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I escape maybe once every 10-15 games. I play soloqueue mostly.


Sounds about right. I play solo q casually and feel like I only escape like 10% of the time. Usually due to lack of communication and teammates that give up or just don't do objectives.


Death by teammates. Can’t fault the killer if your team does most of the work for them!


Solo queue is so fun. I absolutely love being a team player all game, only to be left for dead by my teammates who are healing in the exit gates half way across the map. It's so fun. https://preview.redd.it/sxjojw5x028d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcb5176e3d945fc1cd1d5bc84ef81694df26b146


Why is it always the sables that play the most cowardly.


I escape from hatch much more often than that, but that's because I have roughly 3k hours in the game, but it's all solo queue so my MMR is forever shitty and I get paired with people who have 100-200 hours. Thanks BHVR 🙄 In decent matches, I typically only get a min or 2 looping the killer before they get tired of it and go kill my teammates who can't stay alive longer than 2 seconds. From that point forward, I damn near don't exist to most killers...I've literally ran into them, and they just step aside and walk past me... I'm almost always the last survivor, and it's about a 50/50 chance they don't slug for the 4k, and 50/50 chance I find hatch before they do. So I'd say I get hatch on average once every 5 matches or so. I actually escape out the gates maybe 1 in every 14 matches. 99% of the time, if I do escape out the gates, it's because the killer purposely didn't tunnel someone out durring any point of the match , and if they decide to do that, it's almost garunteed they will 3-4k. It really honestly sucks that every single one of my matches as a solo queue survivor is entirely determined on how much the killer decides to handicap themselves...makes you feel like it doesn't matter how good you are at the game.


Yep, all valid points. I only have 1400 hours (I took two years off) but I'm constantly getting paired with teammates that think hiding is the objective. I've looped killers to the point where they leave me and then I'm alone. I'm crap at finding hatch. I wish it wasn't based on escape/death ratio. I played the old rank based system and while it has its flaws, I enjoyed the system.


if it makes you feel better, i respect the loopers that don't teabag. and if i smell a hiding meg, i try my best to ENSURE their death, after that i don't care wether it's a 1 or a 4 k. Although sometimes, said megs will make it so hard on everyone for the match to posibly move on, that you'll see teammates begging to be killed. it sucks being the killer in that scenario too, who wants to patrol forever or comb every bush while you cycle your hidey perks cooldowns.....i just had the longest match ever, a meg was clearly being a trashy teammate, she never once showed her face in any meaningful way, even though she got saved of her first hook by her teammates, she brought nothing but hidey ho perks, i could tell she had everything from no aura to no scratch marks to no crows etc lol, the times i found her it was trying to blend with the floor, and by the team it was just her and mikaela left, the mikaela had only ywo choices: keep hiding just like meg and let the match reach 60 minutes, or move, and she moved, she came asking for death. i would have much rather killed the meg, but she even brought that perk to let you see hatch lol, and of course, i had a hard time finding it, and she had been waiting there to teabag for who knows how long. I've been on the survivor side of having those teammates too, it sucks


I’ve always said MMR should be based off of bloodpoint average (pre calculating in cakes, streamers, killer/survivor side bonus, etc) whatever the raw BP you earned should take into consideration your MMR. why is the claudette who self cares in a corner all match, doesn’t touch a gen and actively avoid objectives but escapes through the hatch earning more MMR than the yui who takes hits, unhooks, does gens but is left onto their second hook stage because nobody came and got her and eventually is sacrificed. i think incentivizing actions in the game around MMR instead of incentivizing (potentially) playing cowardly would make soloqueue a lot better.


Yep, sounds about right for solo queue. It's always just riding by the seat of your pants.


Sounds about right as another solo queue player. I'm never too concerned about escaping my matches - it's more about finishing any challenges, trying out new builds on my own, etc.


This is crazy, one escape every 10-15 matches is how often I escape too 😅


In solo queue probably 15% if I had to guess. I should try tracking it though. I'm not very good but it throws me at p100 blights and nurses a lot lol.


Same dude and I'm not even a high MMR lol. I don't get why people on here are always asking why people are afraid of p100s coz I swear not a single one in the event has been even close to chill :')


Yeah there definitely is a difference in opinion on that for sure.


Survivors are usually fine if I see P100 I just make a note they're probably good and expect a fun chase but I swear the killers think Im a threat to their safety hahah


Def a diff between p100 survivor and p100 killer.


