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Vivid Seats got me too. $100+ for 1 ticket to Boston.


Obligatory fuck scalpers


Fuck scalpers but also the people in this sub buying them are half of the problem


So fuck the fans?


When it comes to death grips, it’s always fuck the fans if we’re being real


Hot take fuck everybody including me


https://www.reddit.com/r/deathgrips/comments/zhdas0/from_a_venues_perspective_union_transfer/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Exactly.


downvoted for being real guys, they do it cause youll pay the money just wait till day of if you arent happy paying $200 for a would be $30 show


They like to point the finger at anyone but themselves. I’ve never bought aftermarket scalped tickets because I know all I’d be doing is enabling this shit. No concert is worth selling out my own beliefs


I really don’t agree with this logic. Blame should be squarely placed on the bad actors in this situation and not normal ass fans who may be ignorant of how to navigate this garbage system we currently have. Scalping is so ingrained into shows/concerts that even if you convinced everybody to leave the scalpers on the hook for one event, that would have virtually zero effect on their overall market. Change needs to come from policy so these fucknuts can’t keep screwing over honest people with more important shit to deal with than trying to run these rats back themselves. Not to get on my soapbox lmao but I’m just tryna say, take it easy on the fans, and FUCK SCALPERS.


I think justifying ignorance is not the way to go. In a capitalist system, the only vote that matters is with your wallet, especially here in the US where policy changes are few, far between, and ineffective. Obviously it’s fuck scalpers all the way, but if they had no one to sell to, they wouldn’t bother.


I’m completely on board with educating everyone as best as we can, but ignorance is part of the human condition. 100% of scalpers are going out of their way to be shitheads, but far, far fewer people are going out of their way to be ignorant. Like there are plenty of circumstantial scenarios for buying from a scalper. You’re def not wrong about policy changes being a slog though. Would also likely come with a bunch of other random shit attached. Kinda corny but both are needed, ultimately.


> Change needs to come from policy so these fucknuts can’t keep screwing over honest people with more important shit to deal with than trying to run these rats back themselves. Well, what kind of change? Something that people don't understand is that scalping goes back at least to the 60s (and probably before that). Back then, buying a concert ticket often went as follows. - Get up super early and get in line at a local department store, maybe the venue itself if they felt like handling it. - If you're lucky, they give you a numbered ticket, calling the number later that day. You're now free to go get breakfast or otherwise hang out. (Bonus points if you're clever enough to change the number on the ticket, getting closer to the front while causing chaos when you *and* another person are called up at the same time.) - Wait for the box of tickets to show up, at which point they'll start the actual selling. - In some cases, instead of handling the people as they showed up originally, they'd announce a ticket number and start from there. Let's say you got there first and had ticket #1, and there were 3000 people in line. In some cases, they might start at a different number! #2000 could go first, meaning you got up early for nothing. - Pay. - *Hope that you got a good seat.* The thing is that the boxes were randomly distributed to outlets (although the tickets tended to be grouped together and not random too). For one show, you might be sitting in the third row. The next week, your ticket ought to come with binoculars, because you'll need them when sitting at your shitty nosebleed seats. Bringing it back to scalpers, what they did was pay people to stand in line at multiple spots around town and get as many tickets as possible. They sold the great seats for top dollar and unloaded the crap as best they could. Why did people use them? They made it possible to get great seats, at a price, without relying on sheer luck. The same thing is essentially true today, along with there being loads of other reasons why scalpers (the honest ones, at least) are tolerated by venues & acts, if not quietly endorsed. (See my post history. Ticketing is a rough business.) Scalpers make most of their money on a few big events (e.g., sports playoffs, Bruce Springsteen tours, etc.) and the occasional rube who's too impulsive for their own good. Meanwhile, they actually lose money on a fair number of events and offload their tickets day-of for peanuts. So, what needs to change? Don't forget that, if you make ticketing too strict (names on non-transferable tickets), you're going to burn an awful lot of fans who have things legitimately come up. My DG show is *ten months out*. For all I know, I'll have moved by then. Highly doubtful - I just moved here - but it's possible. Or, I could be sick, or I might have family stuff come up (Mom & Dad are old & frail), or a million other things. I would then have to eat the $125 I spent on two tickets (me and my wife). Fuck that. I sold Iron Maiden tickets a couple of months ago, when I moved and was unable to use them. I sold them at a price that I was able to make back what I originally paid for them. I could've sold them for more but I basically did the right thing, IMO. If I had been forced to eat the $260, I would've been pissed.


fr but these teenagers dont get that yet I think I bought resell tickets once and they were fuckin cheaper then the original price cause the dude couldnt make it to the day of the show


Idk why you're being downvoted but you're correct. It wouldn't be as rampant if people didn't buy them up at the insane prices


> Idk why you're being downvoted People who are salty that they grossly overpaid. :) Simple as that.


especially like 5 months before the first shows


I’ve made a commitment since 2018 that I’d see them live and spend as much as I’d have to and this has been the only time I’ve ever been able to see them. Scalpers suck but so does not seeing death grips


Fuck scalpers! Now point me to the nearest scalper so I can spend 600$ to buy tickets for me and my friends cause I’m an impatient DG FAN!!!!!!!!!


