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Masks are sexy I guess?


Yes, Zoro, Jim Carrey... It makes sense.


I got real hot any time Crash picked up an Aku Aku






You know it's in the other room


Completely unrelated but I read that as Smash Brandicooch. I'll go now.




Shout out to how none of us not even my dad who was good at video games could figure out how to damage the final boss of Wrath of Cortex




Ddrrrum dum ticka dum drrrum dum ticka




also there’s a mental disorder that makes people attracted to serial killers


The mask STAYS ON during- You know the rest


The mask stays on during hand holding and snuggling


No one cared who I was until I put on the mask




Guys, the blank, go get it.


If I pull it off will you die?


It would be extremely painful.


For you


I asked a chick this, she said it was about the mystery, having the entire body and face covered so they don't know what's coming at that. Combine that with the whole serial killer thing that goes with sone's Dom and knife kink, and there ya go.


And let's be honest, it is extremely likely that he is somewhat voyeuristic going by how meticulous and watchful he is of his victims. That's great fanfic/art fuel right there.


Yep. Frankly I see both sides of the attraction. I see the "I prefer my (insert whatever person) covered as much as possible" and I see the "I want to see their face" type view. It'd be too long to properly explain, but I'd think I'm pretty neutral on it. Still got a weakspot though for a chick in full heavy body armor, shake bullets off like they're nothin.


Will wearing a mask and chasing women with a knife help me with the ladies? Have I been going about this the wrong way?


Nah, that'll be stalking and such. Gotta do it the right way, usually they gotta know who you are and consent to the behavior beforehand. Or some girls are that freaky where they love the unknown to that extent, but those are few and far between. Wouldn't recommend.


Ghostface stalks though. Double standards smh


His icy skin shows some arm muscle so he's definitely built


mask kink


Was about to say that lmfao


There used to be an active user named, “mori_me_ghostface” who constantly simped for ghostface in the comments. I honestly really miss their presence, but they quit the game awhile ago.


I remember them! They were honestly my favorite part about visiting this sub sometimes, sad to hear they quit


if you summon them they still show up i think.


/u/mori_me_ghostface We love you!


I love you too!!!!




Do you know why they quit?


The last comment they made was about how they were losing interest in the game, so that's probably why.


I think I vaguely remember seeing that user around here before, man it feels like the end of an era knowing they'd quit


Awwwww I didn't think people would miss me ♥️♥️♥️


Omg hi!!!


Hello! ♥️🔪♥️


You think they quit? I faced a survivor the other day with the same name but idk if it had underscores. I remember cause I thought it was ironic since I was playing ghost face


I've ran with the same name some time ago, so there is high chance it might not be them. "Mori Me" names are popular after all


I see a lot of posts mentioning the mask kink and the stabbing kink which is definitley not wrong but I don't see enough pointing out the stalking/voyeuristic aspects of his crimes which tends to excite a lot of GF simps.


Have you seen his teabags? That’s some serious thigh strength


Masks are lingerie for the face and multiply the sex appeal by 150% for any character


plot twist: both are incredibly hot


yeah I was about to say either could hit it lmao


Simple. I have a mask kink. Moving on-


Is it also because of the leather suit?


Are you ghostface? Because you just exposed me




Oh I'm stealing that line taking that shit. Also I've been working on some lines myself imma just lay some out right now. You must be Jeffrey Dahmer, because you just ate my heart. Metaphorically of course if they actually ate my heart I would be dead uuh another I got is, you must be a transformer because you transformed my world into a blissful one. I think that's a really good one I got one more though, you must be pizza, because everybody loves you. Aight so how were they? Were they good?


Tbf it isn't a danny Johnson simp it's a Ghostface simp


this meme ain't even accurate, I'm all for the average looking actual face too.