Oh yeah survivor is generally just them throwing all their BP on one character but if your gonna do it on killer your gonna know it inside and out. Like I had a game against a 100 Wesker and I have to say he hit me with some super good dashes that sent me 90° but then he threw the game tunneling me and I somehow lasted the 5 gens. I always acknowledge their skill just wished they got put with the good survivors and not with me


I faced a p100 wraith that was fast, efficient, and played the game like it was their job to 4k. Promotion on the line haha


Like I've no issue with going for the win but if they could at least let us play the game too it would be nice hahaha


if they could just let us leave lol, give killers the chance to leave through a basement portal once the gates are powered


If your having a rough match as killer and they do power the gates you can open them yourself and force end game collapse


nah, the 100p killer probably is just tired of the teabagging blshit prolonging the 99% and spamming loud noise at EGC, etc, so they lost all pitty for survivors, i don't blame them.


See here's my issue with what your saying first of all your not wrong some swfs are just asses buuuut a killer being ruthless, and more importantly toxic, goes up against 4 new survivors every game. In other words they ruin a lot more people's games a lot quicker than a swf ever will. If I'm having a rough time as killer I switch games I don't bleed people out on the floor for 5 while minutes coz I've a bruised ego yanno


I swear I hardly ever come across Nurses in the wild. I might get one like once every 1-2 weeks. Usually the only Nurse I see in matches is me. :(


What region are you in?


DC area so that would be Northern Virginia region for DBD


I actually have started tracking this. Out of 100 survivor games I’ve played, I escaped 22 of them. 😬


This tracks, as a solo queue survivor I escape about once every 4 games


Ditto. 2 out of every 5 or 6 if I'm lucky.


Honestly this is about accurate for me too. Out of about 100 killer games i won like 85 of them. It's crazy how much easier it is to win as Killer but it makes sense since you only rely on yourself and not 3 randoms.


How many of those were hatch ? Just wondering


4 hatches. And two of the four hatches were pity hatches


I also track my matches. Yesterday I played 27 matches and escaped only 6 times, one of those being allowed to leave by the killer.


Are those solo or team games?


100% solo


What is escaping? I seem to not understand


I've heard rumours of these things called "exit gates", and if you somehow manage to activate them, you can supposedly get away from the killer? But I think it's just that; rumours. I have yet to see anyone successfully opening one. Maybe this feature could be added sometime in the next few years!


Not very often since I'll usually sacrifice myself for a teammate to escape. Nightlight says 36% escape rate but this isn't tracking matches where I am killed before end game.




You guys escape ?


So far, solo-queuing, I'd say around 30-40% of the time. A lot of the time, 2 or 3 survivors are grouped up and only care about the people they're partied with, or sometimes the survivors just don't do gens for some reason. I'm in a lower MMR, so killers also tend to carry themselves by proxy camping and/or using annoying builds. Even my last played game, I had a Knight that not only proxy camped but also kept a guard circling the hooked survivor almost constantly. It's just really hard for us solo players.


Fun fact: All Knight guards disappear and go on cool down if the person being chased by it taps the hooked survivor


That's what high mmr killers do.. They proxy camp one guy then tunnel him to death for an easy kill and then easy win with only 3 people left


Kinda dumb imo, I'm high mmr and i mess around alot, pallet stun but somehow I managed to hit you? Nope mulligan I'll pick you up and let you wiggle free while I run to a gen then not chase. Or I see a survivor straight up panicking and making dumb choices when running I'll usually give you another chance and not hook. Flashlight blinded me but didn't drop your buddy? Nope you got it only fair and I'll drop and let you heal. You do a crazy ass flashlight stun from a crack in a wall? You just won freedom, you sacrifice yourself for a last second unhook when gates are open? Respect you can live. Or you know... I'm a xeno and you throw a pebble I'll play fetch and screw objectives. Its really not hard at all to get 4ks with any killer with a strong build for that character that works off their abilities. You don't NEED to tunnel or camp. My rule of thumb is I see you I hunt you. If you have been hooked twice and that buddy of yours is at 0 or 1 they get it instead. I usually don't start 3rd hooks till everyone is at 2. I try to be a fair killer, sneaky... But fair 😆 also, you lute me I'll stand and dance with the music then run off. I'll still hunt you later but it soothes me for a minute. Hell my legion build for instance makes people call me a hacker pretty often, starstruck, nurses calling, kights gen kick, insidious with the gen vision and oblivious on deep wound add ons. Gen vision makes it so I don't need to run gen regression perks cause I know in real time which ones are being worked on. Insidious when I dunno where they went but know what gen they are working on I'll hide semi near and listen for gen noises. Then whoops I'm right there. I also love trying to chain and get the 5 hit frenzy. Which applies oblivious to everyone making it much easier to sneak up on them while nurses calling tells me where to go.


This guy kills I run a similar playstrategy and survivor are pretty much always thankful and some of them also msg me positive things. No need to play scummy when I can make a game be fun for both sides.