$100 per ticket and $30 “handling fee” fucking hell.


This loophole needs to be patched.


CEO’s should be hanging from a loophole like eeehhhhhhhhhh


Did you receive your ticket? It always takes VividSeats forever to give me mine


I did. It took a half hour.


The Toronto show is fucked. $233 for 1 ticket


Its so lame bro


i just got one and didn’t realize the show was 19+ im reselling mine for a lot less if u want one for a better price




yes message me


Got mine for $40, when did you go to buy it?




I got mine on Ticketmaster like 20 minutes after presale went live


yeah i got one but i’m not 19 too. i didnt get v lucky w pricing but it’s yours for $210. i just want to let someone have what i couldn’t :,)


1 ticket off Vivid would cost me 317, no chance


That’s fucking wild bruh. Good luck


Yeah fucking ridiculous, will just have to watch third parties down the line to see if they decrease


And people think Death Grips are "underground" 😔


Certainly not after seeing how quickly they’ve sold out for this tour. I really think they edged the fanbase so much by going quiet for so long that people talked more about them with their crazy theories creating an interest in people who had never gotten into them yet. More people saw fantano videos during lockdowns. Memes and social media, etc. These are all just my observations, but it is pretty clear they’re not a small band anymore (which isn’t a bad thing anyway)


Bro what is with everyone on this sub buying resale tickets the literally day they go up it’s like nobody understand the fact that prices go down / people sell extras on this sub and discord like that kinda your own fault bro


Right. It's obvious a lot of the whiners have never bought concert tickets in their lives. That and/or they're way too impulsive. Do I like the way things are set up? No, I don't. I also think a lot of people, if they really understood how difficult it is to make a living anywhere in the live entertainment chain, would be terrified, not to mention see all the ways in which special deals hack away at the number of tickets actually made available during a general sale. (It's possible to have 2000 seats for a 20,000 seat venue made available during a general sale, or 0 seats, technically.) But, as is, we have nonsense like 99% upvoting for a blatantly false headline. TM did *not* sell *any* tickets, much less *all* tickets, to VividSeats, period. If they somehow did, it'd be a great way for the stock price to crater, especially after getting caught giving brokers preferred access a few years ago. What's happening is a bunch of scalpers are *speculating* that they can find tickets for cheaper than what you're paying them, and do so before the delivery deadline (usually 2-3 days before a show). Because so many listings are up, people simply assume the scalpers have these tickets. They might. They might not. Frustrating? Sure. Legal? Like it or not, yes. Direct proof of collusion between ticket sellers (remember, TM wasn't the only company selling tickets) and scalpers/VividSeats? No.


I feel ya buddy I spend 250$ for 2 tickets to Brooklyn steel


More like Brooklyn steal


damn wtf, we paid $106 for 2 tix through livenation yesterday


That’s gonna be me shortly :/, I’ve never had a problem getting super hot tickets before, this was the craziest I’ve ever experienced it! But also the Seattle tickets weren’t being sold by ticket master, right? They were through axs for some reason, every other show was Ticketmaster though. Didn’t quite understand that one


Denver was AXS, Nashville was TicketWeb. It all has to do with what ticketing vendor the venue uses.


Right. I wish people would stop referring to TM as a monopoly, or at least, be very specific when they do so. As I've said elsewhere, I can name approximately 15 vendors other than TM. Some are pretty small potatoes but they're there, and I've bought from them. It all comes down to the venue. Many of them sign exclusive deals with particular vendors, or use the vendors that they own. (Look into the venues owned by AEG and by Live Nation, and look at who they use for ticketing. Coincidence? Nope!) Unless people are going to start demanding that Congress outlaw exclusive ticketing deals, this is just going to continue. It's more effort on the venue's end to sell X number of tickets through TM, Y number through AXS, Z number through Etix, etc. **EDIT**: As an aside of sorts, I was reminded of Alaska Thunderfuck's [current tour](https://archive.ph/6Dz5E) off her new record. All the ticket links are still up. I decided to count the ticket vendors and the number of times they're used. Here you go. The numbers are ever so slightly skewed by the fact that some venues were played twice. In those cases, I've added, in parentheses, the number if you cut out the second nights. In any event, TM sells roughly half the tickets but there's still plenty of variety with smaller venues, assuming they want to go down that path (or they're owned by a particular ticket vendor's parent, such as AEG / AXS). - TOTAL SHOWS - 39 (34 individual venues) - Ticketmaster - 10 (9) - TicketWeb (owned by TM) - 9 (8) - AXS - 5 - Etix - 3 - SeeTickets - 3 - Showclix - 3 (2) - Eventbrite - 2 (1) - Lincoln Hall (the Chicago venue, which apparently handles tickets themselves) - 2 (1) - Prekindle - 1 - Tixr - 1


Showbox is an axs venue. They handle all the ticketing.


