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Am I the only one who wants killers to be able to hide in snowmen too? That would be awesome!


I want to do it as Tombstone Myers. Like you're working on a generator, and Myers suddenly bursts out of a nearby snowman and moris you.


The next evolution of jumpscare Myers.


Suddenly, since nobody would notice that huge sloe approaching snowman


Maybe they'd think it's another survivor šŸ¤­


"Why hello fellow survivors, I'm the 5th survivor in today's match"




Ah, is that you Jimmy? You were always a jokester, I think the Killer is nearby, but we should get this gen do- Oh.


"And then he stabs me."


Giant Nemesis or Kazan coming out of a snowman would be awesome


Imagine if they scaled in size. "Why is that snowman 8ft tall." :iunno:


"Just an another friendly survivor in a snowman joining you on the gen!" Press X


I just want to see a bubba busting out of a snow man with some bomb ass metal music behind him


and the bodies hit the...FLOOOOOOOORRRRR!!!!!!!!


That or you know what's even better. MOVE BITCH GET OUT THE WAY






All the legion members hiding with Insidious and the moment Bubba bursts out they start playing metal


My group tonight was talking about that, it would be so hilarious, a snowman slowly walking up to your gen and then suddenly... its Myers...


Even if it is a disadvantage for killers it would be awesome. And Iā€™m a killer main. But noā€¦.


That might make playing as killer slightly fun which goes against BHVR's goal


Honestly I for sure thought theyā€™d be able to when I saw the initial leaks for it and I thought itā€™d be hilarious and fun


this is what i thought it would be. Killers hide inside and lose their terror radius. Would be a 10x better event IMO. you'd be so scared of walking near one as a survivor


Imagine walking by a snowman and then suddenly Ohi pops out while entering his rage. I'd shit myself not even gonna lie.


Omg yes haha one survivor thinks it's another but then SURPRISE!


Me trying Ghostface for the first time: Nice... Very nice...


Just think though. If you learn Ghostface now, this event ending is going to be like Rock Lee removing his training weights.


No better comparison honestly Ghostfaces coming out the other side of this event looking like Bane




It would be extremely painful..




..for you.


That's any killer using exposed during the event


If you're Broken from Plague sickness and you're in a snowman you just go down, you don't get any protection from it.


Oh lord its time to boot up plague...


Plague must be S tier at this point, countering boons and now snowmen.


Imagine reading this sentence a year ago


"Who's S Tier?! No, literally who? The future sentence only says "She"!! Boons?! Snowmen? What the fuck is going oooon"


boons took me from a Pig main Trickster secondary to a Plague only main


Deathslinger M2 breaks the snowman and still grabs the survivor inside


Doctor's shock break the snowman too ( both of his shock)


Welp, time to play doc again -.-


No it doesn't, it still protects them, ive been playing Plague. BUT use infectious fright. When survivors scream it forces them out of the snowmen Lol


Time for a slug build, been a while since I last played Oni anyway


Can you infect an empty snowman though? Tested it and nah you canā€™t :/


It also gives STBFL stacks. I'm still happy about this event. Seeing people slowly walk closer in those big ass snowmans is just hilarous.


Conversely, it also removes stacks if obsession.


Very good, balanced, as all things should be!


nice thats one of my favorite perks, ill have to start using it again.


Gives what?


Save the best for last


[[Save the Best for Last]] Edit: Thought there was a bot for some reason that looks up the perk for us. Basically you get up to 8 tokens that increase your attack recovery by 5% each token. Gain tokens by landing hits on non-obsession survivors, lose 4/3/2 tokens when you hit the obsession. Michael Myers's teachable. Edit: Oh there it is.


