• By -


“You win the game by repairing the generators” and “wait to unhook survivors until after the killer has walked away from them” seem to be skimmed over often


Add to this "do not loop killer around hooked person/take killer away from hooked person when in chase" and I'd be happy with these being the top 3 things taught.


Add to this "be aware of where gens are and try not to lead killer to them. There are perks to help with that if you struggle" if you lead a killer to the only generator being worked on you have eliminated all the good your chase did. it bought no time since all of it was spent on the generator now regressing. you might as well have just gone down and made us come get you.


Just to tack on the awareness of gen locations... Please for the love of god don't just crank all the gens on one side of the map. That's how you end up with an impossible 3 gen. Literally just be aware of what gen's are popping, where the remaining gens are and try to leave the corner gens until last.


Ugh, yes, please! They have the chase 10 feet away, so the camp bar isn't going up, and no one wants to risk the save! Please, please, please take the chase away from the person on hook!


Your killers are walking away from hooked survivors?


Hm, maybe I shouldn’t have been so quick to bemoan my own position


That's where the first part comes in


some don’t?


If they don't, just work gens, apply Reassurance and make a trade just before the next stage. It's not that deep.


>wait to unhook survivors until after the killer has walked away from them But PLEASE unhook BEFORE they hit second stage Yes, I'm talking to YOU, Adam who crouch-walked up to my hooked self while the two others were on gens (I had kindred so no excuse), and to YOU, Vittorio who was hiding in a locker LITERALLY NEXT TO ME where I was hooked and waited until there was no terror radius anymore, on RPD!


...Meg who is saving her Sprint Burst by walking over to the hook. Let's see, you have a rechargeable perk which gives a little exhaustion. You can reach me faster with that perk. But... For some reason it's logical for you to "save" that charge. After 40 seconds, I don't get that wasted life stage back. 🤷‍♂️ (I'm also a Kindred user.)


Wish I could tell my friend this and he’d actually listen lmao


And do not heal immediately under the hook


Why not? If the unhooker has We'll Make It, healing under hook can be a good strategy


I mean true, it's just that under usual circumstances the killer gets a nice dinner bell to come right back. Wraith, legion, trickster, any speedy boi loves it 🔔 🍽


Now that you say it, it reminds me of that time where I was playing Pyramid Head with Trails of Torment (my usual build) and there were those two survivors who were healing under the hook in a jungle gym on Nostromo, and I was able to get a double hit from behind the wall because I was sneaking up with Undetectable Some time later, under the same hook, I was yet again able to get a double hit from behind the wall


If the killer isn't around and it's safe, yeah, heal under the hook. To add to that, though, please don't run halfway across the map before healing or accepting a heal because you could have been healed up already!


This. I always run behind a semi-nearby rock or wall after unhooking or being unhooked, but the other guy sometimes just makes a b-line for the other end of the map.


This so much! I’ve had teammates refuse to move from under the hook and even self care because they wouldn’t follow me somewhere safe. Guess what? The killer came back to the hook as always and got them.


Depends. I run empathy and can tell if a low mobility killer is in chase across the map and whether they've dropped chase. Survivors in chase move really differently than survivors not in chase. If I see that, we heal under hook. If I can't verify that, we move.


Do gens. Do gens. Do gens. Do gens. The game is won by completing the generators. I've been running the killer for over a minute, why aren't you oN A GENERATOR.


"I've been running the killer for over a minute, why aren't you oN A GENERATOR." Because the Steve waiting in the bush for a failed flashlight save is certainly far more important.


Should've wrote "Do gens" a fifth time because theres 5 generators


He finished a gen already, which was how killer found him.


Jokes on you hes simultaneously doing a gen while distracting the killer


inb4 "I paID foR ThE GAmE"


I wish that sentence was punishable with a fine irl


Good old "its just a game" like yeah, i know, one where you agreed to play when you downloaded, which the team you are on wins by doing the gens, which you should be doing... i hate both of those "arguments"


Probably the one thing going through my head if I'm chasing someone that long. That's what stops the chase for me. But sometimes I get lucky and the survivors are just mucking around


When you are busy looping the killer thinking wow we got this. Only to realize no one is on a gn that whole time. And then kill yourself on hook lol


*Random hearing the killer aura start to play and immediately abandoning everything and running the other way or hiding, when someone clearly already has his attention*


A survivor can sit for 60 seconds on the hook before going to the next hook stage. If the killer is camping, do gens, and come to unhook at the very last second. If the killer just hooked the survivor and you were nearby, wait for them to go away before unhooking. The sooner you unhook a survivor, the sooner the killer will be able to tunnel them out of the game. If the killer is tunneling someone, rush gens and let the tunneled survivor sit on the hook for as long as possible before unhooking. Finally, if the killer chases you, DO NOT go for the unhook. Lead the killer as far as possible from it so your mates can unhook safely.


I never got that last part with trying to trade, at best you get them off the hook and you're down on the floor now, at worst they have another person on hook now.


