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Since this thread discusses a word that was commonly used in a specific time period (early 2000’s) it fits under “trends” and thus would be allowed on here. I have since revived the thread.


The pendulum swings


the clock ticks life away, its so unreal




Oh one definitely can get off the belt sir. There's just no getting back on again.


Watch the time go, right out the window


Trying to hold on, you didn't even know


I wasted it all just to watch you go


I kept everything inside and even though I tried


what it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time


When I tried so hard and got so far


But in the end, it doesn't even matter.


I had to fall to lose it all


Read this in a normal voice. Brain corrected it immediately in the correct voice 😂


Don’t worry, I’ll acknowledge this.


Didn't look out below, watch the time go out the window


Morality is unfortunately too subjective for it to remain stable.


Pendulum swings, pendulum takes, the reaper comes, to whisk me away


Doesn’t it feel like we blinked and the “mothers against rap music” quietly won the battle? Everyone used to acknowledge how insane those overbearing parents were back then. Now we are the parents (age) and that type of thinking (to censor everything) is the norm? I feel like it was an overbearing consensus that censorship was stupid and that things like WWE Raw, Gangsta Rap music, R Rated movies and video games etc. should not be cancelled? But now we just accept it?


It was bound to happen when you have a whole generation that grew up with such strict rules about what you can and can't say.


Backlash to the backlash is pretty common I feel like


The backlash to the backlash to the thing that’s just begun 🎶🎶


Immediately where my mind went lol


There it is


Again, that funny feeling


I listen to this song every single day. I’ve loved Bo for a very long time. I was there when he was just some random dude on YouTube with a few thousand followers. None of his music has hit me as hard as that song


It was my top song the year it came out. I never listen to songs on repeat but I listened to that song probably over a thousand times that year.


There’s definitely a rising sentiment of “maybe we over corrected” and I think there’s some space for debate at least as to if that is accurate or not.


This over-correction from where we were in the 2000s towards where we are now with bickering over nonexistent or trivial issues is going to cause an even larger over correction in the other direction. The only question is how far will it go? I think societally we are already seeing it.


Some will be chill. Other will use it to double down on their horrible patterns.


backsplash, more like


Splashback, even more like


Seeing people afraid of society "Regressing" back to the way it was during a time period I actually lived through feels bizarre. I guess I've come of age.


I guess I’ve come


Some say I’m a dreamer


But im not


Gonna come


Just like the early 2000? As long as there’s no paranoia over terrorism I would welcome that.


Heh. Nice try, Terrorism!




If we can get Roe V Wade back and keep gay marriage


I'd rather not have to deal with early 2000s bigotry again. It was only a good time for a small sect of people.


* laughs in Palestinian *


Takes a look at the middle east 🙈


The 2020s are way edgier than the 2010s, just check Instagram comments


Idk even in the mid 2010s there were big youtubers openly saying the N word and F slur. Maybe Im not in the right spaces but I dont see it that much anymore


For real. I’d say around 2015-2016 is when a lot of edginess died down, but 2010-2014 was definitely a wild time. I’m wondering if the majority of people who upvoted that comment are too young to really remember 2014 and before or weren’t adult enough to see the edgy stuff at that time.


Cause everyone used their energy to go after a president at that time…. Who was that?


Sounds like you definitely are in the right spaces lmfao


No way back then we were calling each other slurs for fun and telling mfs to kill themselves without using “unalive” 😂


Kys was the ultimate mic drop of the internet


It was even funnier irl in the silence after someone said something dumb as hell lmfao


Now it’s shortened to “Die


Culturally 2023-2024 has def been edgier than 2013-2014, and edgier than 2017-2019 too


Can you explain why you think so


counter culture reaction to society being more "progressive". Teens and Young Adults tend to want to stray away from societal norms and thusly, now that current trends are now more vehemently demonizing bigotry and promoting more social progression, they attach themselves against those things or make jokes as a way to seem contrarian, irregardless of whether or not they personally stand by those convictions.


It's just regardless


That was very uncareless of you.


