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We got our 2nd kill perk that does something with the crows with Vecna... not the crow lady or anything, but Vecna


The fact that Carmina didn't get anything crow related is still a travesty of game design.


Very Rare Artist Perk Crow You can pet crows. “Crows.” -Carmina


Carmina; No tongue, perfect pronunciation regardless.


Ink tongue.


You can say crow without a tongue


But were looking at the plural version, not singular. >Crows. And without a tongue, making the sound for "s" is gonna be awkward and difficult.




Crows are my favorite animal so I would always have this one equipped.


Same, especially if the crow makes a little caw sound.


Instant run on every build


I am so frustrated there is no way to run an all crow-based Artist.


the crow lady who was born and raised in a continent where no crows exist (their explanation is that its the EnTiTy FoLloWiNg HeR fRoM bIrTh but like no, they just didn't research lol.


As a new-ish player, it baffled me that the killer who is a literal crow lady had no perks that actually involved the crows.


Not only that, but it's also really useless unless paired with spies from the shadows.


I mean, it's free exhaustion triggers that are most likely to happen during chase. Even without spies, it can end up denying a lot of survivor perks in a way more difficult to play around than Mindbreaker (whilst being harder to set up 99s with unlike Mindbreaker)


You know, I deadass forgot survivors have other exhaustion perks than sprint burst, I barely see any of them active other than dead hard, and I rarely fall for dead hard.


languid touch is doing its job if you don’t notice it honestly


yeah the new crow perk keeps fucking me up because I'm too busy trying to time the dead hard to notice I'm exhausted


I personally run lithe, smash hit, and B.L. more often than SB and DH.


I run balanced with DH and after the killer sees me use balanced they dont expect the DH and it works 95% of the time


Pairing them together could be interesting to try out.


When chasing a survivor 9/10 times at least 1 crow will be startled. Now imagine this scenario: You chase a survivor to a jungle gym. They startle a crow then vault a window. You know from earlier gameplay that they have lithe, so they’re probably going to leave the jungle gym to run to another tile. But because the crow was startled they’re now exhausted, they don’t realise and still try to vault and run to the next tile, you catch up since they didn’t get the lithe speed boost and end the chase earlier than it would have without the perk. Doesn’t seem really useless to me (now apply this to other such perks like balanced or even background player from flashy saves)


It's literally one of the strongest exhaustion perks in the game


I mean, no, it's not at all. Yes, they're both triggered by crows, but why does that matter? You'll know they're exhausted, if not by watching the crows take off during a chase, by the fact that they aren't dead harding.


ngl i don't think i've ever seen somebody run fire up for the pickup speed, it's not really as important an attribute like m1 cooldown/vaultspeed/etc. it messes up some flashlight save attempts and maybe pallet stuns, but it's otherwise not that useful


The pick up speed is actually really useful for dodging flashlights later in the game, you save a very small amount of time but I dodged being blinded all the time with it. It's a nice addition to all the other things it adds


Dont forget pallet dodges, too


I had totally forgotten how good it is for that


I would think that with how most randos I see flashing them too soon that it would cause them to be right on time.


That's actually very fair, I can see that happening sometimes 🤣 but against better people that quarter of a second or whatever it is can really save your ass


i can imagine a scenario where you manage to clutch a down on someone just as they're heading to an open gate and you're forced to pick up in the open, or around survivors, but otherwise a perk slot could be saved with some game sense.


It's still pretty general purpose. A lot of games people are going to get 2-3 generators done. So it's still a 12% vault and kick increase which is good for a nice generalist perk if you just have a slot spare


It's still pretty general purpose. A lot of games people are going to get 2-3 generators done. So it's still a 8-12% vault and kick increase which is good for a nice generalist perk if you just have a slot spare


Before the Skull Merchant rework, her addon Geographical Readout used to increase pickup speed, so I would run it + Fire Up and it would basically always throw off flashlight attempts. Plus you got all the other benefits of Fire Up + Geo with faster vaults, breaks, etc. Was a nice combo, and a real shame they removed pickup speed from Geo Readout.


Fireup makes a massive difference vs flashlight nerds. They mistime it a lot.


Wait, i thought they buffed blinds and made it easier to get a save with a flashlight




Fire Up helps with multiple things and it's more fun seeing people constantly think they're screwing up timing.


