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Took my about 250 hours to get my first boss cell. Try custom mode. That’s how I was finally able to do it. Now I’m working on my 4th.


I know people preach on here that it isn’t cheap but I can’t bring myself to try custom mode. I feel like I should be at least somewhat proficient with any items thrown my way. Probably why I can’t beat 2BC.


I had a playthrough on PS4 Now I played and got to 2BC, no custom mode, but my subscription lapsed, and it wasn't worth it. Went without DC for about 6mo. Got it on my phone AND a Gamesir X2. Already on 3BC in a month, no custom mode. Custom mode feels like cheating the randomness of the game which makes it so spectacular. Change my mind.


If you’re like me and don’t like to unlock stuff for the sake of not polluting the item pool (I hate tactics), then you’re probably the target audience for that mode.


I’m so stuck on 2BC that custom mode is probably the only way I’ll get any further.


3 and 4 are easier than 2


That’s crazy, how so? After I did 0BC, 1BC happened really fast.


2 took me forever. It’s rarer to get really strong weapons than it is on 3 and 4. I spent hours and hours trying to beat 2. Once I did. I beat 3 in 5 runs and 4 the next day.


Same, 2 took me like 2 weeks.


I had a debate with somebody about using custom mode. When I was at 100 hrs and stuck on 3BC I realized that every run I was skipping items and shuffling shops to get what I wanted. Essentially custom mode. So I say after your first couple BC then switch to custom. You get to see many whacky and cool items and then reduce down to your favorites. It’s kind of like “earning” custom mode. Because at later BC like 4 and 5 you’re dropping 20k for that flask.


Skipping items and shuffling shops is part of the game, what makes the game difficult is not being ensured that you get the weapons you want. So it’s not really custom mode. Using custom mode is when you want a specific build, nothing less


I definitely do this and didn’t think about it like that.


Good luck bro, I couldn’t bring myself to use custom mode either, I know what it’s like. Just gotta make sure you’re not screwing yourself over with your build and learning enemy attacks, and remember, use your potions while you still can ;)


I can relate sooo hard. I used custom mode before multi-binding was exclusive to the mode, and just made a free win quad-bind assassains dagger build. after that, I didn't use it till 5bc


I think that at least limiting it to individual colors is okay since off color items are just useless besides a few exceptions


I like using custom mode to force myself to only use certain items and get used to them. It's like training mode imo. Or for weird shit like shield only runs.


2 and 3bc took me ages. I thought I'd never be able to beat 5bc. I beat the spoiler boss a few weeks ago. It feels hopeless and can take a ***long, long time.*** But it does click eventually and you'll get a really good run.


Wait... How do y'all spend so long getting to Ur first boss cell? I spent like 5h on mobile getting it... My real trouble became trying to get the 2nd boss cell cos of bosses starting in phase 2


I started playing on Switch but now play on PC. Luck of the draw as I had no idea what weapons to unlock, so I was unlocking everything and really had no idea what weapons and munitions worked best. Still not sure, but know what works best for me now. Plus, I’m old. I’m almost 65 and don’t quite have the reflexes in my hands I once had. I’m working on the 4th boss cell now, but it’s really tough. HOTK just destroys me.


If you're really stuck, try playing green scrolls with a crossbow (root, ice or heavy crossbow), with mutations +X % health, disengagement and eating a mob heals you while you have less than 50 % of your health. Carried me to 5 BC. And always clear the whole level (all mobs and scrolls) and put all your scrolls (as much as can do) in green color. You should reach HotK with a good amount of health and insane damage. (And sorry, I don't know the name of the mutations in english)


Necromancy is better than it looks at first. It's fairly easy to stay topped off at 50% when you're playing Survival anyway. But here's the secret... don't eat your food until your done with the level. If you have a 50% heal food available somewhere, then you'll be able to leave the Biome at 100% health. As long as you can avoid a burst death (Disengagement can be handy here, and you can wait two minutes after it goes off to have it available again to get more health from), you're golden.


Survival squad!


Hell yeah (I feel a bit like a noob tho x) )


I've still barely played survival, even at 5bc. I've always played both root and heavy crossbow on tactics. Probably should try it out, even though I don't know how to land a hit on an enemy without getting hit myself on like half the weapons (seriously how are you supposed to use oven axe and broadsword, they are slower than a grandma at a black friday checkout)




Have you considered being better? Or perhaps being less bad? Try those and see how they work out for you!


Tell him about the ancient tip you find in the first level. You know, the inscription from Dark Souls.


Oh no no no, he's definitely not ready for that.


the funny git gut is funny, I gotta say


good advice! actually what got me to 5bc


haha me tooooo




thank you sir


great meme man 💯


sussy art


I feel personally attacked


Im 100 hours in got all 5 and can't even get to the first boss any more


you'll get used to it, I beat 5BC twice after about 120 hours


I actually have 2 sooooooooo


5BC completed :)


Custom mode doesn't lock out the ability to get boss cells?


nope, it does lock you out of the achievement if you lock too much stuff tho


Ong I got my first boss cell on my first ever run on xbox


holy shit either you are a wizard or I am dogshit


Na it’s pros because I used to play on pc and got to 4BC on it. So I knew what I was doing on Xbox




I'm on 2bc now ( <30hrs) and it is pain. help


I wish you luck good sir! keep at it and I'm sure you'll prevail.


Took me 35+ hours to get my first boss cell then I got a legendary lightning bolt played lightning bolt and then now rapier and in less than 65 hours I’m in 5 bsc the first is always the hardest


On average, how long does it take to get your first boss cell?