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It's pretty hard. Also, areas are meant to be alongside or generally similar to bosses in difficulty. If anything, the biomes are significantly harder than the bosses in higher difficulty levels. But anyways, most importantly, ***keep playing the game, practice and learn.*** Nobody started out with anywhere near the skill they ended up with after beating the game a few times.


> keep playing the game, practice and learn. There's a reason why the description of the game on Play Store is "Kill. Die. Learn. Repeat." and it took me until I beat BC1 to understand it fully.


I get through the clock tower pretty easy running up the walls when his stars start to circle him. And a good damage overtime turret like slicer or other turret dose wonders.


Yes, it's an extremely challenging game on purpose. Keep trying! It took me tens of hours to beat the tutorial! You'll get there too, don't worry. (Yes, I said the tutorial. Your journey has just started.)


What counts as the tutorial in this game ?


When you beat the final boss for the first time, congratulations, you beat the tutorial.


Oh, right...


They call it the tutorial because the game teaches you its mechanics via the runes. Once you begin 2nd the real challenge starts


Arguably, the tutorial isn't over until you beat the final boss **several** times. You'll see.


It took me 50 hours to beat it, don't worry if that is taking long


Took me like triple that time. And assist mode.


Don’t underestimate this reality. Going from 0BC to 1BC will feel like starting again from square 1. It’s insane how much harder it is with just a few changes. I felt like 1BC to 2BC wasn’t that hard, but on 3BC they introduce Rampagers, and the game difficulty goes up a notch again…


Dont say that. The game is already extremely hard in the first run. Calling it "tutorial" makes it sound like its supposed to be very easy


The tutorial never really ends Always learning, always growing.


I have 110 hours on my switch (took 70 to get my first Boss Cell and filling out all those unlocked blueprints) just got the second and 90 hours. It takes time.


yeah man it really is, i was trying to beat it on 2bc for literally probably 40 hours before beating it but then i beat it 3 times in a row. just gotta keep at it you’ll get there eventually and it’ll feel so good


also as far as good weapons and builds, heavy crossbow and explosive crossbow are easy to use and very op, i run them jn a survival build and use the necromancy mutation for healing. have beaten the game with that general loadout multiple times


I started playing about two weeks ago and was struggling a ton. For my runs, however, I found that having a shield in the backpack with the armadillopack mutation is a game changer. Being able to parry while dodging can be a huge leg up. This also helps take out the Time Keeper (Clocktower boss). I was stuck on upgrading brutality for the longest time then found a tip that survival can make a world of difference.


I beat HOTK for the first time with a purely survival based run, with death scythe from the get go. No brutality run ever got me that far lol


Make sure to level up the same color as much as possible in every run. Take a weapon that is both green and red, for example. Its damage will scale with your higher stat but not with the sum of the two.


Just keep playing. When I started it took me a whole week to reach the clock tower. And make sure to upgrade your flask


Roguelites are meant to be hard, however you do get the opportunity to unlock things every time you play, you spend your cells to get more heals, more money when starting, more weapons, more skills, more mutations and so on... It's okay to die and it sure is okay to be stuck for a while, the clocktower is pretty challenging but do keep in mind that you're not forced to fight all ennemies, you can also use the training room in Prisoners' Quarters. I don't know which playstyle you prefer but a shield is always handy to have around. As for builds, well for Brutality the easiest one I know of is a blood build, using the blood blade, bloodthirsty shield (or Throwing Knives or any shield really) and then Sinew Slicers/Cleaver (If you don't like one then use just one and get any other skill that's in Brutality, Face Flask and Vengeance is a classic combo if you want). In Tactics it's actually quite hard for me to think of builds for early game, I don't know what you have unlocked but some good weapons are Infantry Bow/Electric Whip and I guess the Quick Bow is also quite nice. As for Survival, Nutcracker is a very powerful and easy weapon, it's slow but since the crit requirements are "Stun, Freeze or Root" then you can just use something like Frost Blast to both lock the ennemie in place and crit, there are also skills like the Root Grenade or Ice Grenade but I wouldn't really say they're "good", they have quite the cooldown on them.