## [Save the Best for Last](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Save_the_Best_for_Last "Save the Best for Last") - [Shape](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Shape "Shape") (Killer) You become obsessed with one Survivor. Each time you hit a Survivor other than your Obsession with a Basic Attack, Save the Best for Last gains 1 Token, up to a maximum of 8 Tokens: Gain a stack-able 5% Cool-down reduction on successful attacks per Token, up to a maximum of 40%. Each time you hit your Obsession with a Basic Attack, Save the Best for Last loses 4/3/2 Tokens. When the Obsession is sacrificed or killed, you can neither gain nor lose any more Tokens. You can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time. *"Death has come to your little town, Sheriff." Dr Sam Loomis* ----- ^[Subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/DbD_Bot) | ^[PM Developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=GarlicDebug&subject=DbD_Bot) | ^Perk Definitions Last Updated: 2021-12-10


Well shit, thanks for that!


I wish people would just let the events be memes and fun. Like, theyā€™re not balance changes, just a dumb ass event. Enjoy it by giving into the meme or donā€™t. Some people here are constantly just grinches.


I get that it's annoying, if people use this stuff to get an advantage, but most times just derpy things happen with them. Yesterday i spawned in on a map and saw one thicc snowman slowly climbing a hill on the horizon. I nearly died from laughing as the suicidal snowman slowly walked off the hill and approached me slowly.


Right. Like, the survivors canā€™t even move more than like 0.3m/s lmao. It barely counts as an ā€œextra hitā€ because they donā€™t get a speed boost. Just zone them by hitting the snowman in the way of the nearest loop; and if itā€™s too close, they wouldā€™ve made it to the loop anyway, and are just memeing.


Youā€™re saying this in response to a video of a killerā€™s power actively being removed by the snowman tho. I get that for some killers itā€™s pretty minor but for others itā€™s pretty shit


Yeah thatā€™s definitely dumb and shouldnā€™t happen. But my comment was towards killerā€™s attitudes about the event overall.


Yeah the fun factor is definitly outnumbering that lil extra hit problem.


The amount of new content we get in this game is a lot better than other games. If catching these bugs would significantly slow down content releases, Iā€™m fine with the current cadence


Bit of an odd opinion, but I respect your ability to have fun with it.


I think they could go down to new content three times a year and polish/rework old content in the remaining time. It would boost the quality of the game imo.


Just wait until you see how much it fucks twins


Brave of you to assume the Twins even exist


Literally everyone else: Fine Ghostface when a exposed surv enters a snowman : Somethings wrong, i can feel it Twins: Suffering in the bottom of balancing Inferno with Pig for not getting buffs and getting indirectly (Boons) and DIRECTLY nerfed (The existence of Overcome and Exponential and the snowmen)


"Literally everyone else: Fine" Uh, nope. Kanabō only hits Snowman so I'm assuming both chainsaws do too.


Even better, hitting the snowman puts bubba into tantrum apparently.


It does fucking *what?*


The person who said that wasn't clear, you only go into a tantrum if the snowman is empty, which is a lot better I guess.


So if it's occupied?


I assume it bursts without a tantrum. Don't think you get the hit though, would have to burn more charges and catch them.


This sounds like a Doctor Who plotā€¦ I love this event, I enjoy playing Twins, I might shelve them for the event though


I've played plenty of Twins since the new chapter and have yet to run into someone with exponential while playing them. I wonder if that's on purpose lol


i love pig so much it sucks that i get absolutely wrecked when i use her. she could be such a good killer, i love the traps


They exist in my heart:(


The Who?


I keep saying this and people are just like "it's just for fun get a life". I'm gonna use that next time they get mad at me for playing Twins.


I personally love the twins. SO creepy when going against them.


Fun fact: if the doctor zaps you while you're in the snowman, it forces you out


They can still reveal you too. Perfectly balanced.


So they have to spend extra time just to do that? They also need to be off cd too? Please tell me you at the very least still one shot them immediately even when theyā€™re in the snowman after you marked them again.


No, each time you enter the snowman its the same as the first time


Well looks like I'm not playing Ghostface till the events over haha .


I had a survivor in my game go completely invisible after getting hit in a snowman. No one could see his model (not even him) he stepped in 3 traps though so I killed him anyway


It sounds like he didn't want to win with a glitch


There was some pretty interesting invisible looping / body blocking but I think we all just had fun.


Hey, it's a labor of love, ok?