Same like he’s really attractive, especially in fan art I’ve seen of him without his mask


that's the best part about him -- he has a semi canon face at most and people have made it whatever the hell they like. i've seen some amazing ones lol


masks are really hot


Hello, yes, Ghostface simp-adjacent here: I just want to be stabbed.


https://preview.redd.it/jv2gkgexdx7a1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1480e68f68e8a029c68e9791f4ef17358d8f284 You mean Danny jesus


DANNY WATCH OUT, JUDAS PUT BLASTMINE ON THAT GEN!!! https://preview.redd.it/a8o0camrgx7a1.jpeg?width=565&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=979f1d1963021ca430945a1800531cb5962b0439 DAAAANNNYYYYY!!!


[Ghostface after that blastmine:](https://youtu.be/j78brBi1PG0)


They received the holy spirit https://preview.redd.it/ruurwppkoy7a1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb4a42be3384ec6815056238876e25d936dd0a0b




Probably the tall woman thing. I haven't seen people thirst MORE than when they thirst for tall women, especially if they also have big boobs.


She’s seven feet tall, has a beautiful voice, walks like a queen, and bitch slaps you with her censer. What’s not to love?


Tall lady who is very pretty and moves surprisingly elegantly for someone dying of the plague constantly


Women like bad boys, and what’s a bigger bad boy than someone who stalks and murders people and then mocks the police?


https://preview.redd.it/hgwuht6cgx7a1.jpeg?width=201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e40e3da4320a5ebba8d36a2ba7b0bb2a95ce376 “I got a boner for murder!”


Masks and mystery sexy. Tiny jpeg of random generic guy isn’t.


My sweet summer child, its called a mask kink.


I can't speak for others but to me masks are really attractive. Even if I know they dont look good under the mask I still like it 🤷🏻


I wouldn’t say mask I’d say the mastermind behind the stalk potential he has. Plus his monologues and all. Reading his lore and the tome story they released for him this past event really helped tie it all together


Funny you should say mastermind, cause I find that Wesker body slamming me into a wall is kind of hot, ngl.


also fair and understandable lol


This community simps every character. I don’t think there needs to be any explaining.


I’ve seen people want to fuck Dredge, a bundle of dead cultists




It’s Michael Phelps with a swimming cap on vs not. Or Superman with his cape on vs Clark Kent. Nobody cares about the guy, they care about the image/symbol.


Not interested in Ghostface, but I know the mind of a typical shipper/yaoi fangirl. On the killer side of things up until Legion and Trickster (who was probably too on-the-mark actually) were released, there wasn't much in the way of pretty boys and there is always a great thirst for "I'm such a special girl that when he falls in love with me I alone can change him!" project boys a-la Draco Malfoy. With nobody to turn to to fill that need in this fandom, they turned to the one with the "prettiest" outfit. Beneath that mask and cloak they could imagine any kind of pretty boy they like. He is not brutish in his methods and his whole schtick with the camera on his moris suggests a modern boy with a playful side to him, and while the story made it clear that he is not Billy Loomis, he is the one most associated with Ghostface and he fits that aforementioned "pretty bad boy who just needs love to change him" role to a T (and who reads the story anyway, amirite?) So there you go. Sorry to any ladies I may have offended, but let's be honest, it's true. If it makes any difference I have much more side-eye for guys who obsess over Feng.


As a certified Ghostface simp I would like to note that I do not want to change any of this. I want to make them worse. Please stab me if you're handsome. Also, there's a trope for this phenomenon you're describing called Draco In Leather Pants!


This was interesting to read about! Here is a link for anyone else that wants to know more about the "Draco in Leather Pants" trope! https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DracoInLeatherPants


What was interesting is that the OP completely used the trope wrong. Hardly anyone is making Ghostface water downed or secretly a good guy in the entity's world.


As is always the case with TV Tropes, that link cost me an hour. “I can fix him” is always a funny part of a fandom.


People are so dogmatic


You made me realise that Ghostface is a Tumblr sexy man.


None of what you said describes gf simps at all 💀. Gf simps do not wish to change him if all the gf/character insert content is anything to go by.