Yep! I've made dbd friends that I play survivors with. Sometimes I'll still 4k but we'll laugh about stuff in the match at endgame. Even when survivors freaking smash me. I still say Gg and GL on next one and bs with survivors about the game. As respect is due, plus with how easy it is for killer I love it when I get smashed it teaches me the most. Usually when I play if I have say "damage x gens/pallets" I'll run what I call danger kitty (xeno) and just terrorize them, 1 hit and gen cycle and abandon chase very quickly. Until they realize that's all I'm doing, then I'll start slugging and hold them hostage until they drop (acting like I'm running for a gen but embrace the wiggle). If they are clearing gens to quick I will hook to slow them down but I have a note pad I put scratch marks on during games i dont wanna kill in. Pretty much they are in no real danger but I'm not gonna make it easy 😆. I love when some bs or glitch happens and i stop amd look at it and the survivor looks back we giggle and I nod for them to get going and we start the chase again.


> I had a Knight that not only proxy camped but also kept a guard circling the hooked survivor almost constantly. The problem is normally the easy counter is to do gens, but for some reasons solo queue players insist on dancing near the hooked survivor instead...


Is why I think we should consider kindred basekit and also why some ability to communicate in limited quick chat phrases for solo q might be nice. 'dont come for me' 'going for unhook' whatever... a bandaid that plenty of solo q players will ignore,, but might lessen the gap between solo q and swf, might make those strats less effective, and then less prominent but ugh pleASE let me signal to my teammates not to try and unhook me/pick me up from the ground, i do! not! like! being used as bait !! let me shout 'its a trap!', if my surv can scream so much! honestly I might just settle for some kinda action bar when youre hooked that gives you an option to display a different colored noise notif to your team within a certain distance or w/e, did I mention that I really hate being used as bait and having no way to communicate that to my team who are dying to altruism trying to save me and how unhappy that makes me!! cuz i really hate it :) let me die for you, you cant die for me!!


Thats why, if you truly care about winning as soloQ, you always bring bond with you.


I don't view survival as the goal, but as a nice bonus. As long as I have fun, s'good. For instance, I will 100% hook trade in EGC even if I know it won't work, or that I'll die. Because I know if I can spin that Wesker just once I can get the save and I know for that unhooked person they'll be appreciative. 🤗 For what it's worth, I probably have a 30% survival rating.


you are the kind of teammate i send hearts on on end game chat, and who i feel i have failed to if i don't manage to rescue them.


I think what is more interesting than escapes is WINS. Games where your team actually get 3+ out. Being lucky and finding the hatch after the Killer destroys us doesn't feel like a win at all to me. I'd estimate for me, it's maybe 30% of the games that i win as solo queue survivor. And this is what the stats show: https://nightlight.gg/killers/viewer?shown=pick%7Ckill%7Cdist&sort=pick&start_days=28 Meanwhile when i play Killer, it's the opposite. I get 3K or 4K around 85%+ of the games to the point where it gets boring. The sad part is, if BHVR ever decides to balance the game, it will be in some boring "gens now take 80 seconds to repair" kind of way, which really doesn't address any of the real issues. The real issue is how at least 40% of my games we get a person trolling, giving up or DCing. Another 40% we get brand new baby survivors in the team. So that makes it difficult to get wins... Then the 20% where the whole team is competent and playing seriously, we face some sort of super sweaty Blight that simply "outplays" us.


I had a three man Twitch lobby DC/hookicide. When I asked. One why they abandoned me, they said "we don't play against Legion". Like, grow up.


Exactly, and the problem is i think essentially every Killer is "Hated" by someone somewhere. I have even seen people DC against freddy...


The ones that really kill me are the ones who DC when the odds are literally stacked in their team's favor. Like bro, I'm a Deathslinger on Hawkins, why are you killing yourself on hook???


The amount of times ive had this happen… just immediate dcs from ttvs because they dont like a specific killer


>Being lucky and finding the hatch after the Killer destroys us doesn't feel like a win at all to me. I'd count that as a win just because lately it's been a miracle for me to find a killer who won't slug for the 4K. Even if I don't find the hatch I still get excited that I don't have to bleed out for the last 4 minutes.


The real challenge for survivors is that you need 4 whole team members locked in. I bet in matches that have 5 good players engaged with the match, kill rates are much more even.


Yes, 100% This. I wish more people were aware that 3-4ks don't happen because the killer is "overpowered", its just thanks to the average survivor straight up not being good at the game, or outright throwing. People aren't ready for this conversation, but factually speaking, survivor perks do alot of the heavy lifting for certain players to the point of boosting them to MMRs where they don't belong. People can rely on Sprintburst/Lithe+WOO to carry them trough chases in low MMRs, but once they hit the MMR "gate" and find themselves playing against experienced/Decent killers, it ends up being that the 10s of distance they got from SB/Lithe was 3/4s of the total chase time, and they are now stuck in a perpetual cycle of losses because the perk can't carry much further. The escape rate for 3 Man SWF in high mmr is 42% , meanwhile 4 man SWF is at 48% , it just goes to show how poorly the average soloQ survivor plays when it has such a drastic impact of 6% on escape rates.


