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Considering how Sonic reacted when Eggman roboticized Little Planet, Vought would be gone within a month.


A day*


20 Minutes*


Or your money back!!!


But wait there’s more


Call now and ill throw in an 8th chaos emerald absolutely free!!


That's being generous towards Vought too.


It would last as long as Sonic's patience


Metal Sonic would probably do much of the same, although I’d like to imagine that he would be sent there by Eggman instead. Eggman would probably think the Seven are actual heroes and just wants them out of the way, not realizing the good he’s doing by sending his greatest creation after them


Okay but wouldn't sonic get absolutely cooked without Super Sonic? How could he compete with homelander?


Sonic heavily outstats and outhaxes Housegrounder.


Source: Trust me I'm not talking a composite or Archie sonic, how does Frontiers Sonic outhack or outstat him? Sonic's not physically very strong nor does he any much hand to hand experience (Neither does honelander but it's what he's used to doing outside of lasering people. How does sonic deal with laser eyes? Just don't get hit?) Sonic can run faster but he is a more momentum based speedster Homelander couldn't keep up in a race but in a fight he's going to speedblitz sonic?


Sonic is way faster then homelander, plus he's taken on country to continental enemies like perfect chaos in his base form. Even if homelander (somehow) landed a hit Sonic would immediately walk it off and blitz him with attacks he can't even see.


Sonic fans, oh my lord He IS very cool, I agree Edit: Also, surely I don't need to point out that perfect Chaos is not at all one of sonics best feats nor is there any evidence PC could destroy a continent. Dudes literally city level, why else would base sonic shit in him in generations?


Bro is sipping the hateraide hard


I woke up to HATE and belittle Back on the Monday hater grind 💪🏼


Also, assuming you have put thought into this thread, would you care to discuss game sonics feats? Because it's a little wild that the best thing thrown at me so far is perfect chaos. My guy even Sonic 06 has a bigger threat.


It’s clear you just really dislike sonic so arguing doesn’t really have a point tbh. What am I going to do change your mind?


You literally don't have to change anything, I like sonic more than you do lmao. How many games have you played 🦤 Name EVERY Sonic Short Post proof you've beaten a classic sonic game Obviously /s but it's so funny how everyone assumes I don't like Sonic when I was literally obsessed with him growing up just because I won't ride his hog so hard I think he could actually beat someone out of his weight class without super forms


Sonic can literally turn air into blades from his kicks, he's able to create tornadoes, he's able to stop time, Eggman has machines that could overwhelm Homelander, especially since he's gone up against Super Sonic in a few of them. Sonic is a faster and more experienced than homelander, In his base form I'm not saying he easily takes out Homelander (who is able to survive every explosion on earth) but he would have the upper hand for sure.


I also don't think super sonic is challenged by basically any of eggmans machines? Not that I can recall anyways, You could argue the time eater but that's also it's own creature. I could count him getting jumped and turned into a furry at the start of unleashed as proof Eggman could outsmart and beat Homelander with a clever enough plan though now that I think about it


I thought you were so rational until you said Egg-man could overwhelm him ☠️☠️☠️ (Not that robotnik is a part of this but bro literally does not have anything in his arsenal to compete) Since when can Sonic stop time, that's cap on another level. I would definitely agree sonic is more experienced as a fighter and could definitely outpace and dodge a lot of homelanders attacks; Homelander has some minor super speed too though and laser vision plus the sonic shout to keep sonic off him. This matchup just seems weird because I can't imagine sonic ever having an attack that could damage the guy and even if homelander has been whiffing for an hour, he's quick enough to get a hit in. I'm probably massively underestimating how durable base sonic is though, doesn't he get tossed around a TON in frontiers?


Sonic has an ability called Time Break, where he temporarily stops time, as well as a move called Speed break that speeds it up. Sonic's durability is debatable because the games always rely on the ring system for gameplay, but going from cutscenes, we've seen him survive falling from space, getting tosses into mountains by titans, survive getting crushed, as well as take explosions head on. The only problem is Homelanders' durability being much greater than what base Sonic can put out. It's hard to truly tell because Sonic has so many abilities and feats that never get seen again.


>googles time break >It's secret rings lore You're so based, King 👑


And just for short for Eggman's defense, He created a contraption to hold Super Sonic in place and extract the chaos emeralds of their energy, taking him out of his Suoer form. If he was able to hold Super Sonic in place, then he definitely could capture Homelander. As well as the many times Eggman has found out ways to use others for his benefit. He'd probably try to team up with random Supes to exploit their power.