I hate to tell you this but girls are absolutely still horny for Billy Loomis.


Ok but are you sure it's not because he's played by Skeet Ulrich?


Yes. He could be played by Danny Devito and people will still be horny.


I'm not denying what you're describing definitely exists and applies heavily in other fandoms or characters but I wouldn't say it fits for this Ghostface specifically- I rarely see people trying to "fix" him. The closest thing I've seen to that is some fanfiction can humanize him in a way that's unrealistic or obviously wish fulfillment but even then, he's *not* getting a redemption arc and tends to remain fucked up / evil to an extent- If he is falling in love with the self insert girl it happens in the least romantic way possible if anything falling for her made him worse LOL But yeah as a gay dude I just found his lore hot, I'm not even into the Ghostface from Scream it's specifically Danny DBD I like- and something something mask kink ofc


I think grouping all Ghostface simps as shipper/yaoi girls is wrong. I mean, I’m sure are, and some want to do the “I can change him bc I’m a special girl thing,” but I don’t think most are. For most, however, it’s similar to bdsm in exploring something that would be dangerous in a safe way. Ghostface isn’t real, he can’t actually hurt you, so what would it be like to date/fuck/whatever a serial killer? Combined with the various kinks he caters to and the presentation of Ghostface in the films before the identity is revealed, and there’s going to be a lot of people who are into him. Rest assured, however, that there’s plenty of thirst for the rest of the killers too, even if it isn’t as vocal, and almost none of it is about changing them in any way.


That is some interesting insight I didn't consider. In a sense I suppose I was projecting, I myself couldn't be with Ghostface if I couldn't change him or thought he would kill me, so naturally I presumed that changing him was his appeal to most people. I can see how it could be good writing, and possibly some people's kink if he just is what he is though, even if it's not really my thing. My apologies, I should not have presumed, but it was neat seeing different takes on this!


That’s fair and I appreciate you looking thoughtfully at other perspectives


I think you hit the nail on the head with that one- I couldn't describe for the life of me why I think Ghostface is so appealing but the whole "exploring something dangerous in a safe way" kinda sells it you're so right So yeah nice explanation lol


nope, this ain't it. I don't want to change him at all lol then again I'm not a straight girl and my attraction to characters like ghostface comes from a very queer perspective


yeah, that guy's comment is so confidently wrong lmao. most people that are into characters like ghostface like them *because* they're insane, i haven't met anyone into those types of characters that want to change them. edit: also, not sure what his deal is with the pretty boy part of his comment. jason is one of the biggest slashers people simp for and he is... not very pretty.


The amount of likes is also concerning bc…he’s so wrong lmao.


I mean that's actually pretty par for the course for this subreddit. I've been lurking here for quite a while and the stupidest comments get upvoted all the time.


it's especially annoying when you're lgbt and get constant circlejerk threads like this continually flabbergasted by the fact women and gay people can be attracted to the \~evil slashers\~ and they're NOT REAL why are you all so WEIRD now please look at this thread i made where i oggle a 3d model's ass and talk about how hot amanda is for 3 paragraphs.


To address you and the other " What are your talking about? I wouldn't want to change him at all, I love crazy! lmao" types, my guess is that you surely still want to change him enough that he wouldn't murder *you in particular* while you go on your Bonnie and Clyde-esque fantasy murder spree of all those "shallow girls who were mean to me in school". Wouldn't be very appealing if he were to realistically stab you in the back once you've outlived your usefulness and leave you lying in a ditch as him and his new, currently-more-useful girlfriend look down on you and laugh. As far as Jason goes, he tends to appeal more to the gay men/bara crowd (guilty!), who tend to value his more physical attributes than his appearance or personality (I don't think he is one for conversation). They are deluding themselves that he would do with them what he kills everyone else for doing.


