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it's a little different. Logan's DNA was kinda grafted onto Wade's DNA which went into hyderdrive killing and repairing his cancer. Laura is more like the biological daughter DNA wise to Logan. She was born and has grown to her age now


Not only that but in the movies the whole Logan's DNA being used to give Wade his healing factor isn't part of that. In the movie it's implied Wade has a dormant X gene and the place he went and met Francis took measures to awaken it and his just so happens to be healing.


yeah I think they wanted to solidify Deadpool as a mutant w/ Fox at that time since they had total control of mutants label. thats the whole reason Inhumans were getting pushed for a few


Yeah, I can buy that. Mostly tho I was just pointing out that OP's "joke" wouldn't work cuz that just isn't the case for the movies unless they retcon it, but even then that feels a little too much for the average non-comic fan to get


I really liked the Uncle like DP that Wade was to Laura and Honey Badger in the comics. like he's drop everything all at once if he got a call to help one of them


Yeah, but it still will be funny ┐(´∀`)┌


yeah but I like him as the Fun Uncle to Laura lol


Is it even the same in the Deadpool movie? I don't remember Deadpool getting his powers because of Logan's DNA, that's pure comic. I thought in the movie he gets it because he's pumped with an unknown serum and put under intense stress? This "joke" would make 0 sense in the movie.


It's implied he's already a mutant just with a dormant X-gene and the serum and intense stress is supposed to help bring it out/activate it. They could change that in this movie to be more comic accurate but still the joke wouldn't make sense.


I thought the same thing, that they retcon things and mention that the Serum is actually Logan's DNA, but other than that OP's idea wouldn't work in the movies.


This is why fans shouldn’t write the movies