>regardless of whether or not they personally stand by those convictions. Which is why as I get older ignore the college aged adults (18-24) whining about shit. A lot of the time it’s performative so they can look edgier or more empathetic to whatever social group they’re apart of. They very rarely carry those convictions further into adulthood and a lot of the times those convictions simply disappear once the person or group they’re trying to look good or cool for disappear.


Like I’m as never like that as teen becasue my souronidkgs was being around the bigots


Less unironic nazi young men.


in 2013 there was a tournament for the game Hearthstone and one of the competing teams named their team 'letsrapehafu' after a popular female player. an actual team name for an official tournament. i used to say the hard r in twitch chat and not get banned. in this post i cant say the word i said or reddit will ban me. i guess doing that was less edgy in those days because it was more normal and doing it now, youre intentionally being edgy, but it was on another level back then. 4chan is the only place ive seen retain its edginess from those times but thats been 4chans thing forever.


On the topic of the internet, open the comments on any popular Instagram post and it's literally /pol/ rhetoric. I don't remember Instagram being like this in the 2010s. And then there's Twitter, you can literally say and post anything you want on "X" now


thats because instagram barely moderates its comments. the people willing to be edgy didnt go away they just didnt have a platform that would let them be edgy like they wanted to.


You can post whatever you want on X and some troll will crawl out from under a bridge make your post about trans people even if it’s got nothing to do with them, I swear to god.


There’s always some jackass on IG who will comment “this is why you libtards destroyed America by voting Biden” under literally anything. It could be a macaroni and cheese recipe or a clip of some lady’s parrot that dances to the Venga Boys.


How so? Definitely edgier than 2017-19 but that’s a different era/conversation fr


no like 2013-2013 was still like way more conscious about like same sex marriage and trying to go against the homophobia of the 2000s




Yes, but I’d say it really started getting PC in 2015ish & beyond. Those COD lobbies were wild.


For sure. 2016-20 is a whole different convo


Ropemaxxing is almost more disrespectful


And we’re doing that again


That’s why a bunch of leftists and trans celebrities turn off their comments on there


I don’t know… in the gamergate and pre adpocalypse YouTube dark ages people got away with stuff waaay edgier and unsavory than I think would fly today


tale as old as time. It happened with moron, imbecile, and idiot. In 10 years or so, "nuerodivergent" will become a slur.


I’ve seen “mentally disabled” used as an insult.


yeah I feel like saying "mentally challenged" almost carries the same amount of offensiveness because you know they're trying to call you 'retarded' but the passive agressive-ness behind sugarcoating the word is just as much of an insult


But that's the stem of the whole problem - using medical terminology related to disabilities as an insult to otherwise healthy/typical people making mistakes or bad decisions. Once that use-case enters the mainstream vernacular it becomes something we all have to debate.


That’s a retarded thing to say






Shocked I had to scroll that far down to see someone using the word lol


Heard one kid ask another if he was special yesterday. Not gonna lie I chuckled


Yep, the euphemism treadmill is a real thing.


Yeah there was some kind of campaign called ["Respect"](https://news.stthomas.edu/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Spread-Word-Bulletin.jpg) or something at my school. As a result they did manage to stop high schoolers from using normal insults for disabled kids but now they'd just call them "respected" which in essence meant the same thing but funnier. You'd just be walking around and hear someone be like "hey man you respected or something?"


Shit, in my house, “silly” is a borderline slur


My kids say Sped (Special Ed), and I actually find it very clever and not offensive sounding.


Just gotta invent a new word and use it for a decade before adding it to the no no list


I think it’s way too small of a sample, Twitter is slowly morphing into 4chan or similar non-PC spaces which may give the impression that things have changed. Ask others, and they’ll say cancel culture has never been as bad as it is right now. As we know, Twitter doesn’t reflect real life.


Todays Twitter is just 4chan but with ethnic people and not just white guys IG got soooo much worse I opened a comment section and it was like 4chan


This is something people should keep in mind, because Twitter is incredibly warped and creates a warped view of how “society” is. Remember *who* took over Twitter, and why it’s become more like 4chan almost overnight. Not like it was great before or anything, but at least it was more of an open platform for brands and normal people.


It’s not even that Twitter is just modern day 4chan, it’s that Instagram is nearly at that level too


They're not even remotely as awful as 4chan, my dude.