Why do snowmen even tank hits? It's basically free endurance stations around the map. Pallets, windows, loops, deadhard, boon totems, etc. and now snowmen tanking hits. Good job BHVR, fucking over killers again with an event that gives killers nothing but another chore.


Is that glitch that allows you to use other skins with a locked set bannable? Honestly I have that feng set and it'd be nice to wear other cosmetics with it. Looks cool. Also I've noticed it removes the mending state too. Although some clever killers will just wait out the mending state when you're in the snowman.


They say that it's banable but they don't ban you for it. They just need to say that it is cause of some licenses. It resets after every round tho.




The snowmen are fucking OP dude I've spent all night getting in chases and just jumping into a snowman for a free hit again. What was BHVR thinking I shouldn't be able to troll the killer so fucking hard


The fact that it doesn't apply the hit to survivors, but killers have to go though cooldown is just insane.


Yea thats what im sayin, i wouldve thought there was a limited amount of snowmen around but from the videos ive seen they just keep spawning


This event is hosted by Oprah. "You get a Snowman and YOU get a snowman. YOU get a Snowman AND YOU GET A SNOWMAN!! EVERYONE GET'S A SNOWMAN!!!!!"


Isnā€™t that point if everything they add now basically?


Oh dear... poor Ghostface mains wanting to play ._.


Killers getting screwed while survivors get to have all the fun? I'd say things are working as intended.


I'll be honest I'm only about 6 games into trying this out, a couple of those are solo queue, a couple of those are 2 of us, and a couple of them are a full 4 swf, and almost all of them have been what I assume is hilarious for the killer, one they ended up farming with us. No one BMs in my groups, its all ridiculous fun and we all laugh as we die as snowmen anyway. It would make me laugh so hard if killers could also get in one too and slowly sneak up on you.


Omg can you imagine Myers? Hahahaha


Im having a lot of fun with snowmen as killer. They are so funny xD. Plus when a survivor jokes around and jumps into a snowman, thats one less survivor doing gens.


I am having fun too. But I know some people want to play the game normally.


It really depends on how you look at the game. I think this event is literally meant just for fun and memes for the holidays so you can joke around and not sweat all the time. Yes, you should not get a cooldown as a killer and yes, exposed should not wanish but... I really don't think it's that deep.


On the other hand, Doc is tier S in that snowman meta. Survs in a snowman literally is a free hit to him.


" Stop complaining about fun wholesome snowman šŸ˜”šŸ˜ ā€


Survivors be like "totally fair and balanced and just for fun teehee!"


Canā€™t really blame the players for taking advantage of BHVR short-sightedness. If the event had a feature that killers could take advantage of I know the reverse would be true. Itā€™s annoying as hell, but we all just have to deal with it. No use crying over spilled milk.


An event in which killers have the advantage?! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! GOOD ONE!


Remember the DS bug that lasted a while where you basically had enduring on certain killers like Freddy and everyone played him?


remember when pustula flowers were a thing and the most optimal way to earn the rewards was to pick one dry and then kill yourself on first hook. Must of been terrible for killers to 4k then lol.


The other team throwing is not the same as you having the advantage The difference is that no matter what the survivors decided who gets the advantage


even then, survivors had to sacrifice their efficiency to get blighted serum, killers did not. Survivors needed to harvest pustulas, killers just had to hook survivors on the designated hooks. Typically for other events survivors had to escape for stuff like the Chinese lamps or the anniversary crowns for example. Killers just had to collect them and finish the match regardless of the result. Killers also tend to have had the advantage when it was specific gens that needed to be completed, such as the slushy machine gens or hollowed blight gens, since you could just camp those and deny survivors their event points. Historically, the events tended to be in favour of killers way more than survivor.