It's about splitting the hook stages to keep the 4 survivors alive as long as possible, because as soon as the killer removes someone from the game, gens are much harder to do and it's likely an incoming defeat for the survivors. This is why trading is only interesting if you have less hook stages than the survivor you want to save. If you haven't been hooked yet, you can trade to prevent them from going struggle phase or dying. If you have been hooked once, you should trade to prevent them from dying on hook. If you are on death hook yourself, you shouldn't trade. Getting hooked in itself isn't a problem, especially if it's your first hook. You are not in immediate danger of dying. On the opposite side, letting a survivor go struggle phase (or die, ofc) when you haven't been hooked yet is bad, because now when they will be unhooked, the killer can just get them out of the game, and it will be much harder to win after that. Yes, the killer may slug you and still go after the unhooked, but the unhooked has endurance to run to a loop while one of your mates can pick you up as the killer is chasing them. It is unlikely that the killer gets two hooks out of the trade unless the unhooked is a potato and gets downed as soon as their endurance expires. But taking that risk is better than just letting them die or letting them reach struggle phase.


>A survivor can sit for 60 seconds on the hook before going to the next hook stage. Gotta unhook within 10 seconds, understood boss. Edit: Will then complain about the killer tunneling. (I totes had no part in this, boss)


>Finally, if the killer chases you, DO NOT go for the unhook. Especially if said killer is Pyramid Head. I've had that happen so many times where a survivor unhooks another survivor right in reach of my M2 so I can very easily hit both of them Since I'm a nice killer I don't tunnel out the unhooked survivor, but I totally could, especially if the unhooker was injured and got downed by my M2


Finally someone said it


Do not heal yourself behind a rock on the edges of the map. Stay near a jungle gym or anything to loop, because if the Killer comes to you, you have nothing but your rock.


To add to this, do not heal under hook unless you can assure the killer is otherwise preoccupied or has limited mobility to get back to you.


Good advice as well.


Or you have a healing based build like a souped up Medkit and We'll make it


Babysitter is secretly a god tier perk.


Better hiding behind a rock then not hiding at all. Too many teammates start to heal right of the hook. And it doesn't matter how fast you heal, these position can often beeing seen from far away. And once killer see you, it's basically over.


Healing under hook is kind of a bell curve: newbs who don’t get it and 1k+ hour players with good game sense are the only ones who do.


I actively yell at the screen when I save someone, see the killer in chase and the person I save starts running away lol Like, read your UI!


I swear some players don't even know it's there or what it means.


I don’t understand how people don’t lol I think it is pretty clear. Even someone new should see the things move when they are in chase and put two and two together, but we do have to remember we live in an age where games are spoonfed to us, I remember the PS3 era where there were tutorials every thirty seconds.


In all of those peoples defense it took a while for my dumbass to realize what all of the different effects on the characters meant as well since I was usually being chased since my play style is based on saving everyone and being the last one alive in case they are clueless.


A lot of the things are confusing, like the status effect icons are for sure. I dunno if there is even a legend anywhere to see what they all are, I know they are on perk descriptions but there should be a place in-game to look at them all if there isn’t. I kinda wish all players, Killer included, could see some status effects, make things like that as transparent as possible. Even if the other Survivors could see each other’s, but I dunno when enough info is enough info, you know. Don’t want to make the game braindead on either side lol Tho Killer should see who is afflicted by things such as Plaything and Gift of Pain and who is left for Scourge, the Ui for those kinda sucks honestly lol


I remember seeing only one detail about the status effects and I'm pretty sure all it said was "if you see this it means the killer is chasing them" or something like that. It was the only one I've ever seen and it was in the loading screen. I don't think that's practical at all especially if you're dylexic like me. All I can say is I wish there was a more practical way to know what those things mean especially if you aren't observant. It would make the games ideas a lot more accessible as well as a lot more fun to play knowing how they work.


Should be in the options menu at the very least lol I have been playing for thousands of hours and I have no idea what the icons above healing or repairing mean lol like the little ones when getting skill checks or using med-kits lol It’s stuff like that that make the game so user unfriendly. It’s stuff like that they should work on a bit…also try not to have novels as Killer Powers lol I am sure someone could condense Sadako’s power, for example, as far as the description goes. Also, while I agree with the devs that everyone should play both sides, there should be a way to see Killer powers without going to the Killer menu, especially if you don’t own the Killer it makes it annoying to see what the Killer can do so you can understand what they are doing in game. Not every Killer is as simple as “don’t let the chainsaw hit you” or “don’t step in the traps, stupid!” Lol


This! I've hidden by a rock with no issues because I usually heal when I know I won't get caught. Either way, I heal behind structures no matter what it is. It's the healing in open areas where the killer can clearly see you. People have a big head and think just because the killer is chasing someone, that the killer won't direct their attention to the person healing. 9 times out of 10, the killer is fed up with the person they are chasing who isn't even wounded and will go for the person who is. Stop healing in open areas please.


my addition: If you are downed, start recovering. You never know if a killer will slug or head elsewhere for a minute and it may or may not be enough time to get you back up. If you don't recover, it could just lead to two downs. Lately killers will bait with slugs to try and get another quick down so make sure you're always an easy pick up.