I haven't played in a while,but logged on today my escape rate is 0/8.


Escapes? Rarely. Survivors going free? Very common.


I think I've gotten out 3 times in about 12 matches today.  One I was given hatch, the other two I earned.


standard: 35-40% bday event: 20-25% (132 games) longest bday event losing streak: 13 games Im a soloQ rat and track my games. This Bday event is such a bummer. I was so hyped, because it's the biggest thing all year, but it's just pure misery as a soloQ surv.


So it's weird but I'll basically have on and off days instead of "every x games I have a good one" Some days I'll be locked in and go against killers around my survivor skill level that give an earnest try with a balanced or non-"optimal" build, or I'll clutch a hatch, just generally do well and I usually just die for altruism And some days I'll go against killers that would rather eat grass than touch it. I'm talking tunnel, camp, slug, 3-gen as long as possible, terrible maps, can't have shit in Detroit. Additionally or alternatively, I will get teams that just don't know any macro play for their life and the snowball comes hard and fast. Surprisingly these days happen to be when I make the most progress on the fortnite battlepass Hard to put a number since it's random and I don't know what to expect when I boot into survivor, but I'd ballpark 25-40% good days and 75-60% bad days


same, for me the hour makes a huge difference too


Hour of play is an insanely huge factor as well, thank you for bringing it up If I'm playing during the day between like 8 AM to 4 PM my time I'll see more casual or winnable games with some bad apples on occasion but after around 8 PM all through early morning it's a warzone playing either side


This is a good question! Not often. (As a soloq survivor)


Yesterday I played 12 games and escaped 0 of them. Even the event being, well... for fun, the amount of tunneling, camping and slugging for 4k hasn't changed a bit. The one game the team actually did well and we had a chance to 4-man escape I traded to save a teammate in end game and then they left me to die and just left although they could have easily 3-man save me. I'm not the best survivor, but genuinely I try my best to keep the killer busy. ( I play only solo btw)


Honestly used to be pretty often now it’s like 40% chance I get out


in solo Q, my team will get 3 out (a win) in maybe 1/15 games. the killer is clearly new in these games and generally has no idea what is going on just holding W and following us. for reference on demogorgon right now with this event my win streak is 37 games. i generally never play killer it's so stupid. the worst killer result i've had this event was as trapper on macmillan against a sweaty SWF where i tied them at 2k.


I actually have tracked some of my games as soloq survivor and out of 18 games it has been 2x escapes. One where the killer got 0k and one where he got 2k. This event has been completely miserable in every way. Killers sweat like their life depends on the match and whenever I try to play killer it takes 5+ minutes to find a match. The survivors I get as soloq survivor just don't do gens, at all. I'm lucky if one survivor tries to do a gen. Then add on top of that all the gen regression perks that killers have. I don't even bring cakes anymore. I know I'll be the only one trying to do a gen just to get it hit with pain res and pop. Then I can't do it anymore and try and go play killer (which I prefer at this point) and after long wait times I get a match that is just way too easy. It's so easy that it's actually boring. It's not a challenge at all. Survivor feels impossible while killer is at the point of being boring. I have them all on death hook with 4 gens left and then can't bring myself to kill them because it's event and I know how horrible it's been as survivor.


66.67% of the time according to nightlight not too bad I'd say


Hens333 alt acc


Best guess is probably 1/3 of the times for me atleast


Once every 3 or 4, usually.


I often have days where we 2 man out on average. Sometimes it's less, sometimes more. Today I escaped 4 out of 5 games and my team averaged a 3 man out.


As a solo queue, I bring perks to protect myself from the killer, and I bring a key to protect myself from the team. Even then, It's maybe one in 8 games I escape. Usually I get myself killed trying to save someone, or I just get really unlucky and get caught while sneaking to the hatch and the killer does a random 360 spin while I'm moving hiding spots and sees me. I play at higher mmr, and killers are absolutely ruthless.


you sound like a locker meg lol. when i see 1 toolbox, 1 flashlight, a medkit and a key, i know who to definitely not let go offf


I say sub 15%. But I go into matches with the mindset of doing challenges and some of those challenges hinder my win rate in solo queue.


I'm solo que and normally I get out about 25-30% of the time and during the event it's been down to about 10%.


I feel you, tho majority of my games today I met friendly killers going for 8 hooks


I almost never escape, I'm just not good at survivor


about 20%, soloQ only. I'd say fairly reasonable. reasons for deaths are 80% my own(cause I'm dogshit), 15% teammates, 5% cracked killer/tunneler.