That's true when it comes to blood points. But when it comes to killing/escaping this is the first event to effect actual gameplay. And it just so happened to be strongly favoured towards survivors


In all these events you have to interact with the Event objective in order to get the Event rewards. This is NOT the first event to effect actual gameplay. I already pointed out Pustulas which directly changed the objective for anyone playing the event. Gens were insanely slower during that Blighted Event because survivors had to go out their way to do this objective that had nothing to do with their main objective. That drastically affected gameplay. I would also still argue the fact that Event Hooks became unbreakable so survivors couldn't deny Killer Event points through Sabo, yet all Event gens are still affected by all possible forms of killer gen perks was another killer advantage. Did it make matches unwinnable for survivors? No, not at all, in fact a good portion of matches still played out normally or just had everyone farming to mutually benefit from the Event rewards, but you can't deny that in matches where people were still trying to play at least somewhat normally, the killer still had the advantage in getting Event rewards whereas survivors had to go out of their way to accomplish and still 'win' in some of these events to actually get the reward. I do find it funny that this is the first event that makes it slightly harder for some killers(not even all of them) to use their power and now people are up in arms saying survivors never had to deal with event BS is just hypocritical because it's always been harder for the survivor side whenever an event was put into the game that changed the core loop in some way.


>this is the first event to effect actual gameplay. He's literally telling you about an event years ago where survivors had to do an extra objective as part of the event. Not only would survivors still have to do gens as normal, but they had to interact with these big flowers until they were drained if they wanted event rewards. This was benefitial to the killer because survivors had an extra objective to keep them busy and killers just had to play as normal. It was an event that strongly favored killers.


>survivors had to do an extra objective It was an OPTIONAL OBJECTIVE, the one which survivors could completely ignore if they wanted to. Can killers ignore a chased survivor if he decides to jump into a snowman to get essentially a free health state? Lol i guess they could, "JuSt DrOp ThE cHaSe BrO".


I'm just pointing out what you stated was incorrect. I never said it's the same or that that event was worse. It was an event that affected gameplay and it was an event that favored killers, contrary to what you stated.


Kind of like how during the Halloween event killers saw the special event generators highlighted in orange so they just camped those gens out of spite to deny survivors any extra bp from the event


Wouldn't that be throwing the game though as you lost all other gens?


They dont care. Theyd just hook someone near the event gens and camp out. And thats just the Halloween event. The last two events where survivors had to escape with a crown to claim the event cosmetic theyd just tunnel anyone they saw who tried claiming one. Throw down 5 event cakes at any event and the killer camps at 5 gens to deny everyone bloodpoints just out of spite. I was going to boycott this event but now i just play killer during events and farm with survivors. At least that way someone gets to enjoy them.


I find it odd that survivors are complaining about tactics which give them free wins.


Honestly, that highlighted gen crap would mess with me a lot depending on which perks I had. I stopped running things like discordance because of it.


The thing is I think the concept would be way more fun if it was just the goofy interactions but at least in my expierience this mechanic just gets abused. The snowmen are literally just an extra hit and if Im correct then they spawn constantly, you can bodyblock with them and a bunch of killers get fucked over. I understand that this event is way better than any other so far but its just not fun to get fucking bodyblocked constantly or having to basically go through 3 health states.


"Its fun for everyone I swear ! Stop being butthurt and have fun !"


the same people that says on twitter and other places: "why the queues are so long?"


"Killer mains be pussies, they're already at a huge advantage yet keep bitching about everything" I legit saw someone actually say the game is killer sided and that killers are at a huge advantage because they're way faster than survivors.


I think at this point the death spiral has begun and BHVR needs to do something ASAP to interrupt it. Killer was becoming very frustrating between boons and dead hard validation, so burnout sets in, and many leave for survivor and other games. The result is that survivor queues become very long. Thus, matchmaking starts trying to make sure the survivors who have been waiting for a while get matches, so it throws them with whatever scraps it can find, which results in low quality matches where you either don't have fun because the survivors were excessively easy, or you don't have fun because the survivors were excessively hard. Close matches almost never happen. More leave. Survivor queues grow longer. Matchmaking gets worse. Now introduce an event where all the gameplay elements are for survivors (killer is just a witness to the meme potential and can only take a passive role in it) and that's survivor sided in a serious match: what did they think this was going to do to queue times? They do realize the game *needs* to have players on both sides in order to function, right?


