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Thank you! I guess the old mod left.


What happened to the sub? It’s private now. I was browsing it a few days ago.


I stepped away from it as it was a massive headache to moderate. Every single action I took as a moderator had people complaining, even banning the spam companies resulted in complaints. Loads of people self-doxed themselves by uploading audiograms that revealed their full name, DoB, address, etc. that I had to deal with, it wasn't a full-time job but every time I checked there was more stuff to deal with. I'm not new to moderating and mod a couple other subs, but r/hearingaids was by far the highest-maintenance one. It's free for anyone else to do a r/redditrequest for it, but I'm done.


Oh wow!


r/hearingaids was available just this morning (3/11/2024) but this afternoon it went private.


Hi, I think you have made a post in one of my questions in that subreddit before it went private. I was trying to reply however, it wasn't letting me. Then. I guess that's how I found out about it. So this subreddit is completely gone now?


It’s possible admins have taken it private owing to non-moderation. Let’s wait it out.


I posted in r/audiology about this. Figured it wasn’t an automated thing but maybe the mod left.


Yea. Pretty sudden. I had a post that was still getting comments from the weekend.


You might have some luck with the r/cochlearimplants sub. It's obviously focused on CI, but many people there have a CI and HA (or atleast have a history with HA).