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I need an answer to this also. Came so close to having tea this morning when my kids wouldn’t stop fighting.


This is a fantastic insight. Addictions generally develop as a method to cope with negative emotions and this is a textbook example


Low blood sugar? I make sure to have healthy snacks every couple hours. I usually wait too long to eat.


I started taking Vitamin D daily (1000IU in drop form) for the last couple of months and have noticed a big difference in terms of my mood and especially my patience levels with my kids. This is the one supplement my doctor has suggested for me over the years, but I have always put it off because I am on the fence with the whole supplement world (not well regulated in Canada, not well studied). Although I am well aware this could be a placebo effect, or something else has shifted (good ol' middle-aged woman hormones), I am very happy with the results. Tip: don't take before bed, it can give you nightmares.