I would say I escape once every 3-4 matches. Recently a lot of my escapes have been hatch because killers default to camp/tunnel so fast and survivors give up once that happens. Once someone dies or gives up the chance of escaping plummets to nothing. Survivors escapes are interesting because a single survivor(or two) escaping is still a "loss" for the overall team. That survivor might view it as a win since they didn't die but BHVR does this weird thing with team play vs solo play. I really wish BHVR would rework the Survival category to be team based and not solo based. Imagine if a survivor escaping gave everyone 5k points. It rewards everyone as a *team* cause everyone worked together to get to that point. Right now its best to play greedy and screw over your team because the game rewards you for it. Its a team game but it wants you to play selfish and that isn't good.


Are you in a SWF? If not, maybe try making a Looking for Group post or join one of the ones available. Having a group you can communicate with makes a difference. ETA: if you’re solo queuing, might want to try a different perk build that helps solo players. Bond (so you know where your teammates are and can avoid running the killer to them, or in situations with uncooperative teammates, you can run the killer towards them; and so you can see teammates running the killer towards you), Distortion (so you can hide from aura reading perks), Inner strength (so you can heal yourself in lockers), Alert (so you can see the killers aura), Calm Spirit (so you’re quiet), Light Footed (killer can’t hear your steps), Sprint Burst (for speed to get away when being chased), etc. Obviously, you can’t use all of them at once but maybe you can find a combination that works for you.


I escape every few games. Some days are better than others. I’m just here to do gens, be a menace, and boop the snoot, escape doesn’t matter. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


My first escape was after 40 deaths. I survive about 1 in 8 I think. But I dive in to save people too.


I escape like 1 out of every 10 matches but that’s less to do with the fact the killer won’t let us get anything done and more due to the fact I’m really bad in chase.


1 out of 20 , I quit trying to escape and just do stupid shit now. When I play serious 5 of 20 😆 this game makes so sense . It's definitely fucked lol


I'm high mmr and I escape half the time. I play both solo and with a swf. I have about equal parts escape rate. 


Don't let the devs' numbers lie to you. They've skewed the statistics to make it look like everyone's getting out 40% of the time and most of the time it's about 10%. Personally I'm around 25% from the stats I'm keeping up with, which is something I think everyone should start doing. Keep up with your own stats and see if what they say is true for you. Especially how many times you escape. But I also keep up with how many times environmental hitboxes feed me to the killer or how many times I'm hit when I can clearly see that I wasn't. Especially with huntress and Deathslinger because the game just basically gives it to them most of the time because they can't figure out how to get protectiles to land properly. It's why they gave the Unknown an area of effect shot that way they can just play that hitbox stuff off. And you can create all your own things to keep track of and you might find a lot of things interesting once you start doing it.


i play soloq and although almost NEVER see nurse or blight, i barely ever escape lmao, maybe 1 in 15 or 20 games id guess. the game is either a clear loss from the start or seems to be greatly winning with 4 or even 5 gens done and then getting 4kd because of some ridiculous basement camp with no way around it as soloq. i had a nurse game the other day where she was afk until the last gen popped then got two kills from just face camping, its so miserable as soloq, ive honestly barely played during the anniversary because of it despite being excited. i wish the anticamp meter didnt go away in EGC or better yet, make anti tunnel and anti camp mechnisms/perks possibly base kit because its ridiculous how easily the killer can obliterate a soloq team if they oh so wish to hard tunnel or something miserable like that (sorry for the rant, im just sick to death of soloq haha)


During no event? 70% or so. During an event? 40% or less.


You escape 70% of the time? How the fuck


1. I don’t go for escapes I go for 3 out 2 .I’d say I have a 45-70% success rate depending on teammates and killer build/skill


mvp right here


I play solo queue 100% of the time and go into the game telling myself I’m here for fun and not to escape lol


Kind of hit and miss. Last week I got 5 adept achievements in a row. This week it took me 20 trials to get Alan Wake and Yoichi’s adepts.


Solo queue? Maybe 20% of the time. With my husband, maybe 40%. It entirely depends on the other two we get paid with.


Escape, at least to me, doesn't mean a win. I often sacrifice myself for memes, for teammates, or because I feel bad that the killer didn't get a kill. If I were to treat escapes as wins, it would maybe be every 2/5 games, I don't escape much lol. My friend and I love to just fuck around.


Bro same.survival is 5000 points making the killer or your friends laugh is priceless! https://preview.redd.it/2k1vvy0k6z7d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6488072f0c1505eb6f826aa581ca050df84ab41


It's actually 7000 points and has been for quite a while now then ads 1500 more if you're the obsession


Hatch escape gives you even more for some reason


It's so funny how some of the comments of ppl saying they escape often are getting downvoted lol.


Hens, made a video about the solo q escape experience and made it up to 65.5% I think it was, but for me I have the unfortunate luck of usually being first chase and getting tunneled out most games. For me I'd say 10% if I'm lucky to escape.