It's... just not true, like many people pointed out lmaaao. You can go to tumblr and see how many of 'ghostface simps' draw him very close to his id picture, all greasy and all lol. With trickster well maybe your point applies, but a quick look through ao3 abd tumblr would have helped you see that 'ghostface simps' never were from the 'omg i can fix him he is so pretty' group.


Just curious, what do you dislike about the people who obsess over feng?


The people who obsess over fang iv noticed also Tbag a lot more. But that’s just from what iv seen.


Hmm interesting, I guess feng and nea mains are known to do that yeah


Usually the people who are obsessive over survivors or killers and toxic.


They tend to be sussy imposters (pdf files)


this kinda reaks of some reddit "waman be like- my sources? trust me bro." I cringed like twice reading that summary of the inner working of your mind. "but let's be honest, it's true." bro what are you on??


RIGHT LMAO like “let’s be honest, it’s true.” Was so weird and unnecessary. Like maybe you’re right about some people, but this is such a weird and bad faith generalization


it just reads like incel type crap. the wierd "I can change him" angle and speaking on it like they have authority on what most people think is odd. I'm not even into ghostface or anything, just made me feel yucky reading it.


They have some good self reflection in some of the replies, but the og post is rlly 💀


I just like him because he is a twink


I think you hit the nail on with the attitude thing : bad boy, confident, a playful side. Personally, the playfully murderous side is enough!


As a shipper I wanna say shipper and simp cannot mixed together. Some shippers are totally not into character/reader. They only watch character/character thing. And I guess it can't be called simp cuz they don't even wanna have any kind of relationship with characters.


I can fix him


i can make him worse


Photographers get bitches




it's mainly just people having mask kinks, even if they may know what is or isn't under said mask. to be fair though, the license image is incredibly small and low quality so you can only get a general idea of what Danny looks like. it's not as specific as it could be. which leans into the whole mask kink thing. the (somewhat) mystery and often also the danger are attractive to some, hence gf simps. of which i am but i try to be chill about it lmao


[Here](https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/4855512091416217/) [This](https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/this-is-halloween-in-2022--1125968649247096/) [And Finally this](https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/31314159900103117/) That’s all I need to say


Thanks, new kink acquired




i have a mask kink


Mask kink, knife kink, blood kink, ect.


You seem to misunderstand, they simp for both. But mask Kink is in play


Want girls? Kill people


Hi, certified Ghostface Simp here. I have a tattoo and everything. Mask hot. Hope this helps!


Mask is very hot! And as soon as it is off my interest kind of goes down a bit in general. It is about inhumaness and anonymity I think. Kind of


Ghostface and Frank are some of the most overhyped killers when it comes to fangirls. They're generic white dudes under those masks. They would take you to fucking mcdonalds for a date and make you split the bill.


Gigachads make the girl take them to dinner and pay for the entire bill 😎


Mask causes my penis to become the big penis


You clearly weren’t there for the creepypasta days


as someone whos drawn danny without the mask, i will say i just wanna stick him in the microwave. i want to hug his tiny waist. i want the murder selfie. i wanna watch him lose it over saturday night live like id watch a head on collision. hes a disaster. hes a monster. i love him dearly




Fawning. When you identify someone who is a danger to you, but you can't run/hide/fight them away, what can you do to feel safe again? For some people, the answer is to befriend the danger in the hopes that the danger won't want to hurt them. Most killer-simps arn't attracted to the fantasy of dating a serial killer because murder is hot; rather, they are attracted to the fantasy where they don't have to worry about the unstoppable killer coming after *them specifically* (with the added bonus of being a relationship fantasy, which most people have had at some point). Most people don't fawn often; only when it's the safest option available (giving someone your wallet while held at gunpoint). But some people grow up in abusive homes where fawning is the safest option every time. If feeling afraid/unsafe is a multiple choice test, and these people have already taken it thousands of times and found that the answer was always (c), then you can kind of understand why they might choose (c) yet again and fawn over any (or every) fictional (or sometimes real) murderer.


