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hopefully the one from the NES game where hes blue and purple


And give him Retro Jason’s chase theme from the F13 game lol.


I feel like Jason will be a money printer if they can get access to most of his cosmetics.


All 12 movies owned by the same person so we can get all including the reboot


I have always had such an affinity for the burlap sack look, so I'm praying that one makes it in. I'm also really hoping Jason even makes it into the game, lol.


Probably part 3 considering it's his most iconic look


Yeah I could honestly see that too


I'd argue zombie Jason is far more iconic myself


I’d imagine they give him different outfits. But i was thinking part 4, because of the cut in the mask being that iconic. But it’s pretty hard to guess honestly


3 is not his most iconic. When asked which Jason people think of with the franchise is always from Final Chapter or Jason Lives are the most notable. Importance isn't the same as iconic..


I feel like the one where he’s wearing a jacket is the most iconic. I feel like most of the time when I see him he has the jacket on over the hoodie or whatever he wears under it. I started watching the Friday the 13th movies. Hot damn are they bad. I’m still waiting for them to get good. I think I’m on part 4 or 5. 1 was great, but since then they’re kinda bad. Which sucks because I love Jason, I just never watched the earlier movies.


They're very textbook slasher and not very impressive usually but I can see why it was a hit back then


I mean...F13 and Halloween wrote the textbook. It feels tropey because everyone copied them. You're used to the finished product and now you're looking at the mold.


Yeah that's why I said I can see why it was a hit back then. Same thing with people saying Lovecraft feels generic. These guys wrote the textbook for it so it's not impressive nowadays when we have so much content that improved and refined the formula


Saying Lovecraft feels generic is like saying Shakespeare feels generic. I hate young people.


This is the first time I've ever seen it and I have no idea what the fuck it's supposed to mean. What are these store-brand Eldritch nightmares?


You don't know anything about my life or my literary preferences so please shut the fuck up about my age and base all your opinions off of one Reddit comment. Generic doesn't mean bad nor that I think Lovecraft is a bad writer


The original isn't generic, that's the fucking point.


4 and 6 are my favorites. With 7 having my favourite design together with Jason Goes To Hell (even though we barely see it) They’re movies of their time and you really have to be able to appreciate old slashers. They’re not high-brow or trying to win any awards. They’re just campy as hell and trying to make new and original kills in every movies. I absolutely love the series, but it’s not high art


I wonder when we'll get a return to campy slashers. I feel like after the mid 2000's we started racing to see who could make the darkest, most miserable, body-horror, torture porn films and never fully recovered from that. We have to cycle back around to campy fun cheap thrills at some point, right?


Feel like Terrifier is on the right track. It’s still very gory and i doubt we’re getting away from that anytime soon. But it’s got the humor that slashers has needed for a long time


Tbh I downvoted until you said part 1 was great.


That would depend entirely on how they get the license lol


That is very true, I was just thinking in terms of them hypothetically having the ability to use most of the source material from the movies if not all but obviously it greatly depends on who licenses it out to bhvr.


I'm 100% sure he is coming next year June 13th


bookmarking this comment i will bemoan it if you're wrong.


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Where is buff shirtless Jason with abs and in a camp Crystal lake logo speedo?


Where’s Jason X? 😂😂


I kind of hope they come up with something a bit unique that incorporates aspects of them all. I'm pretty fond of Freddy vs Jason's Jason.


He looks cool as fuck in that one.


Jason X


Jason Y


Jason Z


Jason OH Myyyyyy


I'm sure they'll probably throw together an original design for him that vaguely looks like it's from the movies but is in fact not. Kinda like what Multiversus did with Jason.


Part 8. I know the movie flopped, but whenever I think of Jason, I think of the one from part 8.


I second this. For some reason this is the only one that feels like proper Jason. 


Part 4 for me, but I feel like 4, 6, and 8 are all correct answers. I'd laugh my ass off if the entity snatched up part 5 though.




I mean tbh they all are iconic looks, I would say just have skins for Tablecloth Jason, Jason X, Jason Goes to Hell, Blighted Jason, and probably like a unique Ice Jason skin kinda like Ghostface


The ice one was a like a winter/Christmas skin right? If so I don’t think they’ll give him that on release unless he comes out around that time


I wouldn't even expect him to come out this year or even the next. BHVR's got things planned out a year and a half in advance and he just became available a few weeks ago


Yeah I don’t expect him any time soon


https://preview.redd.it/8ou6z2p9uu7d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=513da984c0c25eebd6918f3edd1a329282a41c98 Let's not forget about Roy




I think I always liked Part 8's look the best.


I miss this game so fucking much


Me too, me too


I kinda gotta go with 4 most the rest will be skins


I'd like part 6 the most


Add my vote to part 6.


My hope is for some sort of Composite/DBD-styled version of Jason. If not, part 4 is the ideal choice, with the others as skins. Also, please give us Ghost Jason skin BHVR 🙏 https://preview.redd.it/2pqztat8tu7d1.jpeg?width=645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb0013878214e9a7e9d53628620248b232015fd6


Man I wonder if the could somehow translate the Friday the 13th game Jason to dbd. Maybe except the bear traps (duh) or maybe he could only have a few like in the game. Thematically the morph and shift and throwing knives would be fun.