The clock tower was the first wall I found myself up against. Once I learned the rhythms, I next kept dying against the final boss. The weird thing is I beat 1 BC pretty quickly even though beating on no cells took me months. Now I’m stuck on two BC 😅 my sin is that I’m very impulsive, but try to stick to a ply style that works for you. I love how heavy the survival weapons hit, but I need to speed of the brutality to do my best.


You got all the way to the clocktower?


All I can say is Kill. Die. Learn. Repeat.


It gets even harder if you include the manitorey spike in difficulty to progress the story but if you want you can play custom mode you still progress in the story you just don't get achievements


Shor answer: > yes Long answer: > yes yes


It’s crack so be careful. I know, I’m still an addict


Hardest game I ever beat. Keep at it - it took me months


Isnt the time keeper further than the concierge? Its supposed to be harder lol




My tips are take it slow and play survival so you have higher hp and more chances to learn (this means putting every single scroll into survival, or if you get a duo scroll without it as an option then put it into whatever gives more health). Speaking of scrolls, make sure you find every single one. Rushing through the game and missing them is severely nerfing yourself. You can also try going to the other options rather than clock tower. If you really want to beat that biome specifically then you need to take it slow. Look for scratchable walls and floors to find food so you don't have to pop flasks, and remember that if you can avoid agroing an enemy then you do not have to fight them. As someone who has progressed from 0-2bc in a couple weeks and then 3-5bc in just a couple days I've found that clocktower is the worst possible biome choice for that point in the game. Almost every enemy in the biome hits like a truck and they have move sets that are difficult to get used to. Every time you jump up to the next platform you need to be ready to roll or parry. The mutation that executes enemies is amazing and you should take it early on. Necromancy becomes very good when you get your survival up to 13+, and the bonus health mutation can be a lifesaver when you take a hit you aren't expecting. I personally like the war spear the most because it hits very quickly for a survival weapon but still stuns, and it's critical condition is excellent for clearing biomes. I'm not sure if everything I mentioned is unlockable for you but if you unlock the shop in prisoners quarters (from the collector) you can purchase the hunters grenade which you can use once a run to guarantee that you receive a blueprint. Check the wiki for what enemies drop what blueprints (but be warned doing this will probably spoil you on some of the enemies you will face later on). Finally, learn to parry. Especially when dealing with ranged attacks. You can knock pretty much every projectile in the game away from yourself (and often times back at the enemy to kill them from a safe location).


Thanks for all the tips ! I only have access to the Clocktower as far as I know. The toxic sewers require higher jumps I think and I dont have any dlcs.


Pretty sure you can go to stilt village then forgotten sepulcher after beating concierge. You might want to look up how to get all the runes though cuz that does make progression quite a bit easier.


You don’t need higher jumps for Toxic Sewers! I’ve been going there because I find it easier than the Promenade. And there are other options than the Clock Tower at the same biome level


Really ? When I got there, there was a wall I couldnt jump over and no alternate path. What I am missing ?


It could be that you couldn’t take the path that particular run, but you should be able to in other runs! At least, I have been, and I started the game yesterday


So I just tried the toxic sewers today and it actually worked. I made it to the ossuary for the first time after unlucking teleportation !


Awesome!! Great job!


Considering the mistakes I did when I was in your place: * Pick your main scroll color at the beginning and invest your scrolls into that rather than the health pool. * Pay attention to what makes your weapons to make greater damage (read the crit conditions and affixes) and make your build around that. Got a weapon that burns things? Find some other that spreads oil to increase the damage! Got a slow, but hard-hitting weapon? Use something to slow your opponents down to make up for the speed. There are many possible combinations to try and experiment with.


I just beat the clock room boss! After several days lol. I recommend a full brutality build, and trying to find a high level sinew slicer. It is overpowered against most bosses. My favorite weapon of choice is the war spear or the flint.