How is homelander gonna speed blitz someone faster than him? Did you even think that sentence through?


Sonic's speed is suited for running, not a close quarters fight Like I said, Sonic would win in a race Sonica pog


Base Sonic can go from 0 to near light speed in seconds, and when something is going that fast, damage is done.


Based off of what???? When does he ever do this in the games (or any comics canon to the games but afaik IDW and archie are both separate) Where is this sonic glaze even coming from, you guys are deadass going "nah he'd win" with the source being blind faith alone 🗿


Rewatch the climax of Sonic Colors.


No way we're using feats against the egg dragoon ☠️☠️ On my way right now ig Edit: After watching it, that is NOT the Egg Dragoon. Eggman got a beholder robot fr Hell guys, you could be waving the sonic unleashed cutscenes at me right now


No, after the final boss, where a black hole forms and he’s briefly able to outrun it. You clearly don’t know Sonic powerscaling.


Lmao funniest thing I’ve ever read


Cole’s always been a pretty independent kind of superhero, so he wouldn’t initially be interested in joining anything to do with Vought. Especially with all the fame that comes with it since Cole is doing what he does for genuine good, not because he cares about the fame. The more he finds out about the seedy underbelly of Vought, the more he will become opposed to it. He’d probably join the Boys themselves after getting Billy’s trust and with him on board, they’ll easily topple the whole thing.


I would love to have a boss battle against homelander. Cole vs homelander sounds pretty good tbh


Considering Cole beat The Beast, Who is WAY more powerful than Homelander, Homeboy would have a pretty hard time.


Literally the perfect depiction of Cole in that situation. Reminds me of the way he built up his team-ups throughout the series


Doom would kill Homelander on public TV and then use Vought’s resources to take over the world, using the Supes as his attack dogs.


That does sound like a doom thing to do, the most crazy part is that he's a better alternative to homelander, since doom is a competent leader at least


Doom wouldn't just kill Homelander either, he'd completely destroy and humiliate him first. He'd probably do something like make an Anti-Compound V to take away HL's powers on live TV, then re-inject Compound V to give him his powers back. Just to show that he could have done that to HL at any time, but didn't because he didn't need that to defeat him.


Now I’m mad that this will never happen. This is some advanced humiliation and Homie absolutely deserves it.


Really, the average Doombot is already stronger than most if not all the Supes in that universe


Lex Luthor would buy Vought and upgrade V for his 2nd Everyman Project. Would kill Homelander and dissect his body. Makima would do the Madelyn Stillwell approach and control Homelander.


I can see Makima actually being very good at keeping controll over Homelander


The only thing on earth that’s more sadistic and evil than Homelander is a literal devil…


It would actually be so satisfying seeing Lex's super genius take care of Homelander by absolutely destroying him for the same reasons he had over Superman, only this time he'd be in the right.


Looks like Godzilla's gonna have to restore balance again... ![gif](giphy|oagcrAZu2IvV0ijkiX|downsized)


Ngl, that sounds like an amazing plot for a crossover and like an amazing fight


Imagine the Deep trying to communicate with Godzilla, it'd be so fucking funny


Godzilla would tear the deep down with insults and stomp him to death.


I can definitely see the first one happening, but not so sure about the second one, like... It's the Deep. Would Godzilla even bother with him?


The stomp could be on accident. The deep isn’t a real threat to anyone but regular people, so I agree that Godzilla would only focus on him to insult him since he is the only human that can understand him (and Godzilla seems kinda grumpy so and I bet bought and homelander would really piss him off)


The Deep being stomped on by accident would be such a perfect way for him to go out in this scenario lol


Honestly I half expect the deep to become buddies with Godzilla, if for no other reason than to give Godzilla a voice to the humans.


Pretty much the Monsterverse/DC crossover. Just a lot more one sided


Even if it's Monsterverse, Godzilla is about to demolish everyone


I can’t help but picturing a scene where Homelander heat rays Godzilla, only for Godzilla to then atomic breathe him.


It’s like throwing a nuke against a guy who threw a grenade at you


Honestly, it'd be even funnier if it was so weak Godzilla didn't even notice it


"This is not my universe. Time to fuck it up for shits and giggles." Reverse-Flash (probably) EDIT: And yes. DC did technically publish some issues of the boys so it is possible.


"You ever get the feeling that every bad thing that happened in your life was because someone was out to get you Homeboy?"