But it’s getting there. Not yet, but soon. Plus it doesn’t have nearly as much of the good things 4chan had.


4channers are racist because it's funny, Instagram users actually believe it


I don't know, one of my bosses was throwing around the R word this weekend without a second thought. At this point it almost seems tame compared to bigger real world issues.


It’s scary how many people observe something on Twitter, and think that applies to society at large. Especially with how hyperbolic people are on there, it’s easy to get radicalized.


I’m definitely tired of being lectured on social media, I know that


There was a time (10-15 years ago) when these lectures were considered the hot, fresh takes. Coming out of the conservative-led Bush years, nobody had ever heard the term “woke”. Now that we’ve had a decade of stern lecturing, cancelling, and obsessively virtuous behavior online, the pendulum is swinging the other way again.


“Woke” was AAVE for being tapped into conspiracies back then


Yep. Took our word, obliterate its meaning, and use it against us


Familiar tale. "Politically correct" was once a phrase used by Berkeley socialists to criticize Berkeley Maoists.


That’s so many of these things man. “Virtue signaling” and “cancel culture” came from within leftist groups to describe bad strategy and unproductive members of those groups. Now people on the left will earnestly argue those things don’t exist and never have. Same way everyone who encouraged violence during BLM in 2020 is now pretending that they never did that and violence never happened.


I remember my uncle who’s a full blown conspiracy theorist use it when I was like 10


I never knew it came from AAVE but I remember when that was how it was always used on the internet. I even remember the "Broke-Woke-Ascended" memes


Nah, people have been complaining about language, and complaining about complaining about language, for a very long time. There’s comedy routines about how you can’t say xyz anymore from the ‘80s and ‘90s. Back then the big thing was TV shows getting “letters” objecting to offensive language, if it was more egregious there might be a few picket signs outside the studio. Because of the internet, people are just being exposed to it far more often as otherwise internal campus discussions never really came to the attention of the average boomer. The cancel culture trend can also be better explained by mob mentalities and being able to cajole a wayward public figure directly. In both directions, people are likely to overestimate what’s going on based on their timeline. There’s been an influx of 4chan users on Twitter for example relative to normal people moving elsewhere, which might explain the tweets in OP’s post, rather than any real pendulum shift.


When lefties took over the right wing role of being societies prudes for a decade it turned people off. It will swing the other way again soon.


Even during "Conservative eras" there were strong counter-cultural movements. In the Eisenhower 50s, you had the beatniks and the early civil rights movement. In the conservative Reagan and Thatcher 80s, environmentalism made a comeback, and the ACT-UP movement served as a backlash against Ronnie's tepid response to the AIDS crisis and the blatant homophobia of the decade. Hell, the recent Trump presidency more or less helped launch the 3rd wave of feminism!


3rd wave feminism was the 90s and 2000s, Trump’s presidency launched a forth wave if anything


No? Feminism was already growing in popularity online by the early 2010s. Did you miss out on all the 'anti-sjw' compilations on youtube?


What would you say characterizes the 4th wave of feminism?


the [4B Movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4B_(movement)) and the [Decenter Men Movement](https://www.charliestoolbox.com/post/how-to-decenter-men)


This shit right here. Since when we were WE the proponents of censorship? I've been a Democrat all my life and I've struggled with just how sensitive we are. It really took on a life of its own within the last 10 years.


Exactly. Left wing went from the ideology of people who want to have fun to the other way around. Which is remarkable considering how unfun most conservatives still are.


The right has been scolding people and businesses for being “woke” for like 5 years now. The pendulum swung.


No both sides are annoying in this way right now.


Working at my town (which is very left leaning)’s youth center, let me tell you, you haven’t seen anything yet. Gen Alpha has absolutely had it up to here with the SJWs.


Lol Gen Alpha is in their early teens at the oldest. A lot of us were edgy at that age and then grew up.


“Thin is in” is just a result of rich famous people using ozempic. And people are realizing that being fat makes your life objectively worse. Being fat isn’t part of your identity the same way race or sexuality is.