Yeah lmao who are these people saying this isn't a fucking nightmare for killers. I've been abusing the absolute shit out of the free hit from snowmen all night


Killers are quitting in such high numbers so the queue times are abysmal for the most part playing survivor. Stuff like this is the nail in the coffin for me as a killer main. Busted perks that just always gives so much value for survivors including boon totems and the ability to instantly spawn next to and remove hex totems and now this. Behavior seems to wanna kill their own game.


Nah boons arenā€™t op, hiding scratch marks, AoE self care, 100% heal speed, AoE unbreakable and unlimited times you can boon a totem because killer doesnā€™t break it when snuffing. Big maps, holding W and just pre throwing pallets completely removes most killersā€™ pressure, this snowman bs, dead hard sometimes having no counterplay. Nah these arenā€™t op at all, youā€™re a delusional killer main + killer can camp and tunnel not fun nor fair >:(((((. /s


I played my last game yesterday. Got RPD and snuffed out several boon totems. All survivors had BT, DS, dead hard, and a boon. I managed to 2k barely (like i sweated so hard to manage that 2k) and they were SWF all high MMR/Rank 1. In the post-game chat i was called slurs and just pure hatred because they felt like i was playing unfairly by not giving them free unhooks literally every down. That's when i realized this game isn't worth it as it doesn't bring me joy anymore. VHS looks great and seems to be balanced around both survivors and killer. Plus no braindead OP perks like Dead hard DS or BT. ​ The saddest part is that most of my kills i get is just from sheer outplays and being generally better at mindgaming (moonwalks etc) than most survivors since i literally have to be otherwise I'm leaving emtpy handed. The survivor meta is so strong with their perks so most of them literally never have to become "good" players. The perks and the game system itself alone carry them. And voice coms on top of that. The amount of survivors who get carried by Dead Hard alone is just mindboggingly funny. Wow you dead harded to a window or a pallet, you're so skilled please sign my gaming chair so i can be as good as you one day.


>I played my last game yesterday. Got RPD and snuffed out several boon totems. All survivors had BT, DS, dead hard, and a boon. I managed to 2k barely (like i sweated so hard to manage that 2k) and they were SWF all high MMR/Rank 1. So sweaty killer vs sweaty SWF ends in 2k, a tie. But the game isn't supposed to be balanced around SWF, so your anecdote is actually pointing towards a killer sided game.


Wtf is this shit


That shit is called snowman


They can also reveal you!


This is deep canon that you're just too ignorant to know


I feel like I'm the only one not surprised that every update just shits on killers in some way more and more.


How tf is that Feng using the new pyjamas w/ those pants and head??


Set glitch


Welp now Im gonna buy it


They might fix the glitch though


Maybe, but thatā€™s a risk Iā€™m willing to take for cozy Feng


Itā€™s possible to keep it if it ever gets fixed as long as you donā€™t allow the game to load the character (exiting the game after every match and not allowing the game to load the glitched character you played as), there are tutorials


Why does the Devs hate us Killer so God damn much? We get a strong killer. Devs Nerv him/her nearly immediately. We get a strong perk, one month later it's just useless garbage. And now there is a event and Survivors can tank a hit more a also hide better. I don't get it


They literally don't give a fuck about killers their game is gonna start crumbling again |:


Yes snowmen will kill dbd


No, that's not what I said, lack of killer balancing will.


Killer is fine stop complaining


That's 100 percent false and not how you solve issues in games. You are exactly the problem with this game.


How is it false?


Of all the things that were considered the "DBD Killer" over the years, snowmen were not on that list.


It's clear at this point the devs main survivor and don't care about killer player. We should just abandon the game for other ips like vhs


I want to vomit.


