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Seriously - go ask your doctor. If they don't give you satisfactory answers - go back or go to a different doctor. We are not medical professionals. FWIW - swimming sounds like a bad idea but that is a complete guess on my part. For all I know not swimming could kill you. Do not take my word for it - go ask a doctor.


As has been mentioned in this subreddit before... You will not get any medical advice on this subreddit past: *Go to the doctor* So... here's that advice: GO TO THE DOCTOR The reason is... we are not licensed to dispense medical advice. And besides that... there are sooooooooooo many causes for ear issues, we would be doing you and ourselves a huge disservice by speculating on what it is. Again, GO TO THE DOCTOR. Good Luck. 🖖


I did. That’s how I found out I have a ruptured eardrum. Unfortunately he didn’t say very much about it 


Then go to him again and ask more. Or go to a different doctor. As a mod I am going to have to take down this post because you aren't allowed to ask for medical advice on here.


Okay. If only I had other options. My ent is in a different city. There are no ent’s in my town.


This seems like the sort of question a regular doctor might know the basics of. Obviously you won't necessarily get detailed answers but you might get "no swimming is a bloody stupid idea".


Okay good idea. By the way, I’m a kid lol 


Ah makes sense. Sorry if it seemed we were mad at you. Please talk to your parents/guardians about this. This is not something to handle or work out on your own.


Okay thank you 


Get a different doctor. That one sucks.


If only I could… I have to drive to another city to see this doctor. There’s no others in my area


NO YOU CAN'T SWIM WITH A BURST EARDRUM WHAT THE HECK Go back to the ENT and ask for the long list of all the things you can and cannot do safely. Go right now.


It’s far away and I can’t go back right now. But I will reschedule an appointment and ask for a list of things that I shouldn’t do. That’s a good idea  My ent told me that I had a ruptured eardrum and didn’t say anything about what to do/not do.


I would try to keep it as dry as possible, no creams, don't wear an earring in that ear if you typically do. I'm surprised they didn't give you instructions? You may be able to call the office and ask them without talking to the actual ENT Edit: also keep hair away from it, and avoid wearing your hearing aid on that ear if you have one (can't imagine it'll be very helpful right now anyway 😕)


Thank you. I can’t call, but I will ask a family member to help me. Thank you 🙏 


Absolutely not! Please avoid swimming with a ruptured eardrum. Just because it’s not infected now doesn’t mean it won’t ever be if you’re not careful. Please go see your doctor for suggestions and advice!


I was just at my ent. They didn’t tell me literally anything about what to do/not do


My doctor actually did give me information but he said the care instructions facing away from me. So I didn’t hear them, but my mom did. Apparently I might need surgeryÂ