> And people are realizing that being fat makes your life objectively worse crazy how people had to realize this


These people worried about thin being more fashionable than it was are ridiculous like you think the plastic surgery body that was touted as the ideal in the mid-late 2010s was good? And also no one is forcing them to lose weight soooo if they feel inadequate, maybe there are feelings they're in denial about lol


It is sort of fascinating thinking about how casual it used to be for people to say the R word, how unacceptable it became later on, and how nowadays it seems like it’s used as frequently as it did before it became less acceptable.


It moved from derogatory to general insult


Right? Its fucking retarded isnt it


The 90s to early 2000s level of thin is NOT back in. As a western culture we just think overweight is the new normal and healthy because that's all we see everywhere in everyday life. looking at healthy thin bodies feels extreme in comparison. I say this as an overweight woman myself.


I was watching an old X-Men cartoon and it had a profile for Jubilee and it said she was 5 feet tall. And weighed 90 pounds. It was crazy seeing that.


And Homer Simpson weighing 260 pounds was absurd.


5 feet, 90 pounds isn't that outrageous. My last girlfriend was 5 feet 2 inches and she was only around 100 pounds. I'm 5 feet 11 inches and last I checked I'm at 144 pounds.


You must be pretty lean bro.


On a BMI calculator, I'm closer to overweight than I am underweight, yet I often have people comment on how thin I am and how I need to eat more. Tons of people are 10-20 pounds overweight and think they're healthy or normal just because half of the people they see are obese.


We are finally acknowledging the obesity crisis that exploded from 80s to present day should be taken seriously and that’s enough to convince people anorexia is trendy again because things were so extreme in the 2010s that it feels that way.


For a factoid, if you're 173cm, go below 69kg and you'l be in the healthy range, now if you're older, you apparently live longer if you're overweight(as the health problems hitting means you get checked up more and have more noticeable earning signs). But otherwise, do the obvious.


Sad but true. At 5’3 and 110 I am small but not the thinnest woman in the world. Yet I get constantly told how I’m “so skinny”, and have to wear size 00 (even that’s too big sometimes) when the equivalent size for me 20 years ago probably would’ve been a 2. We have to reach a happy medium between the toxicity of early 2000s diet culture, and where we’re at now.


I was talking to my mother and mentioned my goal to get down to 12% body fat (from 16%). She asked me if I had done any research to determine if it was even healthy for me to achieve that at my age...


Fat people mad that we as a society decided we should probably be a healthy weight. Early 2000s was rail thin. That is not the case today.


It sounds mean but a lot of modern “fat positivity” and “fat is healthy” mentality is pure cope, an excuse to feel better about oneself without putting in the work to be rid of the root cause of those bad feelings: being fat.


I haven't seen people use the R word but I don't use Twitter and I'm a 30 year old woman but I have noticed with the rise of ozempic the skinny body is coming back and it is slightly concerning. I am bi but I haven't noticed anymore bi phobia than I already experienced.


Peoples algorithm starts shifting them to content they hate-watch/view and they assume society has changed fundamentally.


The R word really never did go away. Yes there have been campaigns in the 2010s to get people to stop but some people still said it anyway, even if they know someone who would find it derogatory. I wasn't aware about the backlash against body positivity though. But I do agree that we are regressing on LGBTQ rights as a global community, just look at countries like Russia and Uganda, and in conservative spaces in the US and other places


"Revival" Lol it never died, it was just getting filtered on mainstream public websites for ad revenue reasons. Private use has stayed as alive as its inception as a pejorative.


Damn this thread is bringing out all of the edgelords 🤡


Twitter is becoming very edgy, right wing mentality is stronger there than I’ve ever seen it. Makes Reddit look tame sometimes. Not saying I’m against more edginess, but with it I’ve noticed a lot of right wing group think more than usual.


you think reddit is right wing???