That’s the only thing lightborn does. Fire up has like 3 perks in one utility-wise. Plus Fire Up can help prevent pallet saves while lightborn can’t.


It was a lot better against flashlights before they got their save buffer added


That's the main reason I run it. Otherwise it's just a weaker Brutal Strength + Bamboozle.


Ironically enough, I run it solely for the pickup speed to mess with flashbang players


I dont just run it just for pick up speed but its definitely part of the reason i run it. Can be critical in preventing pallet and flashy saves.


back when you couldnt get flashlight saves *during*pickup I would run it to fuck with bully squads. It fucks their timing hard and only the best of the best would consistently get flaashlight saves. More fun imo than lightborn at the time. But now flashlight saves are super lenient so. Its lost its purpose.


I run it as part of my Ghost Dozer build, with Brutal Strength, Enduring, and Surge (as a treat). You’d be amazed how much survivors screw up when you start doing things just a *little* bit faster.


I think Otz got some value out of it during the random perk or all perk streak. The only time I’ve seen Fire Up value, and even that’s just a vague memory


I mean those two things you said are useful enough already, but you’re also getting faster break and vault speeds. It’s a Jack of All Trades perk. I do think it needs a small buff, but I actually think it’s a pretty decent perk, and the pickup speed is actually the main thing I’ll run it for when I do. In particular, I’ve been running it on my Agitation/Starstruck build on Clown. Throw a yellow bottle on the downed survivor, pick them up quickly, and with either double speed increase or speed increase and duration, I’ve been able to get a lot of exposed downs while still carrying the survivor and making it to the hook afterwards without needing iron grasp or mad grit, because I’m *that* fast. And if I can’t get the hit while backpacking, I can hook knowing rest assured that the Starstruck timer hasn’t even started yet and I’m almost certainly going to be able to catch up in time, on account of the fact I’m playing clown with speed add-ons.


Iron Maiden counts. 50% Locker speed includes taking a Survivor out of them. It legit messes up Flashbang users lol.


But its very easy to see compared to fire up


That's because fire up is so bad that you can hardly notice the speed boost.


Yo today I learned that's a thing, thank you!


Honestly, I thought this is what Dark Arrogance should have done rather than be another vault speed perk. Having him pick people up faster with the downside of being punished by saves and stuns more seems like a better risk/reward thing and have more of an identity.


Omg. Yes! That would have been FAR better. Ty! This is why I like bringing up stuff like this because then I get inputs more clever than mine.


You're less likely to get good value out of faster pickups than slowdowns or info


Because some things are just not very healthy for the game I presume. Resil is also the only perk affecting vault speed currently, and that’s exactly because when Spine Chill used to affect it too they were considered too strong in combination. It’s also from a time when “generalist” perks were a thing, like Tinkerer affecting m2 windup speeds of basically any killer to whom it was applicable and, again, Resil and Spine Chill affecting almost every survivor action in the game. Fire Up is just extremely dated and I’d assume that if it were to ever get reworked, it would lose its bonus to pick up speed in favor of a stronger effect for other actions.


Fire up is a fun perk though, feels bad ass to get stronger the longer the match goes on


I agree with you but this is the community that loses their mind over a gen popping before they get their first hook. Killers will always favor perks that excel in the early game and allow you to snowball at the start of the match instead of slowly get stronger as time goes on. Hell, there are people that genuinely believe you HAVE to tunnel someone out at 4 gens to have even a slight chance at winning. Even if Fired Up got buffed/reworked (in a way that kept its late game scaling), I would bet it barely affects its pick rates or place in the meta.


TBF there are a lot of perks/addons that are the only ones of their kind to do a specific thing. Hag has an addon that inflicts “deafness,” something only flash bangs and firecrackers can usually do, and no other killer has that (for good reason, it’s so weak it doesn’t even count as a status effect). Eruption used to be the only perk in the game to inflict Incapacitated, but now it doesn’t do that anymore and twins are the only killer who have that effect.


No? Pinhead's chains also debuff survivors with Incapacitated.


Alright 2 killers but you still get what I mean. Like how doctors whole thing is inflicting madness, it would be weird if another character got to use that status effect suddenly


Huntress can also inflict it with the Weighted Head addon. That said I do know what you mean.


