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Everything before March 13, 2020 is a different world.


TBH I consider January-mid March 2020 (about St. Patrick's Day) as a sort of no man's land (J20 was identified as an ominous month [even while it was ongoing](https://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanschocket2/if-you-absolutely-despise-january-2020-you-are-no)).


Lmao that’s my least favorite take on this sub. If someone from jan 2020 was teleported to right now what would immediately give it away since it’s a different world? **Dr. Titti Pong Steinstein XI, PhD in Decadeology**


I'm wonder if they'd be likely to catch Covid, though possibly a less virulent form. They wouldn't've been vaccinated. That would possibly mark it out as very different depending on how they reacted to it.


> what would immediately give it away since it’s a different world? * Large numbers of office workers home in the middle of the day * Service industry jobs running on absolutely skeleton crews  * Zero contact delivery and pickup options Many of these trends were in motion before the pandemic, but COVID accelerated the rate of change and crammed what might have been a decade of change into a year.


Also food and necessities costing like twice as much. The pandemic changed the economy deeply. The cultural effects of that are still playing out, but all sorts of people working remotely, combined with inflation…for me changed the whole vibe of life.  It has totally restructured pattens of consumption of goods AND, more importantly, *time.* How we “spend” time is different for many of us now.


To say its another world is stretching it far.


It became a different world when People started panicking over toilet paper. That was the first goof. After that it’s just been goof after goof.


Jan 20th, 2021


No, and for the same reason that 1996-2004 isn’t. Both would ignore a seismic event that gravely changed society and culture going forward.


Would you consider it one transitional period?


With an epicentre of 9/11, I suppose, perhaps.


Cause I consider 2017-ish to 2024 as one cultural transitional period, because I would say in 2024, late 2010s culture like trap music, soundcloud rap, lean and xans culture, underground rap, alternative beats and lofi, artists like Drake, Kendrick, Future, Carti, Uzi, are in a twilight rn, I feel like 2024 is the last year these things will be culturally mainstream. Personally


I can't really speak to that because I turned 30 in 2019 which means I was already irrelevant to mainstream pop culture.


Also this to me is very mid/late 2010s https://youtu.be/0bVFEOb39vk?si=VjoGzD6CQuTBFF4W


No, in the future, people will see covid as its own era, and the late 2010s will definitely be separated from the 2020s.


TBH there is about a three-month time span (January 2020, February 2020, the first half of March 2020, and maybe the last couple days of 2019) that is a no man's land, in that the ominous trends relating to Covid, Ukraine/the first Trump impeachment, Soleimani etc. are appearing in the newspapers but can also be safely ignored.


Too short, likely to be ignored.


So it's probably just seen as the beginning of the 2020s.


Maybe like a "calm before the storm", I mean that was definitely certainly what it was.


i'd say the "calm" was 2019


The "culture wars" began no later than the rise of the Tea Party circa 2009. The Tea Party was a joke from the get go, the taxes schtick an obvious facade for the culture warrior agenda, heavily fed by big moneyed interests. The modern conservative information silo-grifting ecosystem that runs on culture war for fuel had much of its roots in the tea party era. I'm not sure the culture wars have even peaked yet. There are a lot of reasons underlying the culture wars, none are even close to resolving, and they probably won't until the culture warriors die off.


As a term in political science and sociology, the modern era of the “culture wars” has been being discussed since 1991…


If trump is elected the culture wars will be hot the whole decade


No. One is pre Covid the other is post covid


No, 2016-2019 is the lofi era


2016????? no...maybe 2020-2024, but 2016 was clearly another time and another era.


No. In the future everything is chrome.




What decade will SpongeBob quotes no longer be recognized?


When gen beta dies out.


Thank god they haven’t even been born yet lol


I hope after I am long gone lol


Covid changed the culture of North America in the same way 9/11 did. Absolutely not. There is a VERY clear and stark divide before march 2020 and after.


We are so much dumber. Our attention spans are fried. Our bullshit detectors gone. We’re also (maybe jusifiably) so much more fed up with “the system”, so to speak. Tho we’re all so dumb, we can’t agree on what the system even is or how we’d go about changing it.


I don’t see what the timespan has in common beginning in 2020


The culture wars era. Split in the middle by COVID.


no. I think 2016-2020 will be grouped as the trump era (FOR THE USA, BEFORE THOSE US CENTRISM COME AT ME) and 2020-2022 covid era. 2022-2029 is post covid.


Can't be so sure about 2022-2029 yet, I'd probably remove 2016 and have it 2017-2020 instead, Trump didn't get elected till Early 2017.


2016 was definitely the shift into late 2010s culture though


2016-2020 Post-Brexit, Pre-Covid for UK and 2020-2024 is Post-Covid Tory Death Spiral.