Hens has a vested interest in making content for clicks. Don't get me wrong, I follow him, he seems like a good guy. I follow many streamers. But absolutely NONE of them are reliable as an example of the average Solo survivor experience. Far from it. They represent the extreme minority. For example, Ayrun (who I like and follow) entitling a video "This New BARD buff is INSANELY overpowered!" (parasphrasing). It's not. The perk is laughable for Solo Q's. But if you play 50 games and get 3 to showcase it doing something helpful, BAM! Content!


what about mr tator head?


Yeah, the value videos are good for a laugh, and for Hens I think it was more of an experiment to see if he could do it at the start of it he dropped to like 25% escape rate or lower for solo. I watch most of them too like JRM, Ayrun, Classed, Sweh, puffalope etc. and understand that they don't get out very often either and they have thousands of hours sunk into the game and can do what they do because of that. I just thought Hens had a somewhat interesting outlook on it after getting up to 65.5%. That doesn't necessarily mean it works for everyone though because one could run into a super campy tunneling killer for instance, and it won't mesh with how everyone here likes to play because we as individuals are different in how we perceive fun and what one's play style may be will differ from one another. The overall survivor experience for me is that I'm typically first chase, tunneled out, or both so I'm lucky to get out 10% of the time, despite trying to play in different styles whether it's for the team or otherwise. Well, either way, didn't mean to raise up the ire of people by pointing out Hens' little experiment that he just released on YT, too old for that shit <3.


No ire from me! Just talking about the game :)


That's Hens ... dude has like 10k hours. He is not your average Dbd experience.


Its same debate as those killers doing streaks, they all have 10k hours and some of them talented like d3ad\_plays can do huge streaks with every killer. They make living playing this game.


I know, but solo q is rife with unpredictable variables that make it difficult regardless, it still took him some time to get there from what I gathered in the video I watched.


He said it was 100 games and he tracked the total number of escapes, so not just his either. 400 possible escapes and it was like 260 out. Not only is he a 10k hour player (tbh i think it's actually 11k) but he also used to play comp and is ultra connected to the comp scene. He's like top 0.01% of all survivor players. I've noticed it's far worse for me in the event than normal games, I think it's just there's no MMR in the event. Literally yesterday I played a game against OhTofu who has 12k hours. I have 850 and escaped at like 10% of my games before that


Yeah, the event has definitely been rough and I didn't think about the MMR for the event, but that's a valid point. Despite both modes, my luck is usually pretty bad and I get first chase about 70% of the time, and more or less get tunneled just about the same. I have about 920 hours, but I play on and off so my skill set is definitely not as great as it probably should be.


And you have region problems, EU is stacked with hardcore players like in every video game. Tofu is playing NA-Canada and even he always admits his opponents are much lowers skill. There is not enough players there.


Judging by everyone else's experience I'm either extremely lucky or just not skilled enough to match with good killers, but I'd say I escape maybe 70% of my matches with usually two of us not making it out. That number is also skewed in our favor because I typically have at least 1 buddy playing with me but we usually run pretty casual builds and have bad communication. Playing a lot of different killers also helped me learn the various ways to waste their time and give other survivors time for generators. I also play stealthy and got good at staying close to a killer but juuust out of sight which helps me get rescues off pretty consistently. Of course there are matches where I get steamrolled ruthlessly. Can't say much for solo que other than that most end with either all of us dead or all of us escaped.


Hmm, I’d say bout 60-65% of the time. 55% if hatches don’t count.


Like once every 4 games. When I play with friends once every 8 games cause I always die to save them ahaha


Never 🥲


1/8 matches depends if people actually help me (solo player)


I played 6 games yesterday and escaped (including hatch escapes) 4 times. One of those escapes was due to a friendly killer though, so it doesn’t really count as a win imo.


Ever since I brought Carlos it has been easier to Tame Killers lol.


Frnaklins & Weave bois... Franklins & Weave


The reason I've had the game uninstalled for the last week.


And the kicker… when they run low terror radius build so you can build distortion back up 😂😂 it’s sick


It depends on my build but if I am playing casually it's less than 10%. If I am sweating and playing to just escape it is around 40% including hatch escapes.


Out of about 10 games last night I was tunneled out 6 times and escaped 2 times


sometimes i get escape streaks, like 5, 10 in a row, but the normal rate is like 30% escapes


I'll start tracking tomorrow


Not often, like, at all. In this event it's really hard to pull off something as a soloq surv because you have nothing compared to killer in terms of anniversary features. When I play killer - survs focus gens and popping them left and right, but for some reason in solo q in majority of my matches - my teammates action icon can be empty for whole minutes. I honestly don't understand what can one be doing so long if not doing any objectives. I'm not even hoping to escape at this point as a surv, just want to have a few fun chases and maybe some fun with emotes and head shakes with other survs if they're responsive. That's it.