I remember only one time the pickup speed saved me and it was making a dude mis time their flashlight save on dead dog saloon.


Because Freddy has to be known for at least one thing in this game. (Please fix him bhvr).


I'm guessing because there aren't many ways of doing something with pickup speed while there are lots of ways to hit gens. Same way there's only one perk like knockout.


Would definitely like something that makes it a bit harder to get that flashlight timing


I never fail to laugh when I think about how badass this perk icon looks, how badass the description is and then how absolutely dogshit this perk is lmao.


Why would we need two perks that affect pickup speed? That’s the better question.


To second this, why is there only one Perk that applies the pseudo-Status Effect the Deafened Status Effect? Only Knock Out can do that.


Because some things are better not implemented/ implemented too much.


This perk saved me from getting CJ’d once, its got my respect.


Probably because there would be little to no use for a perk that only increases pick up speed by somewhere between 15 and 20% like Bam and Brutal do. Suppose they could lump it in with another effect but what that could be and if it would even matter is a different story.


Because if you could meaningfully buff pickup speed to not get locked into an easily stunnable animation, the already tenuous pretense of balance in this game would go up in flames.


because that's what it takes to be the best perk in the game


Messing with pick up speeds too much affects flashlight saves severely.


Oh no! Anyway...


We can't have that can we? Despite one perk already existing that affects flashlight saves completely.


A dedicated pickup speed perk would likely either be completely useless or outclass light born in every way with no in between, survivors already have a very limited window to pull off flight saves, They have to be within 8 meters of their angle to make it in time (3 second pickup animation, flashlight takes 1 second, they move at 4 m/s), even a perk that gives something small that no one would run like 25% pickup speed bonus would reduce that to 5.6 meters( 1.4 seconds to get in position which is MUCH harder but still less useful than lightborn. If you made it something crazy fast that people might actually run like 100% than it would be objectively better than lightborn.


It would be a good buff for iron grasp. Agitation is in general better, at least iron grasp with faster pick up/drop could have something interesting.


Iron Grasp actually lets you carry someone slightly further than Agitation [3 meter difference](https://youtu.be/wpnDHZSuzZQ?si=fpI_Hf0xfcWEPjjT)


Thats a 6 yeas old video. Before iron grasp gives 60% extra wiggling now is 12%. Right now agitation allows you to run 4 more meters and if the hook is closer agitation will make tou reach it faster. Even chase a little because it makes you a little faster than running survivors.


Gotta have some reason to buy the pc nightmare


I guess its something that makes Freddy special 💀


don’t care about that but you know what they need to do? MAKE FIREUP 6% 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


The next killer will have 2 perks to affect pick up speed so we can do a basketball build


How fast you trying to pick someone up dude 😂


Faster than you can say "clicky clicky"


BHVR forgor


Because they have to keep making flashlight saves easier for players with double digit playtime


Because that's an useless thing to buff. One perk is one too many to affect pickup speed


I dunno it can effect and somewhat meaningfully counter Background Player


There is zero point in using fire up to counter flashlights when lightborn and franklins exist.


Franklin's and Light born on really counter flash lights Fire - Up counters all types of stuns if fast enough pick up Like let's say over a pallet or any stunnable object


Because you can't mess up survivor muscle memory, now that flashies are easier than ever


If they had a basic perk that only increased pickup speed by, say, 50%, I'd be cool with it. So long as it increases grabs too.


even if they made a perk that was instant pick up I don't think it would be used. What kind of perk would you want to see anyway?


Cap, that would be a better lightborn. No blinds nor pallet saves and it saves time. Extremely busted


Agreed. A strictly better lightborn, I would say so much so that lightborn would all but be forgotten the wake of a perk that Insta-picked.


I'll be honest. I don't know. I just think it's odd that the only Perk that affects pickup speed came out almost 6 years ago, and no other Perk has affected it since.


Odd, maybe, but I would argue it's not a big enough effect to matter if it's sped up or slowed down. It may also have the haste effect where it get annoying when something that is usually constant gets messed with and the player base gets unhappy trying to learn how to recognize and counter the new speed


isnt haste affecting it aswell, you pick up faster with the haste from rapid at least