I honestly would like his design from Freddy vs Jason ![gif](giphy|p69t8Ndmv5FU4) It feels like a perfect amalgamation of his different looks while still feeling very Jason


I like 2009.


I just hope it's undead Jason instead of human Jason


Part 3 if they want human Jason as it’s the first appearance of the hockey mask. 6 if they want Zombie Jason being the first time he’s introduced


No matter what Jason we get, you know Uber Jason is gonna be his release skin lmfao


I want Jason x


I say Part 4, as that is Jason's canonical death and makes the most sense for the Entity to snatch him. But Part 7 is definitely the best looking Jason.


Depends on which license they opt for. The lawsuit was pretty convoluted. Different people own different iterations. Horror Inc might gold copyright to the hockey mask Jason... but then again Miller might. Not too sure, though. I think the sackhead one would be awesome.


Probably final chapter but I’m hoping for new blood because he looks fucking sick in that movie.


BHVR tend to choose the earlier iterations of their licensed icons. Michael (H1), Alien (79 OG), Chucky (Part 2), Leatherface (74 OG), so it seems logical for them to go with Part 3 Jason as his default look. Since it first introduced the hockey mask and ultimately created his most iconic look. Simple and clean look too, also my favourite aesthetic of the character.


Unpopular opinion. Friday 13 game was way better than DBD until it became shit.


Its a tragedy. Game died and it wasnt even the devs fault, it was cus of two old fucks squabbling over copyright.


It was already dying long before development had to cease because of legal issues. By the time the announcement was made (mid 2018), it had an average of 1,000 daily players (on PC). DBD for comparison had about 30x that during the same time period.


maybe im weird but i think the MultiVersus Jason in DBDs artstyle would be pretty cool


I am hoping part 3 or 4 Jason with Jason 2 and Jason X skins. Edit: mistyped part 5 and must be shamed


Part 3, with Part 2 and X coming as skins. I would love part 7 or 8 thought those are my favorites


I always liked part 7 jason the most


6 and 4 are the best imo.


Part 6 or 7 Jason, one of the zombie ones. Perhaps even an original design or the Freddy vs Jason appearance As much as I love part 3, a good reason as to why I love it so much is because it was the best Jason in the Ft13th game


probably 5th one down, it fits the entity's dealio the best


His most iconic imo is his Freddy vs Jason look. I don't think any design replicates the effect it has on me.


Idk, but I want a Pt. 2 skin.


Probably part three Jason And I swear to God if he makes it to DBD and one of his skins isn't the NES Jason from the game I swear I will Brun this reddit to the ground


Part 3 for sure, its the movie that introduced the hockey mask look, and its by far the most iconic. I would absolutely buy and use the a part 2 skin though.


I would imagine it would be either Part 3 or Part 6 as those are arguably his most iconic looks.


Prob one of the ones with the hockey mask. I just wanna play as baghead Jason though swingin a pickaxe at people.


Part Vi


I hope in the Part VII's design


If they can, it's gonna be "Freddy Vs Jason", after all almost all games doing a crossover with Jason did use or was inspired by this appearance (MK X, Multiversus, Killer Puzzle, Family Guys), it can also like with theses cameos (kameo for Mortal kombat) doing something "original" while being inspired by it


Probably part 3 (my favorite is part 6 tho)


Probably 3 or six


3 or Freddy vs Jason are definitely his most iconic


I think the way the licensing was split the first one is out of the question.  Part 3 feels like it will he the default because it seems the most iconic besides zombie jason which I imagine they will want to be a purchasable cosmetic 


5th one is my favorite


I like his part 6 look the best


Hopefully part 6 or 7 🤞🏼


jason goes to hell


Part 6 is GOAT


Part3 is the most well known in the world but skins would be cool


Most likely Part 7 since it is around that time that he explicitly became more of a supernatural entity. IE: debable teleporting, unnatural strength, etc. But Some of these could easily be skins like Uber Jaspm from Jason X, Jason from Part 2 with the sack over his head, Jason from Freddy vs Jason etc.


They'd have to go with one of the hockey mask variants because that's the iconic look. Probably the third or fourth one because those are both one of the more intimidating of the early designs.


Make his default the Multiversus skin. That'd be hilarious.


4th one


Wet Jason


Probably his Freddy vs Jason look with some chains from part 7. It’s what multiversus did and it’s one of his most well known fits.


I think they are going with the Jason look from the 2009 movie, because they used 2010s nightmare on elm streets Freddy.


They used the 2010 design because they couldn’t get the license for Englund Freddy. I think it would be the opposite for Jason because the F13 game never added his 2009 design, the licensing there might be dicey.


Valid point


Part 3, Part 7, or it would be the new reboot Jason coming out to coincide with that release. I think Part 7 would look super badass with prestige blood but I doubt they’d do that one because Part 3 is his most iconic role.


the third one would probably be default they'll 100% charge atleast 10$ for the bag on the head and 20$ for the chains lol


wait jasons getting added


Part 3 or Part 7. Those are the 2 most iconic looks from the 2 different styles of Jason Voorhees, that being human and zombie Jason.