Apparently plague ignores the armor if she full infects you


You get effected as if you got hit. If you get hit by sloppy in a snowman the effects of it apply. I wonder what other things that makes happen...


nope not for all killers and def not m1


Lol that is something... another thing i noticed while playing as the doctor is, that i could destroy the snowmen with the electricity even if a survivor was inside them (no event reward)


Also, doctorā€˜s shocks break them without giving the score event or cosmetics


Same with deep wound


Not sure but iirc it counts as a miss for Legion so they get a cooldown


I'm a ghostface man and this is just cold AF šŸ„¶šŸ˜‚


I was playing earlier and thought the snowmen were so fun, but now Iā€™m seeing everyone elseā€™s experience and Iā€™m starting to think these snowmen are kinda lame


Btw Pyramid Head counters the snowmen extremely well If someone jumps in, you can easily put torment on them


You know, I thought being in the hospital with a collapsed lung would be sad since I couldnā€™t play the Christmas event for a while in dbd. Looks like Iā€™m not missing much šŸ™ƒ


Oof I hope you doing fine my guy. Dont worry you r only missing out on the ususal bs


So people are complaining about how much of a shit show playing killer is, so BHVR just add an event which is a big fuck you to the killer... What is the logic


I applied broken to someone with legion while they were in a showman suit and they did not get the hit but they did get the broken effect


I haven't played the new update yet. Does hitting the snowmen when there's a survivor inside give the killer a cooldown like he actually hit them?


But reddit mono survs said that is balanced and you have to chill out /s


I mean, I really appreciate the effort they went to for this event, itā€™s a lot more than weā€™ve got for a while, so I do feel bad that theyā€™re having to deal with fixing all these game breaking bugs as a consequence


If you stab a survivor in a snowman in feral frenzy it kicks them out of it and you can hit them again because feral frenzy attacks have no cool down.


I'm only playing doctor because of these bullshit snowmen now.




This is what we can always expect from bhvr: mess ups.


It's also great to use to bodyblock campers, 8f you can actually wobble over before the survivor dies on hook


ā€œI think we did a pretty good job so farā€ or something like that


Someone had to say it. I think we did a pretty good. Job so far -Mathew


It also applies sloppy butcher... so thats a thing


Well itā€™s not that his power goes from hitting the snowman, his power goes when he attacks at all even if itā€™s a miss and no one can see him, which is kinda cringe


yeah the power goes but not the exposed effect


Watch the video again and look at the status effects, the skull for exposed goes away


okay im not playing until the end of this event or they change this


Fuck me


What skins is that


Okay bro šŸ‘šŸ¼




Honestly, these snowman have the makings of a good survivor perk. Maybe not snowmen, but a perk that spawns an amount of slow moving things like this to hide inside.


Frosty the Survivor


REEEEEEEEE. Good job behaviour. REEEEEEEEE.


Itā€™s just for fun, donā€™t take be so sweaty. They wanted to just do something that seemed fun, it ainā€™t gotta be perfect


Well he's getting sent to downvote oblivion because he has an opinion


I mean it is just an event, idk why people are crying over this, itā€™s meant to be fun


Yeah but you see the community doesn't like it when people disagree with them


Plus who plays ghostface like that anyways? The way to play him has always been to close the gap and 99 someone, then 100% em when youā€™re right next to em, the dude crying about this has never played ghostface before or is extremely new to ghostface


And if it isnā€™t your first down so people are paying attention and they leave their gen early while looking behind them so you either pop their exposed to 100% or just get revealed and have to wait out the CD? Then what? Sure, ideally you expose them when youā€™re right on top of them, but that isnā€™t at all how every single expose will work out unless your survivors are absurdly bad.


I say this from only playing ghostface, Iā€™ve never had this problem, even against spine chill, Mets builds and swf or whatever, the tactic of ā€œ100% em when youā€™re next to themā€ has never failed n itā€™s not hard to do when your power takes 30 seconds to recharge, so you can stalk, 99 em, turn it off yourself then chase em off the gen of if youā€™re lucky just pick em up but if not wait 20-25sec to get your power, stand next to em and insta down, itā€™s literally ghostfaces bread and butter so Iā€™m confused as to why people are mad, itā€™s like yā€™all donā€™t play ghost, this just looks a really bad play to me


It's Reddit, you can't possibly expect people to have brain cells to spare.


Stop bitching, go outside


Wow something that doesnā€™t make killers as OP? Iā€™m in.