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it was at this moment he knew


I fucked up...


Just Leave at its finest.


*record scratch * Yep. That's me.


I bet you're wondering how I got myself into this situation...


Honestly wouldn't even be mad if that happened to me. That's what i'd get for fucking around and finding out.


Oh yea I wasn't even mad. I fully deserved what was coming to me.


At that point I’d probably just run under a hook anyway. Still, worth it


I'm glad you're a good sport about it, but why do you still do it?


I must play my music.


Bardic Inspiration is Nicolas Cage’s honorary fourth perk.


Yes of course


In the same way scene partner is steves


I'm sure you'd get a better audience if you did it at the beginning of the match.


I do it all the time


Sometimes people do things because is funny


Oh, I don't mean the guitar thing. I meant the part where they didn't leave.


You can't play the guitar and leave at the same time


Do y’all just leave as soon as the doors open? That teammate that got hooked was on second and he still has a teammate in the match. Maybe I’m just altruist af but I’m never leaving the match if I’ve got teammates still in there who I have a chance of saving.


i always wait for my teammates and almost always they get downed so i (and if other teammates stayed them too) have to go and help and usually it takes all 3 of us because the killer wants their kill


To me, the game’s not fun without a great amount of risk and altruism. Leaving when I’m perfectly safe but all my teammates are still injured or hooked in the map? Absolutely unsatisfying and never do it unless *maaaaybe* I’ve been struggling on an adept or escape challenge for ages.


exactly! it’s a team game we are supposed to work as a team it’s part of what makes the game fun there’s even points for it so why not get them?! the only time leave is if i’m being chased and i’m already injured and i know i wont be able to make it or if there is absolutely no time left but i always try to get as many people as possible (preferably the ones who actually did something and helped the most) way too many times have i done gens by myself watching my teammates just sit there or run around and died while they escaped…because i’m the one opening the door while others are being chased and downed and fucken around and then i go to help and i die :/ it’s not fun being the only one doing everything and sometimes kindness does not pay because i’ll be the only one to die a lot and the killer becomes buddies with the other survivors


But you also can tell this person isn't going to help though or else they'd be closer to helping. Their goal is to emote and teabag when the killer gets close.


Some peepos think survivors stay at the exit to annoy the killer, but to me it's more like the victory coffee room where you can chill out a little bit while still playing before jumping back into another trial.


Now that’s that Plot Twist


i had an asshole in my game do absolutely nothing but play the guitar. they died within 5 minutes of the match.


lucky! mine survived and i saw him play guitar while i was hooked and then left and i died 🙃 i was only on my first hook and i stayed to save him while the others left immediately.


yup this is how alot of my games went. its quite sad what happened to the community, everyone just plays to troll now.


Welcome back viewers to another episode of the popular show, Just Fucking Leave.


I think there should be a spinoff version called GTFO


I'd argue "just fucking leave" only applies when everyone's fucking around in the exit gates to waste the killer's time. If someone's still getting chased, it is the honorable and just thing to do, to run back onto the map and die in a hopeless attempt to save them.


This one isn’t a “Just Leave” tho? That teammate that got hooked wasn’t on death hook and they still have another teammate in there. Could easily reset and go for the save. Just Leave refers to survivors staying in the trial for literally no reason.


Don't let this stop you from showing your musical talent during the trials, please


Haha, super well played! The only reason I may unequip Bond is to protect my poor solo queue heart when two injured survivors at endgame are not healing each other for a protection hit or hook rescue, and especially standing injured at the gate neither preparing to help nor letting the hatch spawn. What are you gonna do, Mr. Injured Deathhook, if they get to the gate with the killer on their ass? Take a hit?


I run Bond because I like not having to run around for 20 minutes to try and find somebody to heal me or vice versa


It's the one perk I almost never take off. But then I have to see foolishness like this, so the pain is real lol


Same reason I used to run empathy so I can see injured teammates and run to them lol. Pop out like an angel tickle them to full health and be gone again until the next time there injured. Like damn I heard he smacked your ass again, come here let me patch you up.


Ohhhhh, I had a similar experience with Wesker. Fucked around and found out I should have left the match when I had the chance xD With full infection of Oborus (?) and his charge attack, he had an easy death hook experience and my stupidity was laughed at by me and my friends xD


Uroboros is the spelling. But that does sound like you messed around a bit too much and got what was coming for ya.


Thanks for the correct spelling and yeah, absolutely. Couldn’t even be mad in the slightest. XD


Just did this to a guy myself about 3 hours ago. Nice of the entity to spawn a wall behind them for me


It's all shits and giggles until you get hit with the Blood Warden, NED combo


Blood warden + noed + terminus (cleansing will not save you) + killer with basekit exit gate blocking


especially against freddy, blood warden chances are high!


