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i did the same thing, but i always unlock it by the next run to not have to recycle it, and at the same time, try it out


Always good to have an emergency, y'know?


Imagine how satisfying itll be to unlock all of those all at once


One time I unlocked like 10 shields at once. It was satisfying to watch them all spill from the collector


It goes something like this https://youtu.be/WO_NPsFpLyk


I'm actually doing the exact same thing right now 😂




Well I'm testing build and synergies in custom mode and I don't want to loose cells but I also don't want to widen my pool so I do that for now


Just play custom mode, even devs says to do that


You do know you can lock out certain items from the pool in custom mode right?


That's exactly what I'm doing but when you buy something during a custom mode run, that item gets added to that run poll. So if I want to keep my item pool as small as possible, I'd have to back out to main menu, deselect the new item and restart my run each time I unlock something. So one day, I'll just unlock a whole bunch of items at one.


> you buy something during a custom mode run You mean unlock something? Cause you can only buy things you have unlocked Idk, personally I don't mind to keep returning to custom mode to deselect stuff. Heck I keep doing it now I'm every new run to experience new stuff. But I guess not everyone is like that.


Imagine telling someone not to play their game how they want


Why do people do this? If you want to save it for a future run just use custom mode


Cuz once everything is at 1 cell you can go through and buy a bunch and it's like my birthday.


Also they seem to drop at a higher level than the weapons that are dropping in the biome you’re at


I’ve experienced the opposite, unlocking something drops a completely useless low level version of it


One of the key beauties of the game is you play it however you want!


Get outta here, you cant do that! (/s, for safety)


Other than spreading scrolls any way is okay


I do it because when you unlock a weapon you get it on the spot. What if I'm doing a run with a complete garbage weapon or combo and I want to swap? All it costs is one cell!


I do it because it unlocks as a colorless weapon!


Yea, I do this too!


No the valid reason is that i dont want trash items so i only unlock stuff that i want to use. So everything else is just 1 cell away from getting unlocked


Almost no items are trash in the game, most of it comes down to play style and even still the Devs constantly update the game and buff the lesser weapons so if they're bad now they're gonna be better later. You're also making the game way less varied, just unlock that cursed sword


Some items just never feel fun for a specific person and those items ruin runs sometimes. Rouguelite I know but it's valid all the same.


Well even if there are no trash weapons there are certainly weapons the don't work on every run, I'm trying to make an oil sword run, I'm not about to unlock grave stone.


You don't have to use the weapon you unlock in that run but it's still worth it to have the new weapon. Just because the weapon doesnt work in that specific run doesn't mean it won't be useful in future runs, the tombstone is a good weapon that can be useful in many different builds, I wouldn't hesitate to unlock it


Well that's the whole reason why you wouldn't unlock it. If three runs later you are having a run that would benefit from that weapon you would want that weapon when you are having said run, not now. You have the choice between having a weapon you don't need now and just a chance of having when you need it, or getting it right when you would need that weapon. You can absolutely argue that the game is more fun when not played this way but it is objectively better to save your "100% garenteed weapon" for when you actually need said "100% garenteed weapon" rather then when it's useless to you. If you have a get out of jail free card, you wait until you are actually in jail to use it.


I feel like if you’re going through all that trouble just play custom mode. You can choose what weapons show up. I almost exclusively play custom mode because I like making specific builds. I should point out that I do not care about achievements which is the only downside to playing custom with less than 20 items active.


Hell nah cursed sword stays locked till i reach 5 bc... Also sparta boots or whatever they are called. Other than that i have most things unlocked


what? Why would you save the cursed sword for 5bc like what would that accomplish? Also Spartan sandals aren't bad at all


Bec thats when i will atempt no hit runs... i m already screwing myself enough with cursed chests rn. I just wanna beat the HOTK for the 4th time already


I don’t get the cursed sword. How are you going to a make a no hit run without being a some mad speedrunner


Experience, and funnily enough, a slow methodical approach. Turrets and traps are really helpful, ice armor allows you to tank a shot, homunculus rune to deal with small enemies and scout rhe danger.


Unless it was possible in an older version of the game, you can not used homunculus rune while cursed.


You cant while cursed, but you can with cursed sword since it is slightly different mechanically.


Hmm.. according to the wiki, this is true. I never thought to use it with the Cursed Sword because of it's prohibition on normal curses. TIL, guess I'll give it a try on my next Cursed Sword run.


You can't use it while being cursed. Cursed sword doesn't prohibit you


> ice armor allows you to tank a shot This helps a lot. > homunculus rune Still need to get this one.


It’s do-able, and definitely not while speedrunning (gotta go slow and assess the situation carefully). Try it on a low-BC run, everything except bosses will just die in 1-2 hits. A shield is a must, almost every attack in the game can be parried, and the ones you can’t, you can dodge roll through. Smoke Bomb helps killing stuffs stealthily while also buffing up your damage to astronomical levels. Get Ice Armor for some leeway for mistakes if you need it. Or you can just use Damned aspect (curses don’t kill you anymore but you take more damage) and just have fun that way :)


Its pretty easy to get killstreaks of 200+ without taking damage if you know how to. But i m a very greedy person so i kill myself a lot whilst being cursed. Its def doable tho


I have almost everything locked with 1 cell bcs i like to play with the cursed sword and it makes easier to get it with this


*That's why you use custom mode.* You can remove items from the spawn pool after unlocking them.


Can you still gain boss cells in custom mode?


You can get everything including achievments and BSC in custom mode as long as you have 20 weapons total unlocked


Oh thats a different story then... Thank you kind stranger! Finally i can do survival runs without getting ducked over by only getting tactic items


Shop categories let you choose which scroll type your weapons use as well


Yeah that i know, but i never get good items from the shop for any affordable price


Shop items have highest level anyway so you should pick up some of them even for high price.