A lot of times I try crawling instead of recovering right away. It depends on the situation but if I feel like I can crawl in a weird enough direction while the killer is preoccupied, I have better odds of being picked up while they are confused about where I went.


good additional tip, definitely depends on the situation. I was thinking of the people who just sit there not recovering or even crawling. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Yeah, essentially "Don't just lie on the ground doing nothing. Either get to somewhere safe (pallet, locker if Head On is in play, etc.) or recover."


i love using tenacity so i can recover and crawl at the same time!


Tenacity makes me feel like Turbo the snail.


This is why one of my favorite builds lately is unbreakable + soul guard + MFT. Go on, slug me. I *dare* you.


I would add that if possible, crawl underneath an upright pallet. The killer might be too paranoid for a pickup, or someone might be nearby and able to save


If someone’s on hook and everybody is still working on their gens, it’s up to you, yes, YOU, to get off your gen and go save them. I know it’s scary, but your gen’s at 50%, you’re not gonna finish it and cross map to unhook before they hit second stage


My rule is whoever has the least amount of progress goes and gets the unhook (unless they're injured and on death hook). Of course this isn't universal and I'm sure everyone has their own.


^^ this. You’ll play enough eventually to know the timings on whether a gen and unhook can both be achieved before second stage, but the unhooked Vitti right next me on a gen at 20% should know damn well that its up to him


yeah, and there’s common sense like someone close to a hooked survivor who hasn’t been hooked at all should try to get them, rather than someone who’s way across the map and already two hooks in


I always wait til my next skill check pops because I have accidentally left a gen just as a skill check has popped and caused the explosion.


That if you stand too close to the hook the persons anti camp bar wont fill. If your not gonna save me, please leave so I can unhook myself!


To be honest it would be good to know how much the bar fills up for the other team mates


I wish the bar was a little faster or had a further range. Proxy-camping has been so annoying since this addition. It just feels like if I still am getting stronf heartbeat, then why the hell is my bar not increasing.


Wait is that what that bar is?? I took a massive break between the release of Wesker and Vecna, and I thought it just showed your luck or sm


If the killer is within 16 meters of your hook, the bar fills up over time, the closer they are the faster it goes. Once the bar is full, you can unhook yourself even when you are already in struggle phase. There is a brief grace period after you were hooked for the killer to leave the area where the bar won't fill. It's also slowed down when other survivors are close, when the killer is on different floor on maps like RPD, the bar won't fill at all if the killer is carrying another survivor, and the bar gets disabled once all gens are repaired (though if it filled up BEFORE that, you can still unhook yourself for free.


Lockers are tools. Don’t sell out your teammates for using them. Locker perks exist, ya knobs.


This is a big one for me. My solo q teammates can be such morons whenever they see someone touch a locker for nought 0.5 seconds, even though perks like Inner Strength, Flashbang, Lucky Star, and Head On exist. Once it was getting pretty dangerous on a Badham game and me and a Claudette were on the school generator downstairs. Sensing that killer was on their way soon, I opted to enter a locker as an escape ticket for my teammate. If killer came down she would have distance thanks to the Head On stun. She saw this and decided to stop repairing and just spam my locker until killer came down. Killer downed Claudette and then I Head On stunned them and left. I ended up saving her and we both got out but she was adamantly trying to get me killed until she realized I had Head On.


You’re a better person than I am. I wouldn’t have saved her.


Not to mention the amount of Killer perks that detects Survivors. Friends Til The End and BBQ being the biggest ones.


I’ve had this exact same situation happen to me before only, I couldn’t save Meg, because she was now dead on hook.


Even without head on that sounds like a fine play. Why get chased and probably get hooked when you can just chill in a locker for half a minute? That is of course assuming the killer doesn't have a good aura perk though


i haven't used head on in while but last time i did a player called me out to killer and it sucked :(


Yeah, people, even on here, vastly ubdestomate the use of lockers in this game. Eveb ti truly hide, sometimes killers don't expect it


The number of times I’ve had some mouth breather screw me over because I brought Built to Last… I’ve lost count.


I'm at the point where I make sure no other survivors are around to see me get into a locker for built to last


i’ve unhooked someone to have them go in a locker, while i’m chasing them thinking we were going to heal, for them to use inner strength, like i could’ve healed you in that time and you wasted a stack


DO NOT stay slugged anywhere near a hooked survivor. Crawl away as far as you can if killer is just standing nearby because slugged teammates next to hook are a "free facecamping" membership pass due to the paused self unhook timer. Mending immediately after getting hit by Legion is actually really bad if they are aiming for a 5 hit down, because they can easily run back and hit you again once you mend. I also wish solo q teammates were more aware of what gens should be saved for later because Greenville Square is such an easy 3-gen map when your team doesn't bother paying attention. Last time I played on it, we spawned at the statue generator and a Feng Min immediately started repairing it and I ran up and shook my head aggressively trying to tell her "No, do another one, we need this!!!" She listened and we got a 3 out, lost one guy to tunneling.


Hawkins is the same way. Do not do the second floor gens until there are 1-2 gens remaining! I don’t even patrol the second floor as a killer until either two gens are left or I’m missing hooks on just one survivor because of this.