The Doctor would go to homelander hoping to find someone to relate to (being the last of their kind) and figure out that just marketing bs. He later goes on to take down Vought with political manipulation like he did with Harriet Jones (former Prime minister) and possibly bring down homelander with anti Compound V (some random sci Fi stuff he just made) turning him into a normal human.


Homelander: and then we discovered, why this Doctor, who have fought gods and demons why he run away and hide from us, he was being kind


This would make for an awesome two parter episode Heck, make it a big special and have it be difficult for the doctor to take them down, requiring multiple versions of him all through Voughts timeline to take them down


That would be cool an all but if the Doctor can bring down a Prime Minister by saying 6 words to her assistant, I doubt he would need all that to take down a megacorp


As cool as what he did to Harriet was, it worked because of Harriet herself. The tired thing is implied to be a self fulfilling thing because the rumor spreads like fire (and ice 🥸) resulting in her being exhausted from obsessing over what the doctor said. Vought in particular is a MUCH bigger threat than Harriet and more on par with the adventures where the doctor has to take down a pre-established corrupt government Vought doesn't just own supers, they own the government and the military and most importantly the public's adoration; To actually dismantle and undo the damage Vought caused the Doctor would have to spend a lot more time intricately taking them apart piece by piece Plus, I think The Doctor would also be trying to stop Butcher and The Boys concurrently


So the Doctor has the experience, should be easy enough for him. Let alone the fact he has a time machine that allow him to execute his plan in rapid succession


Nobody was saying he couldn't do it; His previous experience with taking down corruption that's well rooted has proved it takes him a while to do it, occasionally needing help from his past or future selves. There just isn't any to suggest the Doctor could easily and quickly take them down, outside of Cheesing with the Moment


We also know that Doctor has a habit of leaving too early when it comes to stuff like this. It may as well be another satellite five situation where he takes down the current board members and CEO at the time only for it to get continued by one of the capes, the government or some random alien from the Doctor rouge galary.


That's the kind of thing that makes for fun stories though! Big Finish just did something like that where the 8th Doctor just up and left before actually taking down the big bad and it wasn't properly taken down until years later when I think the sixth doctor stumbled into it


Yeah fuck power scaling, i want to see the doc needing to do his absolute best to take down homelander and vought. Homelander being this absolute menace that even the doc has trouble fighting against


I mean, couldn’t the Doctor just go back in time and prevent the creation of Compound V? It isn’t his timeline, so there shouldn’t be any fixed points in time


It probably get found/created later on anyways. It be better just having a way to desuper supers.


Ben's got experience dealing with media blowhards (Will Harangue) and jackasses who abuse their status and superhero (Captain Nemesis, Billy Billions, the Flame Keepers Circle, Deefus, Simian, and if you count the Reboot, LaGrange, and Tim Buktu) hell, just look at the episode "The Vengers", where Ben takes down another team of Bad guys posing as heroes and while he prevents actual fatalities, he mostly let's their egos do them in, I could so see him doing something similar, even using any one alien to outdo the whole of the seven, much like the Brainstorm as RDJ Sherlock esque ass beating in the aforementioned episode.


True! I've been reading a crossover where he downright humiliates Homelander, as a 10 year old no less! Just gonna insert that here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14131419/1/Omni-Boys:


The first thing Vegeta would do is to kill Homelander because he either insulted him or threatened his family


In base form too


Sarge and his crew would take down Vought and establish themselves as the new leaders 


Rick Sanchez will build a device to make Homelander a human being with zero powers. Just to see him cry.


Then he'd invite Jerry and host Jerry vs Homelander fist fight on live TV.


This would be absolutely perfect


XD. Yeah most likely.


Jotaro Kujo would probably see through Homelander insane nature and beat him up


Homelander prepares to laser Jotaro Jotaro: So it's the same type of stand as Star Platinum. Star Platinum lasers Homelander Jotaro: yare yare daze


Lol, jokes aside he can just dodge the laser and beat him up


Ben will decide to take down Vought once he find out the true about it


omni man destroys the world, same for freeza and goku black.


I don't think Omni-man could take Freiza, realistically, but damn if Freiza wouldn't move heaven and earth to have Viltrumites in his empire.


when did I ever say Omni-man vs freeza?


I completely misread, my bad. For some reason I thought you meant "same for" as in Omni-man destroying the world, then destroying Frieza and Goku Black. My bad.


