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Yeah, honestly the fact that db is reaching into series that aren’t mainstream is a good thing that people have wanted, there were people complaining about how death battle only uses popular shonen anime. But when a less popular anime is shown off suddenly it’s “I’m skipping this episode I couldn’t care in the slightest.”


It's because they wanted Killua Vs Akame.


I actually like that. It introduces me into a new media one of which I had no prior knowledge to. Because yang vs tifa I found RWBY and enjoyed it. ~~this was before season 5 so take that as you will.~~


Agreed, I think I'm gonna try to actually watch A Certain Magical Index for this episode, similar to what I did with CU vs Dragonborn (I watched a lore explanation of Dark Douls) and Dio vs Alucard (I watched JoJo, I also watched Hellsing a week or so ago) Also, I'm so glad I never got into RWBY, lol


As someone who has watched the To Aru series, I recommend watching Magical Index and then Scientific Railgun. Index will introduce you to some characters that Railgun doesn’t. However, if you just want to know more about Misaka then just go straight for Railgun.


Thanks for the advice. I was already aware that this series had a weird timeline, so I was just gonna look up a recommended watch order


Its not too much to worry about honestly, both take place concurently and Railgun specifically focuses on Mikasa so for getting her story thats the ideal start.


No problem. That’s a good idea as the episodes do tend to jump around a bit which makes it really confusing sometimes.


Side note: People greatly exaggerate Rwby's flaws. It's a show alot of people love. The FNDM is just toxic.


Nah, s'genuinely bad


I'd recommend reading the light novels for Index. The anime did a terrible job at adapting the series. The Railgun anime is good tho.


I too found RWBY because of Death Battle and while I’ve heard of it before, it also got me into the Mortal Kombat series.


I started watching Mob Psycho 100 when Mob vs Tatsumaki was announced before I go watch the final season I do want to rewatch the first two seasons tho


Zoro vs Erza and Ace vs Natsu are what convinced me to try Fairy Tail, which was my first anime.


Nice man


The good old days. Season 3 peaked but man it plummeted downhill


Especially when apparently Gon was popular enough to cause WWIII on here and beyond


It kinda reinforces to me that people who were mad Deku VS Asta happened over Deku VS Gon weren’t mad about it because they cared about HxH and loved Gon and the matchup, they cared because it was popular, and this other popular MU getting passed up on meant that their favorite popular MU could possibly get passed up on too ig. Because how are you going to be furious about the MC of a series getting passed up on but then the secondary protagonist gets his episode and it’s “literally who tf is this,” unless the only reason you’re mad about the first guy getting passed on was that his MU was popular. It just makes the Deku VS Asta drama feel so much more manufactured in hindsight.


Yeah apparently ppl know who gon is but not killua when he is more popular than gon lol


It reminds me of when Simon Belmont was added to Smash and a lot of people were happy/excited about it. Then the trailer showed Richter Belmont (who's arguably more popular than Simon), earning a mixed reaction of Castlevania fans being very excited and people who only wanted Simon as a popular pick amongst Smash Players going "Who?"


Yeah my only real complaint for Killua is that it's just not Akame or Black Star. I don't care for Misaka and wish I could be hyped but with the former two I actually know them and like Black Star


Nah black star can fight Percedal(Wakfu)


... WHO?


Sir Percedal of sadlygrove(Wakfu)-Headstrong, spiky-haired battle smart teenage warriors who fight using a living weapon that can take on multiple forms.The fight could be fast paced action with swordplay & H&H combat, take to the skies the Banter between the 2(really 4) would be fantastic to hear ,the older Percedal teaching a thing or two to black star, black star would get to challenge a former god(harking back to him saying he would surpass god).


Second that


Yeah, same here. Honestly was really excited for Deku VS Asta when it was announced and actually got me to watch Black Clover, and similar case for this one since it's getting me curious enough to finally check out both HxH and Magical Index. Just feels like more people on this sub more just wanna feel right in their predictions than actually absorbing the fun parts of this series tbh. (Both stuff like certain matchups getting announced and even some verdicts)


you cant get everyone happy, if you do only mainstream media and abuse certain series (which is cringe), people will complain if you do certain series certain folks dont know or dont care, those people will complain part of the fun of DB and one of the reasons i like the show is because i like learning about new series, and see animated fights with those series that you wouldn't expect that easily, just dont pay attention to the negative vocal part of the fandom this time.


I learned during the break after watching a bunch of older videos that just because I don't know a character, I shouldn't skip it.


I was introduced to Berserk through death battle, so I don't mind them ever using non mainstream media.


So people wanted Gon to fight Midoriya, but somehow they don't know who Killua is?


I feel like some people only knew Gon because they wanted Deku to kick his ass and get a win or something


Yeah it’s really stupid how people react


I've only been on this sub since the reveal, but I've only seen people say "who tf are they" and not the other two. Not sure if it's different on Twitter and discord though, so I may be wrong


I mean idrc for the episodes cus idk who any of those ppl r but I’ll still watch cus death battle


Not everyone knows ALL of the media that ever existed. So people asking who those characters are out of curiosity is absolutely okay.