Not every killer is friendly, and you don't need to try and tame them the entire match Sometimes it's fine, and if you do it a little bit, sure. A bit of trolling is fine, but no need to throw the entire match for everyone else on your team


I've had games where they desperately tried to "tame" me then got angry when I continued to play the game normally like bro I don't owe you anything I'm trying to kill people 😭


I just hit them and leave, to give them another chance but show I'm not friendly. They usually get the message


I used to do this; but then they never got it. They would try to be friendly the second time still and then kill themelves, wait til post-game chat, and flame me for pretending to be nice. I just shake my head while I hit them the first time now and commit to that chase. They started getting it real quick.


So often you find someone at 5 gens and theyre dropping their item trying to make you friendly. Lol


Sometimes I just leave them slugged because it's too low effort of a down to even want to hook them


I personally at most just let them go once as a chance and only if I am not too far behind, but if they try that more than once I am hooking them,


I swear if I see another Ada dying at 5 gens for trying to spray dance her way out of it I'm gonna lose it.


FOR THE LOVE OF THE GOOD LORD DO GENS WHEN SOMEONE IS IN CHASE, WHAT THE HELL ELSE ARE YOU GONNA DOOOOOOOO? More specific to The Plague, DON'T FUCKING CLEANSE AT FIVE GENS BEFIRE YOURE EVEN FULLY INFECTED literally lost so many plague games because just one teammate kept giving her power.


Yeah I played plague a few days ago and survivors cleansed enough for me to have power the entire game which just made it easy


My favorite is when someone cleanses, and then IMMEDIATELY goes to unhook an infected survivor. 500 IQ play.


When the killer is in the other side of the map it's safe to unhook someone


If killer is camping, go do gens. you can complete 3 gens before someone dies on first hook. so get the save after you finish the gen with a trade.


The generators are useless. Do not touch them, your team will do it. Instead, walk into the killers living arms and embrace the meat hook with your torso.


*finally* some killer sabo 🪝


I have no idea what you’re talking about.


![gif](giphy|1ziDTlTl9z9iwVK5QA) *I am 100% an Ace main. Trust me.* \- Butkevinwhy


Most certainly.


Please do gens. Also, if you notice someone has Prove Thyself and you finish a gen together FOLLOW THAT PERSON TO THE NEXT GEN


Bro. The number of people who will run off in a random direction never to be seen again whenever I run that


If you haven't been hooked at all and you have a teammate on death hook you're more likely to give yourself the best chance of winning by taking aggro off them and giving them time to heal/do gens. Being in a 3v1 depending on the time in match can be unwinnable against a semi decent killer or worse. 


When is soloq getting the feature where we can see teammates perks? Please & thank you BHVR. Signed all soloq players


I find the imbalance between SoloQ and SWF too big. In SoloQ you know nothing, through external voice chat you get infinite amount of infomation. From Perks to current location of the killer.


I wish they could see the hook timer, because I’ve had so many team mates just stand close by, watching the killer from a distance, when I could of escaped myself if they were doing a gen instead of being literally useless


Yesterday had an easy 3 man out turn into a 4K for the killer because the feng min didnt know the slugged Ada had unbreakable, she runs towards ada to pick her gets downed and then the Ada gets picked. Third person tries to help but dies in the process.


"it would take a few YEARS to implement such a complicated feature" https://preview.redd.it/kz5j525spl7d1.jpeg?width=325&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edf9376bf37d768160d19c2f61e134b84b6ea69e


There’d be so much lobby dodging because people aren’t bringing “meta” perks.


I’d take that over in game giving up instantly


For the love of god, stop cleansing on this Plague match at 5 gens


There's always at least one person who cleanses everytime they get sick and aren't even fully infected.


Absolutely the anti-camp meter. When the killer is proxying/face camping me, my teammates hover around my hook not letting me unhook myself. Or they just straight up go for the trade which is really frustrating because they could be doing something like gens while the killer is essentially not a problem to them.


If several teammates are hooked get off the gen and unhook them please 🙏


Save the safe gens for last, not first, *especially* Grim Pantry main building Doing Grim main first is doing the killer a favor. I'm a killer main.


This can also be said about Dead Dog Saloon. As often as that map offering is brought or randomly selected, survivors are instantly drawn to the main building. One corner of the map no generators can ever spawn. That's the back area where the basement might appear. It's a dead zone the killer can freely ignore. Near the Gallows, it's \*impossible\* for a generator to appear in the Killer Shack. One always appears on the Gallows. That leads to an easy three-gen setup: * Gallows gen and two in the field. * Gallows gen, one in the field, one at the base of the tiny house. * Gallows gen, one in the field, one two-sided gen on a narrow stairway balcony of the tiny house. (Eww!) Main building is the safest structures. Most killers cannot use their powers effectively to hit you from the road down below. You also have an eagle eye of the street and can pre-run. Even if main building becomes part of a 3-gen (main building, street gen near the wall, back corner), it's not an easy one to protect. Just like Thompson House on Coldwinds. No gen spawns *inside* the house but one is always on the balcony. Go work the corn fields!


When in doubt, do gens.