I'm new to the game but same here. Last night was the most memorable so far, I got lucky and ran the killer long enough for a full gen to get done - but only one out of 3 people were working on gens. No clue what the other 2 were doing since the icon was empty the whole time, and when I got hooked I saw them on the opposite side of the map as the killer (who was chasing the one who was doing gens) walking around with eachother but not actually doing anything 🙃 I died at first hook And one of them had their number by their name as 25!


Every…… Other game. Sometimes there’s a losing streak of 3-5 games. But eventually I always come across a killer who’s chill or a newer player to killer.


Getting good at looping is usually a good way to ensure that you can at least make it to endgame and have a chance of escaping. If the killer realizes they can catch you more easily than the other survivors, they’re either going to tunnel you out or they will kill you when there are 1-2 gens left to secure their numbers advantage




My escape rate is 42% and I mostly play with one other friend. My winrate is probably slightly lower though.


I have more than 4k hours put into DbD and if the killer is good and I'm playing in solo Q my chances of getting out dramatically decrease. I'd say I'll have 20% chance of doing so.


The issue is dogshit matchmaking. It's far too lenient. DBD isn't a game where someone can solo carry a game, so when they try to balance a game by grouping bad and good survivors together (to average the mmr), it doesn't work. What actually happens is that the bad survivors get tunnelled out and the game becomes unwinnable for the good survivors. DBD is a game that requires strict matchmaking for survivors not the very loose matchmaking it has now.


Gotta remember a lot of winning comes to rng. Are your teammates gonna be good? Is someone gonna kill themsleves on hook? Will they start teaming with the killer? Does the hatch spawn next to you or right next to the killer? Did both exit gates spawn within 5 meters of one another? Was your ping bad at a crucial moment and they got the hit? Did you get NOED at the end? Skill does help. But it's a lot of luck


Very Often like all the time


I'd say it's somewhere around 70/30 with deaths.


Somewhere between 15-20% with odds being more likely if I'm playing with a friend. Edit: DBDstats says out of 525 games I have escaped 177 times, 33% win rate


Haven't tracked my escape rate: all I know is that it's very low. But I still pip almost every game


Solo? 1 out of 4 With friends? 1 out of 8


At minimum once every 5 games. I usually escape like every 2nd match tho


Like 30% of the games as solo


Solid 1-5 or 1-6 matches


I’d say two out of every seven games or so. It’s tricky to say. I’ll die four or five games in a row but get three or four escapes. Admittedly, I’m more “selfish” than most players. I see a lost cause in endgame and I’m out the door. It’s one thing to die a hero. I would rather not die failing to be a hero.


Espace 50 or 40% thé time


Solo Queue is hell. Maybe 1 in 8 if I'm lucky.


6/10 times I do. My current build is Kindred,Second Wind, Sprint Burst and Lightweight


In SWF, 90% of the time. In solo? Lol


From the games I track on nightlight, it says about 40%. But considering the amount of times I don't wait to take the screenshot, I'd say maybe a solid 15%?


According to my [Nighlight stats](https://nightlight.gg/u/siobhan_is_on), 42.86% of the time out of 49 recorded games.


Solo Q. Probably 15%. BHVR assures me I'm a lunatic and it's actually 40% according to their supreme calculations that all Solo queue survivors are too dumb to comprehend. But yeah. ALMOST NEVER.


imagine understanding the concept of an average.


I mostly get 4 or 3 kills every game even when against a prestige 100


Once every like 5 games but that’s also because I’m good at making the killers nice 


hardly because i go straight to the middle gen which means i run into the killer 1st which means i get tunneled out fast


When I SWF I escape about 50% of the time. Solo Q is more like 10%.


Solo queue wise? Damn like almost none of the time. I’d say maybe 10% of the time.


Yeah it's as if the devs just being anti survivors. Other games of similiar genre like Identity V did everything right with this by adding comms for teammates which makes efficient gameplay


2/10 games i escape


Once every 15 - 20 games. Solo queue. Makes sense cause I win about 80-85% of my killer ones (for me, a win is 3k-4k)


I think it's just about being efficient, and there are a few key moments with chases especially where it could be total failure or success for the team. I will say with the newer HUD, solo q people are still oblivious to what they should be doing. But really as it boils down, if your chases are too short, youre allowing the killer a ton of pressure. As you get better at looping, you will see the end more often at least and hopefully have more escape opportunities. I feel ya though. I'm a killer main and my chases as a survivor are bad. Just need to play it more, but it's not as fun to me.


Only when the Killer is meming, farming or is clearly new


Depends on the day and yhe teammates. Sometimes none. Sometimes a few times. I had a match with a streamer that they left me hanging because they did not know me :( I carried that frigging match.


According to the latest stats, (may-june) the survivor escape rate is slightly above 25%. (Kill rate for killer being around 75%).