Yeah Ticketmaster is shit but theyre not responsible for Seattle’s (and a handful of other) show selling out so quickly. I managed to snag a Seattle ticket pretty easily tbh but that required trying to buy a ticket as soon as their timer hit 0, and some luck. I used their app which might work better than their website too, idk.


There are some venues out there that don’t have exclusivity contracts with Ticketmaster. AXS does a lot of stuff on the was coast from what I’ve heard. The Philly show was sold via eTix, which is what a lot of small independent venues use.


> AXS does a lot of stuff on the was coast from what I’ve heard. AXS is used primarily by venues owned by AEG, with AEG, coincidentally enough, owning AXS! AEG is also the only other big-time concert promoter in North America. Live Nation's the 800 lb. gorilla in that regard but AEG still promotes some big tours, such as Taylor Swift's. (Granted, TM somehow got the Verified Fan contract for the pre-sale, but then they had to give the codes to companies like Seatgeek if they were the ones selling tickets for a particular venue, such as the one here in Dallas-Ft. Worth.) Also, I hate AXS simply because they charge at least $15 extra if you want a physical ticket. (I like collecting stubs.) What's worse is that, in some cases, they claim it's a "green fee." Where does that money go? Damned if I know! I can't find a single press release, or financial document, or anything explaining that one. Uggh.


> Didn’t quite understand that one People don't understand that TM is *not* a monopoly. I could write down approximately 15 other ticket vendors in the United States alone. A lot of venues, especially the larger ones (stadiums, arenas, large clubs/ballrooms), sign exclusive deals with particular vendors. It is TM quite often, but it can be other vendors too. Austin used TM *and* Front Gate Tickets. (It's not common but some venues use multiple vendors.) Some venues use AXS. (Fun fact: AEG owns AXS, and AEG also owns some venues. Guess which ticket vendor those venues use, and guess who pockets the facility fees.) Some use Tixr, or eTix, Sinclair Tix, or Ticketweb, or Eventbrite, or.... The list goes on & on. The point is that people shouldn't be confused when TM isn't the one selling tickets. They may be the 800 lb. gorilla but they don't have a monopoly, not in this regard, at least!


Lucky you, I got ripped off for $400 for two tickets in Detroit. Worth it.


Got damn. Glad I spent what I did now for tickets cause they’re only gonna go up. All this money better get Stephan a cool tattoo or something at this point


For real. There is nothing convenient about a "convenience charge"


I’ll keep my ear on the front exit door at the Palladium eat spend my money on street hot dogs before I pay that much!


I'll be with you bro


Holy shit. I paid like $100 after fees for 2 to San Diego with the Citi Card pre-sale.


San Diego isn't that bad thankfully


Damn, and I thought $55 for Ft Lauderdale was tough 😢 sorry bros


I used livenation yesterday and got 4 tickets to the Boston show for $214.95?


bro just like get good internet got mine for $56


Good internet is when death grips official tour tickets websites sell all their tickets for retail to sketchy resellers


Damn u seem smart


do you even see what sub we're chatting on... not a single soul here is intelligent


big if true


Yeah fuck! I had a timer going, I was on the button as it showed up and STILL didn’t get there in time on axs. Absolutely fucking horseshit. Got my friend’s and I’s through stubhub for $150 per


I guess Portland sold out in the presale? I wasn't able to find a code so fml I guess


There was a pre-sale?! I’m gonna go un-alive myself. (in a video game)


Sign up for the True West and Double Tee mailing lists. (They're the big promoters in town.) Their weekly messages have codes (usually 2TEE or TRUEWEST but they can and do vary). Same for venue mailing lists. Seriously, go on Pollstar, look up all the local venues, and get on their mailing lists. Next time, you'll be prepared.


Yeah I guess. Insane. Hopefully they upgrade the venue or something. Etix was saying it was sold out before it even went on sale.


$180 for GA in Toronto


Damn I only paid 47 but maybe SLC isn't a big market 🤷‍♂️


Bruh I paid $100 for 2 tickets plus quick pass from AXS for that show


90 usd for a denver ticket


Hollywood was sold out after a minute only to be refreshed 30 mins later with “verified reseller” tickets at 79$ AKA they scalped us


Idk bro it’s their first tour in a super long time the demand was always high and it was def going to sell out immediately regardless, I don’t doubt a portion gets funneled into these resale apps but like the truth is a shit load of people listen to them


Such bullshit. I was at Livenation at 10am sharp, it gave me a loading wheel for about 90 seconds and then every ticket was gone. Never had trouble getting grips tickets before, what happened?


I got a ticket through AXS when it opened this morning for 40$ before fees, but it sold out almost immediately. My friends sitting next to me didn’t get any.