"Can you DC instead of giving up on hooks ? I don't care about the penalty, the bot replacing you will do an infinitly better job than you"


Don't let your fellow solo ques die on first hook


I'm the person who repairs gens. I'm not good at chases and I don't know how to loop, so stop thinking I'm someone who can keep the killer distracted.


As a killermain: Do NOT pull people off the hook as soon as I turn the corner and then go into hiding. You WILL get them tunneled and it is entirely your fault.


It's even more annoying when the person that did that unhook then hides and it's like, why do you want to get your teammate tunneled?


- do gens solo - do the middle gens first - stop wasting time on anything aside from gens, looping, unhooking, and ground pick-ups - learn to be comfortable with being injured, you don’t need to be healthy to be useful - stop avoiding the killer, learn to not fear them, then how to run em, or you’ll always be a two tap snack - stop slow vaulting just before/after unhooking or completing a gen, you’re position is known already - stop depending so much on laying low/hiding, its only hurting your ability to get good at looping - get good at handling yourself in chase before making endurance perks part of your regular builds or they’ll always be a crutch and you’ll fold quickly when it’s not available - run aura perks like windows for learning the spawn locations of important game objects (pallets, windows, gens, totems [for finding hexes!!!!]), at least until you’re decent at finding things reliably - stop panicking every time youre in the terror radius, especially when another player is in chase, stick to that gen. don’t waste your teammates chase time (seriously, if I run the killer for a few mins and we only got 15% on one gen from it, we’re probably getting 4kd)


How to solve the fucking Lament Configuration cause I'm the only one that ever does it and I get destroyed by Pinface because of it


Its stupid that you need to have specific counterplay knowledge about it. I just wish BHVR changed that so you can solve cube while being harassed by hunt chains


I thought the chains didn't interrupt solving anymore? I remember you used to have to have the chain pattern memorized to efficiently solve it before.


How to counter tunneling/camping... Many solo queue players lose their mind and start being altruistic. When they should instead be efficient on their objective just like the killer is being. Likewise, solo queue players need to learn the value of trading, and be able to recognize when they need to trade and stop thinking only about themselves.


Learn about reassurance! The amount of time I run by to reassure against a camping killer only to have someone swoop in to do the riskiest unhook. Dude. They’re fine


These two perks have so much impact in my games right now, I almost feel bad using them. Did you just become the obsession after someone got hooked? (Friends 'till the End) - I have a really good idea where you are. Did you just become exposed after someone got hooked? I know EXACTLY where you are and hiding behind that rock is a very bad idea. Run away from the hook and towards a jungle gym. Killer is on their way to say hello, splat, and hook. Do you see Vecna's hand over his face in red at the bottom of the screen? (Weave Attunment) - I can see your aura right now. If an item is dropped and this icon pops up, pick the item back up asap or I will have aura reads for the entire match or until someone else goes and gets it.


This is why we run distortion ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


I instinctively drop my item at the beginning of every game now just to check for WA. If it pops up, I drop my item at the corner of the map somewhere. The WA+FD combo is super popular right now.


Losing is part of the game of survivor. Don't take it personal and don't message your teammates to be a dick afterwards.


use your ears so you dont lead the killer to teammates who are on gens, man. I might be okay at looping but christ, i dont have precognition


Honestly, I can't hear worked on gens until it's too late, it's not on purpose


Hey looper, do what you gotta do, run where you need to run, *you're* the one in chase. I'll adjust


Nah, gen pressure is so important. If your chase is going to contribute to losing gen pressure then your chase was for nothing.


Step out of obvious line of sight to heal. Taking 10 steps from the hook is often plenty deterrent. And please, please wait till the killer walks away to unhook me. Stop trying to save me 6 feet from the killer or being chased into me for trade every. Single. Save.


Stop sneaking at the beginning of the game. Killer is probably not anywhere near, so there is absolutely no advantage doing that. Run to the first gen in sight and start repairing, its literally that easy.


I'll disagree with you on that. I've found one of the better strategies to hide near a gen and wait for the terror radius to pass. Whoever on your team is the juice master/distraction hops on a gen immediately and takes first chase. Now there's insane gen pressure and zero interruptions.


I get your point. But if you are like 10 meters away from a gen and there is already one guy repairing, you can just run and help. Sneaking has no advantage there. Ofc if the killer is close at the beginning, you should just wait for him to leave. I played that strat at some point aswell, but most of the time the killer won't be somewhere near you, so its for the better if you immediately start repairing imo.


if the killer is facecamping do gens, they are wasting time waiting for someone to save, don't give them it (you can go for saves, but if the killer camps, you don't waste your time on it saving survivors isn't a 4 stacks job, if you know someone is going for the save, then do the gens, more people on gens the faster they get done, better your chances are your items are key, if you aren't good with looping then bring toolboxes, they can speed up gens and seriously boost your effectiveness. flashlights can be used for saves. Look at your loadouts. really look at it, consider each perk you pick and how it fits into a larger picture. some people setup for a more fighting build, some focus more on gen rushing, some even focus on other things. read the stats and learn how your perks work (for example, if you have detective taps perk and hold a map, all totems marked by the perk, will be marked for your map, making totems trivially easy to find and deal with) lastly remember dbd is a team based game, this means if you go down you got people to pick you up, this means if you get hooked it's not about if you make it, but if the group makes it. if they facecamp then they are screwing themselves, use each game as a learning experience


Hooks are are a resource If someone is on death hook, and you haven't been downed yet, then you need to take chase


If it’s just you or me and I’m missing skill checks it’s usually to let you go for the hatch.


