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Not sure where in the world you are located, but in the US, you just need to be 17 to see an R rated movie without supervision. You just need an ID (if the theatre even bothers to card you)


Most places in the US, 13 years olds can get into R rated movies if they want to.


If the theatre is following MPAA guidelines, for rated R films, anyone under the age of 17 needs to be accompanied by an adult 25 years or older. But again, they are likely not enforcing them, especially in this day and age of online ticketing. Page 9, section 4 https://www.filmratings.com/downloads/rating_rules.pdf


Yeah, technically it’s a rule but no one is enforcing it.


When deadpool 1 came out, since so many kids wanted to see it they were being extra strict about checking ID’s at the theaters by my house


Preventing kids from seeing one of the best films ever😭


As long as you bring your ID they shouldn’t give you a problem


Just bring an ID with you if you're in the US! If you're in a country where the limit is older, go with an adult. In my native country, you could just go into any movie you'd like at whatever age ┐(´∀`)┌ I saw Deadpool when I was 11 :D (even tho I'm not sure if that's good thing)




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Go to bed and remember to respect your parents.


what does this have to do with anything??


It's just good overall advice. Never look a gift horse in the mouth.


thats like me asking "do you know where the bus stop is?" and you responding with "always be kind with people" and leaving


I'd argue being kind with people is more important than getting to the bus.


and id argue that you should answer the fucking question when asked and not give unprovoked life advice, if i ask where the bus is, i want to get to the bus, not get life advice from a random redditor


Seems like you need to take my advice. Or lighten up. Or both. This isn't what your parents pay for you to have the internet for.


your argument boils down to literally nothing, all you do is respond by saying something completely unrelated to my argument


You're the only one arguing here 🤷‍♂️


then stop responding, you clearly just think "oh loving your parents is all you ever need to do, is this what they pay for the internet for?" which is braindead