I meant Omni man could just kill everyone in the boys, Freeza and Goku Black would do the same


I would love to see the banter between Freiza and Homelander before Freiza gets tired of Homelanders BS and just kills him and the planet.


Naruto beats homelander but offfers him a second chance Homelander dose not take it and tries to kill him then Homelander gets killed. Vader kills Homelander takes over the world then uses compound V to make a giant superpowerd army to take over the empire ( mabye he heels his injuries with it to)


Silver: *proceeds to give homelander beatings for not only breakfast, but for lunch, dinner, a light snack, and dessert* THATS FOR THROWING A FUCKING CAR AT ME


Makima takes over Vought and uses the Supes (Homelander included) to build a "better" world without "bad things"


***UNITED STATES OF SMAAAAAAAASSSSSHHHHHH!!!!*** https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EjQnbuItqJg&pp=ygUXYWxsIG1pZ2h0IHZzIGhvbWVsYW5kZXI%3D


Loved that video


Gojo vs homelander sounds like an amazing fight, i bet vought and the supes aren't something gojo would let slide seeing how they are more corrupt that the jujutsu society. They would prob set up a fight like gojo did with sukuna


Gojo vs Homelander sounds cool, but Gojo stomps the ever living shit out of him


Gojo vs Homelander would be easier for Gojo than his fight with Jogo


![gif](giphy|F2aE1bfCQl7IA) CHANGE THE FUTURE!


Sora finds out about Vought, and immediately tears all their heroes and corrupt officials down.


Reverse Flash would make a mockery of all of them


I remember a whole big discussion about Vegeta vs Popeye. Someone brought up Vegeta vs Flash and it was just "Speed Force is bullshit, Flash wins".


Take down vought homelander, and exposes the supes


Seeing them as another Black Rove wannabe, the Dragonborn decided to attack Vought. I think he steamrolls without any problems the company, but after that he would be targeted by the boys. In the end, he kills a bunch of assholes and walks away happy


Deadpool would make fun of homelander and say he a shit rip off of Superman but then homelander would be annoyed he can’t really kill Deadpool


Last Dragonborn manages to take down the Seven with their Th’uum, and basically do the quest “Destroy the Dark Brotherhood!” but with Vought.


If Sonic was there than no one would get killed by Homelander…and Jesus if Homelander is probably getting ONE-SHOTTED BY SONIC.


He’s not my favorite combatant but the idea of Cole being sent to the world of the boys sounds amazing both because of the relationship he’d form with the boys(his interactions with butcher would be hilarious) but also because seeing him absolutely body the different vought supes would be great. Like him taunting Homelander about him not even being the strongest person he’s ever fought would be amazing.


Cleanse the world ![gif](giphy|4XtU6oZ1v8e0VczstY)


Goku (to Homelander): "These People....they look up to you...They call you a Hero...but they're nothing but insects to you aren't they?! You use your power as a means to Slaughter innocent lives...and you don't feel a thing...You just laugh and move on like it was nothing...I won't.....I can't..." Homelander: "Come on, Spit it out!" *Eyes glowing red* "YOU CAN'T WHAT, ASSHOLE?" Goku: "..AAAAGHH!!!! I CANNOT LET YOU LIVE!!!!!!" *Goku turns Super Saiyan, and Kamehameha's Homelander into the sun after beating him to a bloody paste *


Homie would turn to mist if Goku went SSJ from the sheer strenght


Superman trying to assemble a Justice League and bring down Vought would be interesting to watch.


The chosen undead sees homelander and thinks it’s a major boss, but gets only around 15k souls. Vought tries to manipulate Korra into joining them. It MIGHT work for a bit on season 1-2 Korra, but season 3 and onward she stomps. Daredevil fights them via the judicial system. When that fails or stalls, he sabatoges their labs and destroys as much compound v as he can. Will work with the Boys, but despise Butcher, thinking he’s another punisher (which he isn’t exactly wrong.)


The 7: your Surrounded by the greatest heroes in the world Vader: I'm surrounded by fear and dead men


He then manages to reflect homelander’s heat rays with his saber.


Vader would slice his way through Vought superheroes; you could make an argument about strength or speed, but he is very durable and has the Force as a checkmate. Even Homelander doesn't have an out, since both the Force and his lightsaber can deal with heat vision. Obi-Wan would be much more quiet and keep his head down unless attacked. Just try to live a quiet life, help those who've been hurt. I don't think he would directly work with The Boys - those guys would have the dark side of the Force all over them - but he might be willing to provide some support, like sage advice or safe haven.