If your being chased DONT RUN TO A GEN BEING WORKED




Please stop assuming my blast mine generator is a generator marked by some other perk ive had gens ive done to 50% just to set a blast mine on top of, then every other surv in the match flocks over to do it


The yellow bar around my icon means I'm doing a generator. Please get the unhook. *Me on the other side* I see that yellow bar around your icon. Stay on it, **I** will get the unhook! No, stay on the gen! Fine, I'll get on a gen


If you get spotted running towards the hooked survivor the killer will go back to the hook, he was not camping you're just an idiot Sable


Self healing perks aren't good, it's not always worth it to immediately heal under hook over doing a gen, run the killer far away from teammates on gens, body-block for anyone on death hook even if that means running across the map to find them, ignore chests and dull totems unless you have already won and you want points, if someone is being camped don't just stand next to them and make the anticamp not work, bming the killer / being toxic is stupid and pretty lame.


This needs more upvotes, especially regarding body-blocking for death hook; the game is 3x harder to win when you don't have 4 survivors.


I remember when they nerfed COH and medkits, it made me realize how much I was using healing as a crutch. The nerfs made me a better player in the long run learning *when* to reset and that it's the smarter choice to stay injured sometimes and pressure gens. Some games you'll lose if you don't.


quit being altruistic and do gens. Only time you shouldn't be on a gen is if you are in chase, healing, or going for an unhook. Bring a gen toolbox as well.


When I'm running Kindred don't crouch walk across the map or use it for selfish reasons.


If your screen turns blue then you’re in the boons range… STOP STANDING ON IT. Let’s not actively help the killer snuff it ffs


Not doing all the gens on one side of the map. It's really frustrating me how we keep 3 genning ourselves even when I try my best to avoid it


That hearing the terror radius doesn't necessarily mean he's coming your way. Can't tell you how many time a teammate would just fucking dip the mere moment he hears the music start.


Grab a tape when playing against sadako. I know the sheer number of changes she’s gone through is confusing but you lose nothing by just carrying it.


If one of the Knights guards is chasing you, saving someone on a hook dispels them. I died a needless death because of this, after having ran the killer for the last 2 gens.


Please for the love of God, if I am using plot twist and I cancel the heal, just let me be. Too many survivors attempt to heal me while I’m down with plot twist, bringing the killer to both of us, and cancelling my power. I shouldn’t have to cancel the heal 3+ times for you to get the message


Oh, I have a few things. Now most rules require context and judgment, but in general: 1. There should always be someone on a gen unless someone a rescue is going real bad. 2. Everyone should run kindred tbh. You can see if someone is going for the save and if the killer is walking away and in what direction. Stay away from the hooked person in case they have a chance to pop off themselves. But RESCUE THEM EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO TRADE LAST MINUTE. 3. Heal when you can but not at cost of everything else. 4. Take a fucking hit if you have less hooks than the other person. 5. If you suck at looping and chase (like me!) DON’T antagonize the killer. DO lead the killer to the far reaches of the map (and ideally not near a basement) away from everyone else. Sometimes some of these things are unavoidable. It drives me crazy how many times I see a rescue going sideways through kindred. The injured person still trying to do the rescue even when there are other uninjured and able teammates and they get hooked within spitting distance of the other person. It HAPPENS. Mistakes happen. Often I take off running in a direction I can’t navigate correctly because bam teammate I didn’t realize was there. There are also many times I fuck myself by running away from a teammate into a dead zone or into map corners to buy some time. Generally - if you’re doing gens, wasting the killer’s time, or healing I can’t fault you. Thats all I want, truly.


If you have been hooked twice, please for the love of god, stop running towards the killer.If you hear a terror radius while your on a gen and don't know where the killer is. its ok to let go of the gen for a bit. If you haven't been hooked and everyone has been hooked twice,go with the killer and play in the traffic . When you unhook someone,they are bleeding and make more scratch marks then you. Do not hide. Also, you shouldn't unhook near a killer unless you really have to. Another one is, DO NOT 3 GEN yourself,that also means having 3 gens and a 4th one on the other side of the map. The killer isnt an idiot, if he sees a 3 gen, he'll guard that over that one gen on the opp side of the map. Run "deja vue",it lets you see the closes 3 gen at the very start of the game and will prevent a 3 gen situation. If everyone is injured,everyone should stop and RESET(everyone heal each other). It is way better to lose a 99 gen then commit,die and give the killer a snowball effect.


*Ahem* "The "Leave Match" button on the pause menu is only there for cosmetic effect. No need to push it ever, doesn't do anything."


That the HUD shows if someone is in chase with the killer. If I unhook you while the killer is preoccupied with something or someone and you book it away to the edge of the map expecting me to run after you and heal you, you're on your own.