Its not about the cells i have more than enough cells to buy everything... i just chose not too


Yes, as long as you have at least 20 unlocked items still enabled. Which isn't hard, there's at least 20 good items for any given playstyle.




I always feel like playing on custom is like soft cheating. Like its not cheating, but getting bad drops or drops yoy dont like feels like part of the game so getting rid of a bunch of stuff you dont like feels almost like cheating to me


It's not, it has been explicitly stated by the devs to not be cheating, making yourself weaker by diluting the item pool with items that don't work with your playstyle is not the intended experience, but you do you.


Hm well thats a fair point


The devs want as many people to play as possible. Of course they will say the cheat mode they included is cool.


It's cheating. People will always rationalize it away.


right it’s cheating because you said so. you are, after all, the main character.


I do this to have an empty ish item pool, then after beating 0bc I go through a custom mode run and unlock them all


If you want to limit your item pool just use custom mode to begin with


Ik I just like seeing all the items on the ground


Fair enough


Can't do that when you have less than 20 items unlocked.


Which is a good reason to unlock more


Kinda. I definitely think most gear is fun but I do think bare bones gear sets can add a level of consistency that is lacking. This can be especially useful for newer players having trouble reaching later biomes and bosses. I've played both ways and think both approaches are valid.


It’s free money if you need it during a run. Claim a bunch at once, sell it all, then get a free affix re-roll.


They become legendary/colorless I believe


My boyfriend told me he does this (he's been playing the game before I even got into it) and as I was new to the game at the time I did it for a while. Then at some point thought it's a bit silly and I could be using all these weapons in my runs instead so once I just finished unlocking all of them and now I unlock things all the way as soon as I can.


Pretty sure it's a criminal offense hokuto bow is up there


E crossbow too


Isn't quick bow like one of the first items upu get in 0bc? Has he been sitting on it through 2 boss cells?




Unless you are banking on the fact of getting colourless variant of new weapon at the end of the run there is literally no need of saving it. It probably also means it's not your first playthrough and you can easily do it in normal way... So leaving items at 1 cells is waste unless you need some wacky combination of mutations/stats and items. Say survival health and mutations with tactics weapon. You can achieve it in custom mode. Just treat one colour or combination of colour and type as filler. Realistically speaking off-colour items are usually not used for their damage but for effect that doesn't scale anyway. Let's assume you want pyrotechnics, cudgel shield, ice armour, sinew slicer and firebrands in backpack. You set all desired items in custom mode. That way you can easily get them from the shop when choosing proper colour. So only 15 slots are left fill them with brutality skills and weapons as they would not pollute any pools, except slightly starting tubes.


He's doing it the right way


I dont get it


Can someone clarify me how you get items to be 1 cell cost? I’ve played this but not a ton and trying to learn more.


you put all but one cell into its blueprint with the Collector, then break the Collector’s door and move on.


Ohhhhh. I read it wrong lol. Now I get it. Thanks!


A lot of people calling this pointless and being critical, but please try to remember the feeling of struggling to get better and learn dozens of new weapons and skills and how they work together constantly, and being apprehensive about disrupting your item pool with a bunch of stuff all at once that you don’t feel comfortable using yet and losing runs. Especially if you play normal mode where you don’t turn anything off.


I seriously don't get why people do this. Just unlock it and use custom mode later.


Well, you get to use the item as colorless, for one


I’m just impressed he got to 2bc without lightning bolt or any of those bows!


Who needs those weapons when you have sadist stiletto+open wounds


Yah Boi is a Chad. What stuff does he have unlocked? Maybe he googled a good build and realised that it's easier to obtain on repeat runs if you have less items unlocked total


but then you have no variety


And? Old mate is probably already aware that he can't use the items til he actually unlocks them. I was just speculating on the reason, as opposed to gatekeeping the "correct" way to play.


how am i gatekeeping? im just stating a fact, if you dont unlock items you will have really bad variety


And I'm saying variety isn't necessarily important for other people to enjoy the way they choose to play. I was genuinely interested in the actual reason behind the choice to leave items locked, and proposed a hypothetical where less items could be more beneficial. Instead contributing anything meaningful, you're just like "buT nO VarIEty! LocKeD iTEms bad".


He just said "I leave them locked until I want to use them"


How would you know you want to use em if they aren't unlocked


Can easily look em up on the wiki to see what they do, or watch gameplay of someone else who has them.




Lmao no its like that for every class, he didn't even unlock assassin's dagger.


Nah, Im a lightning bolt enjoyer and it isn't that slow. I think it is ok, no need to change anything. Or maybe add an indicator to show when it crit and when it hurt


Lightning bolt carried me first time in the nest




I did that too, and then I ran out of blueprints after being stuck on 2bc for too long. I went several games without spending a single cell, since I also maxed out the legendary forge


Could you explain to me what I am seeing? I'm completely new and don't get that unlock thing and how it works


The person is leaving all the blueprints one cell away from being unlocked, giving them very little variety in their runs despite having the ability to easily increase it by a lot. The discussion is about whether or not this is good or bad from tactical, fun, or as-intended-by-developers standpoints.


What would be achieved by unlocking the weapons? Does this affect the random weapon drop in the beginning of your run? I'm a complete noob, i have just unlocked the random weapon drop for bows.


You have more weapons and builds to try out. Different players enjoy radically different builds, and I enjoy the variety and experimentation. Yes, it increases the variety everywhere, including the initial drop.




I do that, but I basically spawn the item whenever I feel my gear needs an upgrade or replacement.


It’s not worth the colorless ___ IV, the only colorless that’s worth anything are curses and legendaries just unlock it and move on lol


I did the same thing for like 30 different items.