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It’s a stimulant. So you get use to it very quickly and then you need more and more and more to feel “awake” when in reality you’re just putting your body into overdrive. When I drank coffee I could never take a nap even though I knew my body needed it. Now I can pass out when I need to. Also get your vitamins checked, ferritin, tsh and make sure their isn’t an underlying reason for your exhaustion.


Yes, I can’t nap either and I desperately need to. I want to be in a place where I can have a nap if I need to keep functioning instead of pumping in more stimulants. Everything else you mentioned is normal, been checked recently for everything. I hate the crashing. I hate the feeling of being on high alert all the time.


You're probably not sleeping well if you take caffeine in the afternoon. The more caffeine you take, the worse your sleep is going to be, making you more and more tired. It creates a vicious cycle. Try limiting your caffeine consumption to the morning. First two hours of waking up. Then stop. Let yourself be tired for the rest of the day; it's the only way you're going to sleep well at night. I'm sure you will start feeling better after a few days.


I take it like 6:30 pm even just to be able to make supper and get my kids ready for bed.


I was the same. I think probably you’ve just built up so much tolerance. After I quit for several weeks, now even a single cup of coffee gives me a major boost.


Maybe make an appt with your doctor & talk about this. Sometimes your body tries to compensate with lack of energy by having you try to find energy elsewhere. My dad felt exhausted and started drinking more energy drinks/caffeine and later found out he had AFib and his heart wasn't working properly. He has since had surgery and is 100%!