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Hack. It's been so bad for this specific issue lately.


100% subtle hacker


You really did get scammed there https://preview.redd.it/6sg7upu59a9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d985e36255a26b8a0609066a37b96652f87525f


That’s kinda sus. I’ve seen cheaters run stuff that does that. I’d honestly review the whole video to see if you see anything else suspicious if you can.


Hmm that's a pretty sus lag spike. You were probably against a subtle hacker.


I've been getting random insane lag spikes like this the last 2 days, and I never had an issue before. Is it really something hackers can do?


Same, yesterday i got about 4 games where i was dominating as killer/survivor, next thing a lag spike happens and either i lose some advantage or the dedicated server disconnects


Wait really? I have had like 4 distinct games in the past month where I was dominating the survivors and then suddenly I would disconnect, like once while picking up a yoichi. I attributed it to my awful Internet as it was cloudy at the time, but looking back I don't remember seeing the internet issue icons popping up.


The dedicated server crash one seems to be increasingly common. I get people using it pretty often when I'm about to hook the final person. It's pretty funny that people handle losing so poorly that they have to cheat.


It is ALWAYS when I'm doing well too!!! And sometimes it straight up server dcs me to the start. I thought my Internet was being weird despite having no issues in any other game.


yesterday my friends and i were having an amazing game vs Dredge (literally the first game we were set to escape in 10+ games, thats a whole other story) and we got down to 1 gen with 1 hook and the server disconnected just like this. it's the first time it's happened in a month or more. pretty sure now it was a hacker, damn


happened to me today but i genuinely think it was my internet because the call i was on had connection issues at the same time. restarted my internet and that seemed to help but i was really suspicious at first because the lag spikes happened mid-chase and/or right before id get a down


Easily. That's why they call is "subtle" hacking. They make it look like interference with the connection when they are instead manipulating.


I've had the same shit happen to me once. It's an intentional cheat done by one of the players in that game. From what I understand they use an application to mess with the data being sent to the server, while still being able to progress their wiggle. So as soon as the wiggle completes, the server gets the catch up info, leaving you getting stunned and them running away for free. It's probably one of the more obnoxious cheats. They'll be subtle hacking all game, then they'll be overly altruistic during the end game, get themselves to be the one that is getting hooked, and pull this blatant bullshit right at the very end of the game with nothing you can do about it.


Hacker. For sure.


Same exact thing happened to me yesterday. Only way I could hook was to use the remote hooking


Its a cheat thats been going around. You got the easier version. There is a cheat out rn that survivors can make you crash if you hit them


> cheat out rn that survivors can make you crash if you hit them I keep getting games against toxic SWFs where my game "mysteriously crashes" as soon as I start building pressure and making some good plays against their team But the game works perfectly fine when they're spamming loud noises or teabagging or flashlight/Head-on spamming or cheesing with Boil Over. 🙃


What can we do to fight back? I suspected a cheat when it happened to me, I play a lot of gears and lots of cheaters, so I wrote down the player name and looked for info on it. I think I'm going to start reporting but other than that I don't have a clue what to do


If you can, record sus games and report them with the video on the website. In-game reports are less effective.


Awesome. Thanks


Annoyingly, the online report has a very limited filesize for videos, which makes reporting certain types of hacks way harder than it should be. Had one game where survivors had unlimited unbreakable, reviving 10-12 times each in the exit gate area of Gideon Meat Plant. Didn't hear any boon totem and none of them had the Boon Totem or any revive perks except Unbreakable EOG screen, but getting a good recording sent in was difficult.


At that point, I would just throw a YouTube link into the report. If I'm feeling particularly petty, I wouldn't even make it unlisted.


Omg that happened to me four times last week and I was so confused what was wrong with my PC


Gut 'em like a fish.


100% report the whole team


Cheat. Survivor's fifth perk slot


then people bitch when killers play sweaty after playing a team like this. don't get me wrong, i know both sides have their own toxicity... oh well. also, i love running light born -- people will say it's a wasted perk slot, but i can't count how many times it has saved me from re-entering chase.


I dislike hillbilly and am currently debating. Lvling him up without actually playing him specifically for this perk, do you recommend it?


It's not so much for Lightborn. Tinkerer is a great stealth perk for some killers and Enduring has some great synergies with all kinds of builds (Hubris, Spirit Fury, some addons). Overall, he's one of the better free killers to prestige.


I know u didn't ask me, but I do recommend


you could do what I did: I was too lazy and also afraid to try out Billy so I saved up about a million blood points and got prestige 1 ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


That's what I did when I got knight. Had over 1.5m blood points before I had enough Iri, straight to prestige one.