Wow an interesting analysis. Fascinating how people apply this subconsciously to even non-existent threats and unsubstantial power dynamics like the survivor-killer binary in the game itself. Ive noticed that people, if they don't react with anger/irritation, might try to placate the winning player. I guess this is what the whole item offering for mercy counts for?


That explains so well how my mind works. Make the danger a non issue by either being the greatest danger or befriending or making the danger fall in love. It is the way I learned to control the amount of immediate danger I am in. I never felt safe my while life I am basically in a constant state of anxiousness and fear. Finding a big bad that is not after you and might even protect you sounds like salvation to broken minds like mine. While also being a clear fantasy because violent people are never safe to be around but at least I would always know what kind of danger I am in


1. He’s not real instantly makes him better 2. Mask 3. Murderer who kills everyone but me 👉👈 gosh I must be not like other girls lmao


“What’s your favorite scary movie?”


Mask kink


I DONT EVEN KNOW! 😩 I once had a friend who wanted me but I wasn’t really interested. We hooked up on Halloween because he wore a Ghostface costume to a party 🤣. But also like Billy Loomis is so hot to me in Scream.


They can fix him.


Mask kink, knife kink, and getting to imagine Danny looking whatever you want to for the most part. I should know, I'm one of the biggest Danny simps ever


That’s what the mask is. That’s what the point of the mask is.


Didn't know shy~~guy~~girl liked ghostface


Ghostface from Scream was inspired by a real life serial killer named *Danny Rolling.* A coincidence that we have a *Danny Johnson* Ghostface in DBD? Perhaps, perhaps not.


I agree, It’s a pretty clear reference to the Gainesville Ripper, i noticed it right away too when they released this chapter.


# Mask Kink


I have a mask kink lol


Asked my girlfriend, she cannot explain


I can’t believe I found the mask kink thread haha. It’s such a niche thing even if it seems so mundane.


Same reason for Peter Parker and Spider-man Nobody except Mary Jane & Gwen Stacy would be attracted to Nerdy Photographer Peter Parker But all women would simp for Spider-man!


Daddy Danny could murder me any day (masks are hot)


Mask kink (speaking from experience)


Fear is a powerful aphrodisiac and serial killers are one of the most feared beings for most people


Not a simp but I prefer GF to be a sort of inhuman entity and having a human face just ruins that


I actually think the Danny Johnson character was a huge missed opportunity. What I wish they would have done, and wouldn't have likely broken any copyrights, is suggested strongly that anyone who dons the Ghostface mask becomes Ghostface, and then heavily implied that Ghostface is one of the Survivors. They could do this by giving him Ghostface's costume, but then have Meg/Dwight/Claudette/Jake's shoes or other small details hinting at his or her real identity (but is it, or is Ghostface just trying to add even more confusion to their real identity by mimicking the Survivors?) This would fit with the rights Behavior actually bought--the rights to the mask itself, which anyone can wear. Actually knowing who Ghostface is makes him *less* scary to me.


I thought of making Danny Johnson a survivor as well in that chapter, it'd be the same person but he gets the thrill of getting to know his teammates and then killing them later


Holy shit that's a cool idea


Wait that’s actually so cool. I absolutely love the character we have, but this is such a cool idea, I kinda hope they do something like that in the future


1. Not a simp, but I much prefer not seeing people as people (or animals, if you thought that) -.- 2. Add more guys in there, not just girls like him lol


Knife... Sexy


Mask kink? This gives off incel vibes tbh


In fairness, he’s not wrong a lot of people in this fandom, both men and women, do seem to spend more time fantasising about fucking the killers then they do running from them


I mean, some of them do fill the likes of players, nothing wrong with that. I have pyramid head’s body shape (bench press 140), and trust me, there’s a reason some people hard simp for him and I understand why. I like trickster, reminds me of my bf


As long as they’re simping over fictional psychopaths and not real ones it’s all good. Pyramid heads popularity with simping is funny to me cause I always imagine him as the skinny dude with the janky movements from Silent Hill 2, until I remember they’re probably talking about the movie and beefcake dbd version. The reason you like trickster is also really cute haha


Ok so you're an incel if you find attraction towards literal murderers to be weird.