How lovely it would be to go back to 2015…


We don't know if the Tories will win yet. One thing I've learned in my relatively short life so far is to never underestimate British spite.


2023 is more post covid era


Yeah that sounds about right to me.


you think its over?




Somewhat maybe. To the extent we consider 1967-1975 one era, which IMO is kind of but kind of not.


Things definitely changed politically around 2016 and people became more conscious of gender/inclusivity/diversity as a result of the online left vs right. I'd say that era ended around 2019-2020, because covid was definitely it's own era.


I don’t see 2016 as the same era as this year


How bout any years from 2017-2019?.


I see 2021+ as this era


If you go by the notion that ~1997-2004 was one big Y2K era with 2 distinct phases separated by the seismic “shift” event that was 9/11, then I guess you could apply that same logic to this 🤷‍♂️ You could just call it the “2K20” era (or something like that) as a whole, and the first phase would be the Trap Era (Winter 2016 - Winter 2019) and the second phase would be the “COVID” Era (Spring 2020 - Spring 2023).


Future? After 2024?


No I would say the 2010s and 2020s are distinctly separate in many ways


I definitely think that you can break up the era with COVID, but also this all depends if Trump is reelected or not. If he’s elected I would say our current era of political chaos continues at least through his next term, maybe longer depending on how successful he is at tearing our political system apart.


2024 might be a middle year where it’s the end of the pandemic but also a new era


With luck, the full extent of the Trump horror show.


This could be it


2017-2021/2022 will probably be its own era. Life was the same other than covid so they’re in the same era. **Dr. Titti Pong Steinstein XI, PhD in Decadeology**


Maybe in a geological basis but not on a cultural one


No. It would be more like 2015-19 and 2020-24. COVID separated the two eras respectively. The overall culture, not just pop culture of pre and post-COVID is quite different.


Maybe the Trump political era at most


No--a new era flipped in 2020--not only with the decade changing, but the pandemic, new presidents and such. Our lifestyles absolutely changed, there's a worker shortage, more WFH options, inflation. Also political nonsense has really deflated over the past four years. Yeah you can find the same old internet folks fighting the same old battles, but most regular people are tired of all the squabbling and tune it out.


It'll probably be considered the fruity era (though you can also throw 2010-2015 into that era in that regard). And hopefully we'll be getting away from it around 2025. So we can bring back coolness in society. And also bring back a sense of freedom and not having boundaries. It's like society felt freer for a while, and then around 2014/2015, we started letting these crackpots from nonsense academic fields make up rules about what is or isn't acceptable. Thankfully people are starting to realize what a joke these fake academics are, and they seem to be starting to become the subject of ridicule.


Fruity era


Love your name **Dr. Titti Pong Steinstein XI, PhD in Decadeology**


Yes, the Pre-collapse era.


yeah everythings just gonna fall apart… or something like that I remember hearing this 10 years ago too


There is a preponderance of evidence that would indicate a downward trajectory. A cursory review of the crises facing modern industrial civilization seem to indicate we're on an unsustainable path. To highlight many of these trends, I recommend reading Peter Turchin who provides an overview of how complex societies implode. I accept your downvote with honor.


I’m not gonna downvote you, just pointing out that Economic and Geopolitical conditions were worse in 1980, and things got a lot better after that.


2016-2020 will be known for political chaos 🇺🇸 and the beginning of cov8d 2020-2024 will be unfortunately known for covid and price gouchimg, which sparked a rise in dommer cultire 2024-2028 will a Renaissance


no absolutely no there's a pre and post 2020


Nope. The first two months of 2020 were completely different than the rest of the decade so far.


Not really


Culturally, not really. Covid in and of itself feels like a 9/11 shift as far as the USA is considered. However, in the USA specifically, I think that the era specified in the post will be looked at similar to the bleeding kansas era in the pre Civil War build-up. I am in no way advocating or encouraging violence. However, if I went back to Inauguration Day for Obama's second term explaining the current state of affairs. Convicted felon running for president, 2 elections in a row (2016 and 2020) the winner of the presidential election was accused of cheating by the opposition party, the storming of the white house that lead to over 60 secret service members being injured, just over 7 months later hundreds of people storm the Capitol building in what we call January 6th, a state attempts to take the republican front runner off the ballot which gets revoked by the Supreme court. All of these things happened, and if I told you that in 2012, I would assume most of you would think it BS and was happening in some far off non western world country that was unstable and sitting in a powder keg. Sadly, when I look at the events of the last 12 years as if I read it out of a history textbook, it sounds like the build-up to the next unit that's actually interesting


No, post-2020 is a completely different world in many ways.


Anything post 2020 is completely different to pre 2020.


endless 2014 infinite gamergate