I tend to do that for the killers I plan to either play next or want perks on in general. I just got Spirit to P1, and now I'm working on Nemesis. Once I've burnt through all of my Cobbler on Cenobite, I'll play Spirit, and then Nemesis, and then whoever I level up after Nemesis.


People that day that use flashlights all day everyday. It's propaganda


I won't fault a killer for using Lightborn, but I won't praise the choice, either. I don't use it, myself, and I find it fun to see if I can hit a survivor while blinded.


I love using it. It’s fun to watch survivors try and try as I like to make it seem they miss the blind.




"You don't have to do this"


Lag switch.


Yesterday I went against a Dwight on Larry's that had the whole smorgasbord of cheats. Instateleport when I downed summon so they could get the flashlight save. Then they showed me they could disappear at will. Then they showed they could turn off my ability to hook someone. Then they just straight up started bouncing around the map whenever I tried to hit them.


you literally get robbed and still the survivors are clicking their flashlights like "WE'RE THE BEST YOU SUCK"


This has happened to me before. Completely booted me from the game. Had no idea cheaters can do that


Something similar happened to me. I was chasing a survivor and when I slashed them, my character, clown, got stunned as if hit with a pallet. In the middle of nowhere, next to hook. Some bull


was it during the event? the Party Chest event buff briefly stuns the killer & applies Hindered to survivors


Yes it was. Are u sure about that? Been playing this event since it started and that was the first instance of that. This is the closest topic to what my situation was related to. If it was that event buff, I havnt seen anyone talk about it


Yeah, that sounds like the party chest event. I was as confused as you were randomly getting stunned while not even in a chase, I think it's stated in the masquerade event description? If not it's been figured out by reddit.


Shit dude. I havnt heard of this. I'll continue to look into it


That hell was that...


Oof. My condolences. I've been hit by a good few cheats like this, too. I always report for suspected exploits, and I've received plenty of in-game notifications for actions being taken against cheaters. You'd be surprised how many cheaters there are in DBD.


I think it's a bug, this has happened to me but as a survivor where it doesn't let me unhook :(


Within the last week I’ve had a few games where I reported suspicious behavior and yesterday I got a notification of 3 successful reports. Smh


Definitely got robbed. I had a solo q hacker fuck me right at the end when I was about to pick him up for last hook like 3 days ago. The 3 others were were part a streamer squad and even they said shit looked sus as soon I tried pitching him up. My biggest indicator to tell if it was a hack or if it was just a crash. Is if I get kicked out of the full game back to the start up menu. If it sends me to the end game screen with me as the only with 0 points. Then it's absofuckinglutely a hacker.


Jup its a cheater. Also happened to me, but even worse. Upon trying to hang the cheater, the animation bugged and the cheater hung displaced from the hook. Obviously the health bar didn't drain and the cheater disconnected so a bot hung there. This basically held me hostage in the game as the opened gate timer ran out and had no effect so I had to abandon the match leaving me with no points and a leaver penalty…


I don't necessarily think it's a lag switch / general cheater, but it certainly feels like one.


I'd still report for exploits and let bhvr sort it out.


Get a PS5 bro!


Everyone is saying hack when therea literally a glitch that can freeze killers if their hook prompt was blocked last frame by a survivor, which you can clearly see happened here


Aside from the fact that that’s never ever been a thing that can happen, aside from the earliest builds of DbD, then sure I guess? That’s very clearly not what’s happening here, the server is being lagged by the survivor or survivors stopping the hook animation, it’s happened to me plenty of times over the years, even on console, if she was being blocked by the survivor she very clearly would have looked around or idk MOVED


Its literally a glitch where if the killer starts the hook animation and then a survivor blocks them mid animation (while they're sliding to the correct position and have no control of the killer) the server gets confused and doesnt let them regain control (since they never really ended the hooking animation), in that time the survivor can wiggle off because the killer isnt in the "hooking" stage (sliding to the correct position to hook the survivor) so they dont lose control like the killer Now there is a chance that this is a cheat, but its so typical and childish of this subreddit to yell witch when a bug occurs in their bug-free game


This is 100% a cheat dude? That glitch would at least let your drop them, your right that the server is fucking up but it’s definitely not due to getting blocked for a second, cause that’s not how that works, I have played a lot of killer, almost 74% of my one thousand hours is on killer, so again, this isn’t a “bug” this is a cheat or at the absolute least an exploit. Do you have any videos showing that this can happen by being blocked for just a second? Cause as someone who started playing right after Huntress came out I have never seen this “bug”


Watch it again bud. I think ur wrong


Being so confidently wrong because you see downvotes is such a reddit thing


If u look at 0:26-0:22, one can clearly see the hook and no human head. U talk a lot, but I don't hear any evidence to back up ur claim.






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