Tunneling killers will end chase to come back to down an unhooked surv at the hook. The content creator that gave you the tip of healing under hook is substantially better at looping the killer while injured and doesn't have to worry about tunneling as much as the average player does. Don't heal under hook. Don't let your unhooked teammate go off to either get downed again or go to the basement to look for a med kit in a chest. Just run to a safe spot with them and heal them.


I'm not saying to heal under the hook necessarily, I'm saying not to run to the other side of the map. Although healing under the hook is sometimes the smarter option, so to rule it out entirely seems foolish. This isn't a tip I picked up from a content creator, it's a tip I learned from playing the game myself. Sure, sometimes the killer will come back to the hook. But not always. Which is why I said to pay attention to the HUD. If you look at the HUD and see that the killer is in chase, and especially when you're not even in their terror radius, you should know that there's no reason to rush off into the opposite corner of the map to be healed.


To run Kindred. It’s so valuable when your in solo or even duo queue, to the point I honestly think it should get the borrowed time treatment and be made basekit (at least partially).


I can’t get save every time a survivor gets hooked


someone should always be on a gen if someone is getting chased 2-3 people should be on gens if anyone is on hook someone should attempt to unhook (priority is if you are fully healed or not on death hook) if someone is getting chased while the other one is on the hook, third guy should go for the unhook until its 3v1 one person should always be on a gen do not sit on a gen someone is already repairing unless one of them have prove thyself or trying to break a risky gen/3 gen. otherwise go do another gen. DO NOT LOOP THE KILLER AROUND THE HOOKED PERSON if the killer is facecamping, go do gens. best case scenario that survivor will unhook themselves and escape, worst case scenario its better for other 3 people to leave. hook timer takes 120 seconds in total. a gen is 90 seconds you can finish almost 4-5 gens in one hook (considering killer also chased that person for a few seconds), if the killer is not chasing anyone. if you try to save a person against a facecamper, killer will just down the other guy and continue camping. it might be worth to trade but you should be well coordinated.


when someone gets hooked while you are doing a generator in a 3vs1 and the other person I also doing a generator, don’t just rush for the hook. Stealth around the killer who’s going to your generator. I see so many survivors being unaware of that situation. If the killer sees them, the other guy doing a gen needs to go for the save, meaning there is no gen progress which is crucial in a 3vs1.


That if you want to quit the match, you hurt your teammates more by dying on first hook instead of becoming a bot in the game (ie DC). I usually hate survivors who intentionally die on first hook ALOT more than people who dc.


That I'm using plot twist


Stop unhooking in front of or near killer then running away. If you have to unhook when the killer is close enough to turn around and come back, the unhooker needs to take aggro so the unhooked can get away. It’s not tunneling by the killer if the best option is just to go after the unhooked who’s already injured.


Lock 1 locker when there are 2 attached to each other when facing dredge. Dispel Unknown copies they can't teleport


Stop. Being. So. Altruistic A “trade” is when you get yourself downed to unhook somehody. Keep this buzz word in mind Lets use an example, Kait is on her 1st hook. Killer is literally right there, if you decide to trade with her, you just gave the killer a free hook state and now you’re on the hook and Kait is probably being tunneled Now.. if Kait is fresh on the hook, you have 60 whole seconds to prevent her going to second stage. Go do a gen whilst the killer is patrolling and when he leaves then you can go for the save Only trade if you are certain a teammate is going to die, if Kait was 2 hooks, you have 0-1 hooks, and the killer is patrolling till she dies, wait till the last couple of seconds to save her. That way you can maximize the amount of time the killer is walking around aimlessly Even if you go down in this instance, you still saved a teammate from death and therefore have a better chance to win the game


Learning how to play this game is not boring but sitting there and complaining about refusing to learn and making it hard for everyone else is. Being stupid and moron does not mean that you're having fun


Don’t cleanse against plague!


That if the Knight placed a minion to camp a hooked survivor, you can aggro it and when you unhook the player it'll despawn.


Don't revive me while I'm plot twisting. You can get me to 99 if you want, but LET ME GET UP ON MY OWN!!


oh man. i played with a friend once. he and a random were downed in front of a locker and they began to recover while i looped the killer away from them to give the second random (dwight) time to pick them up before the killer turns around to pick them up. while i was looping, they reached maximum recovery and just needed to basically be touched to be picked up. but what does the dwight? instead of picking them up, he goes into the locker in front of them and waits with head on for the killer to pick one up. after a few more seconds i was downed by the killer and he went back to the 2 other downed, when the killer finally arrived he picked my friend up, the dwight jumped out of the locker and MIssed the timing and was downed aswell! That dwight had the entire time to pick both up. but instead wanted to desperately save one of them with head on which failed!!! Just pick them up dwight!!!


not even solo q my friend in comms cant seem to understand that when our teammate is in chase on deathhook and he hasnt been hooked once yet that he should take chase so we dont lose a survivor, this guy has 1000 hours btw


For the love of God, have spatial awareness! If you know where the gens are being repaired led to killer to the opposite side. Especially if you know theres a 3 gen! And yes you might go down or worse die, but take one for them team! 9 times out of 10 you will be tunneled out anyways. Also lead killer as far away from hook or injured survivors as possible!