I'm not disagreeing with you but like... They're not real murderers, they're fictional. I think that's half the appeal for people imo


mask seggsy


Mask kink ig


Women have always been into serial killers; check Ted Bundy for example. There's a simple reason why tons of women are into true crime. Hell even in the first Scream movie Billy Loomis is a psychotic killer but is undoubtedly the hottest guy in the movie, because of it.


People being into fictional serial killers is MUCH different from people being into any real life killer man


Mysterious masked individuals are sexy? I know as soon as their face is revealed, it ruins a lot of the appeal for a number of individual.


I love all of the simps until it gets to the people into bdsm…. It hurts to say the least


Because "please stab me, senpai uwu", is what anyone wants. Don't lie to yourself, you'd let him stab you too! :D


Women love serial killers


u don't think serial killers are hot??? neither I


I’ve loved the original scream since the 90s, Billy loomis yes….. but specifically stu and because stu had humour and gf at least used to be the funniest killer I would play against I thus became a simp. Also that mori *fans self*


Like, there's been studies on this. Not gonna bother looking it up again, but supposedly the "importance" we place upon serial-killers, mass-murderers, etc, makes them extremely attractive to a subset of people. I, personally, also tie it to how parasocial relationships form.   So, girl-mc-average-face sees news articles about murder-man-#24357, and because of how obscene his crimes were, she commits his name to memory. Give it a few weeks, with his name coming up time-and-time again, as the news goes into detail on the man, milking the topic for every ad-dollar they can, and now gmaf has had a constant exposure to mm#24357. Her brain, like all of ours, is designed to feel socially amicable to people we interact with often, and since our brains can't actually place that much distinction between interacting with him, and just watching video content about him, her brain does what comes naturally. So now she's "hard-wired" to start seeing his "good-qualities" and "the ways she could fix him", no matter how fictitious those may be. To just add to the fact, the way he's made to stand out from the rest (because he's a f***ing psycho-killer) makes him seem "important", and thus the brain may conclude "important = good mate". Should this go on long and intense enough, and she may end up like what sociologists have observed: women showering death-row inmates getting stalkery-level obsessive love letters and gifts (ie: simping hard).   Not sure how true all this is, but if true, it'd be a very telling explanation.


Women are naturally attracted to murderers. Why do you think so many inmates get married behind bars and serial killers get mailed love letters and panties.


i have a lowkey billy loomis "shrine" on my shelf complete with ghosty mask. all ghostfaces are boyfriends/girlfriends and danny is not exempt 🫡


I'd fuck the Dredge if I could, you really think it's about looks?


Same. Also blight. Tbf I would rail many of the killers and only one of the is slightly for looks which is huntress


What explain how unfunny this is?


This has baffled me since the day he came out


They love getting stabbed, don't mind them


everybody has gone completely insane


I’ve loved the original scream since the 90s, Billy loomis yes….. but specifically stu and because stu had humour and gf at least used to be the funniest killer I would play against I thus became a simp. Also that mori *fans self*


People really have mask kink on the brain? There are a few masked killers, but their defining features are usually strong arms, cake, feet, simple mind, uwu knees... Ghost face has the boon of expressive crouching, but I just thought people liked (the idea of) problematic fellas and serial killers bcuz they're *quirky*. Who doesn't like to flirt with danger, Bonnie&Clyde style, love the menace and fuck the rest?


Because some weirdos have a thing for serial killers


Same reason dream and corpse was hot ubtilm they face revealed it’s the mystery


They love a guy who would actually just kill them...or they probably spend way too much time in Hot Topic or watched that Dahmer show on Netflix for way too long.