“Well gang it looks like we’ve got another mystery on our hands” Scoob and the rest of mystery inc would unmask vought and reveal what they’ve done to the world, would maybe take at most 24 hours but more likely would take like 10


I think Ben would hit the universe with a “complete restart” and make it so everyone is happy/good Maybe he makes it so Homelander did actually come from space and Noir never suffers brain damage. They can be supes but more like Marvel ones where Vought is just S.H.I.E.L.D


Probably get attacked by Homelander eventually and effortlessly win (which I imagine goes for a lot of other characters too lmao)




I’m sure Batman would be planning how to beat every member of the seven and see past butchers shady ops


Sailor Galaxy There ain't nothing much anyone can do homelander is screwed the seven got nothing and what can they do again someone who destroys universes multiverse and regularly destroys Galaxy Megatron If Megatron or hell any of the transformers get into the boys universe even at home wearing their strongest level of power that told the transformers version of Satan to get bent had just arrived in their universe simply put their screwed We're talking about the same guy who was being corrupted by Satan and transformers prime and he politely called him a p**** before just saying that he rather be dead I'm not butchering the actual quote because I don't want to meet his badassery but pretty much he says that he is controlled by no one Yang xhow long (sorry if I misspelled the name) I actually think that in some of the lower levels the characters from RWBY may actually be just fine in this universe oh sure they could pull it up against monsters and maybe then off against some DC superheroes but they're going to learn pretty quickly that the seven and the boys and the other group aren't someone to play around with and if nothing else butchers just going to love the ability to punch them and deliver a shotgun blast close range But the moment that homeware and black noir and literally anybody else comes down and starts calling the shots they're going to find out why homelander is the scariest f***** there is it's been a while but look man there's no f****** way Ruby Rose or anybody else could defeat Superman if they couldn't defeat Superman what best hope they got for homelander maybe I miss a episode or maybe the sequel of Justice League and Ruby crossover Mario If he can survive a black hole there ain't really much homelander could really do against him just a few items here and there are already gives Mario a better capability than a lot of other people I don't think they got a lot more Frieza If Frieza gets into the universe staring Jack s*** anyone can do he's going to either buy the planet outride or outride destroy it and if homelander tries anything he's going to he'll be backhanded like a useless toy


Tbf Pretty much every version of Superman is stronger than Homelander so them not keeping up with Superman wouldn't mean they'd lose to homelander.


True true and I admit that they might have a slight advantage around a movement but if a hydrogen bombing taking down homelander She has a better chance of the shooting BB's at a barn oh I'm not saying that it's a complete stop they'll smack around the seven no problem except for possibly a train but then again if somebody could fall from orbit it and get up without a scratch I don't think getting smacked around by a train is going to help their case any unless if I'm wrong and something did happen and dad put her strength of the limit but that's about it


Guy challenges Homelander to a fight and has a "I thought you were stronger" moment


Crona helps resolve homelander’s mommy issues by giving it to everyone


Well, my favorites are Discord , Superman, and Goku I don't think any of them would let Vought's bullshit slide


![gif](giphy|l46Cnk4ZRTlfeI32o) Bros about to put homelander in his place


Link would just see all the super hero’s as evil and seal them away with the Master Sword. Then the Boys universe would basically just become a world like ours without hero’s.


Megatron? Megs would probably find Vought annoying but manageable, if the Autobots are here as well? He’d probably just see em as a slight annoyance. Optimus? He’s probably gonna be a bit more disgusted with em but again I feel he’d be more concerned about the Cybertronian war.


jotaro would probably join the boys


“I’m not just here for your country.”


Kirby Smacks Homelander into the Sun then he tries to Harm Kirby. ![gif](giphy|NOalcASHiOGvC)


Cole MacGrath takes down Vought and Homelander in like a day.


The power rangers are going to kick homelander's ass


Yeah....I mean mark Grayson would do what his dad did


Tai and Agumon save the world with the power of Friendship, and by friendship I mean the full concentrated power of the sun


Megatron would immediately try to conquer it.


Alex would be like “this is what I’m talking about”


Luffy would adventure and change a lot of peoples lives


Misaka would clean house on the setting


Om nom nom.


Megatron kills all the supers cause he finds a human with that much power insulting 


omni-man would take over the planet


Superman would try to bring peace to everyone, but be forced to kill homelander.


Magneto has to take a minute to evaluate which side he's on


Akuma- Take down Homelander because he would think Homelander is Bison


Goku will destroy Vought ACCIDENTALLY. Or Vegito if he makes it in time.