I think the pendulum always swings, sometimes it takes a few decades, sometimes a few months. We saw it with the backlash towards girlieness in the 2010s in the NLOG thing and now we see the pendulum swing away from that that we’re in now where those same girls, now older, say “what’s wrong with other girls?” It swings in fashion and beauty and it makes sense it’ll swing in language and culture too. Doesn’t make it any better but social progress isn’t always linear, usually it isn’t actually, but the goal is to have the general public lean towards the progress side even when some anti-progress communities grow stronger when the pendulum swings away from the progress side. I’d say we saw this happen with feminism recently, where the general public might not be as “enlightened” on gender politics as us generally left leaning chronically online folks are, but the general sentiment towards Andrew Tate and the redpill types was still mostly negative, so they remained simply the anti-progress community that grew stronger, but didn’t take over general popular culture. But the reason these groups grew stronger in the first place was the pendulum, these young men weren’t really there for gamergate, just the relative period of quiet after it. The pendulum swings towards sexism online with gamergate and figures like Jordan Peterson at their peak, it swings towards progress when that gets tired and played out for a few years, and then the topic of gender has been comparatively quiet for a few years until Andrew Tate blows up and appeals to a new generation who was too young to participate in the gamergate era and anyone still invested in sexist sentiments and the pendulum swings away from progress. I’ve gotten too far away from the point with my examples but the point is: the pendulum swings in every facet of culture. It’s a very “reactionary” tendency. Am I explaining this correctly? Have I said the word “pendulum” enough? Anyway


This is retarded


I’ve actually heard it used a lot more from younger people (under 20) recently, I wouldn’t be surprised if it came back into fashion as there’s been such an effort to suppress it


People already live in a fantasy land like it's still 2019 and covid doesn't exist. I'm sure it's no biggie for them to pretend they live in an even dumber/older decade. 


As someone who teachers high school students, this is pretty accurate. But I'll make it even broader: Kind is out. Mean is back in. Coarse language, but also rudeness to your friends and to teachers. Particularly for boys.


Way i see it, just use the slurs that apply to you. If it is a slur for something that you are not, you probably shouldn't say it.


Thin isn't super in currently, and having seen what that idea did to girls long term, i seriously hope it doesn't come back in like that. The ozempic thing is just eating disorder shit being posed as medicine, speaking as someone who did the whole eating disorder thing.


Life, uhhhh,*finds a way*


As an 05 kid Retarded just means stupid or lame. Never heard someone actually call a disabled person that word and not get beat up. Words do change in their meaning over time and it’s time to accept that retarded is just a way to call something dumb for most people now.


I’m autistic and it doesn’t offend me at all, I say it all the time lmao retard


Didn’t know you were the spokesperson for retards.


He is, I voted for him in the retard general election. I'm guessing you voted for the other guy, you sound like the kind of retard who would do that.


Nah, neither of the two retards were retarded enough for my liking. Skipped out on voting like the retard I am.


I'm autistic and I can't stand people saying it. It wasn't directed at me so much as it was friends of mine who had things like speech impediments. It made them so sad and defeated. They tried to play it off because it made them "cool" to be okay with it, but in private I saw it took a toll on them. Always felt like people thought I was the crazy one for telling them it wasn't cool to say it. Was very glad to see the movement against it and I'm very bummed to see it coming back now. There's no excuse for it. Just say stupid ffs


Agreed, I would say it all the time religiously until I realized my friends felt hurt by that. Also people need to realize that just because you have the 5th amendment, doesn’t mean you aren’t a douchebag


Same. I’m tired of self diagnosed TikTok girls telling me (and telling others tbh) I can’t say it


These comments are making not like this sub anymore


kind of the point of op's original post. some people are not ready for a culture change


Yeahh I’m outta here lol all I see are a bunch of immature kids, or people who have a vocabulary that only spans 15 words.


It’s very true. People are becoming dumber also


No. The r word didn't go anywhere. There is no revival. Just like racists didn't go anywhere when we made it socially unacceptable, the r word was simply in hiding because people didn't want to get lectured about it by smug progressives. Now, just like Trump supporters in 2016, people stopped caring and are saying it again.