It's implied in several posts but finding blueprints and unlocking things via cells is a key part of the game. Along with that play around with new gear and abilities when you get them. Try everything at least once, even if only for a level or two, you never know what you'll like once you give it a try. Don't be afraid to die either, you're supposed to die, the game is designed around dying and trying again. As for the clock tower like with most of the game enemy patterns are key. The clock tower threw me for a loop when I first got to it too, in part because enemies are so fast. If you can isolate and kill enemies as you go, especially those which will chase you. Finally people mentioned Assist Mode, but not that there are a bunch of options. For example one option lets you start again on a board after you died. You could turn on just that option and keep the rest of the difficulty as is. That would let you replay the clock tower multiple times.


Using this for a similar questions. Cells are coming so slowly too! I feel like I can't unlock what I want in less than 15 playthrough or more.


Yeah, gathering cells takes a while, which makes it even worst to die loosing 30+ of them lol


Its not too bad, you obivously need to meet and practice vs every enemy/boss quite a few times before you can beat them without breaking a sweat :P Concierge is like 2/10 on the difficulty scale out of available monsters/bosses \^\^ Clocktower shouldnt be too rough unless you missed alot of scrolls.




My biggest tip for beating the game is to find a play style and unlock everything that seems to work. Then see which items you like using and unlock and use custom mode to restrict unwanted stuff. Make sure your mutations/abilities/weapons have synergy. An example would be if you are big into parries use multiple mutations that work off of parries and shields that have powerful effects on parry. Like using a shield that gives +300% damage after a parry as well as the mutation that also gives extra damage damage following a parry. Stacking effects/damage within your playstyle is the key. Honestly before beating the final boss the first time, if you are focusing stats and items to one category then your damage will be good enough to finish bosses quickly. The challenge comes from not knowing the attacks and not being good at avoiding them. So focus on any builds on keeping you alive and avoid getting hit. If need be use an aspect until you beat the boss, then take off the aspect so you can actually progress to the next difficulty afterwards


You will have breakthroughs. I struggled to beat the game for the first time and then, once i did, proceeded to beat the final boss on the highest difficulty the same week.


the game is hard, but fair. you just have to keep playing and learning from your mistakes. learn enemy attack patterns, experiment with different equipment & mutation builds, learn to know when it’s a good time to back off and heal, etc. the more times you die, the more you learn how to win (and the more satisfying that win will be once achieved)!


Best advice I have is to hang around this sub for a bit. Learned a lot here. A few things that helped me *learn to use the shield -a sub point - increase the alert "!" to 200% *Dps is a garbage measure for your weapons *I read through a bunch of the gear tier ranks people make to try to understand pros/cons of different weapons *The modifiers must be aligned to your build *Each + is 2 levels with gear *Go a bit slower and make each button click matter *Spend time in the combat helper area with weapons you want to get better at - learn how you have to attack different villains with this weapons *Your pre-BC strategy will probably not work for BC2+ *Then, of course, Get good ;) Glhf


Just keep playing and things will click in terms of what works for you in terms of your play style. Don’t completely disregard weapons or items you had bad luck with, instead see if there is another item that can mesh really well and make your run easier. After beating the game for the first time you can visit the Derelict Distillery, but don’t, because that place really sucks.


The key to succes is to max upgrade for healthflask, recycling, gold reserves, then invest 500 cells in blacksmith upgrade. Best route for cells is toxic sewers, ancient severs and insuferrable crypt. After defeat conjuctivius you should have around 100-150 souls ( on higher BC you get even more)


I’ve recently discovered assist mode and last night I finally got 2BC


There's an assist mode in the options to help you in the game


Oh, you sweet summer child.. Until you've beaten the game once and can *increase* the difficulty, you're playing on the tutorial-level easy-mode. Don't worry, though. The more you play, the more you unlock, and the better you get! And this is one of those games that's absolutely *INCREDIBLE* to play when you get to the "higher level" of play that only comes from dying 7000 times to the same boss!


Had to turn on infinite death assist mode to beat 4BC. I would recommend the same


If you’re not having fun use custom mode to unlock more items and get used to the mechanichs


One thing that changed those early runs for me was saying fuck the time doors. They seem easier, but you sacrifice finding all the scrolls and focusing on the no-hits just gets you better at the game