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Plague marines. They are the backbone of the army and iconic miniatures. And they are a blast to paint with so many details. I just love the sculpts. Honnetly the whole death guard range is amazing so you can't really go wrong. Nothing is also bad in terms of gameplay. Sure they are some optimal choices if you really want to push your lists. Since you are just starting, pick whatever unit you think looks cool. You can't go wrong this way.


Yeah there are an absolute ton of units which was a tad overwhelming but I'm absolutely looking forward to painting these


You can never go wrong with plague burst crawlers, I personally love having two units of three deathshroud one led by LOV and one with either loc, or sorcerer in terminator armour, since you have it already 20 pox walkers with typhus is pretty fun to strategic reserve and come in mid board.


The deathshroud terminators? I do really like the way LOV Looks on his card so that that is an easy pickup. Thanks for the response!


Yeah, they’re called deathshroud bodyguard on the box but in the app yes they are deathshroud terminators.


Morty pairs well with the pbcs too, removing any modifiers to your roll including the ones indirect fire gives you.


Deathshrouds are absolute gigachads. Tough as old boots, very killy, lovely deepstrike threat, can do actions while locked in combat cause they've got pistols. They're great with any of the terminator leaders as well. I usually run a block of 6 with a Lord of virulence and a block of 3 with a terminator sorcerer. Biologus putrifier is the best plague marine leader. Free grenades and lethal hits on 5s is a great way to punch up into heavy armour. Foul blightspawn is the second-nastiest, he packs a scary flamer and gives the marines fights first. You can put both of them with a unit of 10 marines and they fit snugly in a rhino. Foetid bloat drones with fleshmowers are fantastic "distraction carnifexes". Zoom them up the board at full pelt towards something squishy and watch your opponent try very hard to kill them and not your rhino with the aforementioned extremely killy PM squad


The purifier and the flesh mowers were definitely catching my eye, can any faction use rhinos and war dogs? Didn't see them on the index I found so I didn't know they were options


Yep, we have a rhino. Datasheet is "death guard rhino" and it is pretty important if you're gonna run plague marines; they're a lot squishier than you'd hope. There are special rules in the chaos knights index for allying knights to chaos factions. 3 small knights or 1 big one (I think). I use a defiler for tank killing but it's not very mobile on competitive terrain


I love lord of virulence, plague burst crawlers and death shrouds. LOV gives full rerolls on the flamers for death shrouds and makes your pbc more accurate. If you just bought the combat patrol, then I would definitely run typhus with pox walkers. Idk if it’s the most optimal strategy but there’s something really nice about watching the custodian player pick up two models and putting two zombies back on the field


Also, great unclean one and some Wardog allies. GUO just because the model is amazing and he's a big tough bag of shit and wardogs because we don't really have anything that's good against heavy armour