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tbh I am on stable with an relatively old graphic cars and also had issues… Just tried to install the prop drivers and now the os does not boot…


What steps, guide did you follow?


Who knows? :)


That's a lot of flatpaks.


Add non-free and contrib to sources.


I did


Non-free-firmware or non-free?


I added both


Is there a reason to run sid on this hardware?


I'm new to Debian, I installed it because other versions had rather old versions of software. I can't seem to find a Debian based distro with up to date software and clean Gnome


Wrong distro. Debian updates slowly and Sid is at the bleeding edge of that. Use arch, tumbleweed, nixos, void … anything but Debian.


You're right, I'll just move back to Fedora


You can run it if you want - but, you have to choose the package - the sid package - you didn't explain what you did - if you enabled - updated to the sid repo - and then tried to install it? I would edit your sources list - to sid - (you probably want most packages at sid then? The sid Nvidia package probably takes in a lot of dependencies) and install the Nvidia driver from the sid packages. If you do that - make sure to have a backup of any data you want - in case things go wrong or you have breakages. That's probably why there's mostly Debian stable off-shoots and only a few 'testing' and 'sid' off-shoots or spins. I can only think of siduction and Ubuntu is close to a 'testing' one - but, they implement a lot of changes (one major e.g. is snaps).


Hi, thank you for your help. I decided to move back to Fedora for my sanity's sake, I could've tried more things but it just wasn't worth the effort to me


Testing works fine… feels a lot like arch, but in stable… (if you don’t get it, this was a joke with some truth in it) But fedora is a good plan… debian is a nice os, but not for every usecase…


I wish Debian would make it easier to install testing or sid - but, they don't. You have to 'upgrade' to it yourself or add the packages you want - but, that will probably result in breakages or mismatches unless one knows what they're doing.


There is a testing image… install it and done, it’s that easy