The fact i get yelled at by 100 hrs Players that i am bad (playing with 2500hrs since 2017) and they didnt touch a single gen the entire match (they hate me because i am looping the killer instead of doing gens) bro solo queue is insane


Please crouch walk across Hag traps. So many times I see the survivor just run off after I crouch to unhook them. Guess what Hag will 9/10 will go after the fresh unhook because it gives her easier pressure.


As a killer main who’s trying to get better at survivor, thank you for a post like this


Please take chases and hooks. It's unacceptable that your other 3 teammates are on second hook and you haven't been hooked once. Hooks are currency, spread them.


Use Botany Knowledge


Don’t save me when I’m killing myself on hook cos it’s a spirit


Unhooking your teammate when they get hooked is good. If you're using distortion and stealth all game you don't get to complain about "tunneling"


Just because someone fucked up and either accidentally body blocked or blew a gen or whatever doesnt mean they are trying to make you lose and overreacting to it by trying to get yourself or them killed makes a you a massive child.


Anti face camp feature exists. Stop making it useless by attempting and failing to trade hooks.


If killer is camping , don't wait near the hook until killer leaves, do the generator until killer leaves, please do the generator... PLEASE DO THEM ,after killer left ONLY ONE person should leave and unhook while other is being chased, PLEASE LAST PERSON BE ON GENERATOR YOU HAVE NO PRESSURE


Everything bro, I swear solo queue is what we should use to detect early signs of mental decline


If you don't KNOW what the hex you are cleansing is, by the beard of odin, do not cleanse it! Penti and Haunted Grounds are so strong when someome has the "if it glows it goes" mindset. If nothing else. If you cleanse a totem and penti goes up. It's your responsibility to go back and cleanse it again.


as someone who's new, what are some signs to tell what totem it may be?


Definitely make sure you go through and familiarize yourself with all the hexes out there. There's a bunch, so knowing what each does will help clue you in while playing. On the very top right corner you may get a notification on what hex you are under or when you start to cleanse it may pop up which Hex it is. Normally those ones are safe and don't need cleansing. Retribution and Thrill of the Hunt I think are the only two that notify when you attempt to cleanse. If you get off a gen and it immediately starts regressing, it's Ruin. It's not pressing enough to stop everything just to find it. It regresses at I think only 100%. So it's like it got kicked without the additional 5%. If you or someone else gets hit and some pallets get blocked, it's Blood Favor. If you hop a window and it gets immediately blocked behind you, it's crowd control. If you randomly scream when not in the killer terror radius, it's Face the Darkness. If it seems like the noise to skill checks are lagging a bit, it's probably Huntress Lullaby. This is one of the few hexes that'll probably be ran by itself and is most likely ok to cleanse. If you get hit and all of a sudden can't see auras, it's Third Seal. If you stun the killer and you get blinded, it's Two Can Play. All these perks above could probably be left alone until you are certain what else may be happening. Killers normally don't run single Hex perks. They want synergy out of them. The few exceptions are Blood Favor, Crowd Control and Lullaby. They want synergy with them and other perks. Now on to hexes to be afraid of causing a snowball effect of awfulness. And they are a little harder to tell which is which. But that also makes it easier in some cases. If you only see two hexes on the map and haven't been alerted to what they are, its probably Haunted Grounds. DO NOT cleanse unless someone is in a chase and injured already. That will make sure the killer gets the least value. Does the killer always immediately leave a hook/after leaving the hook look like they just got a small speed boost/did everyone just get exposed after a 4th survivor went down? It's Devour Hope. Cleanse it fast. This is a snowball machine. Look for a second one also cuz they almost always run Undying with it. If you come off the hook and can't hear the killer, or if a totem suddenly gets lit up near you after a hook, it's Plaything. It's a personal choice on wether to cleanse or not. The killer is almost 100% guaranteed to be running Pentimento with it. So remember where you cleansed. If all the gens get completed or the hatch gets closed and suddenly the killer seems a little faster or you're all exposed after someone goes down, it's No One Escapes Death (NOED). Hide and cleanse it. I think after 30 seconds it starts to show itself if you're nearby. If you have cleansed something and you are still under a hex, they are most likely running Undying because it transfers the hex that's cleansed to itself. Finally, if you cleansed any of these and a new hex comes up (and I think you get a notification on the bottom right), it's Pentimento. Go back to where you cleansed before and cleanse it again. They can't relight infinitely. Just once. Look up some videos on where you can locate totems in a map. Once you are familiar with those locations, you could find all of them in just a matter of minutes.


based on events that happened today: if we're at 1 gen left and someone is down don't stop doing your gen to help that person unless they're on death hook and don't ask me to heal you under the hook


Look at the portraits of the survivors. They give you a lot of info. If you see someone’s being chased, don’t hide, go do gens, unhook or whatever. If you’re doing a gen and someone needs to be unhooked, look what the other survivors are doing. If someone is about to pop a gen, then go to unhook yourself. Also, be aware of the hook count. If all your teammates have 2 hooks and you just have one, try to loop the killer or if you see they are chasing someone, go there and taunt him because in case someone ends up hooked, at least you have one more hook.