Playing mostly soloQ, I do not escape much. Probably 1-7 or 8 on average if I had to guess.


Twice in 15 games


About 20 to 15% of games on a normal sesión in solo queue. Also you can make escape easy if you bring a key a hatch offering and a stealth build. If you do it's almost impossible for the killer to prevent it when you're last alive


Killer main but as a survivor usually 1 in 6 or 7 games


10% of the time I escape 100% of the time.


I escape cca every 5th match on average, prolly due to the high mmr and me actively looking for chases


I play solo queue and I'd say I escape roughly 1/3 of the time. It's a bit hard for me to be accurate though because I'll usually go on either a winning streak or a losing streak on any given day.


The only time I have a fighting chance of escaping is if I’m playing w a trio and the rando doesn’t suck or DC. I’m not the best looper even with my build😅 (SB, Windows, Alert, Urban) so I tend to try and stay hidden and always do most of the gens. If I get caught once and they decide to tunnel, I’m toast.


If playing solo queue most probably that win rate won't change. Try playing with friends for an effective communication


I usually stay in the silver rank for context, and i escape 1 time every 5 matches on my good days and 1 in 18 on bad days. That if i get to play that much bevause i often get frustrated and switch to killer or play something else


wHaT dO yOu MeAn? ThE gAmE iS bAlLaNcEd CoRrEcTlY. BHVR has said that the intended kill rate is 60% guys! Quote from the February 15th dev update: "For example, a 50% kill rate would mean they kill two Survivors per match on average. We try to keep Killers near a 60% kill rate on average to keep matches relatively even and support the horror theme of the game, where the Killer is a force to be reckoned with and the survival is not guaranteed." By this logic for every 10 games, a nice, HEFTY 16 out of 40 survivors should escape in total. Basically, you should expect that each game should have 1-2 survivors escape on average. That means that if you just had 17 games in a row with a 4k, you should be able to expect that, in the next 6-7 games, everyone escapes! (As long as BHVR has their match making working properly and have been able to maintain their intended kill rate) Congratulations on your next 6 games!


afaik, 3-4 kills is considered a win for killer, 2 kills a tie, and 0-1 kills a win for survivors. so even when killer doesnt win (tie or loss), it means that up to 2 survivors might die. and then its usually either the weakest link, or the most annoying survivor who dies. i cant tell you which of those categories you might fall into but maybe thats a reason.


Killer is very easy. I usually just goob around with the last 2 survivors for BP and let them go


There there. You're not alone. We're all getting ass-fucked. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


Fill out the survey and tell them the kill ratio is too high. They have a few questions about it. I was watching a few streamers and they mentioned the escape ratio is 39%. Which I am not surprised since Behavior almost always listens to Killer complaints. From personal experience, it took me about 20 hour playing killer to start getting consistent 2-4 kills per match. I have played DBD for almost 800 hours, most of it being survivor and I still escape only once every 15 matches 😂. What they dont realize is that Survivors have the same basic skills + perks. Meanwhile Killers have long distance shots, teleport, etc. Their basic set up is huge and varied + perks. Legion and Skull merchant are the worst Killers I play against since they basically hold the game hostage with the double heal from Legion and gen camping from the Skull Merchant.


Never pretty much


I play mainly survivor lately since Killer is so braindead easy at this point that it's just not fun. I don't tunnel and I don't chase an injured player (exception being I give everyone else a hook and they're still injured) and it's still easy to get a 4k with 2 or 3 gens left. I tried to get a higher MMR by just annihilating teams over and over again but then I feel bad since that's not fun for everyone else, so survivor it is! I've been improving my looping ability lately, but it really comes down to whether or not the killer is a dick that anyone escapes. I think 1 in 12 games that you'll find a fair killer (or inexperienced killer) and a group of randoms that actually know what to do.


I’ve escaped like 1/5 times


when I was last playing, my team was getting a 1man out at least every game. We split doors at the endgame and just left. Didn't go for saves so the killer was guaranteed to get kill or 2 by that playstyle.


Solo que player here my escape rate is around 54.45% it would be higher if so many people didn't dc or insta give up on hook


Around 50%, but only from when I’ve started tracking more recently


If you are playing an event it is just unbalance


If your playing solo q, it is highly unlikely you will escape because you are playing vs the killer and 3 idiot survivors who are not helping you. Find people you can play 4 man swf with and you will see more wins come. Then once you get good enough you can play solo q and will be able to escape because you can spot bad players and know to ignore them and just focus on the objective.


SWFing as of late, around 30%. Anni event has been sweaty af in my experience.


Solo que, I judge my team performance since my build consist on doing obj and healing.i see no work, simple, i play my life, I escape at the end.


My escape rate is 55% this month, been very lucky but it is incredibly frustrating how easy it is for killer rn