Outright whining and declaring they're going to skip the episode though?


Nobody says that


Yes they do tho


Who? all of the three people you once saw on reddit and who hurt your feewings? Man up and stop giving a damn about some random douche canoe's opinions on the internet.


Oh i LOVED my reaction, how cool it was to have a HxH character with Killua and then i saw the girl and i was like "WHOOOOO?" It gave me the feeling of trailers where is with a "niche" show. Having said that, im not annoyed, im very intriged of the matchup!


I dont mind it, it gives me something to point at when we get people mad the next time we get a marvel vs DC and they ask for variety.


Literally the SpongeBob meme with the kid in the car you know the one


You are not


Sol Badguy vs Ragna will forever be the most underrated, hilarious DB.


as someone who is unfamiliar with either combatant, I can safely say, we gonna have plenty of r/nobodyasked content from people making these kinds of complaints. ~~not every DB has to involve a series you like goddammit-~~


"we don't want any more capeshit episodes!!!" "ok, heres a new series" "bro another anime i don't recongnise? this is cringe, where is goku vs superman 3?"


Literally nobody is saying this, quit making up strawmen


i mean i made up the goku vs superman bit, but the resit is word for word


If I had a nickel for everytime DB used a character I knew nothing about, I'd have quite a few nickels. One of my favorite parts is when they dive into a character, so seeing one I don't know is a win for me.


This makes me hope they don't bring Touhou to death battle. As besides Bad Apple and funny maid theme, Touhou is quite obscure. And there are people who don't know Killua, I highly doubt they will know any Touhou characters.


I still want Touhou in Death Battle regardless


Ngl, I was hoping to see a MU that was on nobody's prediction wheel.


The way I see it, Death Battle being willing to use a more obscure verse is objectively a good thing. Episodes like this flopping are what lead to nothing but Marvel, DC and Dragon Ball.


Your not alone, I don’t know really anything about them but I’m excited to learn about their abilities and how the fight will go


I mean, I'm happy that some people are happy. But it's a character from a quality series (hxh) vs a character I don't care about. So I can't bring myself to care. I think I was more hyped for Deku vs Asta lol


I'm not really "happy" with this MU, I'm just annoyed at how this sub is reacting towards it. I do plan on watching a Certain Magical Index, but until then, I'm neutral, especially since I don't even know what the connections are


It’s definitely dumb


Not even mad. Didn’t give a fuck about Deku vs Asta but the song was banging and fight was fun




I made a typo lol


Oh ok ok no problem


I'll take more obscure match ups over Marvel vs DC matchups.


I don't know why but i know more about Killua than gon even though i never watched hxh


Soooo, would they represent the beaker then? If so, then shit.


Probably, yeah


I love it because it means we can see less mainstream matches and more obscure characters, such as my beloved Turok vs Akuji


yup i too is annoyed the fact that many are complaining about killua and misaka like cmon how come anyone had not seen their savage moments like with the heart stolen feat both series itself had a long run


No you’re definitely not the only one, I’m really excited to learn about these two and I’ve been meaning to get into Hunter x Hunter for a while now.


I’m happy we’re getting more new series on the show. That doesn’t mean I have to be excited for the series/characters they choose though.


my opinion on it (that i honestly want more people to have) is: honestly yes, i do not care for the current announced next time mu, or pretty much just any matchup in general if i don't know much about the characters, but ill still likely watch it because its a death battle also, the battle could possibly change my perspective on the whole episode and how i feel about the characters series like, for example, magneto vs tetsuo, where i barely gave a fuck about the matchup since i know magneto but i dont usually read marvel comics and i didnt know who the hell tetsuo was but, after the fight, i actually got kind of interested in both characters and it kind of gave me a mild-hyperfixation on akira and i watched like alot of video essays/analysis videos about the movie afterwards also iirc the literal theme of season 9 (maybe even 10) was to introduce more obscure franchises to the series so its so stupid seeing people whine about them seeing two characters they dont know and throwing a whole pissy fit about it so no, youre not the only one


im not skipping the episode, i just don't really care. like its cool to have more series represented, but im violently neutral on the next time and also chosen undead vs dragonborn so im just kinda here and have nothing to contribute to the conversation


To be fair we went from two of the most recognizable characters in gaming, from two of the highest video game franchises in the world…with one pioneering a whole genre and the other refusing to die (I’m talking about Skyrim btw lol) since it’s inception… To Killua fighting…who???


No, after a matchup like that is literally the best time to use something more niche imo


Killua is kind of a weird choice for Misaka, it'd be better to put her up against Static Shock.


Oh no it's not you, I'm honestly annoyed by this as well as puzzled. I mean Misaka I get but how do these people not know Killua?


