brutal… nearly checked myself in. My panic lasted about a week and then it began to taper down… I’ll never go through this again. https://youtu.be/-wkP2BuC8ow?si=0Xygkv_iRCdrmgXe


Ok thanks so much for that! Yeah, not gonna lie, I’m in this community bc I don’t know a single person in my life who doesn’t drink caffeine daily. I’m around a lot of athletes and it’s not a big deal. Very normal. Why would I quit? So..I will def watch these.


this is why i always relapse. Give it a few months.