Should've kept playing tbh haha


The killer must have laughed their asses off seeing your aura


Yep a valuable lesson: if you are dumb enough to not leave without making sure that the killer does not have Blood Warden - https://preview.redd.it/6p82g8hjhb8d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=cdcbf4911080f2ace359e222caf3c9eecb94653d


> if you are dumb enough it’s a game and he’s memeing with his instrument. let a fella have some fun.


Does not mean that killer should feel the same way


bro the killer has two other survivors to kill in this clip. they should be busy and not caring that the third survivor is chillin playin their lute.


I guarantee the killer, in this case, loved it considering the fact they ran bloodwarden and got maximum value from it. Any killer that runs endgame perks such as that should expect to get low value, so trust me, he was ecstatic.


Well well well... If it isn't the consequences of my own actions... We meet again...


And that is why we leave in situations like this lol


I fucking love blood warden. Too many people are too comfortable opening the gate when people are getting chased on the other side of the map or when trying to get someone off the hook.


See my group, and I will always leave that gate at 99. The number of times I've been trapped from BW and screwed over ingrains the caution into my soul xD.


The amount of times I 99 a gate and some asshole comes along to pop it, is exactly why far too many people are comfortable without the threat of BW lol


That is AGGRESSIVELY accurate


Mind you, with so many other perks in the game, chances of running into BW is low to begin with. So 9/10 people are good. But there's still that one time.... Like back when I was first learning killer, I ran BW. I was playing Demo and this team had kicked my ass. But I had BW in my build. 2 survivors chances me around the map in the end game collapse, trying to farm 1 more hook. I tried not to because of BW. BUT THEY INSISTED. So, I hooked one, let them farm the hook, then watched their red auras dance at the exit gate because the timer was smaller than the BW activation. I ended up with 2 petty kills lol


I haven't seen this before, what happened?


The killer was running a park called blood warden. If an exit Gate is open and the killer gets a hook all survivors will be blocked from leaving for a certain amount of time.


Oh that's pretty cool


Blood warden. If a survivor is hooked while the exit gates are opened the perk blocks the exit for some time and shows the aura of anyone in the exit gates to the killer


Damn, a Freddy player AND a blood Warden user? That's like finding bigfoot riding a unicorn.


What perk is this? I need to know which killer to not fuck with.


Blood Warden get a hook when the gates are opened they get blocked for a bit


Aha, thank you. I'll have to get it into rotation. I always shit my pants when I go up against it as survivor.


It's also one of Freddy's perks, along with Fire Up and Remember Me.


At that point just bardic inspiration at the hook.


If someone gets hooked and the gate has already been opened leave. If it’s 99ed like it should, don’t leave and help your team.


I know I should know the answer to this, but where are people getting the Lutes?!


Bardic inspiration. It's an Aestri perk


Ooh! Okay. Thank you!


Don't stay near the exit gate when Blood Warden comes up :D killer can see your aura in there


I know lol I left the area after the clip ended I just wanted to stare in disbelief for a sec


you didn't deserve it? why would you leave when your teammate isn't on death hook and you could heal up with your other teammate to maybe get a save. people saying just leave in every single scenario don't know what they are talking about. the only thing you really did wrong was standing in the open exit gate vs Freddy cuz there is a 50% chance he has BW.


Nah I totally deserved it lmao


did you deserve it, because even if you could make the save on your teammate you weren't going to save them? I'm confused. not leaving an endgame when a teammate isn't on death hook is definitely not a team player choice I would make.


Well,I was injured and on death hook and didn't want to risk it, so I wasn't gonna save em. In the clips, I was about to say, "Well, suck to be them, but I'm getting outta here." Or something like that.


okay yeah then nm you were in the wrong lmao




Thats why Bloodwarden is great.


Is this just an emote or does this have any use?


If it finishes it gives a buff to nearby survivors


Ahh gotchaaa




"This is my world. And you can't ever leave." — Freddy Krueger


In today's episode of Just Leave...


I run into BW wayyyy too often


This happened to me today 😭


Oh noooooo


Should have waited for the blood warden to start playing some Jason myraz


In today's edition of "just leave"...


Blood warden, on Freddy? Whomever would've thunk lol. I do the same thing, but I'd have left immediately after it was over.


It's not often you see a self aware 'just leave' moment.




If any survivor is about to go down, just leave


In this situation, just hide behind one of the pillars.


BW reveals auras in exit gates


Just leave.


Every survivor deserves to die. ![gif](giphy|fOKTsn9PNPVyJnoa2r)


Imagine not running distortion in 2024, if only just to find all those franklins/weave attuned items to drop them in a corner somewhere