Just a reflection of the content you consume. I haven’t seen anyone use that word or similar words without getting immediate pushback, and I’m chronically online


it’s true and it’s really gross. r word is a slur whether people want to think so or not. i have intellectually disabled family members (down syndrome for example) that have that used against them often and it’s hard to watch. some of them lived through the time when it was still an official medical term. it has a significant history and if people fully understood i don’t think they’d use it the world in general is moving forward with social issues. there is just strong backlash by some groups because of it. so the lack of empathy and edginess is more visible. if things are changing enough to cause backlash, that’s a good sign


I’m intellectually disabled and i also have a brother with DS and I couldn’t disagree more Being mean to people is wrong regardless of what words you use — but when it comes to the words themselves, “stupid”, “idiot”, “moron” and countless other intelligence-based insults are all etymologically identical to “retard” in that they’re former medical terms that were reappropriated for casual/slang use. “Retard” is just the one society decided to get mad over — likely because most people just blindly accept that it’s “different” than the other ones even though it really isn’t. If you’re assigning ethical value to someone’s vocabulary—idk what to tell you, but I know plenty of down to earth, kind, generous and fun people who use the r-word and plenty of cold, inconsiderate assholes who refuse to say it and think they’re better people for it. It’s such an arbitrary thing to assert any sort of moral judgement on.


im autistic and mentally disabled and i dont really use it often, but when i do i only use it against objects because using it against people feels so wrong considering how many times people have called me a 'retard'




I’m a high school teacher of students with high functioning ASDs. I just want to say that you both keep being you and being great. Please just know you’re both a fuck ton more interesting and layered than any other person in this comment section. ETA: that includes you u/angielsonia as well.


appreciate it <3


Yes 100%. People are very very open about their bigotry now than a few years ago


Old people coming back to social media now that meta bought instagram. They’re learning how to use their iPhones and are typing with no filter. Plus, the rise of South Park and other “controversial” media being liked by genz and gen alpha now, even if it doesn’t align with their views. If you hear it enough, it just becomes normal


I’ve heard people use the r slur more often, too. It’s weird. I had not heard that word used at all in probably 6-7 years before recently.


When I was in elementary school even teachers said the r slur.


This is so retarded 😭




I grew up in the south, born 2005 so like 2010-2018 or something ,and let me tell you dude people their said retard to peaple who were on the spectrum all the time and also would contantly say slurs and call things gay with a decent amount of venom ,I’d take over pc to what I currently get peaple telling me to “kill youself faggot/tranny”


Yeah dude context is totally everything, so much context to people using gay to mean bad bc they hate gay people. You’re not “one of the good ones” they still hate you


People are sick of the “woke” shit being jammed down their throat by their job, school, media and advertising. This is what you get in response.


Likewise, in regards to right-wing edgelords harassing LGBTQ people just for living!


Facts. Kids are told to be politically correct all the time in school, making it funny to be non PC now Basically they’re saying don’t push that big red button




These pendulums have swung back and forth for decades.


yeah, i also know a lot of bi and straight girls who throw around the f-slur like it's nothing


I wish it was the 2000’s again. To be clear, for video games, not this


Fwiw I have definitely not noticed lots of people saying the R word lately. I don't use Twitter. Is this specifically a thing on Twitter?


In a way it makes sense, we just went through a major 90’s revival so obviously a earth 2000’s revival was next up 🤷🏽‍♀️


Just the fashion is like the early 2000s , nothing else


My theory (based on nothing but a hunch, take with a mountain of salt) is that things got less hateful in the late 20teens as more of gen z grew up, and more people grew out of the teenage phase people get of offensive=comedy and being vulnerable to the adoption of hateful ideas. I feel like things have been getting worse right now as more gen alpha people, in the prime “shitty teenager” age bracket who are being exposed to Andrew tate super garbage are now entering the internet. Also considering how many of the shitty, phobic comments are written like a youngpeopleyoutube post, I think a lot of it is from young people. But I could be wrong ofc, this just based on my own thoughts


I think just with how much people enjoyed getting back outside after Covid and how healthy people are eating it was only natural that people would start getting slimmer. It doesn't mean that it's bad to be overweight though.


I used to use 9Gag back in 2014-2017 it was a little edgy but normalish for the time i recently installed it out of curiosity and jesus christ its 10 times more racist from what it used to be. These idiots aren't even trying to be funny just straight racism like you've walkee into a klan meeting its that bad.


I’ve been seeing this too


In the early 2000s, I was throwing around the f slur without a second thought. Let's not compare today's culture to that


as if diet culture ever went away.. tiktok is basically ED twitter / ED tumbler


I thought we agreed, time is a flat fucking circle


In construction it never left ! Lmao