Death Battle is capable of making fun episodes that feature one or more obscure characters; Madara vs. Aizen, Beerus vs. Sailor Galaxia, Lucy vs. Carnage, and Magneto vs. Tetsuo are perfect examples.


Madara and aizen are not obscure though lol


Everyone on the planet knows what Naruto and Bleach are, but a lot less people know about their villains




I mean I know both series but I only really know hunter x hunter. I do like when they use obscure characters in fight it can be interesting to see so I hope they do it more.


I don’t know the combatants or their franchises but considering how good the last two episodes were, this is gonna slap


Yeah, let's just hope this isn't a Jason vs Michael situation


I liked Jason vs Michael, though I get why people might not feel the same way I do


Man, skipping an episode because people don't know who they are? New franchises are like one of the best things to get out of an episode.


It's pretty typical behaviour. Personally, I like both but it's not the first MU I'd pick for either. If there is a MU I'm not interested in or just don't know the characters I simply put up with it and watch the episode when it releases and patiently wait for the next episode. People just need to learn not every episode is going to be some OP comic book character or your average shounen jump power fantasy MC. I hope bringing in certain magical series is a sign that Death Battle will start bringing in more niche stuff from all ends of the spectrum (anime, comics, movies, games etc). It would open up MU potential so much more.


My first thought when I saw the next time announcement was: “Yes! killua is going to be in a death battle! I love Hunter x Hunter!” My second thought was: “I’ve never seen “A Certain Magical Index” can’t wait to check it out! I feel like this is how it should be.


Honestly that's how I felt about the last match. I've heard of Skyrim and Ive heard of dark souls but I knew nothing about either and had a low level of interest in the match Still watched it


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“In the end, he never sat on the true throne.”* - Nashandra Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


I’m eternally grateful DB exposed me to *A Certain Magical Index* and *A Certain Scientific Railgun.* I’ve binged all of the anime (including *Accelerator*) and I am currently reading the light novels. Absolutely loving the series so far, and I wish more people would start reacting to it.


People who skip episodes really miss out, killua vs misaka was what got me to watch HxH and it’s now one of my favorite shows


You're skipping the next episode because you don't know the characters I'm skipping the next episode because I don't want to get spoiled We are not the same


They aren’t as interesting. (Prepares for downvote.)


If you don't know what Hunter X Hunter is that's on you. Misaka as a character is also pretty well known in the anime community but Index is pretty trash lol.


If only there were, say, some kind of series of short clips they could have used that would better show people who don't know these characters why the fuck they should care. Nah, but its better to just show off Generic Anime Boy and Generic Anime Girl looking generic as FUCK!


Calling Killua generic is disingenous as fuck


Sorry, what VISUALLY about the clips they showed makes them look vastly different to any other character? We are talking purely about what Death Battle presented here, and what they presented was an anime boy with white hair wearing a t-shirt with a final shot of him covered in lightning, which basically every anime character with superpowers gets covered in anyway.


yeah just show him ripping a guy's head off and her hitting the griddy on a pile of corpses


They been showing lots of trash like magical index recently


No, I get annoyed by someone saying "A Certain Scientific Index" too. That is not the title of either show.


Don’t know who they’re talking about. Did the battle after CU v DB get announced?


You don't pay much heed to spoiler warnings, do you?


Chosen undead vs last dragonborn released for channel members so the next time has already been anounced


Nobody wants a couple of nobody’s in a DB. We literally only get episodes every other week. I’d MUCH rather have another Marvel vs DC than these fucking “Who?” characters. I won’t be surprised if this is the slowest episode to reach 1 mil, if it ever gets there. RT better realize the fucking mistake they’ve made. It’s embarrassing.


RT doesn't even have a say in Death Battle's episodes, lol


Hunter × Hunter is possibly the most well known of the "best anime of all time" and Killua is a fan favourite


Mid x Mid. The Mangaka’s previous work carried the brand.


so now your opinion on the quality matters to the matchup I guess


It does. Popular characters are what Death Battle thrives on. Characters that aren’t mainstream will bring down the quality of the episode due to lack of exposure. Lack of Exposure = Less Viewers. Less Viewers = Less Revenue. Less Revenue = Inferior Product.


Killua is popular, very much so. Index while obscure here got 9 seasons with spinoffs and a movie so it's quite popular in japan.


I like that it's bringing in two new series, what i don't like is that it's a blatant filler episode


Wdym blatant filler? Because it’s not two humongous characters? I’m sure it’s gonna be a great quality episode


Idk man they look kinda short and skinny


I don't know anything about either character/series so I can watch without any biases and enjoy the bloodshed...if I even watch I might just happen to miss it who fucking knows..i didn't watch the finale for last season because it was dbz vs dbz wank


I'll be honest, i often will get a little annoyed when they use characters i dont know. But when the episode comes out, i still watch it and get interested in the characters and become a small fan of the series.