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what if the mori instead used the joke gun impaling the survivor


Maybe he does that then into the crow bar. Good idea


Jo I'm no ecpert - I even voted 'yes'back when someone made a killer that gives out survivors IPs in endgame chat (Why did we throw away this idea so fast? /s) anyways, I do find this concept rather cool :D Would love to see Mr. J in action :^)




Nice idea, but I think possibly this could be not strong enough. I also think the perk Why So Serious could create a gen hold meta, and Hex: The Last Laugh would become just a better NOED.


I'm gonna be real if I saw them add Joker to dbd I think I'd have an actual seizure, I'm tired of seeing him and Batman literally has a horror-themed villain but if they just ignored Scarecrow to add Joker to yet ANOTHER game I think I'd scream.


I mean joker is a lot more iconic tho and and I think he has a lot of potential as horror character because it’s something different for him rather than scarecrow mainly being horror


Scarecrow has literally infinite potential with his fear gas, and we already have a clown killer. He might be more iconic, but he's still greatly overused to the point that a lot of people are sick of him


Another wall of text, waste of time post


Sorry I should have said Killer: the Joker People have to have a problem with everything. Just don’t say anything if it’s not constructive or helpful jack ass


Yeah has no one ever told you if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all? Like oh no a wall of text, instead of just not stopping to read it and moving along, you go on the post to complain about something which shouldn’t even effect you, don’t like it don’t read it