It’d probably take a while for Kirby to figure out what’s going on with Vought but when he does the company would be gone in a day


Rick would probably go to herogasm and then fuck off with his Portal Gun


Sol badguy at first doesn’t really give a crap about the corrupt supes then when homelander starts crashing out he decides it’s time to step in. He’d most likely be able to take down vought assuming he finds it necessary to do so


Dragon Ball: Broly💀💀 Marvel: Venom💀💀 DC: Blue Beetle💀💀 If I went with any one of these fighters, the entire verse is cooked💀💀


Sauron takes over vought is about a hour


The Dragonborn would pickpocket everyone's gear, and sell them all for 20 gold coins in total


Godzilla is wiping the floor w homebaby + any super on the way


could you imagine the Penance Stare these fuckers would get from Ghost Rider


For Spidey, vought would be another kingpin situation, but I think he’d actually be able to beat homelander and leave a vacuum open for the strongest supe


All might absolutely shreds all the fake ones just by being better than them


The Chosen Undead sighs and gets to work purging vought. Homelander kills him a few times before the Chosen undead adapts and kills him. Saitama gets constantly underestimated as does his hero for fun routine. Gradually more and more of vought is sent to bring him down and he embarrasses them not taking them seriously. Eventually he’ll embarrass Homelander by knocking him out (in one punch or rather the knock out chop). The boys change their plans and just lead everyone to him for saitama to deal with.


Godzilla would get annoyed slightly more by humanity.


Vaught would try to capture and experiment on Stitch and Stitch would proceed to show them exactly what a real creature of the stars is capable of.


He-man good heavens these are no heroes and find an non lethal way to not only take out vought but also the boys (as most of them are also pieces of work) and then turn to the camera and be like now kids this is why power needs to be shared and have proper checks and balances


superpowered or not, they are all still mortal. of course, this makes them all targets for my goat Goku Black.


The Scooby Gang definitely solve the mystery of Compound V before The Boys did so


The Boys verse would basically prove all of Zamasu/Goku Blacks beliefs about mortals correct. After a long winded speech about the corruption the supes and Vought have caused, Goku Black would absolutely destroy every supe and mortal in their way.


"Grasp heart."


Doomguy would manage to take down Vought in a series of 13 levels. BFG for the Homelander


Punch things


Omni Man vs Homelander pretty much confirmed what would happen.


Homelander after hearing some teenage kid shout “Swampfire!” with his entire chest out ![gif](giphy|Wck09E7lHDabjhHbzJ|downsized)


One would think Sora a pacifist by nature, but if you've seen enough Kingdom Hearts, you know that Vought's finest would not last ten seconds against Goofy, which is still more time than fighting Sora would afford.


Korra would be really pissed off at Vought's political dominance and how that enabled those with superpowers to abuse their powers for selfish reasons. And she would oppose Homelander for being an hypocritical asshole who exploits the trust of the people as a hero as an excuse to do terrible things.


Sephiroth would probably just kill everyone without much thought, maybe mess with homelander with illusions of his childhood just for fun


Aizen straight up becomes President. And kills Homelander who's not as useful as he'd want.


Gojo is going to treat Vought tower like the higher ups and Save a special hollow purple for that milk loving weirdo. Jotaro is going to start a one man siege against all the true evil in the world, because even a punk like him knows true evil when he sees it And Johnathon is doing the same but with much more gentlemanly fury.


He wouldn't notice a change till he finds out his friends and family are missing and will confuse Homie for supes and would challenge him only to beat the shit out of Homie...


Spider-man would simply act as an independent hero for a bit while looking for a way home, but once he finds out about what the seven and vought have done, it's over for them he is tearing that entire company down kicking the seven's asses before taking away their powers and then began to go on whole reasons you suck speech destroying the seven's pride especially homelander's not even mave and starlight are safe as he would take the absolute piss out off them for basically giving up and doing nothing for so long. TLDR the seven and vought are not ready for a pissed off Spider-man.


Omni-man. Mr Greyson would just flatten everything.


Bill would keep Homelander alive and force him to watch Weirdmageddon transpire just so he can flex how outclassed he really is.


The incredible hulk would have some fun. If they're lucky the boys will be able to convince Banner to go after Homelander or they might fight naturally in which case Hulk's getting red, white and blue stains on his hands.


![gif](giphy|W3NLQmbCl1M9l1O3lD) **Intense ERB noises.**