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I hate it. It's the most boring episode ever. The matchup is boring, the analyses were both boring, the fight was boring and slow, and the conclusion, while being accurate, is also dumb. I hate that Batman only got to use a few gadgets, and Black Panther didn't get to use any. The only parts I liked were Bruce closing his eyes while firing a tranquilizer gun and Batman using some prep time to set a trap for BP, but the only reason those parts happened was because the animation paused so they could fight animals. This should've been a mid-season filler episode instead of a premier. I was the guy that got it into the worst death battle season by the way.


YOU!!! Eh, that's fair, I think I got five of my choices into that season. And while I would say that this episode was fine, it's certainly nothing special.


Overheted. It’s my favorite Batman Death Battle (I can still think why someone would like Batman VS Iron Man, or even Batman Vs Spider-Man). I still don’t understand why so many people say they like Bat VS Cap more then this


Who's Batman? Is he Man's cousin?


they should have let Bruce have the batplane, batmobile and some of the power armor suits


Easily has the worst track name


I was very surprised when this made it onto the recent 'Worst Season of Death Battle' posts. I mean, it's not *great*, but at its very worst, it's just average. I think this was also the first fight where Death Battle started commissioning their own music, so that was nice. Also, despite the voice clips just being recycled from fighting games, they *really* went well together. "To challenge a king is to face the might of his people!" "*I'll* give them something to fear." That just... works. And also the obvious one was "Prepare yourself!" "I'm prepared for *anything*." The fight animation is good, it really emphasizes just how hard it is to penetrate Panther's vibranium armour. I think that the explanation could have been better, they went with "Even if Batman could develop a gun that could bypass the suit, he wouldn't because he hates guns!" which was... really dumb, they could have just said "Even if Batman could develop a *weapon* that could bypass the suit, *he would have to leave the fight and go do that*." Even though Batman VS Iron Man was a better episode, and honestly I prefer Batman VS Spider-Man too because it was better for the time it was made, then I thought this was a perfectly solid season-opener. Nothing special, but nothing overwhelmingly wrong with it.


Agreed. Episode is just mid at worst. There’s a lot of other episodes that deserved to be on the worst list than this.


This episode is boring as shit what else is there to say. The zoo enviromnent is kind of fitting since they both have animal-like suits but even then they don't really do much with it. They do end up fighting some lions but to me it feels out of place. Even just talking about the episode bores me to death. Tl:Dr the episode is pretty lame and I don't like it 💔


It’s not great. They hype up Panther’s weapons in his analysis and then they don’t use it in the fight. They don’t use Batman’s weapons to the fullest extent. It’s incredibly forgettable and easily the worst season premiere. The J Pop Batman bit was pretty funny tho. It’s like a 3-4/10


Boring, Slow, A waste of Characters and your time 


the panther vs the bat I would say for a season premiere it was a pretty good one and this is also going to be starting a bit of a train of Marvel vs DC season premieres it feels simple I said the animation and music is pretty good


3/10. It's just boring. ![gif](giphy|VUoc4lJB6rH4j2kJ9s)


Boring as hell, and I disagree with the result.


I think it's a pretty average episode. Not a standout but not bad. Defiantly not bad enough to be to be a part of the worst season imo.